Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.19 Discussion

Nice updates! Now, when can we get a fix for all the people whining about LRFs and berating them the entire game rather than playing? Hopefully adding AI makes PvP much better rather than the insane amounts of 3v3 that end up being 1v3 very quickly. 

Wait and see,

I’m pretty sure the situation regarding the new AI Ships will be strongly monitored by the devs.

It will, yes

To the mod that deleted my post: “aimbot lazor” is related to bots’ laser accuracy. If one catch you with ions, there is no Escape other that mwd or invis. Players sometimes miss with laser, bots not.


From my experience fight against bots with a ceptor or a fighter its a suicide in most of cases for their awesome aiming, they shoot you even if u are in her tail. But when un face bots with a frig, they are very easy to kill cuz they doesnt have hability to evade, and u are more strong to face their 100% aiming precision and survive.

From my experience fight against bots with a ceptor or a fighter its a suicide in most of cases for their awesome aiming, they shoot you even if u are in her tail. But when un face bots with a frig, they are very easy to kill cuz they doesnt have hability to evade, and u are more strong to face their 100% aiming precision and survive.

Are you saying we should frigball again? *shudders*

Are you saying we should frigball again? *shudders*

Not exactly, but for example if u play a 3vs3 and u have 2bots in each team and only one human, u will get more chances to win in a frig than in a ceptor. Depends on the proportion of bots and human players, if bots reach 50% or more, you have more chances to survive in a frig (specialy in recon games).


if u are in a 12vs12 with two bots for each team, your ship doesnt matters and u can select your ship looking for the game type u are playing.

All right, so it works pretty simple - when your license expires and you enter the hanger, you will see a notification window telling you about the discount and allowing you to buy it.

If you close the window - the offer ends.

Thanks. Is that every time or once in a lifetime ?

Thanks. Is that every time or once in a lifetime ?

every time your license expires.

I like this PVP with BOTS, but is that real PVP? With Bots should be another model I think, such as “Protect the BOT ships/Hunt down enermy BOTS” or so.


And, is there any way to test a ship or weapon? Like in WarThunder. Sry for this question if there is it. I just haven’t seen it :stuck_out_tongue:


Looking forward for “open world”. This game is awesome, but maybe need more features for “travelers”.

I remember that game, and what you say is simply not true. Yes, we got two of our beacons destroyed, but than camped the last one pretty hard, as you would expect from a couple of LRFs able to. We got 1.5x the kills, and you got a sissy fit and went afk. Then we bombed one of their stations and had a good chance to bomb the other too, but alas, we missed one of our good interceptor pilots because he was friggin afk. But yeah, the LRFs lost the game. Yeah.


So, if whe got 6lrf (including you) in a detonation game, whe need to choice one of our beacons, put 6 mine fields and wait? To win a detonation game whe need control bombs , not fortify a beacon. Anyways this is not the best place to discuss those game, if u wana talk more about that specific game, i suggest our private forum or in game chat.

Still no way to get rid of these annoying pop-ups every time I do something? I can’t see anything when theres a million words all over my screen. Why do you refuse to add an option to just show them at the bottom like old times?


he speaks the truth, please add in an option to turn it off in settings. it doesn’t give a player an advantage so why not

I think about now a disclaimer is needed; the Long Range Frigate is fine as a class, so long as it never snipes. I recall flying an Acid Hydra in a WPK squad and getting told off for it, only to have the highest score on the team and one of the highest beacon capture counts.

LRFs that wade in with six-barrel positrons, who drop minefields at key points and who are actively supporting are a good thing. Much as I might grumble about pugs who get in way over their head, or who use terrible loadouts, they don’t get half as much ire as LRFs from me. The reason is simple; they are usually up front. If a random dies attacking a beacon, he was at least trying to help the team win. Even the feeders in Combat Recon are trying. They suck, but they’re trying.

Your typical LRF is not trying. Their behaviour is detached from the overall objective, and so they are of no use; half of them spend the whole game shooting asteroids. At least the pugs up front can be bullet sponges for more skilled teammates.

Please, Please and pretty please remove those Synergy/Effectiveness notifications out of our faces. They’re terrible.


New PVE Mission: Cant’ try it yet, still on duty but i like the Idea of building stuff in missions. Diversity is the spice in life and therefore i welcome new pve and pvp maps/modes. Keep up the good work in adding PVP/PVE content to the game. :good:


Bots in PVP: This is a tough one. Can you maybe explain this further? When are bots added to matches? Will they be in every Match or only in Matches where the teams are not equally powered? I think, if implemented right, this can help the game alot in terms of fair matches but you can also make alot of mistakes with bots in pvp.

If they’re to weak, they’ll just be farmed. If they’re to strong, everyone will rage.

Aim of bots: How is their aim programmed? Do they always hit or are the more human like and miss sometimes?

Please stop the LRF hate. It is not the class fault, it is the players fault.


I had one game yesterday (Fasz is my witness) where I got 12/10 with a LRF and win the game, even killing the captain close quarters.


It is not the class, it is the player. The problem is casual or average players thinks that LRF are just a sniper platform, but they disregard all of the other benefits the class has.


Concerning the patch… well, I prefer to play a 6v6 with bots in 1 min, that waiting 5 mins and playing a 3v3. Let’s see.

AI ships in PvP.

It’s frustrating enough to have random players suicide all the time, leaving you alone and handing kills to the enemy team.

Now there’s AI ships doing that to an even greater extend?


Back to focusing bots until they spawn in a ship useless for the current mode or farming kills.

The only way this MIGHT work is by giving the players a greater choice in which ships the bots are flying.

But then there’s going to be OP “builds” (e.g. Laser AI Frigball) making the game unplayable.


In my humble opinion, having AI ships (aim-bot xxxx) in PvP will ruin what was left of the fun.

Sarcasm: Great Idea!



Limit the number of ships per class (especially LRF!) to a given percentage of players and fix the tiers again.

pleace remove Ai pilots… if i wanna fly vs bots ill do pve. this have to be the lamest thing ever…this is the MMO were lack of players just gets filled out by bots. if i que to pvp i wanna play vs players not master shot bots that neva fall back. rather make some solo pve missons were you fly with wingman bots vs more ai bots in big space battels… once again make pvp same tiers even if u are a squad… how hard can it be… peeps have been saying this for a year now but u keep making wird/dum fixes that still alow differnt tires to fly in same game…and… were are the dreadnoughts u keeps promising??! same place as the even tier matches i guees… get in shape make stuff you can solo or grind, dont ruin pvp with bots but em in big epic space battles.

Its like dejavu all over again guys. 


We had bots, then they were taken out, and now there put back in! 


I’m not against bots or what not, to fill up games, but I have some concerns about them. 


Has there aiming regarding lasers tweaked? They are nearly 100% accurate and hard to evade. Even a human player can only keep his or hers accurate using lasers at best 75%. Thus this needs to be looked at carefully.


Would the bots be tweaked regarding team composition? Like at least one bot goes engy or something that benefits the gamemode? 


Also, if it is 3 v 3 again with 2 bots on each side, shouldn’t the Players Pings affect the bots in some way? Or can they default to follow the player? 


Good patch BTW!

Of course it’s the player’s fault, but LRF encourages them not to play - the clue is in the name! “Long Range”, combined with the guided torp / disintegrator pushes the pug to stay in spawn and suck at sniping. They need to have their special module removed or modified so it only works near beacons, otherwise it will never improve.

adding new pve mission and included Al ships again, can’t see where 460 mb file appears, this pve map must be something i guess. 

but still this is just small changes. 

Of course it’s the player’s fault, but LRF encourages them not to play - the clue is in the name! “Long Range”, combined with the guided torp / disintegrator pushes the pug to stay in spawn and suck at sniping. They need to have their special module removed or modified so it only works near beacons, otherwise it will never improve.


Mabye if they speed those frigates up, people would actually move them. But at 200M/s, whats the point of even trying to move around? Takes forever to get to a beacon or a strategic point in the map! 


25% Speed boost across the board and more energy, and then we will see people move from spawn

Mabye if they speed those frigates up, people would actually move them. But at 200M/s, whats the point of even trying to move around? Takes forever to get to a beacon or a strategic point in the map!

25% Speed boost across the board and more energy, and then we will see people move from spawn

No we won’t. Guards are slow as hell, yet they don’t sit in spawn. The whole problem lies in the fact the LRF can attack from spawn. When they can do that, what reason is there to put themselves in danger by moving forward?

LRFs need to become Short Range Frigates to stop being dead weight to the team. As others have suggested, the Devs should scrap the class and make it more like a gunship.