Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.19 Discussion

Maybe its just a feeling, but bots seems to attack enemy that is locked by nearest player. I was LRF and bot was LRF too. When I was shooting at some ship, bot was doing the same. I was curious and I locked attack drone - bot shooted at it. Also sometimes they tend to fly together wich is good. Only tackler and ecm bots lack of dogfighting skill. 

All good with new maps, change of fonts and stuff like that…



But what the hell are bots doing in pvp???

Low population and high queue time. They think that this will encourage players to continue playing.

I don’t think adding bots achieved any positive effect. Just added some cannon fodder… that’s about it.

Had combat recon where the bots kept rushing to the enemy lines… i suppose that was intended? What does that achieve? It doesn’t compensate for teammates neither does it make enemy any less stronger.

The bots are terrible. All they do is kamikaze into the opposing team over and over. I play pvp to fight real people, not bots. If i want to kill mindless bots ill go play pve.

The bots do make Combat Recon feel more active though, which isn’t a bad thing in my mind.

in combat recon, the captain should become the bot master. bots will swarm around him and act as he/she pings a target, all eyes on, etc. they will also pursue enemies up to a 3k distance from the captain, unless of course the captain tells them otherwise.

Okay, thoughts so far:


  1. Having the bots makes games feel bigger, which is good.

  2. Bigger games mean the waste of space Long Range Frigates have less of a negative impact, which is also good.

  3. They do seem to make smart choices (sometimes), which is equally good.




  1. It is always 3 bots, no exceptions. I would like to be able to have games with no bots at all if there are enough players in queue.

  2. It is unclear what their actual capabilities are; even their premium ships are listed as being “1/9 Synergy”.

  3. They feed, constantly and without exception.

Also, AI ships in PvP? Isn’t pvp supposed to be player vs player? 

North American evenings have a trivial T4 queue that you’d have to be lucky to get, and T5 has literally no one queuing.  My last attempt in that time period was 20 minutes to give up.  One day I queued and fell asleep.  The server rebooted before I got a match.  I checked the logs in the morning.  As a result I generally play T3 PvP with premiums for free synergy.


LRF bots are actually very dangerous with their beam cannon.

Bots with lasers are dangerous.  No lag so you can’t evade, just b-line to cover.


Bots in PVP: This is a tough one. Can you maybe explain this further? When are bots added to matches? Will they be in every Match or only in Matches where the teams are not equally powered? I think, if implemented right, this can help the game alot in terms of fair matches but you can also make alot of mistakes with bots in pvp.

If they’re to weak, they’ll just be farmed. If they’re to strong, everyone will rage.

Aim of bots: How is their aim programmed? Do they always hit or are the more human like and miss sometimes?

If it’s like the old bots, well no two bots are equal.  There’s varying difficulty in the bots so you could go from Bot[ESB] to Bot[PvE] from time to time.  Their aim’s like a good human, except the lasers.  I think they often have a slow unboosted projectile speed so the fire’s easier to dodge.


Mabye if they speed those frigates up, people would actually move them. But at 200M/s, whats the point of even trying to move around? Takes forever to get to a beacon or a strategic point in the map! 


25% Speed boost across the board and more energy, and then we will see people move from spawn

Sometimes you have to skip a beacon to secure the next.  Some people choose LRF because it’s safer, not because they want to use it strategically.


assuming it’s the usual bots they come in all shapes and sizes, including purple fits.

They also get zero synergy premiums to go along with their zero synergy credit ships.  I don’t know how the ship bonuses will affect the bots’ abilities.  Level 2 of synergy is generally a needed level.


Maybe its just a feeling, but bots seems to attack enemy that is locked by nearest player. I was LRF and bot was LRF too. When I was shooting at some ship, bot was doing the same. I was curious and I locked attack drone - bot shooted at it. Also sometimes they tend to fly together wich is good. Only tackler and ecm bots lack of dogfighting skill. 

From memory, in a 3v3 you’d get one bot to go attack and one more likely to defend depending on the game mode.  The bots’ strategy wasn’t always great which lead to complaints.  If there’s a playerbase for human PvP, there should be no need for bots.  Of course for the moment the devs have to make sure everything’s working right so I imagine they’ll be a little more common for the next several days.  Since the bots in PvE have gotten better maybe the PvP ones will be better as well.

The AI introduction is the worst idea ever.


I was having fun again after a 10 month break.


This spoils everything. I’ll come back in ten month to check.

No one mentioned the Grand Admiral title? (for maxed out all regular ships)

can we add some more titles? like i got 30 million synergy laying around, wont there be more titles around “this” and or if having one ship upp to 1-10 mill synergy alone, or more titles for different things.

i dont really collect ships cause i have fun in those i have and i need to equip them still, ppl might have all ships and maxed synergy but no way in hell you have all those ships equipped annyway with mk4. (is impossible annyway)


The more titles i can fight for the more i would play this game, that goes for everyone who can achieve a title by playing and they will play all the way until they achieve it, sounds like a way of investment if you ask me. 

I really don’t care much about titles, they don’t mean much.


What does that really say about someone? Only that they care about title or they find a certain title looks cool.

There are much more important things to do/fix than the frigging title.


Btw. this is a patch and not title discussion.

I really don’t care much about titles, they don’t mean much.


What does that really say about someone? Only that they care about title or they find a certain title looks cool.

There are much more important things to do/fix than the frigging title.


Btw. this is a patch and not title discussion.

this is a patch and not a title discussion?


dont take it personally but you are no one to descide whats important in this game or not, "the dev’s and their poll votes are. 


i like to find things thats not mentioned in patch notes and comment it so others can se it, so there you go. 


i also find there is not much more you can do with the game, you see the game mechanics already, they can now balance the ships like lightbringer and or get those dreadnoughts introduced to the game. 

I’ll go more off topic, sort of.  Two days, depending on your clock, is March 8th.  One of the great achievements is March 8th, which is to kill eight enemies on March the 8th with the Heart and Roses sticker.  To be honest, I’ve been keeping some spare GS for this achievement.  Are the devs waiting to “announce” it?

The addition of bots in PvP make me feel like playing PvE… That is not what I am looking for when playing PvP game.


although I can live with the change, I just wanted to let dev team know that this change is irrelevant to PvP and it make the game mode boring.

Damn those bots with frickin’ laser beams… get them out of my pvp.

"License extension

Pilots can now expect a discount when extending a license!

The discount is not permanent and is only active when your license expires"


Nope I didn’t receive a license discount offer . my license expired last night (US- Pacific time).



Please remove the bots. I rather have dumb players than dumb bots as team mates!

I’ll go more off topic, sort of.  Two days, depending on your clock, is March 8th.  One of the great achievements is March 8th, which is to kill eight enemies on March the 8th with the Heart and Roses sticker.  To be honest, I’ve been keeping some spare GS for this achievement.  Are the devs waiting to “announce” it?

Just you wait :wink:

I’ve tested the Bots in a couple of matches yesterday.


I don’t mind filling up missing players with bots in matches, but if there are enough players, there should not be bots in a match.


Atm matches with bots kinda feel like pve. They need adjustement. Bots need better tactics and evasive behavior. Killing them now is like shooting at t1 guys who just started the game.

Also: Bots with lazors never miss and roast everything^^. That needs to be adjusted as well.


But i think the best solution would be to start advertisement and get the player base numbers up!

I really hate this patch. Bots. tiny capture bar you can barely see with all the other stuff. And not the mentioned license discount… the devs are really going in the wrong direction (again)

I forgot to mention I HATE BOTS because they are dumb and you cannot communicate with them. And why the hell are these stupid morons of bots also in big matches like 8vs8?



I’ve tested the Bots in a couple of matches yesterday.

I don’t mind filling up missing players with bots in matches, but if there are enough players, there should not be bots in a match.

Atm matches with bots kinda feel like pve. They need adjustement. Bots need better tactics and evasive behavior. Killing them now is like shooting at t1 guys who just started the game.
Also: Bots with lazors never miss and roast everything^^. That needs to be adjusted as well.

But i think the best solution would be to start advertisement and get the player base numbers up!

You cannot make bots smart because they are bots. There has never ever been a game were bots are ever match the dumbest human player. So why mess up the game with this stupid junk?

You cannot make bots smart because they are bots. There has never ever been a game were bots are ever match the dumbest human player. So why mess up the game with this stupid junk?


Actually, in my games yesterday, I liked the bots in one way: They made games definitely more lively. Also, they really do go for the objective. Especially on beacon maps, this comes in handy. And, finally, the bots are often much better than human players. It is sad, but that’s what I was able to observe in yesterday’s games. So I’d say, keep them.