Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.17 update 1 Discussion

Otherwise: buff singularity? Are you out of your minds?

I see you are very confident that Singularity should not be buffed, want to elaborate with numbers to back up your claim?

Well this idea is just totally poop for one reason, Sector Control for rank 11…?!?


I’ve only just come to rank 4 and was looking forward to doing something other than killing the same enemies in PvE, or chasing the same beacons in PvP.  This has just made the game 10000% more boring for me…


So… you were expecting to reach rank 7, to disrupt the sector conquest for other people… hmmmmm… interesting… Did you know that sector conquest is the same as normal PVP in terms of type of games and rewards right? Actually for a new player, it is even worse, because there you will find some squads that will farm you over and over much more frequently than in normal PVP.


I dont think that change will solve the problem, just will force tier rushers to work a little bit more before ruining sector conquest.

Well this idea is just totally poop for one reason, Sector Control for rank 11…?!?

I’ve only just come to rank 4 and was looking forward to doing something other than killing the same enemies in PvE, or chasing the same beacons in PvP. This has just made the game 10000% more boring for me…

Sector Conquest is not for you. You would have reached Rank 7, tried to play, been refused due to not being in a Corp, joined a crap Corp, been refused due to having only one Rank 7 ship, got two more Rank 7 ships, finally get a game…

…And then get your arse kicked by all the Rank 15 pilots who can one-shot you.

Sector Conquest is END GAME content!

singularity buff is fine, you can only get 4 shots off without over heating the weapon… it travels pretty slow and is useless at anything  over 2k range unless they are sitting still. It is also easy to dodge at anything over 500m


with the crit % and cirt damage nerfs it is not op anymore…


that weapon killed me, its overpowered!! no

Sector Conquest is not for you. You would have reached Rank 7, tried to play, been refused due to not being in a Corp, joined a crap Corp, been refused due to having only one Rank 7 ship, got two more Rank 7 ships, finally get a game…

…And then get your arse kicked by all the Rank 15 pilots who can one-shot you.

Sector Conquest is END GAME content!

I’m in a corp already, a handful of them squad up every single night on Sector Conquest so I wanted to join in, thats why I joined a corp

So… you were expecting to reach rank 7, to disrupt the sector conquest for other people… hmmmmm… interesting… Did you know that sector conquest is the same as normal PVP in terms of type of games and rewards right? Actually for a new player, it is even worse, because there you will find some squads that will farm you over and over much more frequently than in normal PVP.


I dont think that change will solve the problem, just will force tier rushers to work a little bit more before ruining sector conquest.

Nope, I was expecing to reach rank 7 to join in playing with my corp as they all play Sector Conquest…

I see you are very confident that Singularity should not be buffed, want to elaborate with numbers to back up your claim?


Numbers? No. Can anyone, other than the devs? I can only offer my feel of the weapon. Maybe they are right and the bubbles need a buff. This is a place to discuss.

Though it’s still a slow shooting, fast heating weapon, and they should buff these before buffing damage if it’s UP, so ok for me.

Remember that singularity will also damage your allies in Sector Conquest. Trying to hit an enemy interceptor who’s trying to kill some ally of you will end in you killing your ally.


How dare you buffing the Bubble Cannon again?!  As if it’s efficiency wasn’t high enough… Didn’t you ever watch any T5 SQ Battle?

Bubblebringer was extremly overpovered before (I mean, 75%+ Crit chance and 15k Crit DMG with Overdrive, cmon!!) and now you decrease it’s only weakness.

On the other side, it might be a solution to the Frigball problem. However, it’s clearly the wrong way to do this…


have fun with bubbles… greets, Mendoza!

Ions were better against frigates than bubbles.  I’ll imagine that will remain.  I’m not 100% opposed to the buf, but I think changing the cooldown rate rather than the heating rate may have been better.



I hope players didn’t expect to have “Beam Cannon” as new main weapons.


I had enough time to see what I needed to see, and right now, the result are not really good.

It’s mechanic will force it to be slightly UP, but with good aim it can be OP.


That’s not cool. For example you can’t get Maniac until the game ends. And Maniac is a hard medal to get.

I got two Maniacs last Sunday!  I have five total now.  I blame bad players.  I know my limits.


Well, Imperial ships, what did you expect against Triple Hull/CPU ? 


About the Frigball : In T5 is true, I meet more and more of them. Same for the Ion Emitting / Gaussing Imperial Turret Gunship which move only when their shield is down.

How much does an Ion Emitter gunship really need to move except when changing targets?  It’s kind of easy.


Confirmed, implants are non-functional. You’ll never get a fairer match-making than now, haha.

I noticed this in PvE, since sometimes I try to kill a few ships to boost my shields.  I wonder if any implants were adjusted in this patch, besides not working.

Does drones got stealth buffs Or im Just paranoid, I got 3k damage in like 2 seconds with 90 thermal resist on superkite

Antibus, how tiny is the chance for this? Because across several battles I haven’t received a single next tier Mk.2 loot at all, only same tier so far.

You need to have all r3/r6/r9/r12 ships in your battle slots in order to have a chance to loot them.

You need to have all r3/r6/r9/r12 ships in your battle slots in order to have a chance to loot them.


Are premium ships counted how in this regard? If the ship says r9, it is r9 for this purpose and you get next tier loot? But if it says r11, it is r11 and you won’t get higher level loot?

Pilots! In order to improve Star Conflict servers stability we will soon conduct a short maintenance and installation of hotfix.

Are premium ships counted how in this regard? If the ship says r9, it is r9 for this purpose and you get next tier loot? But if it says r11, it is r11 and you won’t get higher level loot?

Yes, this way.

You need to have all r3/r6/r9/r12 ships in your battle slots in order to have a chance to loot them.

Assuming i fly 4x R9s, does it mean ALL my loot will be t4+? or does it mean i will have t3 loots but will have a chance for T4 drops?

And premiums ships, as asked before

Antibus, could you, please, post latest LOGIC checks in MatchMaking, it sure look like it is different from before (couple patches ago, not sure when this difference creeped in) 

Antibus, could you, please, post latest LOGIC checks in MatchMaking, it sure look like it is different from before (couple patches ago, not sure when this difference creeped in)

There were a couple of tweaks to MM, yes. What do you think of matchmaker now?

 I tested the Eclipse launcher in-game, kinda like it, but it overheats just too hella fast, gotta say that it is a niche pick, I still prefer Positron Cannon in general. 


in T3 though, not sure if it is OP in T4 or above, frigball anyone?


Edit: what in the world is wrong with my text format. :crazy: 

Nope, I was expecing to reach rank 7 to join in playing with my corp as they all play Sector Conquest…

If your Corp thinks Rank 7 ships belong in SQ, find a better Corp.

SQ is end game content intended (at launch anyway) to reward the best corps. Rank 7 is where the proper game begins.

There were a couple of tweaks to MM, yes. What do you think of matchmaker now?

It is much better now!!!


Also for the implant bug, if you re-implant one implant, it fixes them all