Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.17 update 1 Discussion

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The trophies section didn’t get translated.

Lost in translation. Some things are in russian…

Sorry for that, fixed.

Looks good on paper, i guess we shall see how well it translates into gameplay :slight_smile:


The weapon updates are particularly nice

I think that the increased synergy gain should apply also to rank 7 and 8 , to help players progress to Tier 4 and 5, increasing the numbers of players in those tiers and allowing them to enter the Sector Conquest and having a fighting chance.


I have another suggestion: medals earned in battle, should give synergy, credits, artifacts and or contracts bonus. It would be a nice way of rewarding players.

I have another suggestion: medals earned in battle, should give synergy, credits, artifacts and or contracts bonus. It would be a nice way of rewarding players.

That is a nice suggestion, but the numbers should be very low, since you can get 20 or 30 medals in one good game. 

That is a nice suggestion, but the numbers should be very low, since you can get 20 or 30 medals in one good game. 


Just have a cap. Make every medal worth the exact same amount, and say the first 5 medals all earn you something.

You may now recieve Mk. 2 modifiers in battle when you are flying ships of the last rank in tier.
Trophies cost significally increased.





Does this mean that if we need t5 Mk 2 upgrade kits we should go back to lvl 12 ships…?

And obviously this new system doesn’t involve T5 ships at all (highest tier). So r you going to do something to compensate this in T5? Maybe flying lvl 15 ships allow u to earn t5 upgrade kits…?

Does this mean that if we need t5 Mk 2 upgrade kits we should go back to lvl 12 ships…?

And obviously this new system doesn’t involve T5 ships at all (highest tier). So r you going to do something to compensate this in T5? Maybe flying lvl 15 ships allow u to earn t5 upgrade kits…?


They’re not removing getting upgrade kits for the current tier. You just get upgrade kits for the next tier when you’re in the top rank of the previous tier. So obviously T5 ships still get T5 loot.


R1-2 = T1 Loot.

R3-5 = T2 Loot.

R6-8 = T3 Loot.

R9-11 = T4 Loot.

R12-15 = T5 Loot.


Does this mean that if we need t5 Mk 2 upgrade kits we should go back to lvl 12 ships…?

And obviously this new system doesn’t involve T5 ships at all (highest tier). So r you going to do something to compensate this in T5? Maybe flying lvl 15 ships allow u to earn t5 upgrade kits…?


I often found T5 upgradekits in PvP. Usually, you find them in matches where there is only T5 and no mixed T4/T5 PvP match. So, of course, you don’t need to go back to level 12, in order to find those upgradekits. You will find them eventually as long as you keep playing T5 and get matches with T5 only. However, this update was aimed at making the transition easier from T4 to T5. So, now you can also find T5 upgradekits in T4 matches and not only in T5 matches.

Obviously i know that but i meant if we fly lvl 12 ship is the T5 mk II loot sure on win? Or maybe 80% or 70%? or what? If so flying a lvl 12 ships to get t5 mk II it’s for sure a good option… lol. And, if the new system works this way, for the same reason flying lvl 15 ship should grant same chance to get t5 mk 2 loots as a lvl 12 ship. That’s what i meant with my questions :wink:

Is it possible to create an ASSIST BEACON CAPTURE system in order to give 100 or 150 to the pilot in a 3000m range ?

I became crazy to not reach the beacon in time with my frigates.

Is it possible to create an ASSIST BEACON CAPTURE system in order to give 100 or 150 to the pilot in a 3000m range ?

I became crazy to not reach the beacon in time with my frigates.

3000 meter range? You get assistance in a 750m range. If you want to go for the objective in beacon hunt AND fly frigates at the same time, try to move earlier to the next beacon. At 20 seconds on the timer at latest, before the next beacon appears. With a slow frigate, you have to calculate your positioning - so try to move in time. It takes some practice perhaps, but if you manage it, you will get points and also assists the objective.

You also get double the reward if you kill / assist against an enemy who was capturing a beacon, so there really isn’t a need to reward players who are camping nowhere near the beacon yet think they are helping…

Looks good for me.


The change on the Beam Cannon and about the Zealot/Raptor made me smile :smiley:

Looks good for me.


The change on the Beam Cannon and about the Zealot/Raptor made me smile :smiley:


I still doubt the effectiveness of the buffed beam cannons, but that’s because of the prevalence of thermal damage and resistance. 

I still doubt the effectiveness of the buffed beam cannons, but that’s because of the prevalence of thermal damage and resistance. 

I was not thinking for High Tiers only.

I said some time ago (2-3 weeks) that playing Frigates in Low Tiers was painful cause of the “Old Beam Cannon” and the “Old” Cruise Missile. In 3 Patchs, all this things have been improved.


Of course, even with this buff the “Beam Cannon will remain bad in High Tiers” but It became more powerful than the Mortar (Actually, we only have 1 ship that can use Mortar correctly, the Templar S)

It’s also possible to me to find a totally broken fitting with Beam Cannon. I already have my idea about it :smiley:


Edit : If I can find the True Optimal range for T3/T4/T5 I will probably be able to make something viable in higher tiers.

I was not thinking for High Tiers only.

I said some time ago (2-3 weeks) that playing Frigates in Low Tiers was painful cause of the “Old Beam Cannon” and the “Old” Cruise Missile. In 3 Patchs, all this things have been improved.


Of course, even with this buff the “Beam Cannon will remain bad in High Tiers” but It became more powerful than the Mortar (Actually, we only have 1 ship that can use Mortar correctly, the Templar S)

It’s also possible to me to find a totally broken fitting with Beam Cannon. I already have my idea about it :smiley:


Edit : If I can find the True Optimal range for T3/T4/T5 I will probably be able to make something viable in higher tiers.


Ah… that’s true. I gave up synergizing my Zealot because of how pathetic beam cannons used to be. 


I’m not sure how high the damage is now, but I guess it’s possible to work something out. 

I will see this when the servers will be Up. (And if I have enough voucher too xD)