Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.17 update 1 Discussion

Server’s back yet fellas?



Edit: Forgot the time zone, a little more to go.


Server’s back yet fellas?



Edit: Forgot the time zone, a little more to go.

Servers are up, due to extended maintenance all pilots will be supplied with 24 hours of premium license.

Upd: Servers are down - we are aware of the problem, and it will be fixed soon.

Servers are up, due to extended maintenance all pilots will be supplied with 24 hours of premium license.

Are they?


(has been sitting at that for a while - edit: got in after 10 minutes and got kicked out again after a few seconds “network error”)

Thx for the license!

Was checking the Beam Cannon and “BAM” xD

How dare you buffing the Bubble Cannon again?!  As if it’s efficiency wasn’t high enough… Didn’t you ever watch any T5 SQ Battle?
Bubblebringer was extremly overpovered before (I mean, 75%+ Crit chance and 15k Crit DMG with Overdrive, cmon!!) and now you decrease it’s only weakness.
On the other side, it might be a solution to the Frigball problem. However, it’s clearly the wrong way to do this…


have fun with bubbles… greets, Mendoza!


I hope players didn’t expect to have “Beam Cannon” as new main weapons.


I had enough time to see what I needed to see, and right now, the result are not really good.

Just have a cap. Make every medal worth the exact same amount, and say the first 5 medals all earn you something.

That’s not cool. For example you can’t get Maniac until the game ends. And Maniac is a hard medal to get.

Sector Conquest

Only ships of ranks 11 and higher are now allowed into Sector Conquest


This not so sure about,I understand we need a place to play with our big toys,but again,very limiting.So As a player you can not support you corp in sector conquest till to get a ranks 11 ship or higher?That seems unfair to say the least,Also for better rewards,how about bumping up the loot a the end of the match when you win?Should the be  reflective of the tier your flying?I know when flying my new T4’s and at the end i get 1250 for a broken lens or what ever it might  be called,Tell me what is 1250 going to do when the first upgrade was a little under 1 million credits?


Playing Sector Conquest I must say I like this change: there is no balancing Match Making in Sector Conquest (it would be against the theme), so each T3 in your team makes your team likely to lose against full T5 enemies.


Only rarely the player with T3 ships is SO good that he can overcome the enormous handicap given by the tier difference.


So no, that T3 is not “helping” his fellows, he is making them lose as they are one T5 short against the opponent.

My 0.9.17 recap when I first log in is still in Russian. I really like the concepts of this patch, especially the change to Sector Conquest ship requirements. SQ was not meant to be an entry level part of the game. It’s for the elite. Hopefully this will send some back to synergizing ships instead of just Zerging the map.


That said this will also boost the devs sales of t4 premium ships so cudos to them for good business thinking!






How dare you buffing the Bubble Cannon again?!  As if it’s efficiency wasn’t high enough… Didn’t you ever watch any T5 SQ Battle?
Bubblebringer was extremly overpovered before (I mean, 75%+ Crit chance and 15k Crit DMG with Overdrive, cmon!!) and now you decrease it’s only weakness.
On the other side, it might be a solution to the Frigball problem. However, it’s clearly the wrong way to do this…


have fun with bubbles… greets, Mendoza!




The singu buff was a very silly thing to do… sry just my thought


On the other side, it might be a solution to the Frigball problem. However, it’s clearly the wrong way to do this…



Well, Imperial ships, what did you expect against Triple Hull/CPU ? 


About the Frigball : In T5 is true, I meet more and more of them. Same for the Ion Emitting / Gaussing Imperial Turret Gunship which move only when their shield is down.

The implant system does not seem to be affecting ships. I have noticed R13 empire implant does not reload part of the module after a kill and the R2 fed implant does not decrease my locking time on weapons (rails are 1.8 seconds instead of the usual 1 second) so I assume they are all not working? bug? please fix

Confirmed, implants are non-functional. You’ll never get a fairer match-making than now, haha.

Playing Sector Conquest I must say I like this change: there is no balancing Match Making in Sector Conquest (it would be against the theme), so each T3 in your team makes your team likely to lose against full T5 enemies.


Only rarely the player with T3 ships is SO good that he can overcome the enormous handicap given by the tier difference.


So no, that T3 is not “helping” his fellows, he is making them lose as they are one T5 short against the opponent.


Playing Sector Conquest I must say I like this change: there is no balancing Match Making in Sector Conquest (it would be against the theme), so each T3 in your team makes your team likely to lose against full T5 enemies.


Only rarely the player with T3 ships is SO good that he can overcome the enormous handicap given by the tier difference.


So no, that T3 is not “helping” his fellows, he is making them lose as they are one T5 short against the opponent.

I understand that concept,and do think it is a nice change of pace,but feel it is unfair to the pilots who can not compete in sec conquest.And for the the t3 thing,i have went toe to toe with a t4 and won,so it can be done,though not sure about a t5 vs t3…lol.And some would argue that if you let the lower tier in sec conquest it would be just like any other PvP,not true,you are fighting for your corp,not just your stats or corp PvP rating,but for you corp influence on the map and the rewards from the pieces you get.


How dare you buffing the Bubble Cannon again?!  As if it’s efficiency wasn’t high enough… Didn’t you ever watch any T5 SQ Battle?

Bubblebringer was extremly overpovered before (I mean, 75%+ Crit chance and 15k Crit DMG with Overdrive, cmon!!) and now you decrease it’s only weakness.

On the other side, it might be a solution to the Frigball problem. However, it’s clearly the wrong way to do this…


have fun with bubbles… greets, Mendoza!


Yes, it was absolutely unnecessary. Thanks anyway! Muhahahaha  :storm:



Playing Sector Conquest I must say I like this change: there is no balancing Match Making in Sector Conquest (it would be against the theme), so each T3 in your team makes your team likely to lose against full T5 enemies.


Only rarely the player with T3 ships is SO good that he can overcome the enormous handicap given by the tier difference.


So no, that T3 is not “helping” his fellows, he is making them lose as they are one T5 short against the opponent.


I understand that concept,and do think it is a nice change of pace,but feel it is unfair to the pilots who can not compete in sec conquest.And for the the t3 thing,i have went toe to toe with a t4 and won,so it can be done,though not sure about a t5 vs t3…lol.And some would argue that if you let the lower tier in sec conquest it would be just like any other PvP,not true,you are fighting for your corp,not just your stats or corp PvP rating,but for you corp influence on the map and the rewards from the pieces you get.


To be honest, its a good but only short-term change that eases the pain from the Zerglings… for 2 weeks (?) 

Im really getting tired of pulling through (that is my Squad(s)) Random-men, which see SecCon as opportunity to level their T3s. They do nothing, they are in general useless and they are like parasites to the success of the good corps Squads (like NASA, WPK, NOVA, SYN, ESB…etc) 

Its mostly their inability to know whats going on, which costs the victory if 2 good Squads fight each other… no wonder my patience with such guys is running very short. It makes it a lot harder to win and the worst part of it is, that they get points for contributing absolutely nothing to the victory, on the contrary, making a victory even harder. 


This may sound like Im an elitist prick, but I go in those battles with the destinct will to win. If they wander off, dont help and just get farmed by a strong opponent, its an insta-loss. 

Beam Laser + Reaper = Beam Reaper ! Never Laughed so hard while using this weapon

You may now recieve Mk. 2 modifiers in battle when you are flying ships of the last rank in tier.

Antibus, how tiny is the chance for this? Because across several battles I haven’t received a single next tier Mk.2 loot at all, only same tier so far.

Btw, can we please get an option to sell looted Mk.2 kits right on the end-of-battle screen? It’s an unnecessary chore having to go to the warehouse to sell them all the time.

Well this idea is just totally poop for one reason, Sector Control for rank 11…?!?


I’ve only just come to rank 4 and was looking forward to doing something other than killing the same enemies in PvE, or chasing the same beacons in PvP.  This has just made the game 10000% more boring for me…

My SecCon times are over for a while then i guess… Have only two r11+ ships. Well, tough luck. At least my non-Command ships can catch up in levels.


Otherwise: buff singularity? Are you out of your minds?