Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.14 Discussion

Am I the only one which is sceptical about the Cruise Missile buff?


I’m happy with the fact Devs try to improve it, but it’s seems the cruise missile still loves walls.

Am I the only one which is sceptical about the Cruise Missile buff?


I’m happy with the fact Devs try to improve it, but it’s seems the cruise missile still loves walls.


We’ll tweak its logics a bit more in next patches. 

The change to spawn invincibility is a prime case of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” If I was so inclined I might conclude it was done purely so a certain group of players can farm more kills…


As to why it was actually done, I can guess - Combat Recon Captains hiding at the back of the map.


The answer was not to change spawning invincibility - the answer was to stop Captains hiding in their spawn. Here’s a solution that came to me within about 30 seconds:

No. The changes we made to, as Zapp said, prevent Recons from abusing that spawn invuln. But it’s not just that. It’s gonna be abused in the opposite direction, as well. If your team is farming them at their spawn, they’ll be that much quicker to die. It’s a win/curbstomp situation whereas, before, it was just win/lose.


The most effective change would be to keep the original invulnerability WITH A CHANGE: An invuln range from the spawn point. You stay invulnerable for that set amount of time IFF you stay near your spawn point. If you move away from it (Recons warping, mostly), you lose the invuln.


This would actually add a layer of defence if you’re getting farmed on your spawn point. Everyone knows you can’t fight your enemy if you’re spawning ships 1 at a time…


I tried the cruise missiles: first thing they made: hit a rock!

Rockin’ those 'splosions!!


Am I the only one which is sceptical about the Cruise Missile buff?


I’m happy with the fact Devs try to improve it, but it’s seems the cruise missile still loves walls.

Didn’t they ALWAYS hit a rock whenever I was trying to avoid them?

If that’s the case, then simply have ships lose their invulnerability if they move a set distance from spawn. Even simpler fix than the camping captain one!

@Zap :


Maybe some kind of easier Module would be better: Like Press “F” and gain +50 Res. to all Damage Types for 10 secs. 

Nah, If I had something like this, I will have a guard more tanky than what we have now :smiley:


I thought about something like this :


I remembered that the Death Star was in fact a disguised Imperial LFR.



  1. Guided Torpedo is best-for-trolling weapon now. At least Armadillo implants helped a bit before, but now we all reimplanted and balance is lost.






In order to maximize effective dmg after taking in consideration spread reduction/range and stuff you have to calculate dmg modificators (plain dmg boost, crit chance, crit dmg) for pretty much EVERY ship with different set of implants. So i am not going to do that for all of you, for every ship/build you got there :)))


Rule of thumb for dmg calculation:

Pre mitigated DMGtotal = DMGbase+DMGbase*CritChance*CritDmg

If you have doubts what to equip - Infrared or Coprocessor, simply multiply CC and CD final values in all configurations and compare - higher number = more dmg.


Gauss and positrons charging mechanics are EXCEPTIONS, they have critical chance increase with each charge.


Thank u so much m8 :wink:

Spawn invincibility was abused by recons, which microwarped to the enemy captain and unleashed hell in the 6 seconds left. 

So, I think this was to stop recons. Since they can repeat this procedure smth had to be done. 


I tried the cruise missiles: first thing they made: hit a rock!   :lol:


I was hoping for someone to coment on this, the patchnotes seemed to wonderfull about it to be true. HEHHEHEH


But i think this is due to the fact of the abysmal turning speed, say he is avoiding a huge rock through the left ,then the enemy moves to the right when it is 1000m from the rock, the missile would try to turn to avoid but it wouldnt be capable due to the crappy turn speed.

The energy drain buff was really not needed.

The energy drain buff was really not needed.

Considering 1 Multipurpose module is a must on everything except guard and engineer, you are left with 3 active modules on an ECm, and as soon as you get into a realm of ECM ships capable of efficient energy output, Weapon Inhibitor >Energy Drain. 

Considering 1 Multipurpose module is a must on everything except guard and engineer, you are left with 3 active modules on an ECm, and as soon as you get into a realm of ECM ships capable of efficient energy output, Weapon Inhibitor >Energy Drain. 


Energy drain ‘disables’ active modules, so to speak. It doesn’t work on all ships, but at least intys are easily affected by it. Weapon inhibitor is ridiculously fun and easy to use (thanks to its cooldown) but I still like the ion diffuser + energy drain combo. 

Considering 1 Multipurpose module is a must on everything except guard and engineer, you are left with 3 active modules on an ECm, and as soon as you get into a realm of ECM ships capable of efficient energy output, Weapon Inhibitor >Energy Drain. 


Considering the Mutiphase shield adapter + Rapidus (R8) is a BIS combo on a guard. :confused:

Considering the Mutiphase shield adapter + Rapidus (R8) is a BIS combo on a guard. :confused:

still, you can make a guard with 4 role modules and not gonna be a handicap like everything else


I’m lvl5 and MM mostly puts me to lvl4-8 battles. Lvl8 LRFs torps are devastating to lvl5 int and 30% is not good enough to capture anything. And with new Armadillo stats, lvl8 LRFs are now damn everywhere!


I noticed other low level pilots having the same trouble - by so many deaths after every torp spam. Friendly fire is devastating as well, as there is no counter-bonus for damaging team mates afaik.

I’m lvl5 and MM mostly puts me to lvl4-8 battles. Lvl8 LRFs torps are devastating to lvl5 int and 30% is not good enough to capture anything. And with new Armadillo stats, lvl8 LRFs are now damn everywhere!


I noticed other low level pilots having the same trouble - by so many deaths after every torp spam. Friendly fire is devastating as well, as there is no counter-bonus for damaging team mates afaik.

a) it use to be 40% reduction and now it is 30%, 10% isnt much

b) r5-r6 ships aren’t that beneficial from Armadillo than Jericho R1, i wouldn’t use Armadillo until r7+ anyways

c) if you consistently get hit by jericho torp in interceptor, i suggest you rethink or look into your positioning, situation awareness, piloting. You shouldn’t be hit much by Jericho torp while piloting an interceptor

d) Friendly fire is for Fire cloud only, and that is not explosion dmg and you suppose to move out of those clouds yourself. Especially in interceptor.

I want a Jericho Pirate Tackler and a Jericho Pirate Guard now…


still, you can make a guard with 4 role modules and not gonna be a handicap like everything else

The problem is, the fact that guards was able to use 4 roles modules + Be tanking like Hell + lack of counter made this ship Broken.

With the nerf, the Guard had to fit in the meta → 3 Roles modules + 1 Multipurpose.


When you have to “Go in” or “Disengage”, the Emergency shield booster is not enough.


Jericho Pirates would fly LR, not Guard; pirates use the faction’s secondart class.

Jericho Pirates would fly LR, not Guard; pirates use the faction’s secondart class.


Since when the Reaper is a guard? It’s a big boned Gunship.

It’s still a Guard, even if it isn’t a Guard worth using any more.

For reasons beyond my comprehension it seems that many bad jerry-LRFs creep in… (it was 10v10 btw.)

