Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.14 Discussion

The only thing i see that will breake many ppls will, is the invincibility changes when spawning. Have the developers EVER seen how an ESB deathsquad plays? Well, ill explain: They spawn, and move towards the enemy spawn point killing everything in their path, untill they arive at the spawn point and start killing everyone that spawns. Before we could shoot them while invincible for at least an attempt to have a breake and flee from the spawn point, not, everyone will be forced to be served as free kills.


And they wonder why all the playerbase thinks they tune the game to favor ESB…


Agree on this since I used to play the same way before. With a powerful 4 man squad, random players getting killed as soon as invincibility wears off and we played wreckages like a soccer game.

Yeah, the invincibility change sucks. That was something, that was preventing spawn camping or at least making it a lot harder.


If you want to keep it this way, then you should consider introducing another mechanic to prevent spawn camping. Maybe randomized spawn points?


But why introduce something new, on my oppinion, the old invincibility mechanic was fine.

The invincibility mechanic was causing problems in combat recon, where a captain could sit just behind his own teams spawn zone. this made it impossible for the enemy team to make a true push that included non-interceptors. any attempts to make a group push to the enemy captain would be stopped when reaching the enemy spawn zone and being killed by invincible ships.


This is a welcome addition to combat recon, but I dont think its necessary for other game modes.

All in all the thing I appreciate most about the patch are the bug fixes and the transparency. I actually -like- knowing the things that were tweaked during a patch even if it involves looking through a block of text. (translation probably stops them most of the time) Anyway, keep it up!


Anyone else miss old heavy rails? I’d like to play with them for a few matches again lol!

Anyone else miss old heavy rails? I’d like to play with them for a few matches again lol!


I do, I used them on Nukem I when I was completely new to the game, and the crits I could deal with that ship were amazing, and the ship was horribly fitted xD





I miss it, you could choose from 16 weapons, 2 diff kind of ammos and missiles… sniff

I do, I used them on Nukem I when I was completely new to the game, and the crits I could deal with that ship were amazing, and the ship was horribly fitted xD





I miss it, you could choose from 16 weapons, 2 diff kind of ammos and missiles… sniff


I have no words for how awesome this picture is… Looks like a better game.  :unsure:

Why o why disable being able to click the upgrade kit module and find which item can be upgraded… Warehouse shortcuts were a serious benefit for using those upgrade kits quickly. Any ideas?


EDIT: Guess it was a bug… It has been fixed!

Yeah, the invincibility change sucks. That was something, that was preventing spawn camping or at least making it a lot harder.


If you want to keep it this way, then you should consider introducing another mechanic to prevent spawn camping. Maybe randomized spawn points?


But why introduce something new, on my oppinion, the old invincibility mechanic was fine.


As always, the russian way to balance things, instead of changing ONLY whats not working, they mess with things all across the game and transform it into something that serves the other pilots to the deathsquads wanting to farm kills.

Ok I tested the patch rapidly.


  • change to upgrade window : I really dislike the fact that you now have the upgrade kit icon visible with a number in red if you don’t have one available. It was better when you only display it when a kit was available

  • the incoming damage information.


Here is what it looks like :




It’s not bad but the scrolling on the right side is too fast, you barely have time to read it. So that’s not really useful.


RIP my interceptor crit dmg :<, but still better than 7% base weapon dmg though.

Why RIP? change to the R6 Fed implant in those builds isn’t that drastic 15% in crit dmg =/= 15% total dmg 

Basically what 2 of those changes did (R1 and R6 nerfs) Is that

a) you are going to do  ~<10% LESS dmg to all those Hulls that did NOT run Armadillo befor (but it doesnt matter, those hull with no armadillo will be teared apart regardless)

b) you are going to do >20% MORE dmg to those that do run Armadillo now

Overall combining aftereffects of these 2 implants it is an actual Buff to Crit builds.


And yet Armadillo still more efficient way to build your ship for tanking then Jerico R1

Hey kost i’m waiting for new dmg calculation lol Do not forget to post them :wink:

In order to maximize effective dmg after taking in consideration spread reduction/range and stuff you have to calculate dmg modificators (plain dmg boost, crit chance, crit dmg) for pretty much EVERY ship with different set of implants. So i am not going to do that for all of you, for every ship/build you got there :)))


Rule of thumb for dmg calculation:

Pre mitigated DMGtotal = DMGbase+DMGbase*CritChance*CritDmg

If you have doubts what to equip - Infrared or Coprocessor, simply multiply CC and CD final values in all configurations and compare - higher number = more dmg.


Gauss and positrons charging mechanics are EXCEPTIONS, they have critical chance increase with each charge.

I am curious how the role of the Guard ship will change with the increased likelihood of more pilots using the Cruise Missile now…could be interesting.


Good patch overall; I especially like the way the captain is chosen.  Since there are more inexperienced players, this should make it where the team doesn’t lose because a bad player got the role by random.  Keeps the “Captain” the…well…captain!


Well,that is not always the case,saw someone,(no names)but with a nice rating.Any guess to what the did,and before you say "he did not know"we tried to tell him,and his answer was.“i know what i am doing”.Match last less than a minute…

Loving the lens flare XD, Although I think it may be a bit too much sometimes!~


Hey, at least you can SEE the effects. The only thing I’ve seen, so far, is strobe rainbows. I’m gonna end up with an epileptic seizure if I keep that one.

Hey, at least you can SEE the effects. The only thing I’ve seen, so far, is strobe rainbows. I’m gonna end up with an epileptic seizure if I keep that one.

All thanks to dual AMD Firepro D500s with 6gb of VRAM!~ c:


This is also much more clear now. You’re good with piloting and have a high rating - you are most likely to become a captain.

I don’t fully agree with this, it shouldn’t be automatic.  Take the highest DSR pilot, and pick all the pilots within like 150 points of him, use the logs to get an idea.  Select the captain from that pool.  We want decent pilots as captain.  We may want the DSR farmers farming…  Yeah, I just said that.


Bad Guards will die, Good Guards will survive.

Guards just die.


All changes take time. What most of players seem to misunderstand is that there is a developement plan and it is quite hard to allocate time and resources in order to satisfy all of the needs momentarily. Moreover, statistically-wise both hulls and shields are on par. Yet after recieving enough feedback from our players we have decided to look into this situation once again.

There are no promises, we will just look more into it.

It must have become clear over the past few months that we do listen you, yet, some of our players want changes to have lightning-speed pace. :frowning:

The stats could be confusing healing with immediate survivability.  The hull tanked ship will take longer to get up to 100% than the shield tanked ship, but it’s more likely to survive the fight that forced it to hull tank.  Also, the debufs for the hull boosters are not bad as the debufs for the shield boosters.  At the same time, Adaptive Shield is a shield and hull module.


It seems to me that you’ve misunderstood )

Oryngton asked why barrier is still pierced by singularity - the answer is that it may once again lead to frigballs, and that kind of outcome we would like to avoid.

Singularity was intended to combat frigates, and Ion Emitters to combat interceptors.  It’s actually reversed.  Ion’s more effective against frigates and singularity’s more effective against interceptors.  Ion can be brutal to a frigate.


It IS necessary, Ory. 

There is one big issue in SecCon at the moment: Nothing can stop recons from capping the beacons if they rush it. Even if there are 2 more recons defending the beacon they will outcap you. And they are not standing still ofc, what makes them harder to hit. 

The only thing you can try is to kill them with bubbles and minefields (in a cobo)…

On the other hand: Bubbles got a hefty nerf in SecCon since Friendly Fire is active, what makes them tricky to use (poor Bullwii was my first FF victim).   


Whats the bug-fix about? Crashes on Threshold?

Put yourself in their shoes.  Would you choose to fight ESB instead of going for beacons?  They’re being smart and using strategy.


The invincibility mechanic was causing problems in combat recon, where a captain could sit just behind his own teams spawn zone. this made it impossible for the enemy team to make a true push that included non-interceptors. any attempts to make a group push to the enemy captain would be stopped when reaching the enemy spawn zone and being killed by invincible ships.


This is a welcome addition to combat recon, but I dont think its necessary for other game modes.

In those matches, the captain’s safe.  It’s spawn camping to farm and win on kills alone.  The invincibility mechanic will only make the farming worse.  There is no benefit to this change.  Anyway, commands, engineers, and sometimes recons and LRF’s activate something soon after spawning.

I forgot something.  Where’s my minimap!!!

Jerry torpedo now shines like the photon torpedo from Star Trek Online :smiley:

I forgot something.  Where’s my minimap!!!

Minimap has been temporarily disabled.

Lens flares are cool, but some times they are distracting so I have disabled the feature.


Damage incomming is welcomed, and the new shiny jerry torpedo looks neat.


But I have a question. Why have you removed the posibility to see how much free synergy will cost you to upgrade a ship? Before this patch, if you upgrade the ship without having enough synergy, the confirmation pop up showed the current synergy in white, and the needed free synergy in purple.


Now it just shows the synergy required, but doesn’t give you information about how much free synergy will be consumed. I suppose you did this in order to increase the free synergy consumption by casual players, hoping they spend real money in synergy transfer.


I will say it won’t work, and it is just a bad change.