Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

fed tackler

I was expecting all the T2 heroes posting about terrible frigates that die in 5 seconds to not even know that jericho T5 tacklers are in fact R14 only.

fed tackler

IF i recall it correctly r15 Tackler has a 50% effectiveness bonus on its modules, so target painter with that bonus vs a ship that is not equipped with resist is going to put default EM shield resistance in -60 range, and we all remember how negative resistances work. Only question is what phase shield mode do bots use?

I was expecting all the T2 heroes posting about terrible frigates that die in 5 seconds to not even know that jericho T5 tacklers are in fact R14 only.





IF i recall it correctly r15 Tackler has a 50% effectiveness bonus on its modules,


100% range bonus on tackler module for the R15 FED.

100% range bonus on tackler module for the R15 FED.

Damned messed it up with T4 r12 one

On schedule. 


assuming thurs. give me pathc notes? mkay, thanks :slight_smile:


 You can not expect to access high ranks playing 2 hours a day for FREE (from your example) in darn short time, either game is designed to have zero progress and every one has an access to every or there is a clear progression for Free to play and for pay2Not grind



currently running into a problem here. T2 wasn’t a problem. took 32 hours at most to clear most R6. gear was acceptable, etc…


but now i’ve run into the paywall (but i’ve already payed)… which really doesn’t make much sense…


in T3 it gets so bad… for example: in 1 month of playing i only have 1 piece of T2 experimental gear… not a single T3… i’m assuming it will take months to even get a few of them… let alone the ones i need/want… this alone is enough to make anyone quit.


also, loyalty… it was 95k to level 6… it’s 300k to level 9 from level 7… wtf… i don’t even… even with the extra contracts… insanity… it will take about a week or more to level each. so 6-8 weeks for T3 grind… seems on par with the T2 grind.


so 3 months just to get to T4 i’m assuming for someone who plays 3 hours a day on average. and my stats are above average, meaning the average player will have to spend 4-6 months just to reach R10, with premium and DLC perks. that is way too long.


but that doesn’t include experimental gear, like i said. from my experience with the drop rate…


that will take YEARS literally…


which i frankly don’t have…


and i’m sure nobody else does either.


hence, why we’re all quitting this game in 2 weeks, when the patches are shown to be meaningless trifles…


you ever wonder about P2W whine? well, experimental is the reason. even though it is P2W in some regards, due to the extremely HIGH salvage costs and low rate, the major problem here is the fact that everyone else already has experimentals but it will take a new player months to acquire them… that’s imbalance… and it’s creating problems… not to mention premium ship ‘buffs’… is the game P2W? yea, it is… but it’s more ‘grind for months to win’.


trust me… this is NOT an mmo/rpg… it will never be. you will NEVER fool people into thinking this isn’t a FPS class-based shooter… in space…


trying to dress it up in a little pink skirt just isn’t going to work… you can’t get people to grind a shooter for months/years… it just doesn’t work that way because there is not enough content… oh look cool, a new machinegun… +2 damage… any reasonable FPS player expects to get the full game, not 5% of a game, with a 6-12 month grind after having paid 70-100$.


nobody cares or will ever care about your broken monetization model for this game…


protip: NEVER design a game BASED AROUND the monetization scheme… it just makes for broken games.


also, all this does is pigeon-hole people into certain ship classes/roles… according to admins ‘you should not be able to play every ship class’… that’s bad for business… and balance…


do you know any FPS or MMOs that do this? i don’t… i was able to play all classes in every MMO i ever played, and it only took a few days/weeks to level each class. 3 months at most to play all classes: that is what a game should be like.

protip: NEVER design a game BASED AROUND the monetization scheme… it just makes for broken games.

Yet for some reason we still play it… more or less.

Yet for some reason we still play it… more or less.


speak for yourself. i’m almost at the point of no return. :\


games designed around a payment model will always be broken, because the payment model dictates balance within the game…


plus, it’s a well-known fact that there is a population dropoff at T3. try playing in the evening (EST). good luck getting a T3 game. wait is 3-5mins for a 6v6 or a 1v1 with 2 bots…


T3 is basically ship grind, gear grind, ecm spam, nuke suicide spam, frig spam, etc… not really enjoyable at all… easy to see why people drop off at that point.

I’m playing with mk2s and two-three greens in T5 against blue/experimental oldies. Not much of a difference, they still die if you hit them in the right spot.


But it makes for a good excuse for those who don’t know how to play well and don’t want to work to improve. “Oh it’s the mods, not the fact that he hit me from behind with full unload because I wasn’t paying attention, and since he had experimentals instead of mk2s, I died a whole 1/4 of a second sooner. Would’ve died anyway, but it’s the principle that counts!”


Seriously, the mods will come when they come. I don’t even care about drop rates anymore, mk2s are good enough for most part and you can usually score greens quickly enough even at T5. It’s all about play skill.

I’m playing with mk2s and two-three greens in T5 against blue/experimental oldies. Not much of a difference, they still die if you hit them in the right spot.


you have no tiers above you, plus experimental makes a bit less of a dif in higher tiers because it account for a lower percent of your total ship’s performance in the end. not by much though.


and that’s the problem… i’m done grinding all T2s and i still don’t have the military gear i need. i have items for a tacklers and guard only… :\ like 16 T2 military…


Mk2 isn’t even worth the upgrade… Mk3/prem are almost twice the boost of a Mk2 (hence the paywall). and experimental take months.


But it makes for a good excuse for those who don’t know how to play well


look at your profile stats, they’re not much different from mine. DSR come from playing T3/T4 games, and my kills per game are rising, soon they’ll be at 3.5+


plus, if you ask me… those stats mean nothing. win ratio does.


Seriously, the mods will come when they come. I don’t even care about drop rates anymore, mk2s are good enough for most part and you can usually score greens quickly enough even at T5. It’s all about play skill.



uh hello? of course you can still kill people with them, but it’s a lot hard to kill them with Mk1/Mk2 than with full experimental…


it’s called imbalance, and it has no place in a class-based shooter… in an open-world MMO, sure… this isn’t an open world MMO.

in T3 it gets so bad… for example: in 1 month of playing i only have 1 piece of T2 experimental gear… not a single T3… i’m assuming it will take months to even get a few of them… let alone the ones i need/want… this alone is enough to make anyone quit.

I have more T4 greens than T3 greens, and I’ve been playing T3 a while.  Just sort of get used to it, for now.  Modules are a boost, some experimentals are far better than the Mk.I’s and some are just boosts.  The effect isn’t overpowering, since playing has more of a factor.  The reason you see all the greens and purples, people are more likely to play them.  As for blue’s, that’s personal work.

The effect isn’t overpowering, since playing has more of a factor.  The reason you see all the greens and purples, people are more likely to play them.  As for blue’s, that’s personal work.


experimental are twice as good as Mk1 in almost all most cases… except things like resistances, and weapons, etc…


in fact, in every death recap i see at least 1 or 2 experimental weapons (not counting mods here, and weapons are a minority of mods).


usually, my killer has experimental in T3… or at least Mk3…


doesn’t make a difference? i have empirical evidence that it in fact does…


especially when your whole ship is outfitted with them…


simply put, even with premium, you gotta spend almost almost 2 months in T3, just to grind the faction for those mods…


then several months more for experimentals…


it has nothing to do with skill, but GRIND TIME



in fact, F2P should be a ‘free to try’  model basically… REALLY long grind times, just so you can try the product.


when you buy the product, those grind times should immediately be reduced to acceptable FPS class-based shooter times.


BF:BC2 takes no more than a month to unlock all items. MW2, COD, etc… same thing… no more than a month…


1-3 months is generally acceptable for these types of games.


anything beyond that = sure way to kill your audience fast. hence the dropoff rates in T3.



basically, lower progression times across the board for paying customers.


make experimental items more readily available (so you can get half of them at least in 1 month of playing that tier, not 1 mod as in my case…).


or make experimental available through the store (for credits, not standards). that way you don’t have to wait months for the loot system to roll the mods you need… seriously… what if you never roll the mod you need… then what?.. a luck-of-the-draw based game?.. not very appealing to most players… in MMOs, item drops are plentiful enough that there are several to go around for each player, and can be sold on the market.


and if you limit the experimental to paying accounts only, or standards then you get P2W whine… currently they are P2W in a sense anyways, it’s just ‘hidden’… since 10% salvage rate, you will almost never get the mods you want and it’ll take 20 years… you need to use GS, and even then it takes months…


and lower the imbalances between tiers/ranks… instead of increasing them as seems to be the current trend.


i think some major mechanics in this game need to be re-thought out… since they don’t even match industry acceptable norms…

uh hello? of course you can still kill people with them, but it’s a lot hard to kill them with Mk1/Mk2 than with full experimental…

Harder? Yes. A lot harder? Hell no. Weapon dps differential is marginal at best. The only mods that really get hit by upping the tiers are the ones that get extremely long cooldowns reduced. Everything else is within 10-percentile or so. It’s a rare game where a certain module being of higher tier would turn the game around. Vast majority of game it’s the skill of the player, skill of the team, flow of gameplay and picking correct ships for the current situation that matters. Pretty much everything else is within margin of error of those factors, including the mods.


And as for “no tiers above you”, did you perhaps miss the fact that I tout around in this thread that I leveled ship trees from R10 and R11 respectively (and currently levelling ECM at R13). I’m fighting R15s in a lot of blues all the time in full mk2 gear. And as I said, if I outplay them, they die, if they outplay me, I die. Mods have very little impact on that, as difference between mk2 and mk3 is quite small. Difference for weapons is just marginal at best, shrapnel cannon for example has a ~6% dps difference at T5 (1582 vs 1687 damage per shot).


As a result, it only matters when you’re really, really close in terms of skill to that of your opponent to really matter. “Oh noes I lose because they have blues” is an excuse. Nothing more, nothing less. In vast majority of cases, you do not lose or die because of mod levels. You die because you mess something up. In most cases of you getting a kill it’s not that your weapons are high enough level. It’s that you successfully outplayed the enemy.


As for win ratio mattering, I’ll tell you a little secret on how ESB folks build theirs to 3+.


Get a squad of four decent people. Farm T4/T5 in off peak times. Enjoy your insane win streaks.



We tried it in NASA and it works. You just need to bear the guilt of knowing that you’re basically being an xxxxxxx to everyone else in the tier.




On a final note, you massively contradict yourself when you state that mk2>mk3 (paywall) matters, but mk1>mk2 which is approximately the same in terms of an upgrade doesn’t.


If you think that mk1>mk2 is too small, but you want mk3, buy mk2. The difference between mk2 and mk3 is just as small as mk1>mk2, so to you, mk2 will be just as good as mk3.

Harder? Yes. A lot harder? Hell no.


considering experimental have 75% better stats, yea it is a lot harder…


target painter: 20 points 2000 meters, vs 35 points 3300 meters… you can extend that to pretty much any other mod.


huge difference once you stack a few of those mods.


Everything else is within 10-percentile or so.


actually the DPS dif between Mk1 and experimental weapons is 15%.


Vast majority of game it’s the skill of the player, skill of the team, flow of gameplay


not even close… the admins even admitted it… that there is a huge imbalance between tiers. i estimated at 40%, they estimated at 100%… then there’s the imbalances in tiers themselves, then there’s these mod imbalances…


if you seriously think that giving player a 75% increase in some mods, 15% dps, as well as implants, etc… isn’t enough to turn the favor of the battle then i don’t even…


given 2 players of equal skill, the one with better mods will mostly win… i don’t even understand how that is debatable…


In most cases of you getting a kill it’s not that your weapons are high enough level.


actually, it is… because vs people with better mods, especially if they’re in a higher ranked ship, with more mod slots… you can’t even dent them in some cases… not to mention they have access to mods that you don’t, and in some cases more actives… and missiles…


all this basically means, as others have mentioned… is that some tiers are not worth playing… ie: R7, R10, etc…


but the experimental mods is another issues… as pointed out elsewhere… never sell players power… by giving players who have played for 6 months access to more powerful items you’re basically creating imbalances.


in MMOs, there are trading systems to fix this, and you can buy the best items in your tier for an affordable price in almost all cases, with hundreds up on the market.

You keep comparing mk1 to experimental weapons, completely ignoring the fact that everyone has an equal chance to get them and no would could pre-stock them like they could mk3 rep. Also completely ignoring that mk2 is not behind paywall and fully accessible to you. Yet for some reason you ignore them as an upgrade.


What exactly is the problem? Are you too envious of other people having more luck with drops than you? Or are you just too greedy on credits to spend on upgrading to mk2?

You keep comparing to experimental weapons, completely ignoring the fact that everyone has an equal chance to get them and no would could pre-stock them like they could mk3 rep.


no they don’t. your chance to get them depends on several factors.


A. the amount of time you’ve spent playing the game. i’ve spent 1 month and have one T2 experimental (2.5 weeks of flying T2).


B. whether or not you use GS… 10% chance vs 30% chance.


C. random luck… you might never get the mods you need because of RNG.


What exactly is the problem? Are you too envious of other people having more luck with drops than you?


no, i’m concerned about balance… as most players are.


by giving players who’ve spent 6 months playing the game more power through better items, you’re giving them a false sense of accomplishment. not to mention the ability to stomp on lower-levelled players in their tier simply because they’ve played longer.


this sort of approach is shunned by the entire gaming community. it either needs a trading system/items available in market/something to provide a semblance of balance.


if you think you can build a competitive game with these sorts of imbalances, there’s just something wrong… LoL stopped being a competitive game after they had 80+ champs… basically to counter every team comp in competition, you’d need to spend 300-400$ on the game. i spend 60$ and only had 1/3rd of the champs, lower levels ones mostly… that is too high an entry barrier for a competitive game. it should be no higher than 50-100$. otherwise it’s P2W.


edit: if you want to condense down what i’ve said then it would be this -




just make them really hard to obtain for F2P accounts, without the premium/DLC credit/exp boosts.

  1. It’s not a “false” sense of accomplishment, it’s a sense of true accomplishment that they played a lot and they got gear that is rare.

  2. This is a common looting system in most popular MMORPGs. Best gear cannot be bought - it has to be found on battlefield, depending on both beating the enemy and then getting lucky with loot.

  3. You seem to have a serious problem with LoL, trying to put a “non competitive” stamp on one of the most competitive games in the world. Just because you do not like the system doesn’t mean that you get to call it something that it’s not, such as “shunned by entire gaming community”. LoL has the single biggest gaming community of all current competitive games in the world. It’s the exact opposite of “shunned”. And it uses system very similar to one in this game, only you can actually buy essentially every champion in that game. So there’s no “epic” stuff that has to be earned, by your measure that game is pure pay to win.

World of tanks is another example of an extremely popular F2P game that is essentially an opposite of “shunned”. It also uses a very similar model to star conflict.


Essentially you’re a part of a tiny minority if you think that way. Most of us think of it as a great F2P model that is anything but P2W. By extension, same applies to star conflict to an even greater degree - you can buy mk2 gear to get something that is only marginally weaker than stuff that requires a lot of grind/pay, and the pay to buy mods aren’t the best - best mods are acquired by playing the game a lot and getting lucky with drops, just like in (MMO)RPGs. Doesn’t have to be MMO, action RPGs and other RPGs have a similar looting system.


The fact that you CHOOSE not to buy mk2s and use mk1s, yet complain about others having mk3 and even experimental - stuff that almost no one has in any significant numbers says a whole lot about you as a person in terms of envy of others. You have a path to significantly reduce the difference, and you choose to complain about others having better gear than you, rather than reduce the difference through an action freely available to you.

edit: if you want to condense down what i’ve said then it would be this -




just make them really hard to obtain for F2P accounts, without the premium/DLC credit/exp boosts.

So you want pay to win model. Devs already said that they will not make this game pay to win.

So you want pay to win model. Devs already said that they will not make this game pay to win.

What he proposed is exact opposite to PTW.

It would be nice to be able to buy DE for in-game money

  1. It’s not a “false” sense of accomplishment, it’s a sense of true accomplishment that they played a lot and they got gear that is rare.


no, that only comes from skill.


  1. This is a common looting system in most popular MMORPGs. Best gear cannot be bought - it has to be found on battlefield, depending on both beating the enemy and then getting lucky with loot.


therefore it is broken. nobody will play a game like this. there are reasons why MMOs have trading systems… so that high level loot can be bought… in FPS the progression time is 1-3 months…


this game does not stand up to any acceptable norms.


The fact that you CHOOSE not to buy mk2s and use mk1s


do you even know what the dif between Mk1 and Mk2 is?..


Mk2 is +20% stats, Mil +20%, Mk3/prem +20%, exp +15%. for a total ~ +75% stats.


you’re still 55% short by using Mk2… it’s called a ‘pay wall’ in F2P terms…


the big jump being in Mk3/prem. so you either have to grind for over a month, or spend 3$ a mod.


(edit, i forgot military, which are +20% from Mk2, but as stated, i don’t even have a tenth of the military mods i need to fly T3 and i’m already done with T2 and several R7 ships)… you want to see my guard? it’s pathetic… all Mk1s lmao :slight_smile:


in fact, i’m pretty sure experimentals must have been available through some other method before or the drop rate was higher. there’s simply no way people acquired that many of them in the 5-6 months the game has been out. unless they play 12 hours a day. oh, but i forget closed beta and alpha… those ‘leet’ players… golly gee, i hope i don’t make them blush.


basically, if you don’t spend 12 hours a day for 6 months, you will never be as good as other people? you can only hope to be?.. that sort of mentality just doesn’t make sense in anyone’s right mind…


ie: let me give you an excellent example. in guild wars 1, all pvp gear was of equal stats… but if you wanted the ‘prettier’ gear, you’d have to go farm it in pve, or buy it off someone. why? because pvp is meant to be balanced, hence requires a separate set of rules from pve.


if you try to mix the pve/pvp worlds, you end up with matchups like in diablo 3… lmfao… and we all know what those are like… facestomping in most cases…


gear grinds are not meant to be implemented in true competitive pvp games… only open world mmos.

What he proposed is exact opposite to PTW.

It would be nice to be able to buy DE for in-game money


it depends what your def of P2W is…


it will still take forever to get the credits for those mods on a non-prem account i imagine… which is the way a game should be… you can try it… but after 30 days you should technically spend some $$ if you’re still playing the game… otherwise it might get long and boring quickly…


but basically, the current faction rewards (module upgrades) should be applied to R1/R2, R4/R5, R7/R8, etc… instead of the upper tiers


and experimental mods should be awarded on R3, R6, R9, etc… completion.


this way, you actually have access to Mk3 mods when flying your R3, R6, R9 ships instead of after they’ve already become semi-obsolete…


and after you’ve finished that tier, you’d basically have unlocked the experimentals.


edit: however, this is separate from the tier and modules imbalances between ships of difference ranks, which also needs to be addressed. R4,7, 10, etc… would still be pretty useless unless those issues are looked in to as well. imo the simple fact that a 75% difference in modules performance exists is enough to tip the balance, even if you make those mods available, they’d have to be available quickly… within days of grinding not weeks/months… otherwise, imbalances will persist.


personally, i’d raise the low-end on all the mods, to lower the performance difference between Mk1 and experimental to no more than 50%. and make it equal, so Mk2 +15%, Mil +10%, Mk3/prem +15%, exp +10%. in fact, i don’t even see the need for prem items. just provide enough value in a prem subscription/prem ships in terms of progression, and it will achieve the same effect.


i mean seriously, who is going to pay 3$ for a single mod… that is only a rental because you’ll eventually rank that faction… in fact, i’ve yet to be killed by a premium item outside of the freebies in T1… which also need to be removed because the missiles are draining new players’ GS…