Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

This was one of the things I liked before the patch.  I could engage or disengage more safely, or willingly over commit with a purpose.  Every weapon now has a jacked up DPS so when you know you need to disengage it’s too late to get to safety.  Unless you play paranoid about dieing, it’s easier to die.  The only benefit is, it’s easier to kill.


Means that you are not allowed to do as many mistakes as you use to, witch is a good thing. It requires faster analyze and better situation awareness than before  

You can’t disengage with a frigate !

You can’t disengage with a frigate !

Just tank the damage! Tank it!


Oh, wait, you can’t do that…

You can’t disengage with a frigate !

Technically, you can. It just requires you to have some external help. Whether it be dying or friendlies actually helping you.

Technically, you can. It just requires you to have some external help. Whether it be dying or friendlies actually helping you.


The difference between the theorycal facts and the Ingame facts is too damn high !

The difference between the theorycal facts and the Ingame facts is too damn high !

Welcome to every MMO in existence.

You can’t disengage with a frigate !

  1. You can. Warpgate works.

  2. Why did you enagage with a frigate in the first place? You’re supposed to be the skeleton of the team, something everyone else leans on for support. About the only times when you need to disengage is either if your team failed hard (in which case enemy deserves the kills) or if you engaged without your fighter/interceptor support (in which case enemy deserves the kill).

  3. If you can’t tank significant amounts of damage with a non-LFR frigate, you’re doing it badly wrong. Either go back to equipment screen and fix your problems or stop playing like you did in 0.8.x and start playing like it’s 0.9.x.

Welcome to every MMO in existence.


Not in every MMO.


Teh survavibility is a LIE !

  1. Why did you enagage with a frigate in the first place? You’re supposed to be the skeleton of the team, something everyone else leans on for support. About the only times when you need to disengage is either if your team failed hard (in which case enemy deserves the kills) or if you engaged without your fighter/interceptor support (in which case enemy deserves the kill).

What you really mean is:

  1. Why did you pick a frigate in the first place? You’re supposed to be the target dummy of the team, something everyone else laughs at for comic relief. About the only times when you need to disengage is either if your team failed hard (in which case enemy deserves the kills) or if you engaged without your fighter/interceptor support (in which case enemy deserves the kill).

What you really mean is:

Sorry, I was talking to people who want tips at how to improve their frigate flying so they can go the way ESB frigs that score #1 on their team most of the games and rarely if ever die, not to clueless whiners who just want 0.8.0 immortal frigates back so they can continue sucking with them and still remain successful.

  1. If you can’t tank significant amounts of damage with a non-LFR frigate, you’re doing it badly wrong. Either go back to equipment screen and fix your problems or stop playing like you did in 0.8.x and start playing like it’s 0.9.x.

I I still paly my Guard like it’s 0.8. Now what?

  1. You can. Warpgate works.

  2. Why did you enagage with a frigate in the first place? You’re supposed to be the skeleton of the team, something everyone else leans on for support. About the only times when you need to disengage is either if your team failed hard (in which case enemy deserves the kills) or if you engaged without your fighter/interceptor support (in which case enemy deserves the kill).

  3. If you can’t tank significant amounts of damage with a non-LFR frigate, you’re doing it badly wrong. Either go back to equipment screen and fix your problems or stop playing like you did in 0.8.x and start playing like it’s 0.9.x.

  1. Unfortunately, it’s (effectively) a one time use.

  2. No-one ever said you had to engage. It’s as simple as an interceptor darting in behind everyone.

  3. Engineers should have never been tanks. Guards were the tanks. Why crank up the survivability so much on the Styx if it’s role is to sit a little away from the action and heal from 3k? That… makes no sense. At maximum maybe 45k, but 60k was just stupidly high.


Sorry, I was talking to people who want tips at how to improve their frigate flying so they can go the way ESB frigs that score #1 on their team most of the games and rarely if ever die, not to clueless whiners who just want 0.8.0 immortal frigates back so they can continue sucking with them and still remain successful.


ESB frigs score #1 on their team because…


  1. They are really good at this game.

2.  Purple maxed geared.

3.  Forever babysitted by their equally skilled team.


Sure lets balance frigates around ESB squads usage, thats a perfect model for most of the gameplay that happens in this game hurr hurr.

Damn, balance needs thinking through solidly…

ESB frigs score #1 on their team because…


  1. They are really good at this game.

2.  Purple maxed geared.

3.  Forever babysitted by their equally skilled team.


Sure lets balance frigates around ESB squads usage, thats a perfect model for most of the gameplay that happens in this game hurr hurr.

Do you prefer we balance it around people who fly in the straight lines and want to push beacons with frigates without support? Balancing around top is a common thing in games, and reasons for it can be found by googling - companies that run successful games like starcraft and league with far more balancing issues have written entire essays on why balancing at bottom level is a bad idea.

We’ve seen it here in 0.8.x, population simply collapses after people who like to improve their play discover that there is no point - playing like a braindead monkey provides no meaningful penalties from playing like a decent player because “engineer will heal it up anyway”. So they shrug and leave for better games that actually provide incentives to grow, rather than incentives to continue sucking.

While you have a point there, I suspect the reason why ESB frigs are at the top all the time has very little to do with the current balance of the game and more to do with them actually being ESB.  Unless you can support your reasoning with other frigates that are able to pull off the same thing with frigs, I will remain unconvinced.

Do you prefer we balance it around people who fly in the straight lines and want to push beacons with frigates without support? Balancing around top is a common thing in games, and reasons for it can be found by googling - companies that run successful games like starcraft and league with far more balancing issues have written entire essays on why balancing at bottom level is a bad idea.

We’ve seen it here in 0.8.x, population simply collapses after people who like to improve their play discover that there is no point - playing like a braindead monkey provides no meaningful penalties from playing like a decent player because “engineer will heal it up anyway”. So they shrug and leave for better games that actually provide incentives to grow, rather than incentives to continue sucking.

With engies? Arguably yes.

From what Luckyo is saying, it seems making frigates bots would solve the problem perfectly.


-bot that never engages.

-bot that will go behind everyone in your team, and your team’s job is to cover it.

-bot will turn its modules on ALL the time.


Frigates should never have been playable.

While you have a point there, I suspect the reason why ESB frigs are at the top all the time has very little to do with the current balance of the game and more to do with them actually being ESB.  Unless you can support your reasoning with other frigates that are able to pull off the same thing with frigs, I will remain unconvinced.

This quote makes sense in two cases:

  1. You’re accusing ESB of using gameplay features that do not exist for other players, i.e. cheating.

  2. You’re playing “they’re too good so it doesn’t count” card which is the debate version of “lalalala I can’t hear you”. The obvious logical answer to that is to play “you suck too much, so your opinion doesn’t count either” card, which results in the debate stalemate as there is no one who doesn’t fall into those two categories.

Reality is, gameplay options are there for everyone, and everyone can take advantage of some if not most of them. Some people spend more time and effort on the game and discover and implement them better. It doesn’t mean that you should disregard these elements, but that you should learn from your betters and copy their gameplay style as far as you can.