Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

Guard = Anti-Interceptor

LRFs = Anti-Frigate

You sure that isn’t the other way around? I know it’s the roles but in actual game play I find LRFs are only really a risk for ceptors (and commands) while guards getting close to ceptors are as good as dead and better off hammering frigates.

you missed my point. what i was trying to convey is that frigates are not the only thing dying by a handful of shots. other ships too


so interceptor dead by 5 shots = normal

but frigate dead by 6 shots = OP ?

fighters die by about the same number of shots too (against certain weapons)


so all in all everyone is vulnerable about evenly


Now - adjust your expectation on how game modes are played.


for eg. mass zerging of newly activated beacons = people die; so why continue to do it

are there not alternative approaches to a single beacon game ?


The real issue with Singularity is that it’s killing ships it’s not meant to ie. other fighters and interceptors.

When someone out maneuvers me or outguns me on shots, that’s one thing.  Singularity is more about spam.  The projectile size is so large it doesn’t require aim, and it’s not used.  I imagine if just the projectile size were reduced it would be far less lethal against interceptors.  A frigate’s large, so why does the weapon have to have such a large projectile?  Zerging a beacon doesn’t tend to be the issue, it’s when one side won’t die fast and it turns into a siege that I see it more often.  I’ve been surprised at how fast a guard can go down from a gunship almost single handedly, but that takes a lot of good clean shots and not spam.  Singularity spam’s an issue.  The projectile speed’s so slow it encourages spamming sometimes.


most of the time good pilots will not put them self in a positions like that, they will break and disengage earlier if there is no need to stay till the death, but if they did it is not a singularity canon problem it is pilots mistake for overextending, don’t you think.

How is being with your team overextending?  If I am actually overextended or my group’s dropping like flies, something’s going to kill me.  It’s generally not a singularity in those cases.


Good interceptors are a nightmare to deal with in a fighter.

And the great ones are a nightmare to deal with in an interceptor.

well… alot of leeway in terms of how you play your ships really. I got decent aim so disintegrator + projectile speed boost mod = dead inty but how many good snipers you see in counterstrike for eg…? same thing for SCon I guess…


But if anything LRFs can often pressure frigates more than Guards pressure LRFs or Engineers. I mean you drop a gate, Guard circumvented. Out DPS Guard with LRF, same thing etc.

The fact is, if you look at the weapon’s spot, you will see that the Reaper can’t free aim behind it or in it back angle.

But it have a really good Front angle, making it really interresting for flanking engage (Mortar + Torpedo aka wall of pain)


The term “Guard” is not really good, Assault Frigate is more accurate with the new weapons system. (While “Immortal b**tf**ker” was the most accurate name before the 0.9.0).

For Federation Frigates, yes. They serve a more offensive role than Jericho Guards.


Guard = Anti-Interceptor

LRFs = Anti-Frigate


Fighters = Anti-Frigate

Guards are pretty much anti-everything if you do it right and have a Tackler/ECM as support.

LRFs are anti-ceptors AND Fighters if played well enough (especially the Jericho ones when they’re not killing themselves like xxxx).

Fighters depend on which role and weapon they have fitted. They can do anti-everything, as well.

well y’know sometimes our decision making priorities are put out of whack due to this thing they call objectives mixed in with bad team mates … :stuck_out_tongue:

But then it is not a weapon problem that kills you


How is being with your team overextending?  If I am actually overextended or my group’s dropping like flies, something’s going to kill me.  It’s generally not a singularity in those cases.

That was exactly my point, it is not the problem with singularity canon vs intys its more of a learn to play problem.

When someone out maneuvers me or outguns me on shots, that’s one thing.  Singularity is more about spam.  The projectile size is so large it doesn’t require aim, and it’s not used.I imagine if just the projectile size were reduced it would be far less lethal against interceptors.

This is just plain silly. Singularity projectile hitbox is smaller then that of an unguided missile. At the same time it flies several times slower then unguided missile. If you can’t dodge that, you have problems beyond singularity or missile proximity fuses.

For an interceptor, a singularity fighter is just not a problem any more than the old heavy plasma fighters were. You just need to not get caught in a bad spot and you’re golden.

A frigate’s large, so why does the weapon have to have such a large projectile?  Zerging a beacon doesn’t tend to be the issue, it’s when one side won’t die fast and it turns into a siege that I see it more often.  I’ve been surprised at how fast a guard can go down from a gunship almost single handedly, but that takes a lot of good clean shots and not spam.  Singularity spam’s an issue.  The projectile speed’s so slow it encourages spamming sometimes.

Except that singularity isn’t spammable any more without overdrive. It also has a really long cooling period and fairly fast overheat, so even in overdrive, your “spam” is pretty short lived, usually ending before you can bring even one empire engineering frigate down.


How is being with your team overextending?  If I am actually overextended or my group’s dropping like flies, something’s going to kill me.  It’s generally not a singularity in those cases.

If you’re with your team and get massively focused, either your team failed, in which case the enemy deserves the kills, or you are playing against a good team and need to bait those targeting you. As xkostyan said above, it’s an issue of knowing how to make correct tactical choices when presented with them.


And the great ones are a nightmare to deal with in an interceptor.

Never met those. Do you mind giving out some names, I’d like to get some tips on my fighter flying?

 Never met those. Do you mind giving out some names, I’d like to get some tips on my fighter flying?

Only viable way I know to use bubble gun vs ceptors is to basically ram into them. Given the AOE of the bubble you hit them nearly in a 180° area in front of your ship if you’re close enough. Any shots from further away are so easily dodged by a ceptor it’s not worth it.

Or, if you are several fighters, you can use the supernova weapon mod (and remove jericho R6) and create a field of death of super slow bubbles. But then you could just use rails and blow them up directly if you’re several. :stuck_out_tongue:

Personally I find the only thing easier to blow up with a ceptor than singularity fighters are LRFs…

Only viable way I know to use bubble gun vs ceptors is to basically ram into them. Given the AOE of the bubble you hit them nearly in a 180° area in front of your ship if you’re close enough. Any shots from further away are so easily dodged by a ceptor it’s not worth it.

Or, if you are several fighters, you can use the supernova weapon mod (and remove jericho R6) and create a field of death of super slow bubbles. But then you could just use rails and blow them up directly if you’re several. :stuck_out_tongue:

Personally I find the only thing easier to blow up with a ceptor than singularity fighters are LRFs…

My experience is largely the same. But this guy claims that great fighters are apparently interceptor’s nightmare, and I don’t have major problems even with those that carry sniper rails. They can be annoying, but rarely hard to kill. Bubble guys are just free kills if they disengage from their frigates and/or interceptors that are providing their anti-interceptor defense.

At the same time I find it nearly impossible to fight against good interceptors on a fighter. Bad ones I can pile up and kill by dozens, but good ones will just outrotate me and kill me.

Never met those. Do you mind giving out some names, I’d like to get some tips on my fighter flying?

Me. Today I just spent an entire match on my Crus-S with NO shields and 3 Engies around me. Earned almost enough for a Maniac medal, too.


Engies did jack xxxx to rep me, too. Props to the 2 Commands, the Tackler and CovOps pilots helping out there on that match.


After trying out 2 matches in World of Tanks I have some good news!

This game is still not as fucked up as WoT!

Matchmaker is actually better

Progression is actually faster

And premium/non-premium and Tier vs tier is more balanced!


Apart from that however, this game is not anywhere near perfect so I can’t wait till the next patch and hope they atleast apply some fixes.

Me. Today I just spent an entire match on my Crus-S with NO shields and 3 Engies around me. Earned almost enough for a Maniac medal, too.


Engies did jack xxxx to rep me, too. Props to the 2 Commands, the Tackler and CovOps pilots helping out there on that match.

You’d have to lose a lot of weight for that crus type s to count as a fighter.

My experience is largely the same. But this guy claims that great fighters are apparently interceptor’s nightmare, and I don’t have major problems even with those that carry sniper rails. They can be annoying, but rarely hard to kill. Bubble guys are just free kills if they disengage from their frigates and/or interceptors that are providing their anti-interceptor defense.

At the same time I find it nearly impossible to fight against good interceptors on a fighter. Bad ones I can pile up and kill by dozens, but good ones will just outrotate me and kill me.

I never said nightmare.  A lone fighter’s not really an issue.  It’s the damage from lucky shots, coupled with the lack of sound.  By the time you realize you need to get out, you’re practically dead.  It’s intended to be an anti-frigate weapon, but it’s doing a lot of damage to other ships it’s not meant to target.  You said it’s projectile size is small, like an unguided missile?  Look at the balls flying in the game.  Compare that to the default spread on interceptor weapons which do almost no damage at max range of 1500m.  Unguided missiles don’t phase me, I can’t recall ever being killed by one.


Good interceptors are a nightmare to deal with in a fighter.

And the great ones are a nightmare to deal with in an interceptor.

Never met those. Do you mind giving out some names, I’d like to get some tips on my fighter flying?

You’d have to lose a lot of weight for that crus type s to count as a fighter.

I had to.  But some interceptor pilots fit themselves for taking on interceptors and they can be good at it.

You’d have to lose a lot of weight for that crus type s to count as a fighter.

I, huh… misread the post but it still counts… Sorta…

I never said nightmare.  A lone fighter’s not really an issue.  It’s the damage from lucky shots, coupled with the lack of sound.  By the time you realize you need to get out, you’re practically dead.  It’s intended to be an anti-frigate weapon, but it’s doing a lot of damage to other ships it’s not meant to target.  You said it’s projectile size is small, like an unguided missile?  Look at the balls flying in the game.  Compare that to the default spread on interceptor weapons which do almost no damage at max range of 1500m.  Unguided missiles don’t phase me, I can’t recall ever being killed by one.


I had to.  But some interceptor pilots fit themselves for taking on interceptors and they can be good at it.

I don’t care about int vs int combat. That’s basics. You were talking about FIGHTERS taking on good interceptors so well, that they should be feared. I’ve never seen that done since 0.9.0 patch. Please tell me who you saw doing that, as I clearly need to brush up on my fighter piloting skills.

Also, if you were never killed by unguided missile, you likely never fought an decent interceptor before. Unguided missiles are the primary means of taking kill shots.

And now Kine gonna say my “Reaper” is OP xD

soo frikkin OP but so Sexy at the same time.


that’s why I was behind you all the time … checkinout dat bootie

 Never met those.

Good inty pilots don’t normally engage good fighter pilots on an even footing anyways so wouldn’t matter if names were named. It’s not like people do 1v1’s all the time here in Star Conflict.


Ace fighter pilots snipe distracted and damaged Ace inties behind their backs and

Ace interceptor pilots drop on distracted and damaged Ace fighters from behind just the same …

The main advantage of having higher speed than that of your opponent is ability to fight on your terms. That’s why it’s almost impossible to surprise an “ace” interceptor with an “ace” fighter.

About the only exception is when the pilot changes to a new ship with low levels of synergy and is flying half blind due to low sensor range.

Good inty pilots don’t normally engage good fighter pilots on an even footing anyways so wouldn’t matter if names were named. It’s not like people do 1v1’s all the time here in Star Conflict.


Ace fighter pilots snipe distracted and damaged Ace inties behind their backs and

Ace interceptor pilots drop on distracted and damaged Ace fighters from behind just the same …

A good interceptor pilot should be the first to engage or disengage depending on the situation. If you find yourself facing a good fighter pilot 1 on 1 and he gets to kill you it’s because of 2 things. 

You got outmanouvered and it’s your fault.

You’re facing a tackler and didn’t notice in time, again you fault. 

A good interceptor pilot should be the first to engage or disengage depending on the situation. If you find yourself facing a good fighter pilot 1 on 1 and he gets to kill you it’s because of 2 things. 

You got outmanouvered and it’s your fault.

You’re facing a tackler and didn’t notice in time, again you fault. 

This was one of the things I liked before the patch.  I could engage or disengage more safely, or willingly over commit with a purpose.  Every weapon now has a jacked up DPS so when you know you need to disengage it’s too late to get to safety.  Unless you play paranoid about dieing, it’s easier to die.  The only benefit is, it’s easier to kill.