Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

New tactics will always be born. No worry.

Skill will always play a big role, just different from how it was before. And you are never advocated to fly and dogfight alone in modern warfare.

This patch brings better balance and teamwork potential.

Teamwork? where?


Right now fighters can kill any frigate in a matter of seconds, and engineers got nerfed to hell! Where is the teamwork in that?!

The singularity needs some nerf, agree on that part, especially when they can go through static barrier.


They are slow as hell, I even manged to dodge it on my Hydra 2, when my attacker was within 1700 range, if a fighter really want to kill a frigate in a few seconds, he has to get closer than 1000m or even less than that. And I believe the fighter won’t survive if the frigate has his teammates there.

Seems like i will be piloting my Hydra 2 forevermore, because only that remaint as i have used to play it.


Where is the pewpew laser that was on my fighter ? Why would you give that to interceptors ? Its clearly made for gunships!


The removal of damage altering modifications i have found inacceptable, maybe you can tell me how in the earth im supposed to scratch jericho shields

without emp dmg option on lasers ? Or kinetic option for plasmas after brought a frigates shields down ?


The Rockets being bought in packs and being unlimited during battle is another step in simplifying the game. I can understand game is being dumbed down specifically to eliminate the experience gap between a newb and a vet further for example via eliminating the need for seeking the correct momentum for firing away the missile so it would be a hit/kill, cause you had it in limited quantity. Now guaranteedly the first thing you get to your face is a missile at begin of any fight.


To be honest i find this type of simplification utterly disgusting, mainly because its aimed to kill the thrill of the battle via lifting certain responsibilities from the player during combat.


And only one missile slot per ship with seemingly completely random distributed missile types across different ships. Gonna hate it like the no more weapon mods change. I cant take Cruise missile + Emp anymore


All in all, i found the adrenaline factor reduced by a great deal after this patch which didnt please me at all cause it was the reason i liked this game.


Oh and btw i had maxed out synergy on multiple ships prior to patch now i could upgrade only Hydra 2 to lvl6 wtf is this bullshit ?

Teamwork? where?


Right now fighters can kill any frigate in a matter of seconds, and engineers got nerfed to hell! Where is the teamwork in that?!

There is no teamwork.


I played with Jasan and we were the only co-ordinated players on the field, and we still weren’t that organised.


The entire map was a literal clusterf**k of singularity cannons, coil mortars, positron cannons and missiles. No-one was aiming to do anything except fly around shooting at other people. On the rare occasion someone did actually go for the EMP bomb everyone just piled on and died, before respawning and doing it all over again.


And your flares? Hah! They aren’t worth a damn with that CD now we have UNLIMITED MISSILE SPAM!

Sry, thats bullshit…

Why do u compare apples and pears?

CoD, Battlefield and Star Conflict are not comparable…NOT ONE BIT

In CoD it was possible to build ur own setup (no restrictions) and Battlefield 3 has about 3million weapons for every class NOT 4!!! There is not one bit of a similarity between this games…

Right, because nobody would ever want to play a game without total freedom to equip their guy however they like. This is why Team Fortress 2 failed so badly; everyone raged that the Scout couldn’t use Sasha, the Spy couldn’t have a flamethrower and only the medic had the healing gun, so everyone quit and the game died almost immediately.


Stop me if you spot any sarcasm in my comments, by the way. It does creep in from time to time.


Frigates: What did u play? T2 or T3 or T4? First I tested the new patch with t2 Hydra 2 engi…First round was i was captain…BUT the mid/ long range plasma weapon (like the hail) was terrible…U have to slowmotion ur mouse because of ur slow turrets…I makes sense but this is not a simulation, isnt it? I mean this cant be a simulation…Of what? Nevermind…

Hydra 2: I felt so weak no weapon, no mines which i can live with because this mine-spamming was hell…Good thing we won and i survived, thx to the team and his super-duper captain :wink:

Before this very strange patch i played stab-rails mk3, that was nice…I loved them…

Man, i need a beer…

There are some good things: The Hangar looks nice :smiley: and the sound of the assault “railguns” is nice but at this point thats about it for me…

How can I put this…


I’ve flown Hydra 2 from 0.8.0. Before that I was exclusively a fighter pilot (every Empire Frigate had a disintegrator so sniping wasn’t my thing). I fell in love with that ship very quickly, and the last few patches irked me at how badly it got nerfed.


I’ve been flying it today and loving it. I put a Mk III mortar on and I’ve been using it to pummel everything that comes into my gunsight. It’s a glorious weapon, one that should be feared by anyone who doesn’t have 100+ kinetic resistance and a lot of health to spare.


I also fly the Styx. Again, I’m looking at the Mortar. I tried lasers and hail plasma but I didn’t much take to either of them.


Today, I bought a Garm. Guess what gun I put on it?


So that’s my frigate resume; T2, T3 and now T4. My Hydra 2, since that is what you fly, has never had mines. Ever. It was always fitted with em missiles and thermal cruise missiles. Mines are for the weak and cowardly, which is why I put them on my Interceptors and dropped them on LR Frigates as I flew past. I toyed with mines in T3 for a while, but in the end I swapped them out in favour of attack drones.


Anyone who is complaining that they “need” mines… learn to play. I hate that comment, but I’m afraid it’s all that applies. I suspect that people were using mines as a crutch because they had no skill to speak of, and now that skill is required they are crying foul.


With mines gone, we get to see who the real Frigate pilots are, and I’ve been punching holes through Guard frigates in my Engi with a manic laugh echoing from my throat.

erm maybe because everyone is soo busy checking all the new toys out ??


yah my T2 gunship just popped a T3 guard in seconds lol. RAWR~!


posted in the wrong thread just now but yea - Balloons are the new Mines now ftw.

Where is the pewpew laser that was on my fighter ? Why would you give that to interceptors ? Its clearly made for gunships!


haha, this is exactly what i wa saying… stuff like tacklers and fighters shoudl have EM, not kinetic rails… ugh garbage haha…


in any case, the T1 ships need their damage options back.


The removal of damage altering modifications i have found inacceptable, maybe you can tell me how in the earth im supposed to scratch jericho shields

without emp dmg option on lasers ? Or kinetic option for plasmas after brought a frigates shields down ?


well then don’t target jericho ships. it makes for more team-oriented play, and forces you to make tactical decisions. it is good, trust me.


however, they should return your extra missile slots, just with less missiles in each slot, so you can at least use missiles to obtain a similar effect, but have to use them wisely.


To be honest i find this type of simplification utterly disgusting, mainly because its aimed to kill the thrill of the battle via lifting certain responsibilities from the player during combat.

All in all, i found the adrenaline factor reduced by a great deal after this patch which didnt please me at all cause it was the reason i liked this game.


agree with both of your points. it lowers the time to kill, and encourages spamming rockets as soon as you can to get the reload faster. or just to kill 1 or 2 people before you die so you can get more.

Right, because nobody would ever want to play a game without total freedom to equip their guy however they like.


dude, thats why world of warcraft failed so badly, because it wasn’t crazy complex… and guild wars with it’s 10,000+ skillset… or LoL with some 150+ champions…


no… i don’t buy this one bit… the more reasonable explanation is that we need to nerf lower tier ships to force people to spend more on higher tier items :\

@Jasan: The part about mine is personal preferences, people use mines so much in war, because it is war, no time to worry about what people call you.


And you guys know why missiles are unlimited? Because people keep fuking enjoy playing Inty and toy the whole group of 5+ ships with your stupid maneuverability (skill?), because none can actually hit you with bullets, and you know what?, this is a space warfare, heck, missiles have been spammed even before 21st century.

This patch is utter rubbish, I do not like any of the changes, especially the synergy one.

I have already seen many people talking about leaving the game and I think I may be one of them unless things are returned to how they were.

 No-one was aiming to do anything except fly around shooting at other people.


Nothing new actually. And this is more about DSR than new weapons/patch.


Still i have to agree area weapons suks, and fact u can’t use the weapon u want where u want suks even harder.



About missiles… well it’s me or now is BETTER thean before? I mean… yeah maybe u have some more guided on ur back… but Jesus… i’m not dying from random placed minefiled from hours!!


And Nukes spam too is reduced…


The only thing i don’t like is now on cov ops u are basically forced to carry nukes… couse other option suks. I never used nukes before patch.

A post as constructive as possible: Hope there is a listening ear out there. Or watching eye.


General changes

* All ship prices, except for Premium-modifications reduced by 25% on average.

* Increased sticker and colour application periods.

* The cost of owning stickers and colours, calculated for 1 day, has been reduced.


Good, had hopen to see permanents again, but good :slight_smile:


The new ships are fine as well, T5 lacks a difference from T4, but they look awesome :wink: And some names really should be switched or changed…



* Combat Drones: Ally repair radius reduced by 50%

* Nanodrone Cloud: efficiency increased by 30%

* Mass Shioeld Generator: efficiency increased by 30%


Bad, nothing more to say about it. The heals are now laughably bad. Why so intend on nerfing engies all the time? There is barely anything wrong with them!

The Combat Drones are a complete joke. 35 sec. respawn, and die 1 second after spawning.



Rapid fire rails: good weapon, but could use a spread reduction so it is more useful further away than 200m

Singularity thingy: OP. too much damage,  and very easy to hit enemies

Ion emitter: quite good weapon, could use a slight increase to range

Heavy blaster: good weapon, could use faster turret rotation, and somewhat more DPS over 1k range.

Coil Mortar: good weapon, could use some more range.

Positron Cannon: kinda bad, good weapon but the initial spread is horrible. Reduce intitial spread from 2 to 1.5 and it might do good.

rapid fire plasma: horrible…no DPS…

assault railgun: slightly too much spread, good weapon besides that.

Gauss cannons: could use slightly more DPS maybe…but good weapon.

beam cannon: good weapon, no chnage needed.

Assault plasma: needs more DPS as well

pulse laser: could do with slightly more DPS, but good weapon.



Mostly fine I feel. Though recharge really should last through death.


Weapon modifiers

I am mostly fine with this. I wouldn’t mind having a 2nd modifier slot. But it’s fine.


Additional Options(boosters)

The increased prices are a kick in the groin, but beyond that, it’s fine.



Nice, though my bear is going through the platform.


New implants are available

Mostly fine, though I would like the boosts to come at R13 instead of R15 so all of T5 can enjoy the boosts instead of only R15.


Changed the mechanics of synergy


I hate it and would like it gone or overhauled. It has increased the grind by a ton.

An “elite” ship(A fully senergied ship) should only produce Free Synergy, not Current Synergy. This is a big step towards P2W(Pay to Win)/P2P(Pay to Progress) and is a horrible system in my eyes. It might very well make me quit…


Gameplay(new pve)

The mission seems awesomely cool. But the 2 times I tried it it’s impossible or close to it. The missile launchers, railguns and NPC’s do insane DPS and make it impossible to get far in the mission.


Update # 1:

increased synergy for first levels? really?! Like the grind wasn’t bad enough already?

* Increased difficulty for PvE-missions. uhm what? They weren’t hard enough yet?

Wow look at all the people making accounts on the forums just to say how crap the patch is…

You have to realise that your virtual sandbox papercraft and results from in game battles are different things. All of this is based on your theorycrafting, again, as always. Remember your post from back than when you were flying T1 and you were discussing balance and providing feedback about T3, you have learnd nothing for this time, seriously, dude

It was essentially 2 for interceptors and 4 for fighters/frigates. The only ship that had 6 turrets was the LRF and you are supposed to use its long range module unless you were going for the ‘heavy gunship’ image.
The use of any gun on any ship was perfectly fine as long as you used it correctly. ***Hell no***
I was planning to use ***YOU were planning to use, emphasis on YOU*** - out of all twelve - the following:

  • Rapid fire rails
  • Rapid fire plasma
  • Pulse lasers
  • Assault plasma cannons
  • Long Range Lasers
  • Heavy Plasma Cannons
  • Heavy Lasers
  • Stabilised Railguns
    So yeah, people really do tend to stick with the top 3 weapons, don’t they? *\ *Yes, people that have experience and understanding of the environment they are have to deal with, do use RFrails, Stabz, and a ***little bit*** Hails/HwyL/Assault Plasmas
    ***Most of this is emphasised around SUPPOSED TO***
    The rapid fire railgun was an alpha-strike weapon which was probably intended to soften up targets for an ally to deliver the killing blow. The reduced accuracy per shot impeded your ability to land all the pellets on target and consistently do very high damage.
    Rapid fire Plasma cannons were designed for continuous, withering fire. Though low damage per shot, the storm of (I believe) 280 shots per minute was supposed to cancel out the occasional miss by giving you so many projectiles to hit with.
    Pulse lasers were short ranged and fairly accurate ***NO*** even with the fabled 2.2 degree spread. They actually had higher damage potential ***dmg potential yes, actualy out put agains anything other then frigates, no*** than the rapid plasma as the spread didn’t get wider per shot.
    The assault plasma cannon was a nice fallback: highest(pulse lazors had higher dps value) non-heavy DPS weapon in the game with reasonable range, projectile speed and accuracy. Sure, it’s not as accurate as lasers or has projectiles whose speed matches railgun pellets, but very well rounded and great for dealing continuous high damage.
    LRLs. Censored scored 17.7k range with them. 'Nuff said. ***Hell no, not enough, assuming that you can tickle a target from 17k distance does not make this weapon any less useless, this weapon is the worst weapon in the game, period***
    Heavy plasma cannons. Dear god. Loved those things from the moment I laid eyes on them. Brilliant at killing frigates and to some degree fighters, and on the Crus S even with the supernova deflector on you could still have the projectile speed higher than what it was at the base. Add a booster circuit and you had a chance of hitting inties at slightly longer ranges.
    Heavy lasers. It’s a big @$$ version of the assault laser.
    Stab rails. Need I say more?



it’s space, there will never be enough beachball lol/

Why was Jane Jensen’s name changed to Selena Galo? I’m probably the only person who noticed this as well as the only one who cares, but still…


I love that you made this your first forum post too!



The singularity needs some nerf, agree on that part, especially when they can go through static barrier.


This weapon can kill a guard frigate in few second, no matter how EM resist you have.

This is the worst weapon of this patch.


Frig’s weapons are weirds :confused: we have laser beam, rapid fire acceleration shotgun laser, plasma sniper of the doomed fail, and a mortar with dammages :confused:


I’m also interested by your definition of medium range -_-’ 2600m in space battle looks more like really short range.

Slow barrels for 2/4 of frigs weapons? Really devs slow barrels + overheat + charge time / fire time for this weapons?

You should still have all your weapons. They will change names and mechanics, but stay. Should any of you miss something please inform me! We will take a look into this (though this is unlikely, but to be on the safe side…)

same weapons, i lost half my weapons since the new update… and steam launcher is outdated, and on this site i can only download exe! i need jar >.<

This weapon can kill a guard frigate in few second, no matter how EM resist you have.

This is the worst weapon of this patch.


Frig’s weapons are weirds :confused: we have laser beam, rapid fire acceleration shotgun laser, plasma sniper of the doomed fail, and a mortar with dammages :confused:


I’m also interested by your definition of medium range -_-’ 2600m in space battle looks more like really short range.

Slow barrels for 2/4 of frigs weapons? Really devs slow barrels + overheat + charge time / fire time for this weapons?


I didn’t define 2600m as medium range, can I have the source?

Define of range also depends on ships and situation. With 2600 range, I don’t think a fighter can hit much even if his target is a frigate, provided that the frigate try to evade the bubbles.


I hate the slow barrels stuffs too, never gonna use one on my frigates. Still expecting a change on this.