Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

After some hours of gameplay i have to say:


IF they remove singularity noobcannon (or redesign it… i don’t care but u can’t leave a weapon allows almost any dumbass with 0 aim to hit ingame) and IF they make other weapons “free for all” … well i don’t dislike this patch.


maybe u could increase missiles reload times …



And maybe someone could explain me how the hell can i unlock new implants now… consideringg main factions reputation is gone…

It’s Spaceballs the videogame!  :lol:


Seriously though, while I’m not about to jump on the “OMG PlasmaBalls = OP NERF NOWWW!!!” bandwagon, I do think that weapon could stand a little tweaking.


Firstly, it’s noise is just annoying. Seriously, having to listen to that shrill, whining sound made me nickname it “the whineball gun”. I’d like it to be given a sound that’s less offensive on the ears.


Second, dropping its area of effect wouldn’t hurt. Even if you shaved off 25% of its size, or even 50% it’d still be a great weapon for shredding enemy Frigates.

And maybe someone could explain me how the hell can i unlock new implants now… consideringg main factions reputation is gone…

My guess is that you just buy a ship in that rank… which you do by getting synergy in the one before it.

It doesn’t work very well against Empire frigates, and I believe Jerico frigates will have their adjustment soon enough.

Iterating on my post earlier:


Rapid fire rails: good weapon, but could use a spread reduction so it is more useful further away than 200m


It seems they made them better! Now the spread is good enough! :slight_smile:

The heavy blasters aren’t half bad either :slight_smile: Though the turret rotation speed could use a boost. and some less spread? but that can be achieved by different modules I guess.

I didn’t define 2600m as medium range, can I have the source?

Define of range also depends on ships and situation. With 2600 range, I don’t think a fighter can hit much even if his target is a frigate, provided that the frigate try to evade the bubbles.


I hate the slow barrels stuffs too, never gonna use one on my frigates. Still expecting a change on this.




In fact they outrange frig’s with mortar, and mortar is not so powerfull.

  1. I’m not happy with the WoT ship-tree like implementation, it makes absolutely no sense at all as long as the matchmaking is as it is. It’s understandable in WoT since games are balanced around having the same number of tanks from each tier on both side, and killing the big thing is a matter of teamplay etc. In this game, where everyone is trying to fly top of their tier ships, because they are so much better than their lower tier counterpart (more slots, more synergy untill now, it has changed i know), it is just you with you crappy less durable and less powerful ship against everyone and their mom in blue full synergized, higher level ships. Also i’m utterly pissed at the fact that i now need to grind in two tier 3 LRF to get to an engy frigate, which is a hell of a grind, and absolutely not a fun one since i HATE playing LRF. It was okay before to not have pure lines of each single ship type, because you could just grind reputation and cash in an other ship, even if it could be sub-optimal. But at least you had the option.


  1. I’ve taken MASSIVE performance hits with this patch. Much more missile spam, much more weapon effects, and now the game is almost unplayable on my Intel HD 4000. Maybe I was lucky that i could somewhat run it smoothly before the patch (with everything in low/disabled of course), but if i read steam recommandations, it should be playable.


PS : I’m sexy and i know it :slight_smile:

Right, because nobody would ever want to play a game without total freedom to equip their guy however they like. This is why Team Fortress 2 failed so badly; everyone raged that the Scout couldn’t use Sasha, the Spy couldn’t have a flamethrower and only the medic had the healing gun, so everyone quit and the game died almost immediately.


Stop me if you spot any sarcasm in my comments, by the way. It does creep in from time to time.


How can I put this…


I’ve flown Hydra 2 from 0.8.0. Before that I was exclusively a fighter pilot (every Empire Frigate had a disintegrator so sniping wasn’t my thing). I fell in love with that ship very quickly, and the last few patches irked me at how badly it got nerfed.


I’ve been flying it today and loving it. I put a Mk III mortar on and I’ve been using it to pummel everything that comes into my gunsight. It’s a glorious weapon, one that should be feared by anyone who doesn’t have 100+ kinetic resistance and a lot of health to spare.


I also fly the Styx. Again, I’m looking at the Mortar. I tried lasers and hail plasma but I didn’t much take to either of them.


Today, I bought a Garm. Guess what gun I put on it?


So that’s my frigate resume; T2, T3 and now T4. My Hydra 2, since that is what you fly, has never had mines. Ever. It was always fitted with em missiles and thermal cruise missiles. Mines are for the weak and cowardly, which is why I put them on my Interceptors and dropped them on LR Frigates as I flew past. I toyed with mines in T3 for a while, but in the end I swapped them out in favour of attack drones.


Anyone who is complaining that they “need” mines… learn to play. I hate that comment, but I’m afraid it’s all that applies. I suspect that people were using mines as a crutch because they had no skill to speak of, and now that skill is required they are crying foul.


With mines gone, we get to see who the real Frigate pilots are, and I’ve been punching holes through Guard frigates in my Engi with a manic laugh echoing from my throat.

when did i say i want mines back on my hydra? i didnt…i liked my mines on the jericho commands wheter its t2 or t3…everybody used mines why shouldnt i?

what is the point of giving mines only to lfr? thats the main question…i really dont get it…

i really dont understand ur comment on team fortress 2? it failed? i hope thats a statement with sarcasm because if not u failed hard with that statement…

nevertheless u brought the thing up with CoD and thats wrong, simple as that…CoD and tf2 are completly different designed…

Star Conflict was designed like CoD in way if we talk about the possibility of equiping what u prefer…

Okay, i dont wanna argue with u because i am nice person and it seems u have the ONLY right statements…i will give the mortar a chance if u like it so much, maybe it is a useful gun for my hydra 2 :wink:

the signularity cannons is pure OP. Nothing else to say about it. It needs harsh nerfs.

T5 Implants are kinda ridiculous, and given that they’re put against T4’s makes it even worse. 


Singularity Cannon + 25% damage bonus is just not very well thought out. 

It’s Spaceballs the videogame!  :lol:


Seriously though, while I’m not about to jump on the “OMG PlasmaBalls = OP NERF NOWWW!!!” bandwagon, I do think that weapon could stand a little tweaking.


Firstly, it’s noise is just annoying. Seriously, having to listen to that shrill, whining sound made me nickname it “the whineball gun”. I’d like it to be given a sound that’s less offensive on the ears.


Second, dropping its area of effect wouldn’t hurt. Even if you shaved off 25% of its size, or even 50% it’d still be a great weapon for shredding enemy Frigates.


At least.


But i just don’t understand why u just can’t use, for example, DOT (Damage over time).


It should works fine as a frigate killer… but this way u are still allowed as a full speed built cov ops to carry a bomb withouth 2 noobz unskilled guys (yesterday they can’t hit u a single time even if u keep flying around them trolling and killing them,in the end, with plasma arc ) to force u to drop bomb and run.



About the implants thing… ye u are maybe right. But an official explanation could help :stuck_out_tongue:

This is the worse update I’ve ever seen…


Not a single one of my usual weapons will fit on my usual ships…


Every single one of my tactics and play styles just went out the window…


I’m so disappointed with this I don’t even feel like playing anymore…


Also the new tier ships design is following in the footsteps of the previous tiers…worse with each tier.


And to top it off, they still haven’t done anything about the in-game chat being spammed with xxxx all the times…


I don’t like where this game is going, change is good, but too much of it at once is not so good i think.


(this is my own opinion, feel free to not like it, I don’t care if you don’t agree with it, I’m just voicing it because all I see are positive answers to this update, yet I’m sure I’m not the only one whose disappointed)


I’ll try to stick with it for a few days, to see if it “feels” better, but I won’t raise my expectations too high…

About that… i was in ur situation some hours ago.


Than have to say , once u get used to it, shrapnel cannon is not bad on interceptors.  Maybe even better than RFRG … becouse of charging time it had.



Still i miss a lot my stabilzed railguns on my second cov ops… couse with longer range i was able to control battlefiled lot better in some maps and,expecially, with some “TEAMS” (read: people don’t do anything different than shot other ships).



And again i don’t understand why i shouldn’t be able to play a long range ceptor… or a short range frigate … or wtf i want and fits me.



This is the very sad part of this patch (this and the lame area weapon itself). For the rest… just try it … couse it is not bad at all. 

i hvae had the fortune of not running into the beachballs of death yet, mainly because im a non traditional frig captain and i use it like a fighter guns ablaze, however, this patch has taken away all of my weapons, all of my modifiers, removed my mil spec horizon mod and destroyed any hope of progressing to the next level of ships, when i got in game i had 1.6 mill, the day before i ad 900k you cannot tell me that my weapons were only worth a few hundred k all together, thats fuckng rediculous, each T3 weapon before this patch costed around 300-400k, so my guns were sold for what? like 100k? maybe? i bought 2 guns today, 2 guns, and it costed 800k to buy them, how is this even close to being fair? and then on top of that, the guns i bought were the hail plasma gun equivlilant, THERE IS NO DAM CHANGE ITS THE SAME xxxx GUN WHY DID I HAVE TO PY FOR A GUN THAT GOT TAKEN AWAY FROM ME AT A 10TH OF THE PRICE???

has anyone else noticed that the ship prices have not in fact been reduced in this update? they are still 4k for t3, 8k for t4 :\

has anyone else noticed that the ship prices have not in fact been reduced in this update? they are still 4k for t3, 8k for t4 :\

That’s premium. Take it from me; ships are a lot cheaper than they were yesterday!

That’s premium. Take it from me; ships are a lot cheaper than they were yesterday!


i don’t care much for regular ships, but a price reduction was promised.


oh… i think i found it… probably intentional poor wording: “* All ship prices, except for Premium-modifications reduced by 25% on average.”


i read that as ‘premium-modifications’ and didn’t know what it meant.


what it actually means is this: “* All ship prices and modifications except for Premium reduced by 25% on average.”


false advertising :\

And again i don’t understand why i shouldn’t be able to play a long range ceptor… or a short range frigate … or wtf i want and fits me

For the same reasons you can not play baseball in a soccer games

i don’t care much for regular ships, but a price reduction was promised.

And it was given. They never said Premium content was going down.


Maybe you should, you know, play the game properly and not try buying power?

And it was given. They never said Premium content was going down.


Maybe you should, you know, play the game properly and not try buying power?


play the game properly? which way is that? for free? there wouldn’t be a game for you to play…


plus, i level all my faction accordingly, so you just made an assumption you can’t defend now…