Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

Betatrash are you unableto read? a price reduction non-premium was promised.

All ship prices, except for Premium-modifications reduced by 25% on average.

Why I can’t have my T5 ships with this :




I hate you so much Devs, i could have them with this played time, but no, you blocked the reputation at lvl 12 for people who don’t reach it before.

Haven’t tested the new version yet, but I’m glad to see these patch notes. Gaijin aren’t (too) afraid to mess things up in their game, to experiment and test stuff around, and that’s good to see (in a Beta!)

Congrats, good work - off to play theses changes now :smiley:


EDIT - well as soon as Steam updates.


New Synergy mechanics: why not, but this seems quite a bit convoluted. Synergy + free-synergy + possibility to transfer it somehow… I’m not too sure what “synergy” is supposed to mean, to represent, anymore. What was wrong with faction-reputations as requirement instead? And synergy being plain “adequation between pilot and ship” bonus…

i was about to cry how OP are that bubble, then i tried it, and am having so much fun… press button to make EVERYTHING die :lol:

Beach. Balls. Averyehere.

The beach balls are a “bit” OP guess.

Looks at his latest match, in which he killed 5 people in a row.

i was about to cry how OP are that bubble, then i tried it, and am having so much fun… press button to make EVERYTHING die :lol:


Yeah, Its kinda silly. You barely need to aim it

Well… I just started playing this game 2 weeks ago, but I think the patch is more pleasant to new players than to those who started playing long time ago… of course those who “lost” a lot experimental stuff outcry now… but I am certain that the devs made those changings to mods and weapons to balance the game and… well what I mostly could read yet in the dev blog were “dohs! they took my imba stuff ** i’ll ragequit”


I like the changings to the faction/reputation/rank/weapon system…especially that synergy now requires to be leveled to get higher tiers and implants, which makes more sense to me.

Why should a foreign faction let me buy their high tier ships and stuff when I generally did not fought for them? …upgrading ships/achieving the knowledge to command following ships and a higher technologic equipment can now be understood as an outcome of gathering combat experience with those previous ships/mods…which truly makes more sense than yelling to the vendor: “I am rich…give me your best ship!”


It is okay that the lower tiers have a limited choice of “weapon assortment” … those tiers are for new player who have to learn and understand the game. And if its true what I heard that the high tiers upkeep now has been lowered together with the constant improvement of the game balance (in future) there is no reason why an experienced player should stick to low/lower tiers. Therefore no reason to cry that you cant fit your experimental pulse to your T1 ships and bash no.obs…


At least the old-sworn playerbase should think about how the game will be in future if there are no new players, because the game went horrible for beginners and new interested players think <oh look at that game …it’s nice and interesting - could be fun …but no… starting so late with it wont be one>

I was in a match today…Saw ESB with full T5 with mk3 already… I call unfairness in favor of old players…but whatever right? gotta please them oldies. who needs fairness anyway…

Wait so I can kill frigates now without me needing to long shot them forever or get close and lose half my hp to mines?





(also mines were a PAIN considering how many people spammed the ever loving hell out of them and how 9/10 times a death was because you hit a minefield thanks to either interceptors just dropping them on you or people dropping them on points/everywhere).

-I know some people with 3 ships just for mine-laying.



Anyway, most of this seems ok. I can’t wait to try the shrapnel, or play with the other stuff. Some of the fighter weapons look iffy on actual use.

Teamplay factor is gone.

Skill based combat is gone.

Fun is gone.


I am gone…

Can’t say I’m not frustrated every now and then in this patch, but overall after some balancing is done(I’m looking at you bubble) then I think 0.9 versions will be good, imo better than 0.8

Player adaption process though will take a bit of time(and crying and begging and flaming in forum).



Frig - you can stay in hangar for awhile, you stand no chance against bubble.

Gunship - lock’n’load.

Well, now that this has calmed down, would anyone happen to know why Jane Jensen’s (The questgiver) name was changed to Selena Galo?


What do you mean I’m too concerned about this? This minor change could destroy the earth!

Please add an option to remove the aim snap to target/lead indicator that at least frigates get. It is driving me crazy. It’s not like I could hit anyone in PVP by shooting the lead indicator, so let me turn it off ASAP. Thanks.

BUG: Some of the faction quests are still about reaching reputation ranks.

Beach ball of death: Decrease size by a 25%

.Thats the pnly thing i care about in this patch. The rest is fine/dont cared about that. Will test the new pve in a rank 8, lets see how much time would i need to hug a wall.

For the same reasons you can not play baseball in a soccer games




In a soccer game u play soccer from the beginning. In this game u played basball till now, u spent ur money thinking u could play basball … and than u have been forced to play soccer.


In different terms: was skilled, looks like they are trying to tourn it into another “new generation” nabz frendly one. Was Unreal Tournament… will be Call of Duty. 


Open ur eyes pal… “classes” and limits are for nabz.

hmm meny meapon restrictions, i brought the prenium ceptors (feds) and then bought fighters for ingame credits… so if i whant a t5 fedceptor i need to lvl from start… that kinda sucks, there sould be made some brigets on the ship tree, jump from fighter to ceptor lane…also loot still remains the same…still no perminant coulurs, syngery transfer for gc?! dont even wanna go there… i still would like to see a glowing aim retickle, kinda a must if u have some real firearms xp, finaly…whats up with the T5 Fed interceptor?! looks like a space cargo lifter…and since it looks like that, and i have to lvl interceptore all over again, i might aswell go jerico.


another sad day in SC =(

Sudden realization: the game classifies tacklers as inty killers, but the current meta seems to suggest that fighters are now frigate killers. This doesn’t quite add up.

I love the idea of different weapons for different ship classes, I actually suggested that change on the forums. It makes sense for roles to have different weapons. It’s only logical that frigates should have larger weapons, fighters medium, and inty’s smaller weapons. What did not make sense was the same weapons available for all ships… 

I’m okay with unlimited missiles, they have a cool down and after the magazine resets it’s apparently an even longer cool-down. I imagine there won’t be that much spamming with them, unless the cool down is really short. And yay for no more mines, now dog fights can actually be interesting.

No more damage modifiers… interesting, I used those quite a bit. I guess this will force even more team work and specification of load outs.

Damage buffs only good for 1 match now? Not sure how I feel about that, they better be cheap.

T5 - Seriously, totally not interested in T5. Give me damn Juggernauts and more game modes!


Oh look synergy thats cool…required to get next ship.



I’ll pass…forever. Bye bye.

 It’s only logical that frigates should have larger weapons, fighters medium, and inty’s smallers weapons.



Oh really? Is it?


My “Logic” actually says : i want short range hight damage weapon on my frigates (eng expecially) couse i need a solid defence against interceptors. (offcourse maybe it could sounds strange for u … but i don’t play aiming to have lot of kills… my aim is win the match).


I maybe want long range wepons on my interceptor sometimes, couse it allows me to patrol the battlefiled better.



If u force me to play something in a certain way u are making CLASSES. And i hate classes. Calsses are for nubs.

If this game is gonna have classes well… it will not have me. Period.