Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

Why was Jane Jensen’s name changed to Selena Galo? I’m probably the only person who noticed this as well as the only one who cares, but still…

Alright, so I have not played yet so I have no comment on the fixed weapons by ship class (although I disagree with such a thing as you should always be allowed to equip a weapon according to your play style). I do want to make a comment on the reimbursement of weapons and weapon mods. That’s all fine and dandy that I just got about 8mil for those items, but I think it is quite sleazy to not give me back my Gold Standard for those loots. That’s real life money, and what is the old saying when it comes to money? Never mess with people’s money. You guys are receiving a lot of flack for this update, and I really fell like you took a small percentage of your community (although a very loyal percentage) and you made drastic changes based on their input. Hope you guys know what you are doing. 

No it did not.





Why the heck is that now pay2win? You can accumulate Free Synergy with any full synergized ship. Leeching the synergy of a golden ship seems fine to me, why not? You don’t win because you have more synergy accumulated… You can always fly the ships you have best control of, and earn free synergy with them. It’s only your personal progress, nothing more. The goal of the game is not to have all ships.

and that is where you are wrong, “elite” ships, ships with full synergy, dont make free synergy, they make synergy, and get a 5% free synergyp er match. meaning you have to pay gold in order to make use of the other synergy that gets farmed on the other ship.

I dislike the fact that there are less ammo slots. I don’t particularly care about what effects having multiple ammo slots has for balancing, all I know is that it was more interesting and required a little more thought and attention (which leads to greater immersion in a game). The same goes for missiles, although they were a stretch from perfect. And as for weapons, let’s put it this way. The parallax takes advantage from using plasma weapons, the only plasma weapon it can use are the heavy plasmas(or whatevs). I’d prefer to see weapons limited as rapid/assault/heavy/long/ADD.SOME.MORE rather than assault plasmas for inty, assault rails for gunships etc


I thought that weapon switching was a fundamental part of space combat games due to the hull/shields aspect. I figured developers would take advantage of this, as in most other instances of warfare you generally have bullets, grenades, missiles, shells, swords, all kinetic energy. Space, scifi etc really does remove a lot of limitations and allows much more room for your imagination to stretch out… if you let it.


On a side note, annoyed that my t4 military ammo disappeared, I understand the devs changed some stuff regarding weapons - however shaped charge, uranium shells haven’t changed therefore I cannot find sound reasoning for this. 

It’s not exactly easy to get the right military gear, it takes luck and a lot of time and persistence.


From what I can see there’s some good stuff in this patch and some absolute rubbish, too.

What is right, what is wrong?

Changes always happen in thousands of year in history of mankind, and people always detest it.

Just let the long term outcome determine it.



I personally find this patch did a good job at balance, it just needs a few twists here and there.

great idea! get rid of the people that want this game to succeed!

You mean self centric people that put they own desires above everyone elses, those conservative persons that do not know how to adapt, that fear any type of change, and self proclaimed experts on public opinion? Hell yea.

Success ?

You call 1000 players average success ?

And you claim to actually afford to lose a good portion of it by making changes never been asked for ?

This game would already been a success by now if it was developed by another developer who actually listened.

Russians never had a good reputation of making good online games. Their games always had potential but always ruined by greedy politics, bad publicity and bad decisions. This game will join that crowd no doubt.

You mean self centric people that put they own desires above everyone elses, those conservative persons that do not know how to adapt, that fear any type of change, and self proclaimed experts on public opinion? Hell yea.

There are very few of those on this forum. 

Most actually got valid points and want changes that will help the game instead of ruining it like you appear to want.

I am aware I have a reputation for negativity, but I will readily defend the new weapons.


Let’s be honest here, ladies and gentlemen, no matter what other people say the weapon tree looked something like this:


Interceptors - RFR, RFP.


Fighters - RFR, Stabrails, Hail Plasma.


Frigates - Stabrails, Hail Plasma.


For all intents and purposes, that was it. If you took anything else, you were in the wrong and you should have picked a different weapon.


False choice is no choice. Yes, they could potentially have buffed the weapons so everything has similar DPS… but the new system is actually pretty damn solid when you give it a little time. Lasers are still a waste of space, of course, and frankly each ship is still boiling down to “which two of the only real choices will I use?” but the theory is sound.


What theory is that? The theory that people have the ship tree backward. The best weapon for fighting Frigates, bar none, is the Singularity Launcher. It just tears them to pieces.


To those complaining about restriction… would you complain if this was a Modern Shooter and the Sniper was “forced” to use long-range rifle style weapons and couldn’t choose to run around with a shotgun? Would you complain if the scout couldn’t run around with an LMG? I seriously doubt it.


Interceptors are for the most part packing close-range guns now. Fighters have a good choice of short-mid-long, with their star weapons being best vs Frigates. Frigates have a mix of long and mid-short guns, which sport decent firepower.


It works fairly well. Every class has its own role to play, so why should a ship built around close-quarter combat like CovOps be allowed to use long-range guns more suited to a Sniper Frigate?

Sry, thats bullshit…

Why do u compare apples and pears?

CoD, Battlefield and Star Conflict are not comparable…NOT ONE BIT

In CoD it was possible to build ur own setup (no restrictions) and Battlefield 3 has about 3million weapons for every class NOT 4!!! There is not one bit of a similarity between this games…


The interceptor now has not only 1 good gun, in my opinion…I wasnt 1 of them who played RFR on my interceptor before this patch, i played assault railgun mk3 and fitted much better with my playstyle…I dont like plasma-cannons at all…The assault plasma now, does it even do damage? I dont know, its stupid as hell…The Shrapnell, lol, what a waist…IF u hit something its “okay” but it never hits…I had to change my 2nd passive module for spread reduction…That sucks hard…I have to change my playstyle because of the devs? That sounds weird…

I mean this is patch 0.9.0…Its almost done but now the devs have to nerf or buff several (most) weapons again? This is a very strange decision…

I really dont get the synergy change either…What was the problem about it? I have never read something about its broken or something else…Sry, U CAN if u invest money, lol, faster level ur ships, right? Thats not p2w? hmm…

The increase of the additional boosters is fun…As some and i said, it is almost double the price and MORE…Pfffff

I was using speed everytime and shield but i am not willing to pay now 50000 for speed alone…lol, it was 20000

I know ships are cheaper but this is the only thing thats cheaper and it was necessary…


Frigates: What did u play? T2 or T3 or T4? First I tested the new patch with t2 Hydra 2 engi…First round was i was captain…BUT the mid/ long range plasma weapon (like the hail) was terrible…U have to slowmotion ur mouse because of ur slow turrets…I makes sense but this is not a simulation, isnt it? I mean this cant be a simulation…Of what? Nevermind…

Hydra 2: I felt so weak no weapon, no mines which i can live with because this mine-spamming was hell…Good thing we won and i survived, thx to the team and his super-duper captain :wink:

Before this very strange patch i played stab-rails mk3, that was nice…I loved them…

Man, i need a beer…

There are some good things: The Hangar looks nice :smiley: and the sound of the assault “railguns” is nice but at this point thats about it for me…

There are very few of those on this forum. 

Most actually got valid points and want changes that will help the game instead of ruining it like you appear to want.

have you noticed that 90% of those with so called “valid points” have hardly any understanding of the game mechanics and interactions within different parts of the game?

This. Patch. Is. Awesome.

have you noticed that 90% of those with so called “valid points” have hardly any understanding of the game mechanics and interactions within different parts of the game?

Give me one good reason why the previous system was insufficient. The devs could have easily introduced the only 3 real new weapons into the previous system.

After testing weapons and i mean all of them.

I still havent changed my post testing impression that they need months to balance the new weapons and would eventually even remove some of them .

Or hold on to them and lose a significant number of their players.


Having a missile on your tail every 5 secs and the constant alarm noise so irritating i had to quit some matches mid game just to relax.

The singularity weapon is the most ridicilious weapon to appear on a shooter game i could only compare it to weapons activated by cheat codes.

The new rapid rail gun is a joke compared to its previous glorious state.It no longer requires any strategy to use. Just another gun in the arsenal with nothing special.


I’ d rather start 0.8 from T1 all over to fly a T5 in 0.9

I support this patch, and i believe it will be a very healthy thing for this game in along run, it is ok if we lose some vocal xxx here and now, we will come out cleaner!

On top of that people shall realise that spoiled attitude of “I am a customer, now satisfy my desires” is not going to work here, we have all those “In Soviet Russia… you” for a reason. Life over there follows simple rule: “Here is what we have, don’t like it? gtfo! You still here complaining?, here is a complimentary kick in the nuts!”

lol…this makes no sense…

After talking with a GM ingame, He said that synergy will play a bigger role in the future. 

So yeah…P2W is coming I think! Want to have a good ship? Pay gold so you can transfer synergy instantly instead of grinding! 

yeah…no thanks.



Give me one good reason why the previous system was insufficient. The devs could have easily introduced the only 3 real new weapons into the previous system.

Because we had 3 types of ships

6 Turrets

4 Turrets

2 Turrets

Adjusting a weapon by single turrets inevitably will shift balance on other ends (it would be possible to balance probably by approaching balance with injecting extra bonuses, negatives to each separate ship/class, but it would result in exactly the same thing)

When you have 12 weapons, people will use top 3 guns anyways, by introducing specific weapons by class/role with DIFFERENT mechanics they open up a field for future tweaking of these weapon deeper customization of roles without breaking balance on other classes.

and that only a tip of the iceberg, there is so much more to it now, to the way new weapons are, how you get extra layer on ship customization dependant on each role.

And it is not even hard to understand if you try to think a little bit instead of simple pew-pew.

Thats exactly why i said

have you noticed that 90% of those with so called “valid points” have hardly any understanding of the game mechanics and interactions within different parts of the game?

great idea! get rid of the people that want this game to succeed!


+1 for your continued efforts in this regard.

New tactics will always be born. No worry.

Skill will always play a big role, just different from how it was before. And you are never advocated to fly and dogfight alone in modern warfare.

This patch brings better balance and teamwork potential.

This patch brings better balance and teamwork potential.


potential yes, but potential can often be wasted… in the pursuit of profit…

Because we had 3 types of ships

6 Turrets

4 Turrets

2 Turrets

Adjusting a weapon by single turrets inevitably will shift balance on other ends (it would be possible to balance probably by approaching balance with injecting extra bonuses, negatives to each separate ship/class, but it would result in exactly the same thing)

When you have 12 weapons, people will use top 3 guns anyways, by introducing specific weapons by class/role with DIFFERENT mechanics they open up a field for future tweaking of these weapon deeper customization of roles without breaking balance on other classes.

and that only a tip of the iceberg, there is so much more to it now, to the way new weapons are, how you get extra layer on ship customization dependant on each role.

And it is not even hard to understand if you try to think a little bit instead of simple pew-pew.

Thats exactly why i said

It was essentially 2 for interceptors and 4 for fighters/frigates. The only ship that had 6 turrets was the LRF and you are supposed to use its long range module unless you were going for the ‘heavy gunship’ image.


The use of any gun on any ship was perfectly fine as long as you used it correctly.

I was planning to use - out of all twelve - the following:

  • Rapid fire rails
  • Rapid fire plasma
  • Pulse lasers
  • Assault plasma cannons
  • Long Range Lasers
  • Heavy Plasma Cannons
  • Heavy Lasers
  • Stabilised Railguns

So yeah, people really do tend to stick with the top 3 weapons, don’t they?


The rapid fire railgun was an alpha-strike weapon which was probably intended to soften up targets for an ally to deliver the killing blow. The reduced accuracy per shot impeded your ability to land all the pellets on target and consistently do very high damage.

Rapid fire Plasma cannons were designed for continuous, withering fire. Though low damage per shot, the storm of (I believe) 280 shots per minute was supposed to cancel out the occasional miss by giving you so many projectiles to hit with.

Pulse lasers were short ranged and fairly accurate even with the fabled 2.2 degree spread. They actually had higher damage potential than the rapid plasma as the spread didn’t get wider per shot.

The assault plasma cannon was a nice fallback: highest non-heavy DPS weapon in the game with reasonable range, projectile speed and accuracy. Sure, it’s not as accurate as lasers or has projectiles whose speed matches railgun pellets, but very well rounded and great for dealing continuous high damage.

LRLs. Censored scored 17.7k range with them. 'Nuff said.

Heavy plasma cannons. Dear god. Loved those things from the moment I laid eyes on them. Brilliant at killing frigates and to some degree fighters, and on the Crus S even with the supernova deflector on you could still have the projectile speed higher than what it was at the base. Add a booster circuit and you had a chance of hitting inties at slightly longer ranges.

Heavy lasers. It’s a big @$$ version of the assault laser.

Stab rails. Need I say more?