Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

I sorta link the unlimited missiles with lack of damage mods. But I’d like to read a REAL explanation on why the damage mods were removed in a Dev blog.

I support their removal, the damage type mods made resistance and phase shield meaningless.

wait, so what weapons do i have now?  are these weapons new ones? or are they revised old ones? if they are old ones then whats the equivilant?


why are the weapons restricted to ship types. 

Some are renamed old weapons, some are new weapons. Generally speaking Interceptors only have short-ranged guns now; Frigates get some long and some slow-but-powerful shorter ranged hitters. Fighters get a good mix of both long and short range fire, but their shorter-ranged weapons leave a lot to be desired.



Experimental, Mk3 and Military. I have a Fox M and enough cash for a Dwarf 2 but I prefer the Dwarf.

Okay, so you’ve made progress since the last time we flew together. Good to know.


The Fox-M I can’t really comment on as I never much liked it myself… I’m not a Tackler person. I’m not a fan of the ECM either so I didn’t give the Dwarf a proper try either. I would say the Dwarf 2 is a beast though - slap the shotgun rails on it, tag and parasite enemies from as far away as you can and take the R2 Fed Implant. You can punch holes through fighters and frigates alike from 2K away, having spy-droned them from 5-6km, and then it’s all about learning to kite.


Seriously, learn how to time your shots and make them count, and you’ll never look back from those shotguns.



It is pretty obvious this game is no longer a skill based space shooter.

It targets a bigger crowd of mindless kids that enjoys spamming some stupid weapons all over space which i refuse to be a part of.

It is another could be great game gone bad in hands of greedy developers who think they would make more money making the game newbie friendly with no skill ceiling at all. I am so frustrated with this patch and i nominate the worst patch in history of gaming.

Do you know why the “N00b Tube” is so important in Call of Duty? Because it requires very little skill and allows a total rookie to one-hit-kill an experienced opponent.


If you don’t see why that’s a good thing, answer me this - how long would you play a game like Call of Duty if you were just getting slaughtered over and over without any hope of killing anyone? Not long, I’d imagine.


Now let’s look at Star Conflict. You’ve finally hit Rank 4. You’ve got a Tackler with Mk I gear and level 1 synergy. You know from the tutorials you should be good versus Interceptors… but then you try to actually fight them. They’re flying Rank 6, full synergy, pure blue ships. They run rings around you; you can’t land a hit, and when you do it doesn’t do enough to matter. They kill you without trying, and when you respawn it happens again. And again. And Again.


Why would you keep playing? The answer is that you wouldn’t.


Now these “no skill” guns everyone’s complaining about… have you tried that shotgun? Have you tried the mortar? If you hold down the mouse button with a shotgun your spread will be insane. I put a halo of shots around a machete from 1,800 metres. Around him. As in nothing hit.  I was aiming right at him and he was stationary and I missed. Does that sound like a “n00b friendly” weapon to you?


But the Singularity Launcher? A weapon with a very big area of effect in a game where frigates are too slow and clumsy to dodge that kind of attack? Yeah, that’s a strong gun, but it’s not necessarily the best gun. It’s just easy to use in certain situations. A gun that allows a less skilled pilot to overpower a potentially more powerful, more skilled and better equipped opponent.


Those kind of weapon options improve the longevity of a game.

They are infinite for the battle, yes. There are 3-6 missiles in the cartridge. When you launch them all, the CD starts. Death resets the CD and you enter the battle with renewed set of missiles again. After the battle you will need to buy missile cartridge again.


Who in the name of all that is holy was sooooooo drunk that he thaught that would be a good idea? Now if don’t know how to aim I just spam missiles untill I die and repeat…


Minelayers were being abused and dropped on beacons by anyone able to equip them and it was ruining the game considering there is no counter. Not to mention dropping a minefield on someone in the middle of a dogfight. Maybe people will use their guns now and 2/3rd of my deaths won’t be minefields crapped on my head while im dogfighting. Minefields being restricted to a dedicated sniper unit makes sense to me - think of it as a snipers claymore.


Now if they could just nerf those other “I win” buttons such as Pulsar…

I’m sorry but minefield were a pain, I agree, but their point was to lock down beacons! And there are counters to minefields! Commanders and ECM can use their special ability to clean out minefields with minimal dammage. When you remove minefields and leave them to LRF you remove all form of tactics. Corps are going to be maaad.


I’ve never used anything but rails on fighters tbh. Nothing useless about it.


Class/Role differentiation by having different weapons per ship class/role is an excellent idea. People are always resistant to changes, especially big ones - but this is a HUGE step forward to being able to balance the game and roles further down the line.

People aren’t resistant to change and the important word here is “CHANGE”. Here there was no change, I don’t see anyone complaining about changed weapons. What we actually complain about is the REMOVAL of CHOICE. We had the choice of which weapon we wanted to use, now it’s all very limited even in higher tears. Only one missile slot and weapon modifieres dissapearing that is doing change that nobody asked for. You were close to perfection and blew it.


I think the biggest problem i have with this patch is that they took almost all of player choice and creativity away and pigeonholed weapons they deem appropriate to the ships they wanted this was something that made the game amazing much in the same way being able to create the ship YOU want to fly in EVE-online is. in tier 1 instead of having 4 choices you now have no choice in tier 2 instead of 9 only 4 choices ect… 



we have little to no choice for active moduals we have little to no choice for weapons 


added bonus we know what each ship types limited choice in weaponry and there will undoubtedly be the same best weapons for specific ship type since resists were not changed so resist stacking against specific ship classes may now begin

I totally agree with you. Thumbs up sir.


i don’t mean to be rude. i’ve been playing video games for… you could say, quite some time. i’ve played everything in the space genre from wing commander to eve to x3 to freelancer to several other games in the genre. pretty much dating back to the first days of PCs.


in fact, not only do i think this is NOT an excellent idea. i very much think that it sucks, and everyone here will agree with me.


all i want is a simple answer: all damage types on T1 ships or just 1? T2 have all damage types, T1 do not. will this be fixed? yes or no. thanks.


T1 ships lack any semblance of customization now… how do you expect to entice new users? with only 1 damage type? lolz… i don’t think anyone fully thought this through.


you got a patch? i got some duct tape i want to sell you :slight_smile:

Also thumbs up! Variety mean adaptability on the fly. Now reducing tipe damage to you weapon only, means you have no more challenge left. Before you had to change between mods and I thought it to be really enjoyable.


Tier 1 is not really meant to be about complexity though is it? Plasmas felt like a waste of time to me in T1, and Lasers are a bad choice unless you are really, really bad at leading your target. That leaves… one weapon. Guess which weapon was favoured by most ‘experienced’ T1 pilots.

You’re right that T1 isn’t about complexity but being able to try all diferent tipes of weapons was a way of letting you explore on your own what the game had to offer. An most experienced players used to play Plasma cannons as well, mainly in T1, my squad used to have both and we always tried to get some enemy in tandem, now this tactical aspect is gone. And it sucks.

Several GB sized patches later… wtb proper delivery mechanism, this is just pissing away bandwidth that some of us have to pay for… Give us a heads up when you finally reach the correct client version…

edit: seems they’re done now

I’d like to read a REAL explanation on why the damage mods were removed in a Dev blog.


the explanation was that it is impossible for your opponent to tell which damage type you are using. also, just a personal opinion: why should you be able to switch damage type on a gun that fires a specific type of projectile? :\ a railgun fires rail slugs… a plasma thrower chucks flamings balls of fire, etc…



Every game has a learning curve and everyone gets slaughtered as a beginner. Giving newbies a weapon that would let them be as effective as a seasoned player skipping the learning curve is not the right way to achieve newcomers to stick with the game. You make a more linear learning curve so they adapt faster.


You dont add splash dmg aoe bigger projectiles spammable missiles endless nuke/suicide combos to make them stay. 

You dont also do these not to piss your former players who went through that learning curve previously.


I respect an opponent who kills me outskilling me in flight shooting or tactical awareness and i enjoy it.

But when i get killed by a weapon skill that has been added in the game so that newbies would stay i damn the developers and run far away from that game and stay away from that developers future games forever. 


It is my point of view. You have yours and it is understandable. I am not arguing. I am just sharing my view.

I am free to voice it , i am free to quit to game.

As you are free to stay.

Things I like from reading the patch notes:


-Ship prices reduced by 25%: YES!!! The prices were ridiculous beyond Rank 8 and this should smooth out progression a bit.

-Ship name changes: Not anything substantial, but I like some of the new names more than their old alternatives.

  • Tier 5 ships!!!

-Revamped weapon effects

-Customizable hangars: Good. More customization is always nice. I just hope the prices aren’t exorbitant for changing it.

-“Free synergy”: F#%K YES!!! I’ve been hoping for something like this. FInally, I can fly the ships I want to fly without feeling like I’m wasting my time because I’m no longer accruing synergy. I just hope, again, that the prices for transfering excess synergy aren’t ridiculous.

-New PvE mission: We really needed this.


Things I don’t like from reading the patch notes:


-“Increased sticker and colour application periods”: Unless increased mean permanent, I’m not enthused. I’m not spending any amount of real money on a sticker or color that’s temporary.

-“All weapons now overheat”: Ehhh…what? Why?

-“Now every weapon is fixed for a certain class of ship”: UGH NO! Why are you continually forcing players into niches they don’t want to be in? First it was ship roles forcing specific modules on us and now we can’t even choose our weapons?

-“Now the weapons have no modifiers. Modifiers have been converted into munitions”: So now we have another added credit sink with main weapon ammo? And I can no longer make my lasers deal EM damage or my plasma deal kinetic, etc?


Things I’m confused or indifferent about from reading the patch notes:


-Missile changes: So wait, what? Minelayer is now exclusive to Long-Range Frigates? Missiles are now unlimited during each match? You lose your missile cartridge pack just for taking the ship into battle, whether you fire a missile or not? I predict missile spam constantly as there’s effectively no penalty for doing so and you actually seem to be penalized for not doing so.

After talking with a GM ingame, He said that synergy will play a bigger role in the future. 

So yeah…P2W is coming I think! Want to have a good ship? Pay gold so you can transfer synergy instantly instead of grinding! 

yeah…no thanks.

ok this is really stupid, lost all my weapons

Ok. Well first thing that I want to point out. First of all you made it that way the Jercs get all the good gear. This is not “Balanced” at all if you ask me. So flying against them is a bad idea. And I am a fed flier. Secondly I believe that we should make our ships the way we want to. I was able to tank before with a Lynx-M and take a sh*t load of damage and still be standing. So now your forcing me into a role that I don’t want to be in correct? Well if this doesn’t change soon… well I’ll give you guys the crooked finger and go back to PlanetSide 2. Or hell even World of Warcraft and that game at least made since! But don’t worry I will try the PvP. And I would prefer it if you guys decided to go back to the old missles. That way there are not constant missles flying about.

I’ve played this new patch and there are several shortcomings and all brake down to one aspect of the game that has dissapeared: Tactics. 


First: nuke and missile spam. Limited amo was a big tactical choice in which you had to chose if you kept a nuke for later on in the game or if you used it at first. If your ship was all out then you often changed for another one that was stocked. Now you don’t even need to worry about skill, because if you can’t hit an enemy, missiles will do it just fine and you have alot of them so who cares.


Second: Weapon mods dissapearing. Right now there is just one mindless shooting with whatever you have and don’t need to mind in which condition the enemies ship is in. Changing damage type was one of my favourite aspects in the game and you ruined that.


Third: Minefields limited to LRF. This makes no sense. MF were there to lock down a beacon and now the only class able of using them is the one class that almost never aproaches said beacons. Again tactics are lost in the wind.


Fourth: Limiting weapon types to ship classes. Complemantary play in low tiers is gone and you basically now play what you’re told to, unable to form your own playing style. Everyone gets the same in the same fashion, where before everyone got the same but could mix it at his own convinience making up for the most varied foes and countertactics necessery to come up with.


Fifth: Rockets are now homing. Why would you remove my favourites missiles abilty: being unguided! Now I can’t suprise an enemy that is flying frontaly at me with an unguided rocket that hits him in the face, but I have to shoot a regular homing missile that won’t hit him because it has to make a nice arc before even trying to home in on it. I actually prefered rockets to missiles because they also required skill to use, now that’s gone.


Sixth: Reputation not required anymore. OK it sucked I had to follow one shiptree until I changed allegeance but this made me fond of my faction and implied I had to play without certain shiptypes and adapt to that shortcoming. Now I can follow in whatever shiptree I want from the start on. For neewbies it is even more confusing and it makes sector conquest pointless.


Finally I just feel like the entire game has lost his heart, it started modestly but made you grow as a pilot, tier by tier. I remember ranting when I reached T3, alot. But it was OK, because I gained skill after a while. And this game was always about forming good players by imposing a more complex gameplay the higher you got. Now it just seems that newbies get favoured and tactics are lost. I gladly spend money on a pack last week, but if I new this update was coming I might had thaught otherwise.


Fix this game, bring back the weapons modifiers and give us our choice freedom regarding weapons. Limit missiles amo also and let us become great fighters by learning through the great system you had in the 8.5 version. Right now you’re just forging a bunch of spoiled kids that know how to rightclick.


You should take an example in Unknownworlds, they have a small community, that are ultra competitive. But they actually improve their game on every patch, there hasn’t been one I disaproved of even when the changes were major. But here you’re just rewarding new player and kicking your fanbase in the nuts.


There are some few good points though. I prefer the never shiptree and the T5 ships look great but that’s it.



Every game has a learning curve and everyone gets slaughtered as a beginner. Giving newbies a weapon that would let them be as effective as a seasoned player skipping the learning curve is not the right way to achieve newcomers to stick with the game. You make a more linear learning curve so they adapt faster.


You dont add splash dmg aoe bigger projectiles spammable missiles endless nuke/suicide combos to make them stay. 

You dont also do these not to piss your former players who went through that learning curve previously.


I respect an opponent who kills me outskilling me in flight shooting or tactical awareness and i enjoy it.

But when i get killed by a weapon skill that has been added in the game so that newbies would stay i damn the developers and run far away from that game and stay away from that developers future games forever. 


It is my point of view. You have yours and it is understandable. I am not arguing. I am just sharing my view.

I am free to voice it , i am free to quit to game.

As you are free to stay.


Dude, you’re reading inside me like in an open book! I thought all of it, but could have never said it this well! Thumbs up!

I know one thing, you will lose many players, and will lose a lot of money on this crap update, make a help to everyone, return as our game was not that xxxx there that you guys called’’ update’’ :angry:

Jericho gets all the best gear? Funny, some poor Jericho sap crossed me three times earlier and each time my mortar pummelled him into scrap.


If you’re talking about Sector Conflict, that has nothing to do with the faction ships - it’s all due to player and corporate allegiance.

LOL, the new mission is impossible to do.

I am in a guard… 1 missile/hit(while my phase shield is resisted to it making it near 200 resist)) kills a quarter off my shield. same with the railguns, and the same with the NPC spawns… are you kidding me?!

I support this patch, and i believe it will be a very healthy thing for this game in along run, it is ok if we lose some vocal xxx here and now, we will come out cleaner!

On top of that people shall realise that spoiled attitude of “I am a customer, now satisfy my desires” is not going to work here, we have all those “In Soviet Russia… you” for a reason. Life over there follows simple rule: “Here is what we have, don’t like it? gtfo! You still here complaining?, here is a complimentary kick in the nuts!”

I support this patch, and i believe it will be a very healthy thing for this game in along run, it is ok if we lose some vocal xxx here and now, we will come out cleaner!

On top of that people shall realise that spoiled attitude of “I am a customer, now satisfy my desires” is not going to work here, we have all those “In Soviet Russia… you” for a reason. Life over there follows simple rule: “Here is what we have, don’t like it? gtfo! You still here complaining?, here is a complimentary kick in the nuts!”

great idea! get rid of the people that want this game to succeed!

I support their removal, the damage type mods made resistance and phase shield meaningless.


No it did not.




After talking with a GM ingame, He said that synergy will play a bigger role in the future. 

So yeah…P2W is coming I think! Want to have a good ship? Pay gold so you can transfer synergy instantly instead of grinding! 

yeah…no thanks.


Why the heck is that now pay2win? You can accumulate Free Synergy with any full synergized ship. Leeching the synergy of a golden ship seems fine to me, why not? You don’t win because you have more synergy accumulated… You can always fly the ships you have best control of, and earn free synergy with them. It’s only your personal progress, nothing more. The goal of the game is not to have all ships.

great idea! get rid of the people that want this game to succeed!

I support this motion fully!