Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

My question _ still has not been answered: _


What in God’s name was wrong with the old system?


Jasan, I have to disagree. I used pulse lasers on interceptors and that was the best choice I have made in the game to date. Forget your Rapid Fires: I could shred you with pulse lasers.

I used assault plasma cannons on my tackler. Again, a brilliant choice. Anything caught by my engine suppressor was completely shredded in a matter of moments, and the target painter only made it even easier.

I did use Hail Plasma cannons on frigates, but I was planning on using Heavy guns as I had calculated theoretical DPS and damage per shot. I believe it was 5000 or so for the Heavy per shot. Not bad. So, your sweeping statement about the weapons was actually quite incorrect.


Agh, I’m yelling at you of all people now… Sorry, but this patch is just…


This is another reason the new system is better.


Old system: A gun did x damage per barrel. This could result in a gun that was too weak on an Interceptor, yet slightly too strong on other ships and monstrously overpowered on an LR.


New system: Weapons do x damage no matter how many barrels. Weapons can now be tweaked to ensure they do the right amount of damage for the intended ship without accidentally making a broken option for another vessel.


Whether the system is better from a balancing standpoint or not is besides the point; you asked why an interceptor should be allowed long-range weapons.

My question _ still has not been answered: _


What in God’s name was wrong with the old system?


Jasan, I have to disagree. I used pulse lasers on interceptors and that was the best choice I have made in the game to date. Forget your Rapid Fires: I could shred you with pulse lasers.

I used assault plasma cannons on my tackler. Again, a brilliant choice. Anything caught by my engine suppressor was completely shredded in a matter of moments, and the target painter only made it even easier.

I did use Hail Plasma cannons on frigates, but I was planning on using Heavy guns as I had calculated theoretical DPS and damage per shot. I believe it was 5000 or so for the Heavy per shot. Not bad. So, your sweeping statement about the weapons was actually quite incorrect.

Pulse lasers? Really? If you hit me at all it’d be by accident.


I advise you to take to the field and give the weapons a try. I’m afraid that Frigates do seem to be lacking in good choices, but give the Mortar a try. Hop on and I’ll fly on your wing; see what you think. Personally, I love how kick-xxxx powerful the Mortar feels; it fires one barrel at a time, fires an explosive shell, and does more damage than most Fighters can do with all four barrels at once.


Some weapons are fine, some other are … Special and the other are tottaly broken :smiley:


  1. Am I the only one who think the new  SIngularity cannon  for fighter is just insane as hell?


2)  Coil Mortar  is fine, funny and do not deal overpowerd dammages (slow reloading time, slow projectil speed)


3)  Heavy Blaster :  I laughed really hard the first time I used them, I was like “Wait, what are you doing gunz? STHAP THIS” (Need to train this weapons)


4)  Positron Cannon : Negatron feedback… 


5)  Laser Assault  : <TEST IN PROGRESS>



Is it by design that T1 can still use missiles bought for real money even though all other missiles were removed from T1? It’ll sure smell a lot like gold ammo to new players, even though it doesn’t reflect how it is in the later tiers.

This sounds like it’s a mistake - I suggest reporting it as a bug.

What’s with the giant update now? I’m confused.

My question _ still has not been answered: _


What in God’s name was wrong with the old system?


Jasan, I have to disagree. I used pulse lasers on interceptors and that was the best choice I have made in the game to date. Forget your Rapid Fires: I could shred you with pulse lasers.

I used assault plasma cannons on my tackler. Again, a brilliant choice. Anything caught by my engine suppressor was completely shredded in a matter of moments, and the target painter only made it even easier.

I did use Hail Plasma cannons on frigates, but I was planning on using Heavy guns as I had calculated theoretical DPS and damage per shot. I believe it was 5000 or so for the Heavy per shot. Not bad. So, your sweeping statement about the weapons was actually quite incorrect.


I am sorry, but the fact that YOU used inferior weapons doesnt make them better

a) Pulse lazors on inties are ok vs Frigs, so-so Fighters, terribad vs intys RFR were the best weapon hands down, then RFps

b) Using assaults on a tackler, no matter t2 or t3… just a face palm

c) your theoretical 5k dps on Hwy plasma is THEORETICAL dps, you can’t hit xxxx with projectiles flying SLOWER than most interceptors, even slowest Jericho guards can easily dodge more than 50% of those, add slow barrels on top of that

Shrapnel Cannon

* Used on: Interceptors

* Summary: Well-suited for long-range attacks on stationary targets

* Brief description: A powerful close range weapon with a low rate of fire

So yah…

xKostyan please go on while I laugh my xxxx of here.

RFP good? In what world did you live? RFP can’t even break a passive shield regen! They are a joke, and the "new"RFP is just as bad!

Shrapnel Cannon

* Used on: Interceptors

* Summary: Well-suited for short-range attacks on stationary targets

* Brief description: A powerful hand-to-hand-combat range weapon with a low rate of fire



I am sorry, but the fact that YOU used inferior weapons doesnt make them better

a) Pulse lazors on inties are ok vs Frigs, so-so Fighters, terribad vs intys RFR were the best weapon hands down, then RFps

b) Using assaults on a tackler, no matter t2 or t3… just a face palm

c) your theoretical 5k dps on Hwy plasma is THEORETICAL dps, you can’t hit xxxx with projectiles flying SLOWER than most interceptors, even slowest Jericho guards can easily dodge more than 50% of those, add slow barrels on top of that

a) They were fine vs Inties, maybe even just a tad bit OP

b) No, the patch is a facepalm. The assaults on a tackler had a good effect.

c) Heavy plasma cannons still had higher projectile speed than at base even with the supernova deflector on. Hint: I used the Crus S

xKostyan please go on while I laugh my xxxx of here.

RFP good? In what world did you live? RFP can’t even break a passive shield regen! They are a joke, and the "new"RFP is just as bad!

RFP was good, I used it on my frigates all day, and was satisfied.

Sabre, maybe you’re thinking of another weapon, but pulse was anything but “fine” vs Interceptors. They bounced around like crazy and you couldn’t land a hit with any kind of precision - a terrible trait when firing at a small, fast-moving target. Standard lasers could get the job done, but they were never the ideal choice. They still aren’t.


Last time I checked, you were flying Rank 4. What level gear do you have on that? Mk II? Military?


People like me, who fly Rank 6 with pure-blue wouldn’t give lasers the time of day. Why do you think that is? I’m hardly an amazing player - I got motion sick trying to inty-duel in Tier 3 matches - but it was rare for me to bring any weapon bar railguns of some description. There’s a reason for that - they were by and large the best weapons in the game.


I don’t know what kind of playtesting you’re putting in, but I’ve blown at least three million on guns to see what does and does not work so far. I’m not talking theoreticals - I’m talking about investing in real firepower and taking them to see how they handle in the clash.


I’m not saying you should do the same - I’m guessing you’re still finding money a bit tight as you climb Tier 2 - but trust me when I say that if you invest wisely in the right weapon you’ll do well. And lasers are not, and never were the right weapon.

Please Give back our game :mellow:
this update is very bad :mad:

wait, so what weapons do i have now?  are these weapons new ones? or are they revised old ones? if they are old ones then whats the equivilant?


why are the weapons restricted to ship types. 

Experimental, Mk3 and Military. I have a Fox M and enough cash for a Dwarf 2 but I prefer the Dwarf.

It is pretty obvious this game is no longer a skill based space shooter.

It targets a bigger crowd of mindless kids that enjoys spamming some stupid weapons all over space which i refuse to be a part of.

It is another could be great game gone bad in hands of greedy developers who think they would make more money making the game newbie friendly with no skill ceiling at all. I am so frustrated with this patch and i nominate the worst patch in history of gaming.

Tried the new weapons a bit, some seem to be nice.



The Ion Cannon:

Like this weapon, love the reaction of voids being identified with it :smiley:


void rays in star battle were nerfed by having two voids firing at the same time reducing their cumulative damage effect by a percentage. however, the problem there is that you dont need to aim :smiley: Like the idea of that weapon.


Since it’s my favourite SB ship, I should definitely equip that somewhere.





RFP was already hard to use on ceptors against serious enemies. Now it basicly increased damage but introduced a short overheat, and the firing speed is well, crap. The Blaster is utterly useless and complete crap. Higher damage? fine. but only EM.




Missiles: It is true, that Nukes wont be spammed this way. Because now you really have to bring it in tactically. I did like the old system and found nothing wrong with it. You had to bring em in strategically.

Having only one sort of missile - this is not a game where this will work out for the best, especially the disadvantage if you try to use special missiles.


This reduces small ship’s worth a lot. I am really thinking about whether I even should equip a primary weapon in future. Seems to be easier to fly with a blob and press the other buttons sometimes.


Oh. And now they all are homing. How nice.



Weapons removed? Everything seems to be now even less adjustable to play style. Ships get streamlined to their purpose. Some might say “Yay!”, but it’s not what is good for them. This is not, how you adjust mechanics, to compensate for problems in balancing, it will NOT make you balance easier, because this is a revamp. Yet again.

Balancing is an art in development, or “how to balance is constantly under balancing”, no single human being knows how to balance right, otherwise we would not have to make games; balance is a co-production of players and game-makers.

What we DO know from history, is, that systems which do not rely on a very atomic base balancing, will hardly be balanceable if extended or result in a precalculable game. You just made a lot of weapons out of a smaller amount of weapons, while reducing the actual weapons per unit available. Of course, this solved the issue of having only basic multipliers (2, 4, 6) for each weapon on each ship being hard to balance, but in the end, it only opens doors for a lot of new balancing concerns, and now is even harder to compare.

Good luck. I really think, the dev team is not aware, what they just changed (even they believe they do). This will have crazy effects in the aesthetics of this game. I feel the next month will be interesting indeed.


I was using RFR on some of my fighters. I flew Frigates with speed - short range laser fit pretty successfully 2 patches ago as front line support, and saw a lot of funny fits on the way and how people used it. Stuff like that is the real deal. Not every weapon has to be used excessively or in the same amount. If only mainstream weapons are available, little flexibility is left. You can only bend a bit now. It is if it was reduced to the playstyle of a number of people, and dang to be in the creative minority.


This part of the game has to be re-expanded, after you dear sirs follow up with the balancing.


Any chance you could write a dumper now which exports all values as json structs or xml or something? Now, number crunching really starts to become interesting.



Weapon modifiers. now well, the weapon mods made me use my thumb mouse buttons the first time in my life for something really useful, instead of just assigning a knife. I whished you would have fixed the toggle ignoring empty slots back then, but otherwise, it was fine as it was.


Now this mechanic made fighting a Rapid fire plasma ceptor really still fun, even if RFR was clearly superior on the long run, if my evade and aim were 50% Pro and the enemy had only one of them less than me, and I swapped damage types correctly, I could win a fight, without being the best aimer or dodger, even against a superior aimer or dodger, just by simply combining those skills with this weapon, and be also pretty good against bigger ships. Removing the damage changers for Rails is fine by me, since they seem to be useless as thermal weapons, but Plasma… especially Rapid Plasma, lived through it. It got worse with the overheat being introduced. This is a major gamechanger for me.


Plasma could need a damage type toggle without any other additional bonuses to get it’s strength back.


Of course without laser having an opt-in for EM damage, that would not work balancewise.


Maybe there is a comeback, if people stop using plasma and therefore others stop using EM resistance. Who knows. But being the Fox in the loophole will only mean, the next patch could take it away again.


One thing less to switch in mid battle makes it only more boring. Learning how to deal with weapon mods was until now something interesting to master in this game. Even if it sounds so incredibly simple, it added a lot.



Renaming ships - Fine with that. Some of the ships however do not have very distinctive attributes, which caused actually some of the names really to become “memorizable”. So it’s not just the names, the ships make names. There is not enough customization in the ships themselves, way too many similar ships, so a few have memorizable names, but not all. But the new names sound good. However since the new system reduced one more typical “speciality” of ships, like missile slots in combination with which kinds of missiles they can carry together, it seems that even more ships become redundant now, invisibly.



Free Synergy - I like that. So it’s definitely not a bad patch in every detail. I can’t complain about something, which also affects a golden ship so positively.


Cleanup of Hangar view - so I dont see my Reputation Progress anymore, except on my profile. Well, I am okay with that. New players now will ask new types of questions. Maybe easier for people who didnt understand the sub factions.


You introduced a new tier - nice. For anyone who needs it. Adjusting the models to be customizable in T3 and T4 would have been more logical to go. I thought this step (T5) was planned for release. Are you panicking?


Colors still for time? Listen. Really. Before you return Luascripting, think about which customers you serve. We don’t like renting online stuff. Pay per Repaint? Fine. Having to redesign all ships each time every month? No-Go. It is, as the Centauri say, very inconvenient, it’s not just the price. However since T3 got no paint option yet anyway, and all permanent stickers are still available, I guess its okay for now. But this is not a solution, this is only a compromise between a bad idea, and how it should be done.



I only tried one battle, because I immediately lost any fun in that one.


Racial bonuses removed. Well, now we are all the same. Some of the bonuses, especially synergy gain, do not make much sense in T5 so late, but I get the principle, it’s okay. However, it is very likely, that by the time reaching T5, these bonuses become somewhat unneeded. Can I buy loyalty with my synergy? Then maybe.


I will try more, maybe I overreact a bit, but given the reactions other people have, mine seem to be calm anyway.

Overall however, this is even a worse sign, than me being a barking dog.


If every patch is going to be accompanied by decisions of monetarization, before the game even launches 1.0, I feel like I am an investor, not a beta tester.

xKostyan please go on while I laugh my xxxx of here.

RFP good? In what world did you live? RFP can’t even break a passive shield regen! They are a joke, and the "new"RFP is just as bad!

are you saying that pulse lazors were better than rapid fire plasmas on interceptor as a multipurpose weapon?