Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion


* Combat Drones: Ally repair radius reduced by 50%

* Nanodrone Cloud: efficiency increased decreased by 30%

* Mass Shioeld Generator: efficiency increased decreased by 30%

Fixed. And lol @ another massive engineer nerf. And that’s not counting the removal of all self-defense options for frigates on top of it.

Overall pretty funny to turn the game into a WoT style economy after all this time, but reserving further judgment until people have settled in. Seems synergy gain is super slow though, so guess we got ourselves a grinder now? In that case not interested to stick around…


im streaming, im lagging like xxxx lol, but it shows how stupid it kinda is.

Btw, nice stealth nerf to boosters, doubling(and more) price of credits boosters!

And the WoT synergy is a real ball buster… Please get away with it before I lose interest in it. Progressing in ships is now utterly impossible without gold standards.

@ [id0l](< base_url >/index.php?/user/2995-id0l/)


Shrapnel Cannon is RIDICOLOUS! 


Is a coin drop everytime u fire… sometimes u just see ur bullets passing throught the enemy with 0 damage.


And still it is the only option u have if u are an interceptor pilot and u HATE the automatich weapons (like me).


Plus i don’t understand why should i be forced to play close range just couse i’m flying interceptors. I used to have 2 CovOp , one equipped with Rapid Fire Rails and one with Stab … and used to switch time by time depending on battlefield,team and game type.



I already said… this patch is bad, but still tolerable   if they remove weapon limitation and let people use the weapon they want on the ship they want.

This patch is the worst I’ve ever seen implemented in any game ever. That’s it. I can’t say anything positive about it gameplay-wise.


The hangars do not make up for it. They’re impressive, yes, but I still hate this patch with every fibre of my being.

wooht,  lot of changes. i mean its an other game now. i hope with the next patch you will not deside to make a kind of tetris

I am getting disconnected every game because there are people waiting to get online? This is ridiculous. Before this update, at least I could play a few games without worrying about having to reconnect every 30 seconds.

Most of this patch looks great, but I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate that weapons are going to be restricted by class. Really hate it. Why can I not make a powerhouse close range fighter with a shrapnel cannon if I want to? Module restrictions by class are fine, but I think restricting weapons by class stinks.

Also getting credits back for modules that I spent gold looting is a little sleazy. Refund the gold spent looting these modules or attempting to loot them!

I am getting disconnected every game because there are people waiting to get online? This is ridiculous. Before this update, at least I could play a few games without worrying about having to reconnect every 30 seconds.

We are already working on the server problems.

I am aware I have a reputation for negativity, but I will readily defend the new weapons.


Let’s be honest here, ladies and gentlemen, no matter what other people say the weapon tree looked something like this:


Interceptors - RFR, RFP.


Fighters - RFR, Stabrails, Hail Plasma.


Frigates - Stabrails, Hail Plasma.


For all intents and purposes, that was it. If you took anything else, you were in the wrong and you should have picked a different weapon.


False choice is no choice. Yes, they could potentially have buffed the weapons so everything has similar DPS… but the new system is actually pretty damn solid when you give it a little time. Lasers are still a waste of space, of course, and frankly each ship is still boiling down to “which two of the only real choices will I use?” but the theory is sound.


What theory is that? The theory that people have the ship tree backward. The best weapon for fighting Frigates, bar none, is the Singularity Launcher. It just tears them to pieces.


To those complaining about restriction… would you complain if this was a Modern Shooter and the Sniper was “forced” to use long-range rifle style weapons and couldn’t choose to run around with a shotgun? Would you complain if the scout couldn’t run around with an LMG? I seriously doubt it.


Interceptors are for the most part packing close-range guns now. Fighters have a good choice of short-mid-long, with their star weapons being best vs Frigates. Frigates have a mix of long and mid-short guns, which sport decent firepower.


It works fairly well. Every class has its own role to play, so why should a ship built around close-quarter combat like CovOps be allowed to use long-range guns more suited to a Sniper Frigate?

This patch is the worst I’ve ever seen implemented in any game ever. That’s it. I can’t say anything positive about it gameplay-wise.


The hangars do not make up for it. They’re impressive, yes, but I still hate this patch with every fibre of my being.


trust me, you haven’t seen much… but it is pretty bad. oh yea hangars, completely forgot about those…

To those complaining about restriction…


currently, the only restriction i am complaining about is the T1 damage types… nonexistent…

How do we unlock the fourth ship slot now that reputation is gone?

I am getting disconnected every game because there are people waiting to get online? This is ridiculous. Before this update, at least I could play a few games without worrying about having to reconnect every 30 seconds.


That’s why I watch movies on patch day :stuck_out_tongue:



How do we unlock the fourth ship slot now that reputation is gone?


Clicking on it should tell you

It works fairly well. Every class has its own role to play, so why should a ship built around close-quarter combat like CovOps be allowed to use long-range guns more suited to a Sniper Frigate?


Because interceptors only have two guns equipped and hence half the dps of a similiarly-equipped fighter or frigate. That alone balanced things out, adding balony “restrictions” is just unnecessary IMO, and only serves to further drive people away from the game due to overall less freedom of choice (whether it makes sense and/or is viable or not).

Because interceptors only have two guns equipped and hence half the dps of a similiarly-equipped fighter or frigate. That alone balanced things out, adding balony “restrictions” is just unnecessary IMO, and only serves to further drive people away from the game due to overall less freedom of choice (whether it makes sense and/or is viable or not).

This is another reason the new system is better.


Old system: A gun did x damage per barrel. This could result in a gun that was too weak on an Interceptor, yet slightly too strong on other ships and monstrously overpowered on an LR.


New system: Weapons do x damage no matter how many barrels. Weapons can now be tweaked to ensure they do the right amount of damage for the intended ship without accidentally making a broken option for another vessel.

Damned, i’ve blacked out for awhile it looks like it thursday already!

Kine, I tried that. It still said you had to reach rank 12 reputation. 

Kine, I tried that. It still said you had to reach rank 12 reputation. 

obviously he was referring to buying it with gold. Which seems to be the way this game is going…Want to play? Buy a license with GS so you can enter! >.>

Damned, i’ve blacked out for awhile it looks like it thursday already!

It’s Thursday, you’ve been sleeping for 3 whole days.