Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

First impressions:

Frigate weapons are like a joke now, you can’t actually hit any shiet, or have to accept assault lasers which deal almost no noticable damage.

Why is only one damage type a problem for tier 1? It’s the tier for learning the game. T2 is supposedly a “training” tier as well, so that’s a good place to introduce variations in weaponry.


Because it dumbs the game down 

They are infinite for the battle, yes. There are 3-6 missiles in the cartridge. When you launch them all, the CD starts. Death resets the CD and you enter the battle with renewed set of missiles again. After the battle you will need to buy missile cartridge again.


So if you survive and launch all your missiles you wait for a CD to expire…but if you die every 30 seconds you can just spam missiles endlessly?


Was this thought out? I don’t think it was…the CD should remain constant even through death (and NOT counting the time you are dead). Why give noobies infinite missiles and punish those who don’t die every 30 seconds…? It makes no sense at all.


TBH I really do NOT like the concept of infinite missiles, period. But I suppose I could deal with a long cooldown cartridge, IF THE CARTRIDGE DIDN’T INSTANT RELOAD AFTER DEATH.

Tier 1 is not really meant to be about complexity though is it? Plasmas felt like a waste of time to me in T1, and Lasers are a bad choice unless you are really, really bad at leading your target. That leaves… one weapon. Guess which weapon was favoured by most ‘experienced’ T1 pilots.

What about ship synergy? logged in this morning to see what changed and I lost my synergy with all my ships … I went into my t1 ships to experiment and “upgraded” the synergy of ships that were full before and now at best are 5/6 I had full synergy on most every ship I had now I dont? Also as is obvious with a change this big most my modules and set ups are gone … but no credits for taking my inventory?



wow … just wow …

Tier 1 is not really meant to be about complexity though is it? Plasmas felt like a waste of time to me in T1, and Lasers are a bad choice unless you are really, really bad at leading your target. That leaves… one weapon. Guess which weapon was favoured by most ‘experienced’ T1 pilots.


Tier 1 should be about enticing new players to continue playing the game IMO, and the lack of any weapon choice (and if you want missiles? buy them, premium is the only option) or customization is going to severely hurt the games image to new players. All they will see is pay-to-win missiles and no weapon choices, paint and stickers that cost cash, etc.


Like I said, first impressions are important…unfortunately they are blowing it big time in this regard.

Why is only one damage type a problem for tier 1? It’s the tier for learning the game. T2 is supposedly a “training” tier as well, so that’s a good place to introduce variations in weaponry.


no it isn’t. it’s the tier for pilots who want to fly T1 vs more skilled T2s, and avoid all the spam involved in higher tiers.


don’t take options away from us.

 All they will see is pay-to-win missiles and no weapon choices, paint and stickers that cost cash, etc.


Like I said, first impressions are important…unfortunately they are blowing it big time in this regard.


pretty much, this is all i see…


anyways, i give them 24 hours to respond on this issue, otherwise, refund time is in order.

LOL T3 PVP is singularity cannon spam…nothing else baiscly, they also go through barriers lol

Tier 1 is not really meant to be about complexity though is it? Plasmas felt like a waste of time to me in T1, and Lasers are a bad choice unless you are really, really bad at leading your target. That leaves… one weapon. Guess which weapon was favoured by most ‘experienced’ T1 pilots.

I respectfully disagree. I found no reason to use any weapon besides assault plasmas in T1 because they did so much freaking damage! It made the missed shots not worth worrying about as if I landed a hit the power of the shot was insanely good.

Is it just me… or has the loot system changed? As in changed back to what it used to be?

Honestly missiles thing looks like less bad than what i thought.


I could say patch is almost decent if you remove weapon limitation and let people use the weapon they want on the ship they want.

Okay, i tested this patch for some rounds…

as bob said, frigates have no weapons anymore, they are more than crap…its almost impossible to shook off or at least impress an enemy…not having a minefield makes it even worse…u are just an easy target which everybody can now use to test something…


synergy: well, i lost a rank at all my top ships…thats pretty stupid…the exchange is hilarious…the thing that u have to level a ship to his max is also terrible…there are too many ships which are just too weak but there might be a good thing about it: maybe the mixed tiers will be not that bad anymore in the near future because everybody has to level everything…

BAD THING about it: its more grindy then ever…i smell p2…


additional devices: nice price now!!! almost doubled it or more…rediculous…


last but not least: THE MISSILES…man that was a hell of a ride the last hour…missiles everywhere…i thought it might be a good change but as it turns out its new years eve out there…i have never needed flairs on my interceptor because i am not the worst pilot but now its better to equip them otherwise its gonna be hell in space :smiley:

i think thats too much…

okay, thats for the first couple of rounds…there are more things i want to point out but its nice weather and i do some real sport, not esport…

A somewhat more indepth look at the weapons:



Rapid fire rails: good weapon, but could use a spread reduction so it is more useful further away than 200m

Singularity thingy: OP. too much damage,  and very easy to hit enemies

Ion emitter: quite good weapon, could use a slight increase to range

Heavy blaster: good weapon, could use faster turret rotation, and somewhat more DPS over 1k range.

Coil Mortar: good weapon, could use some more range.

Positron Cannon: kinda bad, good weapon but the initial spread is horrible. Reduce intitial spread from 2 to 1.5 and it might do good.

rapid fire plasma: horrible…no DPS…

assault railgun: slightly too much spread, good weapon besides that.

Gauss cannons: could use slightly more DPS maybe…but good weapon.

beam cannon: good weapon, no chnage needed.

Assault plasma: needs more DPS as well

pulse laser: could do with slightly more DPS, but good weapon.


I really dislike the synergy thing, I would really like it to go away…

Edit: what happen with loyalty? I keep getting 1079 instead of 1080. stealth nerf to loyalty gain?

and what happend with reputation? I can’t level my reputation anymore? :S

OP damage is not enough, that singularity shiet goes through Static barrier, what a joke.




Singularity thingy: OP. too much damage,  and very easy to hit enemies


That is what we call “n00b frendly feature”.


It works this way: Nabz and kids start whining couse they are unable to kill anyone couse ship are so fast and they can’t aim,poor babies. Practise and training is out of their minds… kids want everything immediatly, they wanna have frags even if they suck as hell and don’t deserve to have any…so they cry and left the game(s).


At this point Devs have 2 choises: keep the game skill based and lose the kids … or change the game to make it nabz frendly (and lose all competitive players sooner or later … but u know competitive playes aren’t more than 20% of a playerbase).


Unfortunately i think i already understood what choise our Devs had.



But please, at least remove the weapon limitation… 

“n00b friendly” weapons are fine, so long as they are not the best option.

This game is now a complete and utter joke.



Completely HATE the change to Rapid Fire Rails. The new “Shrapnel Cannon” is so much worse in every regard: more spread (have to get even closer than before), less rate of fire, cannot charge, and it overheats to boot. Before, it was a skill-based weapon; now it’s just a complete n00b shotgun. And it isn’t even very good, as the damage has been nerfed severely. I used to love charging my RFR and getting a well-placed shot on a target, now it’s just spam, spam, spam. Why did you have to dumb-down the RFR? Gawd…


In fact, none of the T2 interceptor weapons are very good. Did pulse lasers always overheat in 3 seconds? I overheated them 5 times trying to take down a single target, and that was with purple T2 pulse lasers. I don’t even feel like playing interceptor anymore because the weapons are all trash.


Not liking much out of this patch so far except the removal of minelayers from most ships. Lots of rage in-game as well regarding weapon restrictions and “new weapons”, and I’m not talking about just general chat.


Oh, and dat missile spam. I only played a couple games but…I’ve never had so many missiles launched at me before. Reloading missiles upon death was NOT a good idea and allows people that die often to launch hordes of them. Infinite missiles in general is a terrible idea and it should be changed. Why was the missile system even changed in the first place? It was fine. Removing minelayers is all that needed to be done. Yet now we’re stuck with only 1 missile type, infinite missiles for n00bs, and a long CD to reload missile rack for those that can actually survive. Before, it was realistic (limited missiles) and balanced (when they’re gone, they’re gone). Now it’s restricted and unbalanced in favor of the n00b; this is going to piss a lot of people off.


How do you know when a patch dumbs down the game? When you have to remove 4+ keybindings because they no longer exist (change missiles, weapon mods, etc).