Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

To smother all the haters right now, I have some actual questions!(Yes it’s actually possible from me!) and some things to say(Though constructive, I will try)

The implants in the patch logs are not completly correct.(Some info is missing or wrong)

Why is the heavy blaster such low DPS? All other guns are ~1400 DPS, and heavy blaster is 400…I have to try em in combat ofc, but right now they seem a bit bad.

The engineer modules got nerfed I believe, not buffed. Which makes me really sad.

Some ships got reduced EHP. Most notably missing 10k EHP on my cerberus 2(styx). It’s good though I think, though wondering why it wasn’t in the patch notes.


The ship tree got somewhat improved! Good job :slight_smile: Not perfect yet, but far better!

When can we expect T5 premiums? :smiley:

What is the difference between T5 and T4? 

The DPS on some weapons look insanely high, 4317 DPS with Singularity cannon… Is this all turrets or a single turret? If it’s a single I will have over 16k DPS, with over 25k DPS with overdrive…goodbye Punisher Boss :wink:


I am not sure how I feel about the missiles, the 180 cooldown is fine, but the charges could be somewhat higher for some missiles I feel.


Some personal request: Please make the ship names make more sense. The osprey that  transforms into a T-Rex, makes sense I guess, but the T-Rex mk2 is above it… and that makes little sense. T-rex with T-rex mk2 after it would be so much more logical ^.^ But that is just something personal.


Edit: I’m still not sure how I feel about the synergy, I would like the HUD to be more to the side, and less in your face. and 1 gold for 150 synergy…is kind of low I feel…But gotta have that GS sink I guess

Edit 2: I am kinda unhappy that I can only get synergy 8 on my ships while I had full synergy before the patch, i know, i know, it’s a bit of a whine, but something I noticed.



I’m gonna leave this here and come back to it later. I have no comments on this patch as of yet, until I test it. 



So, initial thoughts…


  1. Why am I not still full synergy with my ships? I apparently only have enough to get one rank away from full synergy. Seems max synergy has increased, so that’s fine.


  1. New Heavy Rails for the [T2] Frigates are nice. Feels powerful. I feel like the range on the RFRs has been reduced a little, but that might just be me. Also feel like the Heavy Rail could stand to have a little longer range - maybe 3,500 with the Rank 2 Fed perk.


You know… I really think those Heavy Rails will grow on me, especially if they get a bit of a range boost. I like the slow rate of fire, and I especially like the “one barrel per shot” approach. It really makes that weapon feel monstrously powerful - I’d love to see what happens if you fired an alpha strike!


  1. Lack of Warp Gate cooldown reduction is disappointing.


  1. Lack of any real change to the ship tree is very, very disappointing. This has needed fixing for a while (since 0.8.0 in fact), and this was the perfect time to do it.


  1. Tiers still being mixed. Very disappointing. Especially when I’m trying to see whether T2 is balanced or not.


  1. No permanent cosmetic options. Really hoped we’d see that.


  1. Synergy requirements. Kind of looking like you’ve got a system nobody wanted - people want to skip Ranks 4, 7 and 10 because those ships are terrible, without exception. I get the impression it’s going to cost quite a sizeable chunk of money to transfer synergy… not how the game should be monetised. Not at all.


  1. New PvE mission! Shame it’s got such a high entry requirement…


Overall… middle of the road. It’s not as bad as I feared, but it fell a long way short of what I’d hoped. A long, long way.


Things I would like to see happen as quickly as possible, in order of priority.


  1. Reorganisation of ship tree. Tier 5 is properly laid out - this should have been done for all other tiers as well.


  1. Reduction of Synergy requirements to advance. Ideally, remove them from entry-level ships altogether. Nobody wants to fly Rank 4, 7 or 10 because they are stupidly underpowered compared to their Rank 6, 9 and 12 counterparts.


  1. Permanent cosmetics. We all really want this. 30 days is better, but it’s not permanent.

WOW… rollback now…


cant equip plasma on a fighter?? really? that is a useless fighter, sorry to say… railguns on a fighter?.. ridiculous.


i want a refund.

New weapons are so fun, the singularity cannon and the coil mortar :smiley: I love them

Yes! But what is the RF Laser? And what about my Tazer?  :sad:

Removing mixed tiers is still #1 on the list of bugfixes we (WPK) would like to see. This is and remains our official position on this matter.


We don’t even see this as a game feature, it’s a bug and needs fixing.


Everything else - time will tell. The coming patches will probably be balance fixes anyway.

WOW… rollback now…


cant equip plasma on a fighter?? really? that is a useless fighter, sorry to say… railguns on a fighter?.. ridiculous.


i want a refund.


I’ve never used anything but rails on fighters tbh. Nothing useless about it.


Class/Role differentiation by having different weapons per ship class/role is an excellent idea. People are always resistant to changes, especially big ones - but this is a HUGE step forward to being able to balance the game and roles further down the line.

Everything else - time will tell. The coming patches will probably be balance fixes anyway.


only one question: are you implementing plasma on fighters? all i see are rails… one damage type… if not, i want my refund now. thanks.

I’d have thought all ship types would have at least one of each damage type. Maybe it’s an oversight that they intend to correct?


Edit: Wait, there are plasma and laser weapons on Fighters… are you flying Tier 1 or something?


Okay, you are flying tier 1. Dude… weapons don’t matter in that tier. Seriously, assault rails will do you just fine until you hit rank 4. Just focus-fire people with no shields. :wink:

I think the biggest problem i have with this patch is that they took almost all of player choice and creativity away and pigeonholed weapons they deem appropriate to the ships they wanted this was something that made the game amazing much in the same way being able to create the ship YOU want to fly in EVE-online is. in tier 1 instead of having 4 choices you now have no choice in tier 2 instead of 9 only 4 choices ect… 



we have little to no choice for active moduals we have little to no choice for weapons 


added bonus we know what each ship types limited choice in weaponry and there will undoubtedly be the same best weapons for specific ship type since resists were not changed so resist stacking against specific ship classes may now begin

I’d have thought all ship types would have at least one of each damage type. Maybe it’s an oversight that they intend to correct?


Edit: Wait, there are plasma and laser weapons on Fighters… are you flying Tier 1 or something?


T1 command. only rails… one weapon available… that’s it…


in fact, all of the T1s are limited to 1 weapon type.


the T2s seem fine.


so it’s either a bug, oversight, or just stupid design decision.


in any case, i want EM on my T1 fighters. plain and simple.

i dare the developers to run 0.8 and 0.9 on 2 different servers and see the result.

Lets see if the changes were really asked for or they listen to the audience like they claim.

T1 command. only rails… one weapon available… that’s it…

As opposed to three in tier 1, and frankly assault rails were the best choice for most situations.


Level up a bit and you’ll get your choice back, don’t worry. :wink:

As opposed to three in tier 1, and frankly assault rails were the best choice for most situations.


Level up a bit and you’ll get your choice back, don’t worry. :wink:


it’s not levelling. like i said, T2 have 4 options. T1 are all limited to 1 option…


which will further make T1 vs T2 matchups even more imbalanced… great job.


i suppose this is a way to ‘push’ players out of T1 into the more expensive options… sounds like something WoT staff would suggest…

I’ll just wait and play before I let out the inevtiable WTF rant.

Sooo…T1 ships…


They ONLY have Assault Railguns available to them as a weapon choice, and even though they have a missile slot, the ONLY thing they can equip is PREMIUM MISSILES!


Not sure if intended or oversight…but really…only a premium missile available for T1? WTF? This is going to make the game look completely Pay-to-win to any new player. Is this what you want? At least them equip a standard thermal missile for Gods sake.


And it would be nice to have more than one weapon type to choose from for T1 ships. T1 vs. T2 seems like it will be more unbalanced now considering T2 has at least a few choices between guns and missiles…as in, more than one gun, and something besides premium missiles…lolol.


New players will see/say:


  1. Oh what the hell, missiles cost money? Screw this pay-to-win game.

  2. There are no weapons to choose from; this game sucks.

  3. Customizing my paint and stickers costs real money, screw that, I ain’t paying cash for temporary junk!


First impressions are IMPORTANT and you guys are blowing it. Seems like you only want your playerbase to dwindle and not to grow.

I’ve never used anything but rails on fighters tbh. Nothing useless about it.


Class/Role differentiation by having different weapons per ship class/role is an excellent idea. People are always resistant to changes, especially big ones - but this is a HUGE step forward to being able to balance the game and roles further down the line.


i don’t mean to be rude. i’ve been playing video games for… you could say, quite some time. i’ve played everything in the space genre from wing commander to eve to x3 to freelancer to several other games in the genre. pretty much dating back to the first days of PCs.


in fact, not only do i think this is NOT an excellent idea. i very much think that it sucks, and everyone here will agree with me.


all i want is a simple answer: all damage types on T1 ships or just 1? T2 have all damage types, T1 do not. will this be fixed? yes or no. thanks.


T1 ships lack any semblance of customization now… how do you expect to entice new users? with only 1 damage type? lolz… i don’t think anyone fully thought this through.


you got a patch? i got some duct tape i want to sell you :slight_smile:

Why is only one damage type a problem for tier 1? It’s the tier for learning the game. T2 is supposedly a “training” tier as well, so that’s a good place to introduce variations in weaponry.

Only thing good about this patch is the removal of minefields or others fail.


All other changes kills the skill and rewards the newbie.

AoE weapons/penetrating weapons no more precise targeting. Unlimited missiles/nukes more newbie friendly elements killing the skill.

More healing more room for errors. Get rewarded for being killed by full ammo , get punished for survival by running out of it.