Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

And why did you revamp the weapon system with something that will take you possibly even more time to fix?


The answer to this is actually quite simple:

In the old system it was very hard to balance weapons, making a weapon good for 1 class made it very UP for another, or very OP for another.

With the current system they can balance per class, which is a hell of a lot easier. They definitly made some mistakes with the current weapons, but this time they can far easier fix them.

The answer to this is actually quite simple:

In the old system it was very hard to balance weapons, making a weapon good for 1 class made it very UP for another, or very OP for another.

With the current system they can balance per class, which is a hell of a lot easier. They definitly made some mistakes with the current weapons, but this time they can far easier fix them.

Mmm. Okay.

It’s also important to note that it was stated that the new system was supposed to allow


players [to] be able to experiment and be equally effective with all kinds of weapons!

This has been unfulfilled. There are still fits that are better than others, namely  railguns.


Then we also have the problem of severely restricting a player’s choice of weapons. Forcing people to use one damage type in Tier one? Only one damage type in each class that functions slightly differently ie has a different range?


So, whilst the old system was flawed, I will again state - just so my point is clear - that with individual class tweaks to weapons, such as giving them very slightly different mechanics or what have you, may - and I say may as it might not be - have been sufficient to smooth it out a bit. However, having a hybrid weapons system with elements from both old and new could allow for something that gives both flexibility and balance. What the developers definitely want to do is strike a  circular perfect imbalance. Not a perfect balance, but imbalance.

OldSpice, BBB’s are mostly fine, except the missing hit animation. Sometimes you just cant react, because the only indicator is your health going down. It is not as broken, as it was screamed at start, I think. It is also not that widely used anymore, and in my experience, BBB is nice but positron cannons, torpedoes, nukes, you name it, can be way more efficient anyway, so even my extensive Beachballing has ended. BBB is too often a suicide run, after all, you get primaried by literally everyone. I was flying Engies the last weeks mostly, and have my highest killing medals now in that sector, even if this was the case for fighters immediately after the patch, flying highly offensive healer Fed Engies is way more deadly, than a BBB fleet, because you can zap them at 8km, and torpedo them if they get into BBB range easily.


Also, there was an answer to your second question already: it was necessary for future balancing. Antibus stated this. Of course this can be viewed with mixed feelings, since together with all the other changes, I guess, we will never know if that was really needed. But on the other hand, give the new weapons a shot. Try to fit them for longer times. Some of them are really well made, and of course it could be, that the devs introduce new weapons for the lack of the old ones, and I do hope the less incredible weapons get some kind of buff. And finally, it’s the devs who have to balance. So if they feel, they can get more out of this system, it is actually also our opportunity, to make things better, by really trying out the weapons over longer periods of time and give feedback.

Every crisis is also an opportunity.


The old weapons were also pretty nice, and I do miss my RFP, but the class specific weapons did create a bit more depth, too. Give it a shot. or a Zap.

Sabre needs to fly more.

The old weapons were also pretty nice, and I do miss my RFP, but the class specific weapons did create a bit more depth, too. Give it a shot. or a Zap.

I did and I really, really disliked it. Couldn’t get used to it. It seemed just so foreign and unnecessary and difficult and restricting and… You get the point. Sorry guys: I just don’t like it.


Yes, it is an opportunity to improve. I do think we should be given a lot more choice, though.

Hah, haha, hahahahahaha

I am a 90% of the time ECM player because the synergy system is so fucked up I have to play it even though its a pretty xxxx ship(tempest).

I fly ECM/command only, and when i lose those 2 ships I fly my engineer/guard, but otherwise I never fly them.


And often enough I get killed by singularity launchers because a single hit will kill kill 2/5 of my armor. 3 hits and im as good as gone.

I don’t get killed because I don’t know how to fly, but because of tacklers and ECM’s, or when I fly a bit too careless and think I will be fine when suddenly a beachball gunship comes around the asteroid D:

Being careless while carrying a [NASA] tag gets you killed period. People like to kill big name people. So you learn to not fly carelessly ever, or you die.


And even bots with their 100% accuracy cannot kill me with singularity on my ECM without me getting caught by stasis or slow in a bad position. That is what kills - bad positioning, careless play. Not the weapon which just performs the kill because of your failure. I get the same thing all the time. I just don’t attribute blame to weapons or enemy players, I attribute it to my own failure.


I’ve seen people that attribute such deaths to “OP weapons” or “OP ships”. One caricature level of overkill of an example comes to mind when we played a three man NASA squad in T4 with one random against full ESB squad in CR mode. The guy was flying a guard and he just flew straight into the ESB squad from the spawn, all alone. Obviously he got melted in seconds. Then he proceeded to rage and whine about “overpowered bubblegun” for about two minutes in team chat to our great amusement.


Now that was indeed an edge example, but I’m of opinion that far too much attention in situations like these is pointed at something, anything but the fact that dead player was either in a wrong place at the right time, or in a right place at the wrong time.

The weapon is most definitly OP in it’s current form…There is no argument that can change that.


When you get hit as a guard without the shield set to EM block, you will easily lose 25% shield in 1 hit, and a beachball gunship will kill you in ~5 seconds, ~10 seconds if you are an empire engineer.  When my command ship gets hit it loses 20-40% of armor per hit, a gunship will kill me before I can even turn away. 

And inties just die in 2, max 3, singularity hits in most cases.


You can evade them yes when they come from the front, but often they come from the side while you are already engaged, and you are dead before you can turn away to evade the next beachballs.


I have done my own failures that caused me to die, but singularity kills FAR too fast. It does the most DPS, and is AoE, it is OP in almost all aspects.

It is quite powerful. It’s an AoE weapon with very high damage potential, decent range and below average projectile speed in Tier 4 and up due to the bonuses (why were these even…?)

The weapon is most definitly OP in it’s current form…There is no argument that can change that.


When you get hit as a guard without the shield set to EM block, you will easily lose 25% shield in 1 hit, and a beachball gunship will kill you in ~5 seconds, ~10 seconds if you are an empire engineer.  When my command ship gets hit it loses 20-40% of armor per hit, a gunship will kill me before I can even turn away. 

And inties just die in 2, max 3, singularity hits in most cases.


You can evade them yes when they come from the front, but often they come from the side while you are already engaged, and you are dead before you can turn away to evade the next beachballs.


I have done my own failures that caused me to die, but singularity kills FAR too fast. It does the most DPS, and is AoE, it is OP in almost all aspects.

Anti-frigate specialist weapon kills unskilled frigates easily. In other news: anti interceptor guard frigs are nigh unkillable by interceptors while killing them with ease. In yet another piece of news: anti fighter ECM interceptors are nigh unkillable by bubblegun fighters while tearing them apart with ease.


At the same time, good frigates use torpedoes when people get in range of bubblegun, while spending most of the time sniping out of their range. As someone who’s currently leveling ECM after having leveled imp. gunships and fed. tacklers to R15, I can safely say that my main problems with bubblegun remain the lack of hit animation and its high-ish capability against interceptors. Those things need fixing. Frigate killing component of bubblegun needs upping if anything, as right now they can’t really do their job against sniper/engineer frigates armed with sniper weaponry and torpedoes without having a massive defensive screening force to keep them safe when they do an attack run.



And no offense, but if you want a high DPS weapon for a fighter, 2/3 other weapons have far higher effective DPS. Bubblegun has burst which tends to surprise people due to to lack of hit animation and ability to melt shields. Once you get to the enemy hull however, it’s DPS becomes far inferior to that of assault rails and even the damn laser guns which are terrible in almost every respect. Except their DPS when compared to bubblegun on empire engineer’s hull…

The devs are getting a little closer to cyclistical balance but they’re still not quite there yet…

Anti-frigate specialist weapon kills unskilled frigates easily. In other news: anti interceptor guard frigs are nigh unkillable by interceptors while killing them with ease. In yet another piece of news: anti fighter ECM interceptors are nigh unkillable by bubblegun fighters while tearing them apart with ease.


At the same time, good frigates use torpedoes when people get in range of bubblegun, while spending most of the time sniping out of their range. As someone who’s currently leveling ECM after having leveled imp. gunships and fed. tacklers to R15, I can safely say that my main problems with bubblegun remain the lack of hit animation and its high-ish capability against interceptors. Those things need fixing. Frigate killing component of bubblegun needs upping if anything, as right now they can’t really do their job against sniper/engineer frigates armed with sniper weaponry and torpedoes without having a massive defensive screening force to keep them safe when they do an attack run.



And no offense, but if you want a high DPS weapon for a fighter, 2/3 other weapons have far higher effective DPS. Bubblegun has burst which tends to surprise people due to to lack of hit animation and ability to melt shields. Once you get to the enemy hull however, it’s DPS becomes far inferior to that of assault rails and even the damn laser guns which are terrible in almost every respect. Except their DPS when compared to bubblegun on empire engineer’s hull…

I get rarely killed by anything but singularity cannons, simply because it kills my empire engineers hull in 6 seconds. Even with an extra EM passive hardener it drops like a brick. 

All the other fighter weapons are fine, or could even use a slight buff, but singularity needs another paddling to it’s rear to get it into place. 

Been flying a full R4 / R3 roster lately to make headway in the Federation, and was surprised to get balanced mmatches. Bulk of opposition was R4 / R3, with only 1-2 pilots falling outside that bracket.

If that was the norm (ie: +0/-1), then being forced to fly my Phobos wouldn’t be half as frustrating.

I get rarely killed by anything but singularity cannons, simply because it kills my empire engineers hull in 6 seconds. Even with an extra EM passive hardener it drops like a brick. 

All the other fighter weapons are fine, or could even use a slight buff, but singularity needs another paddling to it’s rear to get it into place. 

No idea where or how you’re flying then, but that can’t be T3 or T4. In both, it takes far longer to kill an empire engineer with singularity cannon even under overdrive and aiming overcharge. To kill that fast, you need multiple people focusing someone who’s way out of position.

My god, this new synergy system is terrible.


Reading through the thread, it seems I’m not the only one with this opinion, but I feel I have to add my voice to it anyway. Gaijin, what on Earth besides blind greed made you think this was a good idea? You’re forcing people to play ships they hate so they can get to the ones they want. You’ve essentially destroyed what was so fun about this game. The grind used to be fun. You could fly whatever ships you wanted and still rank up any faction you wanted. Now, you’ve locked the fun behind a synergy gate and won’t let it out until we pay up, either in our own time or gold standards.


Gaijin, don’t try to be World of Tanks. We already have a World of tanks. It’s bad. The grind is terrible.


Just because World of Tanks does it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

My god, this new synergy system is terrible.


Reading through the thread, it seems I’m not the only one with this opinion, but I feel I have to add my voice to it anyway. Gaijin, what on Earth besides blind greed made you think this was a good idea? You’re forcing people to play ships they hate so they can get to the ones they want. You’ve essentially destroyed what was so fun about this game. The grind used to be fun. You could fly whatever ships you wanted and still rank up any faction you wanted. Now, you’ve locked the fun behind a synergy gate and won’t let it out until we pay up, either in our own time or gold standards.


Gaijin, don’t try to be World of Tanks. We already have a World of tanks. It’s bad. The grind is terrible.


Just because World of Tanks does it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

Exactly! It’s cargo cult game design at it’s finest.

No! No no no no no!


That solution punishes smart players. With that model, all you have to do is blob your team up and blindly move from beacon to beacon whenever the game tells you to.


no it doesn’t… it just lets you curbstomp newbies…


are you afraid you stats will go down?.. hahaha… poor ‘experienced’ players…


in fact… you will see in some games, people will call out the next beacon 20 secs beforehand… i do it all the time…


hence… it means nothing…


just make the beacon appear 20 secs ahead of schedule, uncapturable for 20 secs…


problem solved…

no it doesn’t… it just lets you curbstomp newbies…


are you afraid you stats will go down?.. hahaha… poor ‘experienced’ players…


in fact… you will see in some games, people will call out the next beacon 20 secs beforehand… i do it all the time…


hence… it means nothing…


just make the beacon appear 20 secs ahead of schedule, uncapturable for 20 secs…


problem solved…

No. And here is why:


Even “experienced” players make the mistake of not advancing early. Or they advance alone. The current system rewards people who plan ahead; who not only take the beacon early, but take it in force.


This is a tutorial we’re talking about. It’s meant to teach people the basics. The basics, in this case, are knowing that you are meant to take the beacon early, not just wait for it to spawn and waste 20-seconds of potential holding time.

huh? there is no difference…


i’m sorry… you’re complaining about a non-issue because you fear it will reduce your advantage over new players…


do you have any idea how long a tutorial takes to make?


i’d rather they actually do something positive with 500$ than something completely unnecessary for 5,000$.


and just write up info tutorials like the help screens for game modes for now, for another total of 1000$.


instead of full-length in-game tutorials for 25,000$…

This is what a tutorial should teach:


10:44 - 13:40




Edit: Do take into consideration that this is a space fighting game, not MK, but the premise is the same. The tutorial is there to teach you EVERYTHING about the game.

All beacons should be visible at all times in my opinion.


My argument? Experienced players know where the beacons are anyways, so the difference will be negligible.


The big change will be for new players to more easily get into the game and the mode. The biggest tactical part of the game mode is deciding when to hold current beacon and when to move on to the next. Having all beacons visible don’t remove anything from that tactical layer.


Keeping a steep learning curve for the sole reason you had to go through it, is no reason at all.