Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

The text you quoted when asking this already answered your question.

I don’t think that was his point…

On topic? Pretty much what we were trying to say before:

Look, we generally just do not like this patch and we really do hope at some point we will actually be listened to. At the moment we just feel neglected and out-of-place. Over the last few patches we have seen very few of our ideas implemented even when they could have done the game real good if followed how the OP originally meant to depict it. Ask us more about what we’d like to see. Yes, some of us suggested unlimited missiles, but that was in the context of having a finite supply per life that only regenerates upon death. We never mentioned that we felt missiles should be segregated by ship class, neither was there massive discontent with reputation or weapons. You had a good game going for a while there, and whilst it could have done with some tweaking on the systems it had then it still shined.

That’s all I’m going to say.

I don’t think that we’re neglected. I think that game was massively improved, and doubled number of online players that persists over last few weeks proves me right.

There are a few people that don’t like the changes, and then there are a few people like you who just want their invincible frigates back. It’s unlikely that changes will be reverted, and you can safely forget the crazy crap that was 0.8.0 invincible frigates. Most of us hated them and again, the new online numbers prove this. A lot of people are back playing the game that ragequit the 0.8.0 fiasco.

Overall, I’m just hoping that devs come back from their holidays with their “batteries charged” and will have enough statistics on how weapons work to do a proper balancing run. But I enjoy the game enough right now not to feel like they NEED to make it asap.

I don’t think that we’re neglected. I think that game was massively improved, and doubled number of online players that persists over last few weeks proves me right.There are a few people that don’t like the changes, and then there are a few people like you who just want their invincible frigates back. It’s unlikely that changes will be reverted, and you can safely forget the crazy crap that was 0.8.0 invincible frigates. Most of us hated them and again, the new online numbers prove this. A lot of people are back playing the game that ragequit the 0.8.0 fiasco.Overall, I’m just hoping that devs come back from their holidays with their “batteries charged” and will have enough statistics on how weapons work to do a proper balancing run. But I enjoy the game enough right now not to feel like they NEED to make it asap.

I’m just not going to offer any counters to that as all I see is frigate hate.

Last warning, stay on topic!

Technically speaking, it WAS on topic… I know you know this game needs fixing. Badly.

Luckyo, OldSpice flew a Raptor Mk II during the “invincible frigate” era, which I (as an Inty pilot) equated to being a big ball of dynamite protected by a sticker saying “please do not shoot.” He’s not asking for invincible Frigates back. He never had them to begin with.

I went back over the thread, and I can’t find the post but I swear Luckyo was claiming 0.9.0 frigates were MORE powerful than 0.8.x frigates.

I’ll tell you if I find the little gem. It’ll be hilarious when I do, as I’ll have evidence that Luckyo basically just has blind hate for frigates and hence no idea what he’s talking about as soon as he strays onto the topic…

I went back over the thread, and I can’t find the post but I swear Luckyo was claiming 0.9.0 frigates were MORE powerful than 0.8.x frigates. I’ll tell you if I find the little gem. It’ll be hilarious when I do, as I’ll have evidence that Luckyo basically just has blind hate for frigates and hence no idea what he’s talking about as soon as he strays onto the topic…

They are. But that’s purely because of ninja nerfs/buffs and the new guns.

Now here’s the fun part: he’s talking about going BACK to invincible OP frigates. If that’s his logic then this patch provides absolutely unconquerable frigates that consistently score top of the leaderboard, any game mode, and tier. They don’t.

Lets face it … this is probably a nice cash cow…and is most likely still GROWING as the statistics available throughout the internet which show the average free to play games brings in $60 per month per user from what they call micro-transactions to “enhance thier experience”.

We all believe what is on the internet is TRUE right ! Now throw in a group of happy go lucky user\gamer who may spend 10X’s that average … I am sure the bottomline ( cash flow) is being watched as these patches are implemented to see if any adjustments are needed.

I am certain that at least one of those “micro-tranctions” may have been the use of GS for the sysgen transfers.

Luckyo, OldSpice flew a Raptor Mk II during the “invincible frigate” era, which I (as an Inty pilot) equated to being a big ball of dynamite protected by a sticker saying “please do not shoot.” He’s not asking for invincible Frigates back. He never had them to begin with.

I want the ability to do my flipping job back.

I want the ability to do my flipping job back.

You’re not gonna friggin do it on a Raptor II. That is pathetic and you know it. All Rank 4/7/10/13 ships are pretty much worthless. Well, R13 ships are op’d because they stand in T4 matches ALL the time.

It did its job well. If I really tried hard and played well I could get about third or fourth place. I’ve grown so well acquianted to it I’m just better at using it than I would a Rank 6 ship.

Is there going to be an actual decent patch today/tomorrow?


Or should me and my friends continue to not play this game whatsoever, like we have done since 0.9.0 came out?


Just wondering.


Enjoying War Thunder though (it’s freakin’ Birds of Steel on PC!), in the mean time. Surprisingly it also just had a giant update - except that it added a ton of planes (instead of just nerfing existing ones and making premiums useless), fixed a bunch of tech issues (instead of adding more), improved the engine, sounds, and graphics (lol Singularity Cannon lol), added more variety of weapon/bomb loadouts (they didn’t remove any weapons to do this), added a modification system for planes (instead of nerfing and removing modifications), oh and WT doesn’t require you to max out the synergy of a plane to buy the next one, you just have to have the proper pilot level and the previous ship…I mean plane. Ha! The WT patch had pretty much nothing but a warm welcome by the community…sad the same thing doesn’t seem to happen with this game. Perhaps you should get that patch team to fix this game? They seem to be doing their job quite well over there. Close to 30,000 players online vs. SC’s 500-700 - and both are in open beta - AND War Thunder isn’t even on Steam. That speaks *volumes* IMO when comparing two games that are so similar.


Still hoping SC gets fixed proper and starts heading in the right direction, but I’m not holding my breath.

Now here’s the fun part: he’s talking about going BACK to invincible OP frigates. If that’s his logic then this patch provides absolutely unconquerable frigates that consistently score top of the leaderboard, any game mode, and tier. They don’t.

You want to go back to 0.8.5. That is going back to invincible OP frigates. Your talk point on bloody front page of the forums could not be more clear about it. Your talk points in this thread could not be more clear about it.

They’re not coming back and good riddance. Skill matters on frigates now, just like on everything else.

Is there going to be an actual decent patch today/tomorrow?


Or should me and my friends continue to not play this game whatsoever, like we have done since 0.9.0 came out?


Just wondering.


Enjoying War Thunder though (it’s freakin’ Birds of Steel on PC!), in the mean time. Suprisingly it also just had a giant update - except that it added a ton of planes (instead of nerfing them and making premiums useless), fixed a bunch of tech issues (instead of adding more), improved the engine and graphics (lol Singularity Cannon lol), added more variety of weapon/bomb loadouts (didn’t remove any weapons to do this), added modification system (instead of nerfing all of the ship/plane customization), oh and WT doesn’t require you to max synergy planes to buy the next one. Ha! The WT patch had pretty much nothing but a warm welcome by the community…sad the same thing doesn’t seem to happen with this game. Perhaps you should get that patch team to fix this game? They seem to be doing their job quite well over there. Close to 30,000 players online vs. SC’s 500-700. And both are beta. That speaks volumes IMO when comparing two games that are so similar.

WT is:

  1. A product on popular subject (ww2) rather then niche (space shooter).

  2. Much older product.

On a final note SC’s population doubled after 0.9.0 and currently stands at above 2000 simultaneous players during prime time.

I’m not really seeing this mysterious 2000 players.  Anytime I get on, queues are never ending and if I do get in a match its against ESB death squad.


Even when I queue for T3… it seems slower than ever now days.


Where are these 2,000 players hiding, PvE?  HA!

No patch has never been so much response on the discussions.

It reached almost 200 pages on “Russian International /” forums combined.

The previous record was 27 and 58 pages, change to 0.7.12. But that’s not important right?


The devs drop out us a patch like that and we have to wait two weeks for the hotfix?


@ Luckyo: Between those who want to play again their frigates (play again I said, even “players frigates” were infuriated by the frigballz) and those who make a stupid attachments on their ex overpower, there is a difference.


The tanking mechanics were so nerf with the patch that is almost impossible for new players to understand the system of guards. The guards jericho, the branch that players must “normally” choose to play guards are so disgusting before T5 that’s a shame, a shame.


You spit on the frigates, you’ve played one since the patch?


You think it’s fun to “be faceroll” a command that spam warhead ions with a Singularity cannon? You think it’s fun to not be able to tank a gunship that overdrive with a singularity cannon? You think it’s fun to not be able to realign against a tackler that slow?

The ECM disables all.

The Recon counters that the mechanics of guards (Drain shield / Regen -50%).

Covert Ops is not dangerous anymore. Thank you “plasma arc” Nerf.

I should mention that they benefit of all the three tanking mechanics when Frigates can only use the much nerfed of them?


The devs did not they say they want to see all the ships played?

Which means: The frigates too?

We should ask devs to have the stats about the % of played frigs since the 0.9.0 compared to other ships.

Is there going to be an actual decent patch today/tomorrow?


Or should me and my friends continue to not play this game whatsoever, like we have done since 0.9.0 came out?


Just wondering.


Enjoying War Thunder though (it’s freakin’ Birds of Steel on PC!), in the mean time. Surprisingly it also just had a giant update - except that it added a ton of planes (instead of just nerfing existing ones and making premiums useless), fixed a bunch of tech issues (instead of adding more), improved the engine, sounds, and graphics (lol Singularity Cannon lol), added more variety of weapon/bomb loadouts (they didn’t remove any weapons to do this), added a modification system for planes (instead of nerfing and removing modifications), oh and WT doesn’t require you to max out the synergy of a plane to buy the next one, you just have to have the proper pilot level and the previous ship…I mean plane. Ha! The WT patch had pretty much nothing but a warm welcome by the community…sad the same thing doesn’t seem to happen with this game. Perhaps you should get that patch team to fix this game? They seem to be doing their job quite well over there. Close to 30,000 players online vs. SC’s 500-700 - and both are in open beta - AND War Thunder isn’t even on Steam. That speaks *volumes* IMO when comparing two games that are so similar.


Still hoping SC gets fixed proper and starts heading in the right direction, but I’m not holding my breath.

it is on steam.

it is on steam.


War Thunder is only in the Greenlight section on Steam, meaning you cannot download it or play it through Steam, like you can with Star Conflict.


Curiously, it was given Greenlit status several months back (in Feb.), but so far Gaijin has not authorized it to go the actual Steam Store (not sure what the hold up is).

Of course, WW2 planes are easily more popular. In addition, there’s the issue of marketing and word of mouth. I heard about War Thunder long before they even started beta.


I’m not so sure WW2 planes would be the more popular choice for videogame pilots than advanced space fighters, given the option; I think a large poll enveloping multiple age groups would have to be taken to get any real idea. I will say this though - nearly every WW2 flying game I’ve ever played has been underpopulated (sims and arcade, PC and consoles), so I could call WW2 flight games “niche/unpopular” without really knowing if that was the case or not. On the flip side, there are still many people actively playing Freelancer, a “space shooter,” which is now over 10 years old and requires extensive modifiction to even display HD resolutions. All I’m saying is calling WW2 planes or games “less niche/more popular” than space fighters is a fallacy considering there is no kind of evidence to support the claim.


I’ll give you the marketing point, as I’ve seen a few ads (nothing major or spammed) here or there about War Thunder but nothing about Star Conflict. That’s a big fail for SC since they are clearly focusing on the “pay to…something” aspect of the game.