Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

Before the patch, I would have advanced ships and upgraded everything.  If I pick the ships I paid for for the battle, it practically halts my progression of ships.  I’m supposed to ignore them completely unless I want to pay cash.  That’s the problem.  I have 800k synergy built up right now, and not ship to put them on unless I want to spend $15.  In a week or two, it’ll be $30.  Before long it will be more than I’ve paid Gaijin!  If I move to T4, I’ll have to ditch the ships, just as a T1 premium is useless in T3.  But as is, I can’t play my T3 ships in T3 and reach T4.  If at least having a premium ship got you that tier’s entry ships, that’d be worth something.  I stopped trying to get synergy for Empire, but I did try.  It’d take me a week probably just to finish getting synergy on my Deimos 2, and then fly a ship I’ve heard derided as horrible when I have a Desert Eagle.  My Desert Eagle does less for progression than a Deimos 2.  I can’t move from the Desert Eagle to the Prometheus Fire, I have to synergy up all through the T2 and T3 ships first.


How many people are playing ships for synergy rather than picking the right ship for the job?  Which is better for progression as a player?

You seem to be missing the point. Paying gold for transferring synergy is an extra. Not a main way to level. That is the change that came with the patch, you can’t just easily advance by playing a single ship - you actually have to play the ships you want to advance.


This appears to be something that a lot of people complaining about synergy transfer costs are missing completely. The goal of the change was specifically to prevent leveling gameplay in the form in which you do it - farming everything on a single ship. If you persist in doing it in spite of the changes, it’s on your head.

Paying gold for transferring synergy is an extra.

No, it’s a “tax” on paying customers.  Even if it were limited to the ship type, I’d be somewhat ok.  They’re asking me to pay interceptor synergy for frigate synergy.  If I choose to pay a lot, I can upgrade my frigates without playing them.  If my premium fighters and interceptors help me upgrade my fighters and interceptors, it’d at least understandable.

You seem to be missing the point. Paying gold for transferring synergy is an extra. Not a main way to level. That is the change that came with the patch, you can’t just easily advance by playing a single ship - you actually have to play the ships you want to advance.


This appears to be something that a lot of people complaining about synergy transfer costs are missing completely. The goal of the change was specifically to prevent leveling gameplay in the form in which you do it - farming everything on a single ship. If you persist in doing it in spite of the changes, it’s on your head.


I still don’t see how it’s a good thing that we’re forced to use ships that we don’t like to use. Everyone has a different playstyle and we naturally have a preference for certain ships.


If this synergy thing persists, nobody complains if I bring 2 LRFs into battle and get picked as captain. 

You seem to be missing the point. Paying gold for transferring synergy is an extra. Not a main way to level. That is the change that came with the patch, you can’t just easily advance by playing a single ship - you actually have to play the ships you want to advance.


This appears to be something that a lot of people complaining about synergy transfer costs are missing completely. The goal of the change was specifically to prevent leveling gameplay in the form in which you do it - farming everything on a single ship. If you persist in doing it in spite of the changes, it’s on your head.

You seem to be missing the point. If the new synergy system is the “main way to level”, the game will not be worth playing for many people. I remember the game was so much fun, but whenever I try playing now, all I can see is an impossible grind with a ship I can’t stand flying and I log off after one or two games. I’m sad that I cannot get myself to even play this game now. So we naturally look for ways around the “main way to level” as you call it, and we see that it’s stupidly expensive and it feels like a rip off.


They say the game is supposed to be pay to grind less and not pay to win, but at it’s current incarnation that doesn’t transcend the reality of the game world. Those who pay are able to fly upgraded ships with power. Those that do not and follow the “main way to level”, are forever flying low synergy ships with little to no modules since they need to leave tiers before they can build up a collection of good modules for that ship type. The previous system was truly pay to grind less, because you were allowed to grind at any tier you felt you had a worthy ship that you’d been working on, and still progress the ship tree.

You seem to be missing the point. If the new synergy system is the “main way to level”, the game will not be worth playing for many people. I remember the game was so much fun, but whenever I try playing now, all I can see is an impossible grind with a ship I can’t stand flying and I log off after one or two games. I’m sad that I cannot get myself to even play this game now. So we naturally look for ways around the “main way to level” as you call it, and we see that it’s stupidly expensive and it feels like a rip off.


They say the game is supposed to be pay to grind and not pay to win, but at it’s current incarnation that doesn’t transcend the reality of the game world. Those who pay are able to fly upgraded ships with power. Those that do not and follow the “main way to level”, are forever flying low synergy ships with little to no modules since they need to leave tiers before they can build up a collection of good modules for that ship type. The previous system was truly pay to grind, because you were allowed to grind at any tier you felt you had a worthy ship that you’d been working on, and still progress the ship tree.

Before, getting full synergy on a ship meant you liked that ship.  The first ships I got full synergy on and enjoyed were the Dagger type V and Stiletto.  I’ve mainly been playing interceptors ever since.  Once I got a Desert Eagle, I loved it when using it as it’s purpose, but I needed a Katana type S to get to R12 the fastest for a fourth slot.  I wish Jericho had a gunship.


Six days after I paid for the Explorer Pack, my premiums were nerfed to no progress and the no repair cost being trivial.  As well as that, the synergy bonus seems trivial if I still want to play those ships!  At normal progression, and still picking my Premium ships, I can have fun, but not “succeed.”


I have 3k standards available.  I don’t feel like buying more.  Eight days left on my license.  Maybe I’ll spend 3k on stickers!

No, it’s a “tax” on paying customers.  Even if it were limited to the ship type, I’d be somewhat ok.  They’re asking me to pay interceptor synergy for frigate synergy.  If I choose to pay a lot, I can upgrade my frigates without playing them.  If my premium fighters and interceptors help me upgrade my fighters and interceptors, it’d at least understandable.

Your logic makes no sense whatsoever. How is it a “tax on paying customers” when EVERYONE has to follow the same route and when paying customers are at a distinct advantage as compared to non-paying ones?


If anything, it’s a tax on free customers, because they have to grind more to generate the same synergy to be transferred on same level ships and get less free synergy to help because of increased reward ratio on gold ships which now double dips (increased reward ratio + increased free synergy generation on gold ships which give gold ship about 250% free synergy of equivalent credit based ship of the same rank).



Again, the issue you and many others have is that current system forces you to fly ships other than ones you want to fly. It has been clearly stated by devs that this is an intended feature and they will not be giving anyone an easy bypass. At least not without paying much more than a couple of euros it costs to buy a single premium T3.



Essentially this is a collision of old expectations and new reality. Before the new leveling system you could use any single ship and level everything with it. With current system you have to play a ship type to level it. But for some reason, some premium ship users appear to think that they are entitled to pay to win system that allows them to bypass this new system entirely for a few euros. It’s fairly obvious with the pricing of synergy transfer that devs have no intention to allow leveling bypass to be that cheap - it will be several times, if not order of magnitude more expensive.

I still don’t see how it’s a good thing that we’re forced to use ships that we don’t like to use. Everyone has a different playstyle and we naturally have a preference for certain ships.


If this synergy thing persists, nobody complains if I bring 2 LRFs into battle and get picked as captain. 

Then you play those ships you like and you level them, and you do not get to level other ships. There is an obvious problems with trees in low tiers requiring you to get two different types of ships in some cases, but otherwise it’s fairly obvious system - if you want a healer, you level healers. If you want a tank, you level tanks. You don’t get to move your extra experience from your max level warrior to your druid just because you have a max level warrior.


They basically went for traditional MMO leveling model.

Someone ,so, should explain them this isn’t a classic mmo. 

This isn’t a MMo at all in common terms.

so, where’s the patch to nerf ecm?


was supposed to be this thursday…

No patch…No patch…No patch…No patch…No patch…No patch…No patch…No patch…


Abort the mission ! Retreat ! Retreat !

Why bother with a patch? The game is perfectly fine.

Then you play those ships you like and you level them, and you do not get to level other ships. There is an obvious problems with trees in low tiers requiring you to get two different types of ships in some cases, but otherwise it’s fairly obvious system - if you want a healer, you level healers. If you want a tank, you level tanks. You don’t get to move your extra experience from your max level warrior to your druid just because you have a max level warrior.


They basically went for traditional MMO leveling model.

I like Tier 1 Gunships. I like the Deimos 2, I hate the Phobos. Your logic is horrendously flawed.


I cannot name a game off the top of my head that uses a leveling system this bad. There are ships all across the tree that are, either due to perception or cold-hard-fact, worse than the ship that came before. Deimos 2 feels a tad slow, but otherwise is a kick-xxxx Gunship. Phobos is a brick with a bullseye painted on it. Fox-M is… meh, okay I guess. Fox is arguably a stronger ship because of its superior passive bonus.


One of the issues is that the Dev team still don’t use accurate terminology. They say “Star Conflict is an MMO”, and then give us a game that is an arcade shooter. Immediately, player perception is set incorrectly from the outset. The game is a Beta, but if you join via Steam you aren’t told this - hence, I suspect, why the backlash on Steam is even higher than on the official forums.


In this kind of game, people want to be able to compete, but you never can. Unless the matchmaking system accidentally creates a fair game, the default is to put you in a group where you are in the middle of the power curve. In theory, that means sometimes I should be put into matches where I curb-stomp everyone, but that never happens… I’m always at the bottom or middle of the power group.


This is bad, and here’s a fine example of why:


Space Marine! Your default weapon in multiplayer is the Bolter. It is sometimes dismissed as a bad weapon, for “n00bs only”, but in the hands of a player who understands its strengths and weaknesses you can do well with it. All weapons in Space Marine have perks you unlock by performing certain actions. In the Bolter’s case you need 250 kills to unlock Kraken Rounds (slower rate of fire, but much more powerful), and about 50 Killstreaks to unlock the Targeter (reduced shot spread).


Those two abilities combined can be used together. You need to be about level 18-20 to use two perks in that game. Assuming you hit those criteria, you could turn your Bolter into the Kraken-Targeter Bolter; one of the deadliest weapons in the game. It is powerful, accurate and versatile enough that a player with that gun can do anything. You can run-and-run, you can headshot, you can fight up close, you can fight from a distance… you are the ultimate jack-of-all-trades warrior.


More importantly, with that weapon you are more than capable of competing with players of any level. The game goes up to Level 41, and a level 20-ish player with Kraken-Targeter can dominate the score board.


This is what we want in Star Conflict. The hypothetical player in my above example is very strong in one area - a specific weapon (or ship, in Star Conflict’s case), and that is because they invest time and effort into their desired weapon (ship). By contrast, higher players get the advantage of having unlocked more stuff - they can change roles by swapping to a loadout that better suits what needs be done.


I want to fly a ship and know that ship is fit for purpose. I don’t want to have to grind crap ships because “the devs thought people weren’t playing them enough”. That attitude shows total ignorance of their own game; they didn’t ask why players skipped over those ships. They didn’t ask why people were so dismissive of Rank 4, or Rank 7. They didn’t ask why players lingered in Tier 2/3 long after they should have theoretically moved up to the next Tier.


You know what really stands out in my mind as proof the Devs have stopped caring about their player base? They don’t ask us questions in their in-game polls anymore…

You’r Right, Give us a Shadowsword Cannon for our frigates now. And a Volcano GatlingGun

I have 3k standards available.  I don’t feel like buying more.  Eight days left on my license.  Maybe I’ll spend 3k on stickers!


Stickers aren’t permanent. Don’t bother.


Then you play those ships you like and you level them, and you do not get to level other ships. There is an obvious problems with trees in low tiers requiring you to get two different types of ships in some cases, but otherwise it’s fairly obvious system - if you want a healer, you level healers. If you want a tank, you level tanks. You don’t get to move your extra experience from your max level warrior to your druid just because you have a max level warrior.


Then explain to me why I need to level two snipers to get a healer.

Monitoring the situation means looking at synergy sales data.


If I was marketing I’d want to be sure I’m not screwing around with my revenue just because the forum is all ablaze with synergy hate. That said, 3 weeks is enough to give an accurate picture. In the meantime it doesn’t hurt to actually give premium ship owners some value back regardless of what sales is saying coz a deal is a deal.


Great Meme! (The one with Bender ofc. :slight_smile:


In fact: screw the patch!.. and the frigates XD

please don’t quote the pictures folks! it ruins the flow!

Last warning, stay on topic!

On topic? Pretty much what we were trying to say before:

Look, we generally just do not like this patch and we really do hope at some point we will actually be listened to. At the moment we just feel neglected and out-of-place. Over the last few patches we have seen very few of our ideas implemented even when they could have done the game real good if followed how the OP originally meant to depict it. Ask us more about what we’d like to see. Yes, some of us suggested unlimited missiles, but that was in the context of having a finite supply per life that only regenerates upon death. We never mentioned that we felt missiles should be segregated by ship class, neither was there massive discontent with reputation or weapons. You had a good game going for a while there, and whilst it could have done with some tweaking on the systems it had then it still shined.

That’s all I’m going to say.

Then explain to me why I need to level two snipers to get a healer.

The text you quoted when asking this already answered your question.