Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

This is getting friggin ridiculous.


80% of CovOps now do the exact following:


  1. spawn, fly near Beacon

  2. deploy nuke

  3. hang around Beacon for 4-6 seconds

  4. self-destruct

  5. nuke explodes

  6. respawn, start from 1


Sadly this is very true. I’m guilty of it myself. I was able to level up that tree extremely fast because of that method. I went from the T2 to the first T4 ship in like a week because of it. It’s dumb and that is why unlimited missiles/nukes should never have been implemented. Thanks for the quick level up game, but you really didn’t think that through. It’s really a silly albeit effective method. You’ll get about 2-3 kills with the nuke, plus a 4th or 5th when you self destruct. Do that every time and you end up with double digit kills and assists. That should not happen that way, but if it’s in the game, I guess I will exploit it.

StarGem are the developers. Gaijin is the distributor, even though we all want to blame it on them. It’s an EA thing. Considering I have never heard of StarGem before I suppose it would be safe to assume that this is their first game. If so, no wonder it’s going so badly. They may just be inexperienced or rash in their decisions, but a crowd that’s tough to please will hopefully knock some sense into them.

Sadly this is very true. I’m guilty of it myself. I was able to level up that tree extremely fast because of that method. I went from the T2 to the first T4 ship in like a week because of it. It’s dumb and that is why unlimited missiles/nukes should never have been implemented. Thanks for the quick level up game, but you really didn’t think that through. It’s really a silly albeit effective method. You’ll get about 2-3 kills with the nuke, plus a 4th or 5th when you self destruct. Do that every time and you end up with double digit kills and assists. That should not happen that way, but if it’s in the game, I guess I will exploit it.

I know, you killed me with the self-destruct twice in a battle. And I KNEW you were gonna do that xxxx and I just stood there like an idiot shooting you until you hit that button. I hate your entire kind.

I know, you killed me with the self-destruct twice in a battle. And I KNEW you were gonna do that xxxx and I just stood there like an idiot shooting you until you hit that button. I hate your entire kind.

Now now…Take a cookie and relax…

It’s just a game…

dammit devs fix your game!

I have no cookies :frowning:

No announcement of a patch… I’m getting really worried.

No announcement of a patch… I’m getting really worried.

Same.  I really don’t think they can afford to wait another week without at least addressing SOME of the concerns we’re having right now.   Even if its just some of the easier things.

Same.  I really don’t think they can afford to wait another week without at least addressing SOME of the concerns we’re having right now.   Even if its just some of the easier things.

No kidding, atm I’m sitting on 230k synergy from my prem ships… it would set me back 1.2k gold to convert it to “free synergy” -_-

No kidding, atm I’m sitting on 230k synergy from my prem ships… it would set me back 1.2k gold to convert it to “free synergy” -_-


I have 1 Millions. 6k+ golds :smiley:

No kidding, atm I’m sitting on 230k synergy from my prem ships… it would set me back 1.2k gold to convert it to “free synergy” -_-

You two must have a lot of faith in these guys if you actually went ahead and farmed up premium synergy.  I don’t entirely trust that they’ll fix it so I didn’t bother.

You two must have a lot of faith in these guys if you actually went ahead and farmed up premium synergy.  I don’t entirely trust that they’ll fix it so I didn’t bother.

Their stated goal was to make all ships flown, even Tx-1s. That has been accomplished. The problem is that most of us don’t want to play low end T1/T2/T3 ships to progress ahead.


I suspect that whatever fixes come will not allow you to bypass the system so long as you own a premium ship. That would be extremely penalizing towards those without those ships.

Their stated goal was to make all ships flown, even Tx-1s. That has been accomplished. The problem is that most of us don’t want to play low end T1/T2/T3 ships to progress ahead.


I suspect that whatever fixes come will not allow you to bypass the system so long as you own a premium ship. That would be extremely penalizing towards those without those ships.

I hope you aren’t correct about this.  Or at least if they make us fly all ships, they’ll put forth some effort to making all ships balanced are more unique

I hope you aren’t correct about this.  Or at least if they make us fly all ships, they’ll put forth some effort to making all ships balanced are more unique

They are likely working on the latter problem, but I wouldn’t expect a magical fix to a problem that big in one patch. It would require a game-wide ship balance pass.

They are likely working on the latter problem, but I wouldn’t expect a magical fix to a problem that big in one patch. It would require a game-wide ship balance pass.

Which we all know would only break this game further than it currently is if they don’t reveal their plans for the ships and get our feedback on it…

No kidding, atm I’m sitting on 230k synergy from my prem ships… it would set me back 1.2k gold to convert it to “free synergy” -_-

I’m at 5k gold to transfer.  Lately during the weekdays I don’t play too much.  The bad part is, it takes me a game or two to get the hang of it again so it sucks if I only play three or four.


These ships cost me money, I’ll play them.  If I’m stuck in T3 until I quit, and can’t rack up to new ships, so be it.

I’m at 5k gold to transfer.  Lately during the weekdays I don’t play too much.  The bad part is, it takes me a game or two to get the hang of it again so it sucks if I only play three or four.


These ships cost me money, I’ll play them.  If I’m stuck in T3 until I quit, and can’t rack up to new ships, so be it.

The idea is that you cannot play the same ship and progress everywhere. You are supposed to play the ships you want to progress. Many of these complaints will lead nowhere because they are complaints about the requirement to play the ship type you want to progress.

This part of the system is highly unlikely to change any time soon. You would do better to focus on suggesting ways to make other ships attractive for you to play instead.


Regardless, if you’re “stuck in T3 until you quit” just because that’s the tier you have gold ships for, there’s no reason for you to progress in T4/T5.

Which we all know would only break this game further than it currently is if they don’t reveal their plans for the ships and get our feedback on it…

I’m of opinion that most of player feedback is too colored by their own experiences, slanted in favor of their own gameplay and frankly utterly stupid most of the time. Just read what frigateers thought of 0.8.0 as a great example of exceptional levels of average player’s levels of ignorance and stupidity on the issue of basic game mechanics, much less balance.


Statistics likely provide a much better and impartial source for balancing. Collecting these is the apparent reason why they didn’t patch last week. They are still looking at effects of weapons, their usage patterns and so on to decide what they need to adjust.


As if it stands right now, game’s balance is better than it has ever been from the time when I initially entered the game imho. Even those Tx-1 ships are playable where I had to play them (T4 and T5). They are harder to play than Tx-3s, but they are definitely not as terrible as most people like to paint them to be.

I’m of opinion that most of player feedback is too colored by their own experiences, slanted in favor of their own gameplay and frankly utterly stupid most of the time. Just read what frigateers thought of 0.8.0 as a great example of exceptional levels of average player’s levels of ignorance and stupidity on the issue of basic game mechanics, much less balance.


Statistics likely provide a much better and impartial source for balancing. Collecting these is the apparent reason why they didn’t patch last week. They are still looking at effects of weapons, their usage patterns and so on to decide what they need to adjust.


As if it stands right now, game’s balance is better than it has ever been from the time when I initially entered the game imho. Even those Tx-1 ships are playable where I had to play them (T4 and T5). They are harder to play than Tx-3s, but they are definitely not as terrible as most people like to paint them to be.

I agree on the part that R10 ships are not that bad in general. But in lower tiers the difference is slightly bigger between R4/6 for example, where an extra passive will change a lot.


And although everyone is biased, even if they are trying not to be, it is true what you said. However a lot of people agree that a lot of things are broken and need fixing. Yet none are getting fixed! And it is honestly starting to annoy me more and more that so many things got great possiblities in this game, but most of them are terribly implemented! 

I have found, from flying in all manner of tiers, that a lot of the problems with ships are linked to problems in matchmaking.


For example, I recently found myself flying a Rank 3 ship in a “pure” Tier 1 match, and I found that match to be absolutely brilliant. It was an intense match, and hugely good fun because of the utter lack of healing available (T1 Engi can’t heal hull!). By contrast, most of the T1 games I’ve been forced into have been a chore because they haven’t been Tier 1 matches - I’ve been flying T1 ships, but matched against T2.


This is why I push for Fixed Tiers - a lot of the problems with ships are situational, and come and go based on what they are matched against.


The big offenders to my mind are:


Rank 4 - Underpowered compared to Rank 5-6 ships, but potentially gamebreaking when matched against Rank 1-3.


Rank 7 - Underpowered compared to Rank 8-9 ships (especially ECM, which only Rank 9+ can properly shield against), gamebreaking when matched against Rank 6 or less (especially CovOps / ECM, whose T3+ abilities are brutal to the point of overpowered for T2 pilots).


Rank 10 - Can hold their own against other T4, surprisingly, but are being matched against Rank 14 / 15 ships that will obliterate them without trying.


If the matchmaking was done properly, these issues would either not exist, or be significantly reduced.


And please, don’t use the tired “well I like a challenge!” excuse. If you want a challenge, then fixed tier matchmaking would allow it - put a single T5 ship in your roster and three T4 (or lower) ships, and you can have your ‘challenge’ of flying lower-tiered ships. You should not force people to fly against higher tiered ships who do not want to do so. That applies doubly for those who simply do not have the experience needed to compete against higher-tier opponents.

The idea is that you cannot play the same ship and progress everywhere. You are supposed to play the ships you want to progress. Many of these complaints will lead nowhere because they are complaints about the requirement to play the ship type you want to progress.

This part of the system is highly unlikely to change any time soon. You would do better to focus on suggesting ways to make other ships attractive for you to play instead.


Regardless, if you’re “stuck in T3 until you quit” just because that’s the tier you have gold ships for, there’s no reason for you to progress in T4/T5.

Before the patch, I would have advanced ships and upgraded everything.  If I pick the ships I paid for for the battle, it practically halts my progression of ships.  I’m supposed to ignore them completely unless I want to pay cash.  That’s the problem.  I have 800k synergy built up right now, and not ship to put them on unless I want to spend $15.  In a week or two, it’ll be $30.  Before long it will be more than I’ve paid Gaijin!  If I move to T4, I’ll have to ditch the ships, just as a T1 premium is useless in T3.  But as is, I can’t play my T3 ships in T3 and reach T4.  If at least having a premium ship got you that tier’s entry ships, that’d be worth something.  I stopped trying to get synergy for Empire, but I did try.  It’d take me a week probably just to finish getting synergy on my Deimos 2, and then fly a ship I’ve heard derided as horrible when I have a Desert Eagle.  My Desert Eagle does less for progression than a Deimos 2.  I can’t move from the Desert Eagle to the Prometheus Fire, I have to synergy up all through the T2 and T3 ships first.


How many people are playing ships for synergy rather than picking the right ship for the job?  Which is better for progression as a player?

8265 gold. ^^


but I really hope there is going to be some kind of patch. At least a hotfix round or something :confused: