Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

I leveled gunships from prometheus fire, which I had to play 4>7 or so. I currently have lightbringer. I successfully crushed ESB squads in my R11 castor when they were flying their standard R15 and I got to be the captain in CR. It’s very much doable.


The “oh noes I’m in a low ranked ship compared to them” in T5 is a 20% real issue and 80% low skill player’s cop-out as a “I lost not because they outplayed me, but because they had better gear”. In vast majority of the games, a good squad flying R10 ships will utterly destroy most random people flying full synergy R15s. And it’s entirely possible to trash even ESB squads flying R15s with R10/11/12 ships. You simply need to successfully outplay them. It’s hard, but doable, as it should be.


The #1 problem in T4/T5 right now is fear of ESB. The #2 problem is that ESB squads function like cancer when people fear them, and slowly destroy the tier by demolishing people in those 4v4 and 5v5 games in a way that makes people quit the tier entirely. Just like cancer slowly kills the organ by growing its own dysfunctional cell structure all over the organ until it fails. Those small games are indeed largely unwinnable because the only thing needed to win them is usually focus fire. But if people stopped fearing the evil space cancer and more 12v12 games were played, you’d see that they are far from undefeatable.


So quit crying here, put your big boy pants on and queue up for T4/T5 to fix the ESB problem. It’s completely in your hands folks. Devs aren’t going to segregate them, so the fate of T4/T5 is in your hands.


I laughed, the cancer-parallel is just funny.  

Still, you have a very valid point. +1 

On the other Hand: Imagine for a moment that the “russian corps” would vanish completely, I bet PPL will start complaining about NASA and WPK, since they will become the “new cancer”, because: srsly who doesnt like shooting at things or seeing explosions. I guess it would take about 2-3 Months till NASA or WPK will be feared.

So, team up before you go T4/5, since you cant expect to win with randoms vs. a full squad of ESB (but that is also true for other Corps), especially not in 4v4s. 


I really hope the barrier between T4 and T5 comes soon, its ridiculous. 

I guess it would take about 2-3 Months till NASA or WPK will be feared.


I laughed :smiley:

I laughed, the cancer-parallel is just funny.  

Still, you have a very valid point. +1 

On the other Hand: Imagine for a moment that the “russian corps” would vanish completely, I bet PPL will start complaining about NASA and WPK, since they will become the “new cancer”, because: srsly who doesnt like shooting at things or seeing explosions. I guess it would take about 2-3 Months till NASA or WPK will be feared.

So, team up before you go T4/5, since you cant expect to win with randoms vs. a full squad of ESB (but that is also true for other Corps), especially not in 4v4s. 


I really hope the barrier between T4 and T5 comes soon, its ridiculous. 

With Zap Brannigan as leader, only WPK will fear WPK :P 

With Zap Brannigan as leader, only WPK will fear WPK :P 


I see, you studied my strategy how I defeated the killbots. Very Good! I hope you learned from it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I see, you studied my strategy how I defeated the killbots. Very Good! I hope you learned from it. :stuck_out_tongue:

-last offtopic post in a row-

Oh yes I did! Never take orders from Zap Brannigan :stuck_out_tongue: Especially not as a female. 


-Zapp: The alien mothership is in orbit here. If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate. Now, like all great plans, my strategy is so simple an idiot could have devised it.-

With Zap Brannigan as leader, only WPK will fear WPK :P 

Only if he’s in the same team as Evil and Error. That’s a deadly trio you do NOT want to mess with.


I guess it would take about 2-3 Months till NASA or WPK will be feared.

This is assuming we’d get up there in the first place.

I really hope the barrier between T4 and T5 comes soon, its ridiculous. 


This right here is my main problem, assuming roughly equivalent skill levels and coordination, tech advantages becomes the defining factor. And even when I fly with 3 other NASA guys, we can field maybe 1 Rank 15 ships AT most, half R13 and the rest T4 ships. Which means we have to pilot significantly better than you guys to beat you. 

This right here is my main problem, assuming roughly equivalent skill levels and coordination, tech advantages becomes the defining factor. And even when I fly with 3 other NASA guys, we can field maybe 1 Rank 15 ships AT most, half R13 and the rest T4 ships. Which means we have to pilot significantly better than you guys to beat you. 

This.  Lucky claims you can beat the ESB T5 squads while in T4 ships if you’re skilled enough.  Fine.  I don’t really doubt that.  But when you aren’t significantly better than the opposition or perhaps even worst, then the gear/implant advantage really shows.  You’re getting stomped in a battle where you should be on par with the other team just because they’ve been playing longer?  Fine.  But when it’s every single game thats 4v4 against ESB squad or bots, thats when its a problem.  It’s lame, boring and frankly not going to worth anyone’s time.


EDIT:  It doesn’t need to be ESB, it could indeed be NASA, Wolfpack, or any other corp.  Pugs do not need to be in 4v4s against squads, simple as that.  As someone who has been on both sides of the situation, it just isn’t that fun for anyone.

EDIT:  It doesn’t need to be ESB, it could indeed be NASA, Wolfpack, or any other corp.  Pugs do not need to be in 4v4s against squads, simple as that.  As someone who has been on both sides of the situation, it just isn’t that fun for anyone.

It is fun if you’re ESB.


Also, Railgun avatar. Highly approved.

Actually only a bad loser can have fun in totally unfairy wins. It’s like Nadal had fun in keep beating a 7 yo kid starded playing tennis from a week.



I don’t think ESB have fun… point i s what should they do? Don’t play at all?  

Actually only a bad loser can have fun in totally unfairy wins. It’s like Nadal had fun in keep beating a 7 yo kid starded playing tennis from a week.



I don’t think ESB have fun… point i s what should they do? Don’t play at all?  

Oh, trust me. They do have fun. Because they’re winning. Mostly because they’re ruskies winning. They can’t possibly be bored of it nor not having fun because they KEEP doing it over and over and over…

Oh, trust me. They do have fun. Because they’re winning. Mostly because they’re ruskies winning. They can’t possibly be bored of it nor not having fun because they KEEP doing it over and over and over…

And farming T5 experimentals while winning 90% of their matches.

I leveled gunships from prometheus fire, which I had to play 4>7 or so. I currently have lightbringer. I successfully crushed ESB squads in my R11 castor when they were flying their standard R15 and I got to be the captain in CR. It’s very much doable.


The “oh noes I’m in a low ranked ship compared to them” in T5 is a 20% real issue and 80% low skill player’s cop-out as a “I lost not because they outplayed me, but because they had better gear”. In vast majority of the games, a good squad flying R10 ships will utterly destroy most random people flying full synergy R15s. And it’s entirely possible to trash even ESB squads flying R15s with R10/11/12 ships. You simply need to successfully outplay them. It’s hard, but doable, as it should be.


The #1 problem in T4/T5 right now is fear of ESB. The #2 problem is that ESB squads function like cancer when people fear them, and slowly destroy the tier by demolishing people in those 4v4 and 5v5 games in a way that makes people quit the tier entirely. Just like cancer slowly kills the organ by growing its own dysfunctional cell structure all over the organ until it fails. Those small games are indeed largely unwinnable because the only thing needed to win them is usually focus fire. But if people stopped fearing the evil space cancer and more 12v12 games were played, you’d see that they are far from undefeatable.


So quit crying here, put your big boy pants on and queue up for T4/T5 to fix the ESB problem. It’s completely in your hands folks. Devs aren’t going to segregate them, so the fate of T4/T5 is in your hands.

Although this is gonna be harsh, and maybe not warranted…But this is how I feel currently:

ESB is not a cancerous growth ruining it, some(if not all) the devs are. They keep ruining this game further and futher pushing the game farther and farther into a dark, very dark hole. Everything that was once fun is getting ruined:



Reputation(Although I can understand the current reputation system, but I prefered the old way)



And probaly 20 more things that aren’t popping into my head this instant.

And farming T5 experimentals while winning 90% of their matches.

 I actually think and hope this is the ONLY reason couse they are doing that… i hope for them couse if it’s not they are xxxx.



Anyway  it’s not as bad as u are writing… i mean… you just need your own team.


Honestly i don’t consider myself the best pilot ever, just decent… still i think i’m 2x better of 99% of esb in flying skill… 10x in aim skill.


I d like to find 3 decent people with decent t5 ships (read: not sinergy lvl 2 full white) to make a permanent team… than imho in some weeks we could compete or even beat most of esb teams.


What is fooking me up is my game time… i mean… i play 3 hours per day… but in strange hours… that’s why i didn’t place an apply for NASA yet … ;(

Patch due tomorrow. Hope it’s a good one.


Patch due tomorrow. Hope it’s a good one.

Don’t be so certain of it…They didn’t patch last week either.

And if they patch I truely hope they will fix things instead of ruining em further…Right now I am on the edge of taking a true break from the game or getting back in it depending on the hopefully tomorrows patch.

The picture doesn’t even describe my feelings right now.  I’m looking forward to tomorrow because means something will at least change from the current situation

I just don’t want to be optimistic in case my hopes are screwed even further. Rule number one of life: never be overly optimistic of something, as it just can make disappointment even worse.

Don’t be so certain of it…They didn’t patch last week either.

And if they patch I truely hope they will fix things instead of ruining em further…Right now I am on the edge of taking a true break from the game or getting back in it depending on the hopefully tomorrows patch.

No patch tomorrow would likely push Gaijin from “bad company” to “too stupid to breathe” in my eyes. There is no excuse for xxxx up a game that had this much potential.