Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

To counter a frigball, you don’t need 3 gunships.


An engy, a cov ops, one gunship and a recon will do.


But if it’s their entire team going frigball, then you need to scale that up.


Recon can use the phase remodulator to sap a players shields. Cov Ops and the gunship both specialise in high damage *cough*Orion*cough* and the engy is there to buff the survivability of your ships. Having an LRF in the back lines to pound away at their shields would help too. Throw in a command to increase resistances. Use an ECM to shut down modules.


You can’t win with one ship type. A team using all 9 types and having at least some degree of co-ordination will have the best chance of winning.

  • 2 types of monetisation in the game. DLCs and Standards.

  • Class divided weapons with an incredibly limited choice per class, only 1 or 2 of which are of any use.

  • Temporary customisation. Worst. Decision. Ever.

  • Singularity Cannons being in the game.

  • Synergy system. It’s just a huge problem unto itself.

  • Looting system. Still needs fixing.

  • ECM being utterly broken.

  • ECM not actually doing its job properly owing to its name.

  • Engineers in the lower Tiers.

  • Tweaks being applied across all tiers. Doesn’t work.

  • T5.

  • T4.

  • Getting to T3.

  • ESB curbstomping everyone who dares get near T5.


Shall I go on?

Please do, but let me finish with these, first.


  • That’s what happens in F2P games, you pay for a secondary currency that you can use almost anywhere.

  • You can still pick out of the 4 weapons, in fact, I almost always see 3 of those weapons, per class, being used constantly (that’s 3 weapons on the ceptors, 3 on the fighters and 4 on the frigates, out of 4 per class).

  • I half agree with you on this. I still believe they should make permanent purchases for a heftier GS price and add Credits usage.

  • The only things wrong with Singularity is that it still does AoE damage (when hitting a single target, it stacks damage and displays it as a single hit) and the projectiles go through Beacons, Stations, mobile rocks, Barriers and ships.

  • Synergy is only a problem in end-game (T3 and above). Hell, not even I want to leave T3 because of it.

  • Looting system does need fixing because it’s not the advertised values. You don’t get 10% of the loot, you don’t get 30% of the loot, either, that’s what’s wrong with it. But, to be fair, there are FAR more pressing matters than the odd purple.

  • ECM are fine.

  • ECM aren’t doing any ECM’ing, they’re doing EW, which has a far more broad sense than simply “ECM”.

  • Low Tiered Engineers need more module variety, but that’s it.

  • Tweaks really do not work across all Tiers, tweaks are needed in one Tier but not another, so they tweak it anyway and end up making the same ship role on different Tiers useless or overpowered. Why? Because lazyness.

  • T5 should never have been born during this… “beta”, but the ships are the least of your problems.

  • T4 are perfectly fine but the Matchmaking system puts them alongside T5 ships, making them severely underpowered, so they end up getting bumped down to T3.

  • That is purely because the devs failed epicly by letting them keep R15 on all factions, so they instantly got full Mk3 R15 ships. So did a lot of other people, for that matter, ESB aren’t solely to blame for this.

  • See Extra Credit Microtransactions. I posted it on Jasan’s thread where he explained what P2W meant.

  • It’s like before: there’s a optimal fit for each ship that uses a specific weapon. Frigates are the only ones who disobey that rule as the positron cannon till has at least some of its previous evolution’s benefits.

  • I have a different way they could do the colour system altogether, but they’d ignore it, so…

  • AoE damage. Unless it’s a missile, no.

  • I gave up after grinding the 6th level on the Fox M. Takes far too long and Rank 7/8 will just make that pain even greater.

  • Looting just sucks.

  • Who was it complaining about the fact ECMs can shut you down for 20 seconds and are also the most overpowered swarm tactic available? It happened with Cov Ops. Now it’s the ECM.

  • See above.

  • They need their heals being made more useful. They do jack all, compared to T3 where they were balanced.

  • Laziness indeed.

  • T5 is the least of my problems as I will never get there.

  • T4 gets curbstomped by T5.

  • That should never have happened. Grind again like everyone else, yes?


Ahahahaah !


Rank 10 ship play with rank 15 did u know? 


While a rank 12 can maybe do it… a rank 10 (closer to t3 than to others t4) sure can’t.


So how is presumed i can level up my empire tree? And let me be clear : i will not pay GS for sinergy transfert, i ll never do. I spent lot for the game in premium ships and modules… i have no problem in invest, but have to pay AGAIN after i bought premium ships is just scam… and i don’t wanna be scammed.


I can’t even play the ship themself couse u put me in t5 with rank 10 ship… so what?


Fortunately i had fed and jeriko rank 12 ships before patch… 

And this is yet more reasons why tiers should not be allowed to mix.

Yeah but i olso still remeber when Antibus sayd : "Max -3 +3 ranks !..



Now i think my math is correct whan i say from rank 15 and rank 10 there are FIVE ranks.

Yeah but i olso still remeber when Antibus sayd : "Max -3 +3 ranks !..



Now i think my math is correct whan i say from rank 15 and rank 10 there are FIVE ranks.

If you look at it differently, then it can be that the queue decides rank 12, so rank 9-15 will join in the match.

ESB T5 with a couple of Nova guys thrown in to complement. It was about 3 Engis and 2 guards. The rest were either ECM or Fighters, and while we could push the fighters back the slow doom push just forced us out of our beacons. 

yes, but that is ESB and nova…They generally got their EM resists in the 120-160 range, with thier thermal completly neglected. 

They made their fits in that way to block the beachballs.

ESB wrong theit name imho.


It should be Evil Space Ants.

If you look at it differently, then it can be that the queue decides rank 12, so rank 9-15 will join in the match.

 maybe… but this way it is unplayable.

To counter a frigball, you don’t need 3 gunships.


An engy, a cov ops, one gunship and a recon will do.


But if it’s their entire team going frigball, then you need to scale that up.


Recon can use the phase remodulator to sap a players shields. Cov Ops and the gunship both specialise in high damage *cough*Orion*cough* and the engy is there to buff the survivability of your ships. Having an LRF in the back lines to pound away at their shields would help too. Throw in a command to increase resistances. Use an ECM to shut down modules.


You can’t win with one ship type. A team using all 9 types and having at least some degree of co-ordination will have the best chance of winning.


It is a little comical to read advices from a person that

a) Quit already 

b) hardly reached middle of T3 tier, 

while addressing his advices to the guys concerns regarding t4/t5 

2.2k online. lag lag lag lag… Do something, servers clearly can’t handle the load, this is just terrible… :confused:

It is a little comical to read advices from a person that

a) Quit already 

b) hardly reached middle of T3 tier, 

while addressing his advices to the guys concerns regarding t4/t5 

It’s also quite comical to note that:

A) I at least offered advice

B) The advice being logical

C) Shows I still got it

This is getting friggin ridiculous.


80% of CovOps now do the exact following:


  1. spawn, fly near Beacon

  2. deploy nuke

  3. hang around Beacon for 4-6 seconds

  4. self-destruct

  5. nuke explodes

  6. respawn, start from 1

It’s also quite comical to note that:

A) I at least offered advice

B) The advice being logical

C) Shows I still got it

A) nope, what do you think makes you eligible source of advice about matters you have next to zero clues about? and it was more of a statement what you have to do and not an advice in a first place.

B) nope, your “advice” was terrible in the scenario was discussed in the realities of the current balance.

C) nope, A and B shows that you never had it.

This is getting friggin ridiculous.


80% of CovOps now do the exact following:


  1. spawn, fly near Beacon

  2. deploy nuke

  3. hang around Beacon for 4-6 seconds

  4. self-destruct

  5. nuke explodes

  6. respawn, start from 1

I don’t see too many of those in T3 maybe 1-2 on each side of a team if its 12v12, and in T4 repair bill is something to consider 

A) nope, what do you think makes you eligible source of advice about matters you have next to zero clues about? and it was more of a statement what you have to do and not an advice in a first place.

B) nope, your “advice” was terrible in the scenario was discussed in the realities of the current balance.

C) nope, A and B shows that you never had it.

A) The fact that - maybe - I’ve gone over the entire thing instead of just throwing it out there? Listen to yourself: ‘He’s inexperienced so ignore him’. If this is your attitude to other players, then… I don’t know what to say.

B) Do I need to explain it to you in monosyllabic terms?

C) The fact that A and B clearly show you’re ignoring the basic princpiles of the ships I listed and seem to be unable to think up how to apply those ships in a combat situation seems to say to me that you may not know this game as well as you thought. Good day, sir.

This is getting friggin ridiculous.


80% of CovOps now do the exact following:


  1. spawn, fly near Beacon

  2. deploy nuke

  3. hang around Beacon for 4-6 seconds

  4. self-destruct

  5. nuke explodes

  6. respawn, start from 1

Realize that thier DSR is DROPPING like a anchor by doing this ?

I know that I may do 1 & 2 but sure as heck am not self-distruct type to do 3 and 4. I am dropping and getting the heck out of Dodge.

I would seem to think #3 is so that everyone pays attention to blasting away at them instead of scattering… so that #5 will catch as many ships as possible.

Still this self-distruct method is not logical in that each time you “Die” doesn’t the wait\cooldown between spawns take longer ?

You can still do it 2-3 times at least before the spawn time gets too long and you have to spawn as some other class, but its very effective.