Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion


I think you were in a fighter, and either with Evil, Error or NASA, can’t remember. We faced all of them more or less on the same day. You were in 2-3 times against our squad.


But I do just a dramatic pause about the remark with the suicide tactics. Erm… Yeah… *smile* “Yes it was good to see you, too!” :smiley:

I vaguely remember it. I was with Evil, I believe. I think the NASA squad was just a plus on our side, they just followed us around, can’t remember whether Error was with us or not.


If I was in a Fighter, it was either the Katana or the Silent Fox. If the latter, I gave up on it after that match, so freaking pointless to level up anything… Especially those ships.


And yes, the suicide tactics are for all those abusing the nuke reload timer on CovOps. It’s just so xxxx, I have no words to express the futility of their actions. What’s worse is that the game actually REWARDS that tactic.

Yeah… corporations like ESB harm the game more than help it. Hell, the big Russian corps are the whole reason we have a xxxx matchmaking system that nobody (except them) asked for!


Point is random gaming and team gaming (realm team i mean… with ts and coordination… not random teams ppl ask for in global chat) is very different… they should be put in different queques if there were anought players…


Another thing i don’t understand is why there isn’t an official 4v4 option for competitive matches… u could even arrange a rank system based on that…

Point is random gaming and team gaming (realm team i mean… with ts and coordination… not random teams ppl ask for in global chat) is very different… they should be put in different queques if there were anought players…


Another thing i don’t understand is why there isn’t an official 4v4 option for competitive matches… u could even arrange a rank system based on that…

This, to me, is what Arcade should have been - a queue where you can’t join as a group, and the game makes every effort to avoid matching people with those they’re likely to be collaborating with (ie: if four ESB pilots were queued for a T4 match it’d put one on each side and force the other two to wait for the next one).


The intent behind that would be simple; Sector Conquest would encourage groups, Corp play (you could even have it so the game put as many players from the same Corp as possible on the same side) and so on. Arcade would _dis_courage that, to the point of actively stopping people from grouping.


That way, everyone gets to play their own way.

Hmph. Heretics everywhere.

*Tries to make the Tzeentch mark on shoulderplate even more blatantly obvious*


On the topic of the actual game…


There are so many things 0.9.0 screwed over and so few things it improved. Mostly aesthetic. No, the weapons system is crap and I despise it as much.


This. (And + for NGE reference)  I haven’t played for a few days now.  I’m generally a pretty laid back player and I don’t mind losing.  But every single time I queue up for a T4 match I get put into 1 of three situations.


1.  1v1 with 2 bots on each side

2.  2v2 with 1 bot on each side

3.  Randoms vs ESB


At first yeah I would play it out, but now if I get matched against ESB I’ll just disconnect.  Whats the point of even playing since they’ll just stomp me in their maxed T5 ships every single time.  I mean I wouldn’t have an issue with being beaten if I least stood a chance, but there is literally nothing I can do against those T5 implants and + projectile speed T5 singularity cannons.  It just isn’t fun.


This game is beyond broken right now.  I’ll try again next patch.

If the next patch is anything but a rollback with a sincere apology and a promise from the devs that they’ll actually listen to their players properly then don’t bother coming back. It’ll be pointless.


I enjoyed this game when it was fun. I really did. I might have complained about the balance problems but I still found it brilliant to play. I had choices I could make.


Unless the devs pull something huge, gamechanging and right for once out of their xxxx I am not coming back.

This, to me, is what Arcade should have been - a queue where you can’t join as a group, and the game makes every effort to avoid matching people with those they’re likely to be collaborating with (ie: if four ESB pilots were queued for a T4 match it’d put one on each side and force the other two to wait for the next one).


The intent behind that would be simple; Sector Conquest would encourage groups, Corp play (you could even have it so the game put as many players from the same Corp as possible on the same side) and so on. Arcade would _dis_courage that, to the point of actively stopping people from grouping.


That way, everyone gets to play their own way.


Than they don’t play anymore and cry on russian forum :stuck_out_tongue:


No,but seriously, with some exeptions, ESB are nothing special in fly and aim skill… there are hundred of better pilots arounds. What they basically do is stay in the pack , try to pull somene out of the opponent group , than stasys and focus fire.


They have good team coordination, and that offcourse makes them God looking till they have to fight random players or random teams (with no voice chat and probably never played toogheter before).


That’s the point, and i totally agree with ur comment, teams should play against teams… randoms against randoms.

*Tries to make the Tzeentch mark on shoulderplate even more blatantly obvious*


On the topic of the actual game…


There are so many things 0.9.0 screwed over and so few things it improved. Mostly aesthetic. No, the weapons system is crap and I despise it as much.


List of things wrong with the entire patch:

  • Weapons with “fake” ammunition.

  • Singularity Cannon still broken.

  • Missiles reload instantly upon death.

  • Not enough Synergy to get to T4/5 without getting repeatedly curbstomped by full purple R15 ships IN T4 matches alongside R10 ships.

  • Premium ships not paying off after their purchase (being worked on, last I heard, fat chance).


That’s pretty much it.


List of things wrong with the entire patch:

  • Weapons with “fake” ammunition.

  • Singularity Cannon still broken.

  • Missiles reload instantly upon death.

  • Not enough Synergy to get to T4/5 without getting repeatedly curbstomped by full purple R15 ships IN T4 matches alongside R10 ships.

  • Premium ships not paying off after their purchase (being worked on, last I heard, fat chance).


That’s pretty much it.


  • 2 types of monetisation in the game. DLCs and Standards.

  • Class divided weapons with an incredibly limited choice per class, only 1 or 2 of which are of any use.

  • Temporary customisation. Worst. Decision. Ever.

  • Singularity Cannons being in the game.

  • Synergy system. It’s just a huge problem unto itself.

  • Looting system. Still needs fixing.

  • ECM being utterly broken.

  • ECM not actually doing its job properly owing to its name.

  • Engineers in the lower Tiers.

  • Tweaks being applied across all tiers. Doesn’t work.

  • T5.

  • T4.

  • Getting to T3.

  • ESB curbstomping everyone who dares get near T5.


Shall I go on?

I don’t blame Russians for anything and afaik, esb isnt the only russian team. I find it a bit unfair to ESB to make them a scapegoat.


They are way older players, so of course, they fill T4 and T5 now faster. Since however the grind to get there is now pretty much frustrating, and some of us just play along as we did before in T3, it might will be for a long time so, since now it is even unclear, when and how new pilots will even reach T3 if they would start today - something you could in march still achieve in roughly 1 week.

This means, T4 and T5 might need a long time until they are really flooded with people, and beating ESB tactic no 1 (“Exactly Same Blob”) might need really full matches and higher ratio of good players / other squads, because lets face it, they are really awesome at it.

With individual pilots, ESB makes much less impression, since they never attack alone, or mostly vulture too much on the weak, making you win an ESB match easier than beating e.g. nova, wpk or nasa in a pub, at certain gamemodes. There are already 1-2 names, I really respect from ESB, tho, but the ratio of “good pilots” is higher in other areas, yes. Which again is heavily connected to their very good team cohesion.

But I dont think, that is just bad. I think, sometimes it is good, if you are not on the top of the leaderboard, because usually, that’s a match, where you learned about something.


We all tried to write in March, that rewards being cut, or at least the feeling of it being cut, is bad. Progression is good, even if its just numbers growing. Since you can lose standing in lost matches in PvP, it is risky to enter higher tiers for me now, even if I do have T4’s. You have to remember, not being in a corp means that you dont care that much about loss, as in a corp, since it might cost you ranks, especially in higher tiers, where the tier seems to be the multiplicator.

So the additional Perks of the Synergy system are indeed really bad. It is a nice idea, but it seems as if it benefits only certain players, while the other system with reputation, is again better for others.


I rather prepare my ships, before I move on, because until T3, it was mostly just pubfights, where you can simply hop in and even try the ship you dont want to play, but in T3, slowly teams start to actually do something, and it becomes important to field specific ships and have a gamestyle, so the synergy actually makes only sense if you could transfer it there - which you have to pay for.

I feel like the game should have stopped with T3, and T4 and T5 designs should only extend the gameplay, instead of offering two additional difficulty levels of the same ships, so I am not as eager to progress anyway.


I had no problems with T5 frigates in T3 matches so far, concerning the singularity cannon, given, that I use a Deagle for that thing, and got an experimental one.

  • Missiles reload instantly upon death.

In T5(with empire R13 implant) they even insta-reload basicly while alive! Since the 30% CD reduce per kills also applies to cartridge reload.

Teh survavibility is a Lie !

  • Singularity Cannons being in the game.


This is just wrong. If you remove the singularity cannon frigate balls will be even more deadly than before. In higher tiers I was flying with my corp mates and we had 3 gunships all with the bubble gun. Even with that we could BARELY dent a good frig ball. 

This is just wrong. If you remove the singularity cannon frigate balls will be even more deadly than before. In higher tiers I was flying with my corp mates and we had 3 gunships all with the bubble gun. Even with that we could BARELY dent a good frig ball. 

The mechanics are horrific, IMO. No weapon should go through anything, especially AoE weapons, unless they have a specific upgrade that allows them to do so.

This is just wrong. If you remove the singularity cannon frigate balls will be even more deadly than before. In higher tiers I was flying with my corp mates and we had 3 gunships all with the bubble gun. Even with that we could BARELY dent a good frig ball. 

lolwut, I have seen a single singularity fighter kill 3 frigates within 20 seconds, what the hell were you guys doing?

It’s funny how people fear the frigballs, but the (SuicidalNukeSpam) SNS Syndrome, the ECMSWARM and the Bluewawes are fine :smiley:


No problem, everything is fine. 

lolwut, I have seen a single singularity fighter kill 3 frigates within 20 seconds, what the hell were you guys doing?

ESB T5 with a couple of Nova guys thrown in to complement. It was about 3 Engis and 2 guards. The rest were either ECM or Fighters, and while we could push the fighters back the slow doom push just forced us out of our beacons. 

Answer is to use gunships. They have overdrive for a reason.

Answer is to use gunships. They have overdrive for a reason.

… are you seriously thinking we didn’t know that? We had 3 gunships, all with bubble gun, we still couldn’t push them back.