Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

the tier 5 ships of type frigate, 


every frigate and guard looks equal, (not really good, you have different abilities and you get the same look on the ships)


engineering frigates are still really weak, having maximum of 200-300 regen per sec or less. with a healing station who works on 1 player with 260 shield regen per sec, (still bad if u think of it, normal cannons does 500-2000 dmg per sec and this is 1 vs 1 + modules and + rockets or items or nukes and so on, so i would call that engineering really sucks compared to guard,


guard ship has ability to regen 15000 shields over 20 sec, thats 700-800 shield per second, and the module if its experimental it will have recharge on 55 sec, so, having healed and and lost all ur ship’s shield , normal guards tier 3 easy go over 20k, so thats 35 000 shields, and when recharge is done u do it again and thats 35 000 + 15 000. + they got pulsar, 7000-9000 dmg for over 12 sec, + a guard got phase shields


engineering got nothing from what a guard does, some sucky drones wich dies easy of 1 missile and so on, and 300-500 dmg, vs normal pvp enemys its on 170-300 damage, and it takes 35 seconds before 1 drone spawns. can regen shield with drone upp to 4200, still bad! the drones break so fast, and u got a charging station wich is okay, shield generator and hull gerenator, thats 3 items equipped already and the 4th is normaly a warp gate. 


do 1 guard ship vs 1 engineering, well its quite obvious that the guard will crush the engineering. now engineering does not have 6 guns annymore, still bad, ships looks bad with 2 slots open for cannons wich is not there.


and the prices of using tier 5 ships can repair upp to 200 000 for 4 deaths, i think thats maximum for 1 ship, 189k or something with my t-rex deaths. 


the plasma weapon who shots plasma balls or whatever with 2500-4500 dmg pr hit, upp to 6000, critical can come on 10k dmg per 1 hit. i think this is really overpowered, people use this on gunships and yea, 50 000 damage can be done within seconds. there is no chance for guards or bigger ships to fight off. 


everything is okay but dissapoint every tier 5 ships looks equal in guard - engineering - long range. looks the same,and yea the new super weapon is just, bullshit, the plasma cannon in the line above,


vent from osprey ship tier 5 lvl 13 to a t-rex ship and it had diff name and yea, its exacly the same look at osprey just with some camouflage colors wich does not help anything, its dissapoint. 

You… you… Heretic. A simple-minded Heretic… You know what we do to Heretics in the Imperium?..





Incofrect. I can floor an Alligator C with my Raptor Mk 2. Or, I used to with hail plasma cannons. If they switched to EM, I switched to kinetic. Therefore, his phase shield is worth nothing. On top of that, I heal at a faster rate, my drones do an additional 300 to 500 damage per second PER DRONE.

No, in a 1v1 with a guard of my skill I’m pretty sure I can beat him.

No, in a 1v1 with a guard of my skill I’m pretty sure I can beat him.


I meant if I was fighting myself…

I meant if I was fighting myself…

Too late. When I arrive home, today, you shall be challenged to a duel. To the death.

Too late. When I arrive home, today, you shall be challenged to a duel. To the death.

I don’t even have the frigging game installed!

I don’t even have the frigging game installed!

Well, then get to it!

Welp, I have burned out…

I am now so bored ingame I just won’t bother anymore for now until the next patch, and then see if they actually fixed anything at all.


The list of boring things and things I disagree with:

I must do ~70-80 PVP battles to get my next ship, which is a bit too much for me, and PVE is so mind numbing I don’t even want to start it up anymore. Especially the T5 is mind numbing with the 10 minute cargo escort.

  • Increase credit income to get rid of the 100 battles to get your next ship, we are already stuck in every ship due to synergy anyway, might as well make it atleast possible to buy our next ship.


Loyalty is frankly boring as hell to farm with it’s slow as hell speed, I have 3 of them at 12, and I don’t even want to think about the other 3 that will take me another month to get, if not longer.

-Increase loyalty income. Simple as that. The loyalty leveling can take 5 days per level and that was when I played very actively.


Getting farmed by T5 4 man squads is getting really boring when my team and I only have T4 ships fielded, and in my last match even T2 ships(1 T4 ship, rest were T1/T2 in his set up).   

Tiered matchmaking would help this…


The synergy system is a terrible idea, and should never have been implemented. Right now it looks like nothing more than a cash grab and that is just sad.

-Make the premiums generate only free synergy. Making us pay for synergy transfer is just milking cows(Or humans, in this case) for money. I also suggest an increased synergy per gold for F2P ships, something like 250/1 GS.


The customization options, why is there no permanent option? Who would pay GS to buy a sticker/color for 30 days if you will be the only one to see it? Permanent options are far better.

-The permanent option was fine, I would never pay for a customization only I will see that is gonna cost me a lot of money if it is not permanent.


The looting system is a joke, 10% loot chance is basicly 99% of the time debris, and the 30% loot option isn’t much better at about 90% debris chance, and the insane GS costs to use the 30% looting option definitly doesn’t help either.

-Make the free loot 30-50%, and the GS option 60-100% or decrease the costs of GS looting by a lot. Right now it is simply not worth using the option in T4/T5 due to it costing over 500 per loot attempt which in 90% of the cases fails anyway.


The singularity cannon still needs a nerf to it’s damage. It’s RoF and radius is fine, but it’s sheer damage is too much for an AoE weapon.

-Reduce it’s damage by 10-15% and make it stop going through beacons and barriers…

It seems that a fair few people are saying the same thing; synergy progression has ruined the game.


I can tell you why in very simple terms: people want progress, and synergy isn’t progress.


Under the old system, every battle counted. It didn’t matter if I was flying my highest ranking ships or I went back and flew in Tier 1; every match got me reputation. Every match, no matter what tier flown in or what ships used, got me one step closer to being Rank 12, or whatever rank I was aiming for.


This was the strength of the old system. If you didn’t like a ship, you could just grind up cash and reputation flying ships you did like and skip past the ones you didn’t want.


The current system forces people to use ships they don’t want to use. This breeds resentment. I HATE the Phobos. I never, ever want to have to fly it again… but I want Gunships in T4 and my only alternative is to grind through a ton of Command Fighters… which to be honest I don’t really want.


See the problem? If I fly what I want to fly, I don’t advance in the ship tree, but if I fly ships that advance the ship tree I’m not enjoying the game because I don’t want to fly those ships. It’s a Catch-22 that will ultimately see this game bleed to death. I’m already at the point where I’m just logging in to get the daily rewards, and maybe do one or two matches for the sake of contracts. I’m not advancing any more. I’m not looking for group matches any more. I’m not looking to support the game financially ever again because you, the Devs, clearly don’t want me to.


This should have been fixed last week. In fact, it should never have been done in the first place.

What Funky said! 

Other Option for Singularity would be to let it have slow barrels and make it chargeable. 

Under the old system, every battle counted. It didn’t matter if I was flying my highest ranking ships or I went back and flew in Tier 1; every match got me reputation. Every match, no matter what tier flown in or what ships used, got me one step closer to being Rank 12, or whatever rank I was aiming for.


Oh, you still can aim for a Rank, but you have to grind in one ship over and over and over again. 

I dont feel like I can choose “the most fitting” ship for a battle, since then I have virtually no or not needed progression. Im grinding on my Waki since the patch came out… 140K synergy more to go. so maybe at the end of the week I can buy the Waki AE. I wont fly it though since im sick of ECM at the moment. 

Srsly the Grind makes me sick to play certain shipclasses. 

Funky, I +1 your post, but I disagree about the singularity cannon. What it needs is a hit animation, and of course the center of the ball should have collision detection. It needs a damage reduction on Ceptors only, its basicly a 2 shot weapon if fitted right. But it is by far not the most effective weapon, only against overtanked frigs. So generally the weapon is imho fine, and people seem not to use it to excess anymore anyway. I also reduced its usage to tactical situations, where the team needs a bulldozer - and I spent quite some time in Frigates now again and find it actually pretty fair, you can escape, especially with Fed Frigs. I did however not try it in higher tiers than T3. Maybe 5-10% max. reduction. You have to fit your ship offensively to use the BBB, if you dont use offensive modules with it, it is the wrong weapon of choice.


I always forget they go through beacons. They really shouldnt. It is kinda okay, they go through placed shields, even if they should not go very far behind it.



I also did a one time buy of synergy, even if it “makes it stay”, just to try it and get a ship up in synergy faster. I feel the gold price (150=1) is a bit too much; there should be credits option on this, too.

I can safely say, I won’t spend much more gold on this. Mostly, because I have no choice, which actually reduces the incentive to pay with GS instead of credits. We lost a good player in our group permanently, who does not want to come back with this synergy system :frowning: Generally, however, the patch has made the game a lot better, and I really hope Thursday will see some changes to make it better.



The synergy system would have been fine, if the ranking system would not have been abandoned completely, and definitely not that abruptly. Already wrote that. Since we still seem to get the points (in the log), they could simply turn it back on and modify it to complement the synergy option.



I am really not a PvE player, but the new map sounds incredibly fun (endless waves), can’t wait to try it one day. Did not read much feedback on that here.



There should be a free roam mode map. To test controls, test ships, etc. It is frequently asked in the chat, and I miss it also. Sometimes, to kill the time, flying around without enemies could be very soothing. It does not have to be multiplayer, but if, simply no goals, no server side simulation, no rewards and just count the kills on the board; No repair costs.



The Imperium of Man sounds very much like Perry Rhodan to me, and I despise B-SciFi, which just scales numbers and sizes up to sound impressive. :smiley:



I tried to get a duel with Oryngton, but he never was alone. Always surrounded by those ECMs - and if an ECM is involved, any duel just ends in a mass gank. :smiley:

However I agree, at least, play the game if you criticize it, OldSpice. Some things turned out to be pretty nice. Generally, the games are much more entertaining now, especially with some annoyances gone (Mined christmas bacons)

What Funky said! 

Other Option for Singularity would be to let it have slow barrels and make it chargeable. 


No. Then I rather have damage reduction. That weapon depends on fast barrels actually. It is not a straight line bombardment weapon, it has no range and projectile speed for that. I see a lot of people using it like that, and usually I attack fighters with the singularity first, usually killing them. It would be useless with slow barrels. At least with the barrels currently in game. They could be “slightly slower”, if you turn them around. They could also be fixed not to turn more than 270°, giving you a blindspot in the back.


Actually, using it in a straight line, to get combo hits is quite risky with this (basicly making singularity vs. singularity harder, and therefore benefit the team which has simply “more of them”), having slow barrels would only allow this, and charging would be way to unfair.


@edit: however +1 to your sickness. I just stopped progressing and it feels like, I am gonna stay in T3 a bit longer.

The Imperium of Man sounds very much like Perry Rhodan to me, and I despise B-SciFi, which just scales numbers and sizes up to sound impressive. :smiley:



I tried to get a duel with Oryngton, but he never was alone. Always surrounded by those ECMs - and if an ECM is involved, any duel just ends in a mass gank. :smiley:

However I agree, at least, play the game if you criticize it, OldSpice. Some things turned out to be pretty nice. Generally, the games are much more entertaining now, especially with some annoyances gone (Mined christmas bacons)

Hmph. Heretics everywhere.


Yeah, as an ECM pilot, I rarely fly on my lonesome. You must’ve caught me on my Recon, then. Hey, at least you’re not using xxxx suicide tactics!

Oh, you still can aim for a Rank, but you have to grind in one ship over and over and over again. 

I dont feel like I can choose “the most fitting” ship for a battle, since then I have virtually no or not needed progression. Im grinding on my Waki since the patch came out… 140K synergy more to go. so maybe at the end of the week I can buy the Waki AE. I wont fly it though since im sick of ECM at the moment. 

Srsly the Grind makes me sick to play certain shipclasses. 

No kidding, I grinded 3 command ships (Katana S to level 9, Prometheus X to level 8 and Spartacus to level 7) in the last 2 weeks, I feel sick looking at them now. Don’t know when I’ll even buy the damned Lance Type S I fought so many battles to unlock. 

Was thinking… do you devs are planning to do something about Federation Cov Ops? Couse really at the moment they are just totally usless.


I’m not talking about cov ops class itself now (anyway i think it should be revisited a little bit…) , but point is … i just got and tryed  Wakisashi R (rank 14 jeriko)…and it is FAR AWAY better than Falcon M… falcon M is simply point less: too squishy and not enought fast at all to compesate its low survivability … and even if it was faster … well with Stasys and new missiles system it cold probably be not enought too…

Yeah, as an ECM pilot, I rarely fly on my lonesome. You must’ve caught me on my Recon, then. Hey, at least you’re not using xxxx suicide tactics!


I think you were in a fighter, and either with Evil, Error or NASA, can’t remember. We faced all of them more or less on the same day. You were in 2-3 times against our squad.


But I do just a dramatic pause about the remark with the suicide tactics. Erm… Yeah… *smile* “Yes it was good to see you, too!” :smiley:

But I do just a dramatic pause about the remark with the suicide tactics. Erm… Yeah… *smile* “Yes it was good to see you, too!” :smiley:


What? Suicide tactic works fine ! 

Welp, I have burned out…

I am now so bored ingame I just won’t bother anymore for now until the next patch, and then see if they actually fixed anything at all.


The list of boring things and things I disagree with:

I must do ~70-80 PVP battles to get my next ship, which is a bit too much for me, and PVE is so mind numbing I don’t even want to start it up anymore. Especially the T5 is mind numbing with the 10 minute cargo escort.

  • Increase credit income to get rid of the 100 battles to get your next ship, we are already stuck in every ship due to synergy anyway, might as well make it atleast possible to buy our next ship.


Loyalty is frankly boring as hell to farm with it’s slow as hell speed, I have 3 of them at 12, and I don’t even want to think about the other 3 that will take me another month to get, if not longer.

-Increase loyalty income. Simple as that. The loyalty leveling can take 5 days per level and that was when I played very actively.


Getting farmed by T5 4 man squads is getting really boring when my team and I only have T4 ships fielded, and in my last match even T2 ships(1 T4 ship, rest were T1/T2 in his set up).   

Tiered matchmaking would help this…


The synergy system is a terrible idea, and should never have been implemented. Right now it looks like nothing more than a cash grab and that is just sad.

-Make the premiums generate only free synergy. Making us pay for synergy transfer is just milking cows(Or humans, in this case) for money. I also suggest an increased synergy per gold for F2P ships, something like 250/1 GS.


The customization options, why is there no permanent option? Who would pay GS to buy a sticker/color for 30 days if you will be the only one to see it? Permanent options are far better.

-The permanent option was fine, I would never pay for a customization only I will see that is gonna cost me a lot of money if it is not permanent.


The looting system is a joke, 10% loot chance is basicly 99% of the time debris, and the 30% loot option isn’t much better at about 90% debris chance, and the insane GS costs to use the 30% looting option definitly doesn’t help either.

-Make the free loot 30-50%, and the GS option 60-100% or decrease the costs of GS looting by a lot. Right now it is simply not worth using the option in T4/T5 due to it costing over 500 per loot attempt which in 90% of the cases fails anyway.


The singularity cannon still needs a nerf to it’s damage. It’s RoF and radius is fine, but it’s sheer damage is too much for an AoE weapon.

-Reduce it’s damage by 10-15% and make it stop going through beacons and barriers…

On your points:


Synergy is burning everyone out right now I think. But that’s not even the nasty grind at the moment, something that many people seem to be missing completely. The actual nasty grind is the loyalty one, I did the math that even grinding it hard w/o license would give me maybe one-two factions by the end of the year. It’s crazy.


ESB would be farming everyone with T4, and even T3 ships in 4v4 and 5v5 games. They’re trained to focus fire and have excellent fire discipline - something that most squads don’t have. I still think that we need segregation into randoms and squads because frankly they’re acting like a cancerous growth, slowly destroying the top tiers for second time by simply not giving anyone else a chance to really get into the tier.

I doubt devs have the courage to do anything about the issue though, considering that they have done nothing to fix the problem for the entire duration of game’s existence. And it certainly doesn’t help that many oldies farmed up a lot of factions to T5 mk3 levels, giving them even more advantage.



I actually think that synergy is pretty good, just that the numbers are way off. The grind feels a bit soul crushing, and exceptionally low free synergy effectively blocks you from playing the ships you like the most. On the other hand, desire to progress pushes people into T4/T5, which is a good thing.


Non-permanent customization is silly, and something I won’t bother to use. I’m perfectly fine with looting system. giving higher chances would be edging it closer to pay to win. I really don’t like people asking for pay to win. “Just let me pay to have guaranteed pull out on that uber epic loot” is pay to win.



Singularity cannon needs a damage buff actually, at least against T5 frigates, I’ve already seen several nigh uncrackable frig balls (or more specifically frigate front lines) in T5 and it’s never fun to play against them. You just get slowly pushed and slaughtered, and any attempts to assault it with singularity means eating focus and melting in seconds. It needs a damage nerf/slow barrels against fighters and interceptors to make singularity wielders have a solid weakness. It also needs a hit animation and sound.

Yeah… corporations like ESB harm the game more than help it. Hell, the big Russian corps are the whole reason we have a xxxx matchmaking system that nobody (except them) asked for!


But they are just one nail in a series of nails. The game should encourage forward movement, but it doesn’t.

  • Synergy forces players to fly ships they don’t want to, encouraging them to not bother advancing and just fly in the ships they like. This will cause people to become “stuck” in T2, if not T1, because the grind is xxxx to get beyond there.
  • Bad matchmaking throws higher tier ships into lower tier matches, encouraging players to drop back to T1 / T2 to try and avoid those ships. This in turn means the bad matchmaking system throws the catch-net ever wider and pushes more high-tier ships into low-tier matches, causing greater dissent amongst the players.
  • Bad ship balance means that players new to a Tier are flying a xxxx ship with Mk I gear against higher ranking ships with vastly superior equipment. This again causes a “why bother?” reaction and stunts advancement.
  • “Pro” Corporations dominate higher tiers, causing people to avoid playing in those tiers. This in turn means smaller games, which means the power of those Corps is increased (4 ESB in a 12 man squad? Can be scary. 4 ESB vs 4 Randoms? Ragequit the match), which means more people are driven away.

The game’s entire setup appears to be “DO NOT ADVANCE!”.