Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

At the moment no clear comments on customization, sorry. It will be expanded in the future, sure - but will there be any changes in the matters of price, colors, tiers etc - still in discussion.

At the moment no clear comments on customization, sorry. It will be expanded in the future, sure - but will there be any changes in the matters of price, colors, tiers etc - still in discussion.

A permanent option will be very well accepted into the playerbase. I’m not even saying this because I think it will. I know it will. Everyone does.


Colours are a nice start. They give us a little personal flair, and I like that. If I was still playing I might have bought a DLC and used the standards to buy a paint for a week to see how it goes.


If you wanted real customisation, the big one for this would be actual parts we could add on the ship. Maybe like a new wing piece, or something. That would be awesome.

At the moment no clear comments on customization, sorry. It will be expanded in the future, sure - but will there be any changes in the matters of price, colors, tiers etc - still in discussion.

I only asked because you ARE losing a lot of money from a system that should be the main source of income, not DLCs or Synergy transfer.

I only asked because you ARE losing a lot of money from a system that should be the main source of income, not DLCs or Synergy transfer.

Pretty much.


If you want cash out of a game, the best way to get it is customisation. Everything else is just a bonus. Synergy will probably get you very little.

Pretty much.


If you want cash out of a game, the best way to get it is customisation. Everything else is just a bonus. Synergy will probably get you very little.

Don’t be sure of that, I have spend some 2k GS on synergy transfers as well already.

Don’t be sure of that, I have spend some 2k GS on synergy transfers as well already.

I wouldn’t. It’s stupid that I should have to pay to take it off my ship and then pay to put it on another.

Don’t be sure of that, I have spend some 2k GS on synergy transfers as well already.

That’s the point I’m trying to get across. F2P games should rely, mostly, on customization options. Because this is where the big bucks come from, modifying your items in-game to get something unique that other players would go “ooh, shiny, must have!” and they actually do, because it’s pleasant.


In short: Capitalism. I know the ruskies hate the system, but it’s what brings money to games, nowadays.

Don’t be sure of that, I have spend some 2k GS on synergy transfers as well


Amen to that !

I also accidently\wasn’t paying attention along with being click happy and ended up having 254 battles with +5 shield and hull which cost me over 15 million. I wish there was a ARE YOU SURE box… but then again… I think the DEV’s were counting on folks like me :slight_smile:

Never sell power, either.

Never sell power, either.

There is at least one guy at T5 who is flying with what appears to be a full or near full premium fit. Those things are around 20€ per module.


Nothing wrong with it as far as I’m concerned. It’s essentially not available to anyone who didn’t grind when it was easy grind for months, if not years though. I did a quick math on my loyalty gains during the hard grind week, and at those speeds it would take me to the end of the year to get one faction to R15.


I could be off by a month or two in the end, but I doubt it. And that was with active grinding for entire period.

You’ll forgive me if I don’t get my hopes up about Premiums, but frankly what I see happening, at best, is this:

Devs give us something nobody wants. Multiple fixes are posted, Devs give us 10% of what we want and ignore all further protests.

That’s the optimistic outlook…

Amen to that !

I also accidently\wasn’t paying attention along with being click happy and ended up having 254 battles with +5 shield and hull which cost me over 15 million. I wish there was a ARE YOU SURE box… but then again… I think the DEV’s were counting on folks like me :slight_smile:

I would never have that problem, since I never have that much credits D: And even if I did, it would be gone 2 seconds later xD

*So many ships to buy, so few credits*

I have a couple pof  t5 full premium ship with blue rokets and weapon mod actually :smiley:


I made onw with the GS refound after patch… and one buying… than i made the faction i needed fopr rokets and mod to 15.


And i have to say… i don’t understand how it should be considered “power selling” while there are people around with full blue t5 just becouse they had the opportunity to farm faction ranks before was locked…actually i wish i could save 80 euros and buy blue.

I just can’t and i don’t like to fight full blues in full white …

Premium should look gold as well?

  • Disruption Macrocannon  - This macrocannon variant fires a “shell” of highly-charged, ionized deuterium atoms. These particles cause minimal physical damage to their targets. Instead, they are intended to overload and shut down power transfer systems throughout the target vessels. These weapons are particularly useful for vessels that need to capture their prey intact.
  • Hecutor Pattern Plasma Battery  - The Hecutor Pattern plasma battery is an ancient variant of plasma macroweaponry that refocuses the power of the plasma “blast,” concentrating it into a compressed photonic packet that can be fired over extremely long distances. 
  • Stygies Pattern Bombardment Cannons  - These devastating weapons are designed to reduce planetary defences to rubble and support military landings. Most often they use linear accelerators to launch massed salvoes of heavy magma bomb warheads, and though relatively short-ranged, can also be used in naval combat. Often the rumour that orbiting vessels carry them is enough to force a quick surrender.


I want this on my frigates ;D Is it possible? xD

Are you kidding? The Imperium of man fire TORPEDOES larger than a Star Conflict frigate - you’d never mount those guns on anything in this game!

Are you kidding? The Imperium of man fire TORPEDOES larger than a Star Conflict frigate - you’d never mount those guns on anything in this game!

offtop on: The Imperium of Man is overrated.



I want this on my frigates ;D Is it possible? xD

Ontop: It would be interesting but there is a copyright part to it. Also, yes, sizes are a bit… hard to fit into the Universe of Star Conflict. For now.

I have an update on the situation with premium ships:


We do understand that premium ships are not as fun in the new system, as they can be. At the moment we are discussing the best solution to improve the situation. For now I can state clearly that the amount of generated free synergy will be boosted.


We are also planning to add some other modifications to them, as we see that our players want additional changes to premium ships. Yet you must understand that as we do not pursue the P2W model (nor do we plan on doing so), the choice of balanced parameters takes some time. Please, be patient, the situation will soon be resolved!

Right now, premium ships are pay to lose, since you lose synergy without paying far more money than the ship cost.  Also, why were T1 and T2 given first dibs on colors?  Premiums should have been first!


I only asked because you ARE losing a lot of money from a system that should be the main source of income, not DLCs or Synergy transfer.

Customization can bring in money, but I imagine licenses and premium ships will still dominate.  If loot gave a 100% option, it would bring in money as well.  I hate being tempted on gambling cash.  If it’s not guaranteed, it’s gambling.


Don’t be sure of that, I have spend some 2k GS on synergy transfers as well already.

You do know that the more people who spend GS on synergy will only encourage them to make it permanent?


I would never have that problem, since I never have that much credits D: And even if I did, it would be gone 2 seconds later xD

*So many ships to buy, so few credits*

You have that much synergy built up?  I started buying Mk.III and Mk.II just because.  And when I got  T4 ship available, after I loaded all my greens(I have a lot of green T4 as I’m sure a lot of T3 players do), I tweaked parts to make it me.  I still have 12m.  I’m buying booster modules regularly now because I’m bring in credits faster than I can get rid of them!  That should tell you there’s an imbalance.

offtop on: The Imperium of Man is overrated.

You… you… Heretic. A simple-minded Heretic… You know what we do to Heretics in the Imperium?..


And a “Made in china” Copy ? :smiley:


Are you kidding? The Imperium of man fire TORPEDOES larger than a Star Conflict frigate - you’d never mount those guns on anything in this game!


60 metres long (on Destroyers) and imperial’s Destroyers are smaller than frigates. Meh, balanced torpedoes :smiley:


offtop on: The Imperium of Man is overrated.


Offtop : Meh ! It was planned ! the Astronomican is just here to attract Tyrannids !



Ontop: It would be interesting but there is a copyright part to it. Also, yes, sizes are a bit… hard to fit into the Universe of Star Conflict. For now. 


Ontop : Dreadnought spotted. MacroWeapons as destroyable points :confused:


I won’t ask for a Nova Cannon (Please Please Please :D)…

The other fact is this Macroweapon are used on the escort classe (Frigates/Destroyer) with a reduce size.

One thing that could be good is to rework the esthetic of the Laser Beam (at least all the laser weapons), For the Laser beam : changing it by salvo-firing system (improvind dammages/Reduce RoF/ Fun ).

Copyright do not lock the capacity to be “use” the idea :smiley: