Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

the randoms you get fed by the MM system have about snowball’s chances in blast furnace of winning even one game. I’m now completely convinced that LoL-like segregation into squad only queue and random/small squad queue is necessary. Or at least make 4 man squads wait for ~10 min for a game if they plan to farm the poor randoms in off time, and to give randoms a chance to get matched against one another and have a chance at winning a game or two.


just make the MM more aggressive im matching pre-made squads with others, and solo queue likewise. so you might still end up in a game with a pre-made but chances are a lot less likely.


One last note: Frig balls are becoming common again in T4/T5. We really need a singularity tweak to make it more powerful at long distance against frigates, but nerf it against light ships to make people pick those light ships more and use them to gank singularity fighters. Combat recon maps (or is that the single one, we tend to always get the blue one with the anomaly) for T4/T5 need tweaking. Right now essentially all games are frigate/fighter shoot outs at rock on the anomaly side. If we didn’t have OP ECMs, and suicide rushers, nothing would die. Boring as hell.


the problem with singularity is that you need a ship in your hangar equipped specifically with singularity, which isn’t good for much else except to counter frigballs?


that is entirely the wrong approach to take. instead just balance the actives/specials of intys to combat frigballs (which is what a damn inty’s job is in the first place).


fighters should in fact have an air-superiority role and counter intys. but in the current state of things, they cannot do that… that’s why everything is broken…


should be frigates > fighters > intys > frigates

I dont think, making squads and non-squads playing separately would solve anything in particular in higher tiers.


It might be frustrating in early games to get pubstomped, but later, even as a squad, MM seems pretty frustrating, too. People from corps you know fight on your side get sided against you; you find yourself with a corp-less team facing a corp-only team with 2 squads from way better corps, etc.


It seems like you have waves of losing matches and waves of winning matches, but very little really competitive matches, no matter if there are squads involved, or not. 


Also, things like 5 seconds after launch being thrown in a 3v3 is pretty annoying, even if luckily, as a squad, you might handle some of them.


In SB, it is quite natural to pubstomp a lot - and since I had always more fun in SB than in any moba, even lol - my experience is, that people who get stomped a lot, get really good players, while players leaving a lobby just after they see a team matched against them, stay bambies, and are usually the type of player who always blames the team, not themselves. Mostly, if there is time in the lobby, known players are often requesting to be put into enemy teams - just to create balance. So the best MM in the end is actually creating lobbies, where you can see upcoming enemies, and even have influence on what to do with single joiners, and the best MM machines are humans themselves.

I like to play with a lot of bambies, sometimes, I am amazed, if a lot of random people just turn a game around and blast one of the more prominent corps out of the sky.


Also, I find, if there is an option to squad, people should use it. And, joining without a squad, usually results well, at least, for me.

The point of the squad MM is to reduce annoyance on both ends. Randoms don’t get steamrolled and squads get incentive to split into 2v2.



And I see no problem having a ship focused at breaking frig balls and one ship focused at breaking int rushes. There’s four ship slots and they are there for a reason.

The most frustrating thing I’m finding since the new patch is that frigates seem to do absolutely nothing.

I’ve always been a frigate pilot, they are my favourite kind of ships. I’m a guy who likes to play a supportive role on the team. I’m not interested in kills, I’m interested in assists on both kills and by providing a place for fighters to return to heal after a battle.

I’ve always used the laser cannon, the fact that I used to be able to drop enemy ship shields after they have flown about in the open for a short while and open them up to attack from team mates was the best supportive role I could provide. Chances of me taking out a ship’s hull was pretty slim, but still doable if I really worked on it.

However now, I can be shooting at a small and fast enemy ship flying straight towards me, mabies take a max 8th of their shield down before they open fire and I’m dead within seconds thanks to the new singularity cannon… Its really frustrating.

As a support class frigates should have the following properties:

  • Weapons to remove enemy shield, with potential little to no damage to hull (Currently the amount of times I’ve fired at ships for a lengthy amount of time and they’ve not even lost a bit of shield is though the roof)
  • Bonuses for working together (I have a friend who also flies a frigate and we used to be able to hold off smaller enemy ships who tried to single handedly take us both)
  • Strong shield and armour to survive attacks from 1-2 enemy ships (I agree, too strong and they become juggernauts, but teams should be working together if they need to take them out. Slower engines also take a big role in this)
  • Healing capabilities (Like we currently have, however with the addition of setting priorities… Take my friend for example, he flies an Alligator-M and I heal him with my Alligator. I’d rather he was repaired before me in most cases because of the kind of ship he has)
  • The ability to eliminate small approaching ships (Enough so that one flying straight at you from in front doesn’t get to and hammer the living daylights out of your slow and extremely vulnerable ship)

It just feels like we are being nerfed for the sake of nerfing… More work needs to go into roles of the ships. Fighters on the front line, supported by frigates, supported by snipers which are protected by Infiltrators. That just doesn’t happen, everyone seems to treat this game like Call of Duty with spaceships and each ship is just a different class… Everyone flies around going for kills…


For the record, unlimited missiles are also making the games tedious… Dont get me started on the suicide runs…

The most frustrating thing I’m finding since the new patch is that frigates seem to do absolutely nothing.

I’ve always been a frigate pilot, they are my favourite kind of ships. I’m a guy who likes to play a supportive role on the team. I’m not interested in kills, I’m interested in assists on both kills and by providing a place for fighters to return to heal after a battle.

I’ve always used the laser cannon, the fact that I used to be able to drop enemy ship shields after they have flown about in the open for a short while and open them up to attack from team mates was the best supportive role I could provide. Chances of me taking out a ship’s hull was pretty slim, but still doable if I really worked on it.

However now, I can be shooting at a small and fast enemy ship flying straight towards me, mabies take a max 8th of their shield down before they open fire and I’m dead within seconds thanks to the new singularity cannon… Its really frustrating.

As a support class frigates should have the following properties:

  • Weapons to remove enemy shield, with potential little to no damage to hull (Currently the amount of times I’ve fired at ships for a lengthy amount of time and they’ve not even lost a bit of shield is though the roof)
  • Bonuses for working together (I have a friend who also flies a frigate and we used to be able to hold off smaller enemy ships who tried to single handedly take us both)
  • Strong shield and armour to survive attacks from 1-2 enemy ships (I agree, too strong and they become juggernauts, but teams should be working together if they need to take them out. Slower engines also take a big role in this)
  • Healing capabilities (Like we currently have, however with the addition of setting priorities… Take my friend for example, he flies an Alligator-M and I heal him with my Alligator. I’d rather he was repaired before me in most cases because of the kind of ship he has)
  • The ability to eliminate small approaching ships (Enough so that one flying straight at you from in front doesn’t get to and hammer the living daylights out of your slow and extremely vulnerable ship)

It just feels like we are being nerfed for the sake of nerfing… More work needs to go into roles of the ships. Fighters on the front line, supported by frigates, supported by snipers which are protected by Infiltrators. That just doesn’t happen, everyone seems to treat this game like Call of Duty with spaceships and each ship is just a different class… Everyone flies around going for kills…


For the record, unlimited missiles are also making the games tedious… Dont get me started on the suicide runs…

PBKAC. Frigates are exceptionally powerful in the right hands. The change hasn’t been so much a power nerf as skill buff. In 0.8.x bad frigateers and good frigateers generally got same results - skill was largely irrelevant, only class mattered. Now good frigateers are almost as visible among bad ones as good interceptor pilots are visible among bad ones.

And I see no problem having a ship focused at breaking frig balls and one ship focused at breaking int rushes. There’s four ship slots and they are there for a reason.


yea that is a problem… everyone should just be allowed to play their roles… not be forced to switch to a certain ship with a specific gun…


that’s just an example of how to design broken things to fix things that are broken…


completely wrong approach. just do what all class-based shooters do… and actually make the ships fill roles their names suggest IRL.


therefore: frigates > fighters > interceptors > frigates


frigates are meant to tank fighters and other fire, fighters are meant to defend frigs from intys (air superiority vs light assautl craft), intys are meant to do hit and run attack on enemy frigates/aka bombers… that’s the way it works in real life… why change it… and if you don’t allow the ships to fulfill those roles, then everything will continue to be broken and i demand they be renamed… misnomers…


if singularity is meant to kill frigballs, then it seems that fighters in this game are really ‘interceptors’ albeit very slow ones…


and interceptors are actually air-superiority fighters because they can take out any fighter pretty much… as well as some frigates ;o

yea that is a problem… everyone should just be allowed to play their roles… not be forced to switch to a certain ship with a specific gun…


that’s just an example of how to design broken things to fix things that are broken…


completely wrong approach. just do what all class-based shooters do… and actually make the ships fill roles their names suggest IRL.


therefore: frigates > fighters > interceptors > frigates


frigates are meant to tank fighters and other fire, fighters are meant to defend frigs from intys (air superiority vs light assautl craft), intys are meant to do hit and run attack on enemy frigates/aka bombers… that’s the way it works in real life… why change it… and if you don’t allow the ships to fulfill those roles, then everything will continue to be broken and i demand they be renamed… misnomers…


if singularity is meant to kill frigballs, then it seems that fighters in this game are really ‘interceptors’ albeit very slow ones…


and interceptors are actually air-superiority fighters because they can take out any fighter pretty much… as well as some frigates ;o


if we take a look at some of the competitive team based games, like HoN or Dota. There are plenty of heroes that fulfill different roles, that have different purpose, counters to other heroes, and you have 5 players on a team, in those games team composition just as important as an individual skill level of every team mates, and, I think, it is extremely awesome thing. Same for Star Conflict why do you need 4 ships that can do same thing while you can have 4 different ships build to react to situation on a battlefield.

  1. This is nice and all but connection quality is suffering. I’m having ‘regular’ lag issues when it hits 1,800 server pop




  1. Small squad vs Random matches is killing the fun out of upper tiers. that’s why ‘off-peak’ really only means upper tier off-peak while T3 and below stays populated throughout the day. I would stick around for a couple of games max. But when your own teams starts saying things like “ogawd - let those guys take all the beacons and get it over with” you know things are bad. Especially when they typed it in Cyrillic and you understood.


  1. Toby - I flew EM lasers before. Hyper effective support role. Assault lasers are still OK as they got their damage buffed. But if it’s strictly anti-shields, give Positron a go but you’d need a personal bodyguard using lasers in case inties get in too close. But I agree, damage done by a single ship versus a frigate is a touch too high in head to heads. I’ll be on hulls at the end of their approach and when they start orbiting - I’d already be thinking about dropping the warp gate. There was a ninja nerf to all frigates that wasn’t needed. Frigs are gonna need those raw numbers back.


  1. Betathrash - rock paper scissors and generally ship roles and who counters what have been in a constant ebb and flow in Star Conflict since I first got here. If you have a unifying theory on how all these ships could fit and counter each other - start a thread and get people to discuss them. Bitchin about this or that ship in separate posts dilutes the idea. How about presenting you thoughts in a central thread instead? Just a suggestion.

Agree, most champions in lol can fulfill many rolls, just more or less better than another, take support role for example, most champs can support, Shen-a solo top- bruiser-tanker can go bot support, but will be inferior to Sona who is pure support.
And Sona can so solo mid, top or even jungle if you do it right, but of course Sona is not the best choice for those roles.

The problem with SCon is damage burst is what counts, not DPS, and you don’t have anyone who can sprint around the whole map in a few secs in LOL. An Inty can have more damage burst than a frigate with his modules, more speed/speed burst -> reach/fulfill objectives faster, more tanky(lol!?) and adaptable, basicly every roles.

Fighter is on the same term, extreme damage output/burst, high speed/speed burst.

Frigate on the other side, have none of the above, no speed burst (unless you want to count warp gate 5000m with a guarantee of cool down till death, and a posibility of thud medal) despite of already having low speed, no damage burst, low adaptability. The only thing they have is a sustain heal which was nerfed to the ground, and a gun of fun designed specifically to kill them.


I have to say that the previous system allowed more adaptability and variations. You can have  a fighter with any range, a frigate with close range gun, actively join in combat and tank, or a sniper ceptor with long range gun, now it’s no more.

a frigate with close range gun


I’m pretty sure some players do not want to see again my Rapid Fire Railgun Guard  or Jokellus’ pulse laser guard come back :smiley:



Frigate on the other side, have none of the above, no speed burst (unless you want to count warp gate 5000m with a guarantee of cool down till death, and a posibility of thud medal) despite of already having low speed, no damage burst, low adaptability. The only thing they have is a sustain heal which was nerfed to the ground, and a gun of fun designed specifically to kill them.


That remind me something… 


Speaking about a skillcap made me laugh.

+1 Kine, however about the frigate tankyness…


I don’t know, I have fun playing my fed engy, and it is quite tanky, but of course, it’s not so tanky you can move across the enemy unharmed if you have the right fit anymore (or ElMustacho Class Frigates, as I called them in 0.7). I actually find it quite fair at the moment. As Ceptor, you can often barely kill one Frigate alone, if the Frigate player is any good. While my engi is fitted to be a secondary or frontline engineer, I can sometimes even be the “healer” with it, which sits at home like a mothership and positrons anything coming close. My experience against Frigates with a ceptor is, that actually ceptors now fullfill their role even better. In bigger fights, you have the ability to take on Frigs and make serious damage. You can kill those Archers in the background if you get to them. You loathe Guards, and hope the Gunships will take care of them.



I really feel, the biggest problem is not with frigs and ceptors being the way they are. I have more concerns about Tacklers and ECMs in their roles. Tacklers feel underpowered first, while ECMs feel a bit overpowered, but both in relation to the way tackling is done atm. And it is not easy to describe, because at a certain level, it also feels right, the way the ships are, but the modules feel a bit too powerful at times.

Their abilities scale too much if a team is involved. Given a lonely ECM can make you a sitting duck for 3 secs, no biggie, but if they come together, they can basicly render a ship without movement for a way too long time. Supported by a group of ECMs or a generally strong team, the Tackler becomes almost hardcore.

Also, some weapons are weaker than others, and need some changes, while some other weapons only turned out to be effective, if you find the right fit for them; most of which I actually picked up in this thread.  I did not like Positrons at start, I start to love them. I did not like the Ceptor Mid Range Plasma Guns, but actually they turn out to be quite decent.

RF Plasma however stays crap no matter what, and atm. lack of RFP makes ceptor-counter-ceptor fits weaker, resulting in too many shotguns equipped;

(the purpose of RFP was actually to hunt ceptors primarily with a ceptor, and I think, this was hiding the strength of ECMs, which e.g. me (but many others often simply by flying that fit) used to pick with the RFP; my strongest nerf on the covops was, that you have to use it as railfit; and yes, I know, atm. I constantly miss, because I still use them like RFR, dont laugh at me if I fly after you; point being, ECMs lost a predator, by the lack of any RFP CovOps/Recon ship (the CO in this case without bombs), and most ceptors dont engage too fast ceptors anymore, or it turns into a shotgun fight - while RFP vs. RFR/Shotgun mostly was lethal for the RFR; In CS terms: I miss my P90/Mp5 and feel like I have to play now with a Defender)



I cannot compare mobas to SC completely. mobas are RTS games with auto attack. dota/aos style mobas like lol have lanes and ingame progression. SC offers switching ships for this. If compared to any moba, StarBattle is way closer, offering ships being able to be used in different ways, depending on the upgrade route you take and which abilities you unlock during a match - each class can serve as base for basicly any general role, but not all ships are good in it. It clearly demonstrates in its gameplay, that moba can be played with a different ruleset too, you just have to find the balance. I didn’t understand it back then, but the map creator introduced an achievement which you could get if any other player typed a sentence containing your name, your ship and the word “OP”. Since after 3 years of development, the map is almost completely balanced out for every ship, the sentence “it is OP” became the known short version for “I don’t play this game long enough to understand it therally”.

When talking about balance, it should not be the first consideration to make a certain ship unbeatable by another certain ship, while making another certain ship basicly always lose against you. That’s hardly good rock-paper-scissors based balance as we expect them from games. That would be actually rock-paper-scissors, which we dont play all day around the world with strangers all the time nonstop for a reason.


I think most people have ideas what balancing means, including me, and I would say, if you think you know how to balance, either try it or guess, but at all times accept, that what you still don’t know about balancing, is actually, the balancing. Which means, it is actually a case of “Nobody knows!”, and it is partly the fascination about it.

I’m pretty sure some players do not want to see again my Rapid Fire Railgun Guard  or Jokellus’ pulse laser guard come back :smiley:

Sod that, I want MY RFR Guard back.

But we already have specific roles based on weapons. If I take the sniper rail on my gunship, I’m effectively making myself into anti-interceptor specialist with little utility against frigates. If I take bubbles, I should be a similar anti-frigate specialist with little utility against ints (bolded part not currently in game and needs to be imho). And of course there are assault rails for generalists that want to be jack-of-all-trades.


Ints currently need some sort of anti-frigate utility imho. Guards are simply interceptor hard counter at the moment. Notably I don’t even play them at the moment other than when losing all fighters in my ship pool in standard.


Frigates seem to be in a really good place right now. They have their strengths, their weaknesses, a good pool of weapons to choose from ranging from exceptionally powerful sniper to AoE cannon to heavy target suppression weapon. They may need to adjust racial buffs (empire engies are still too tanky even at T5, while fed engineers are not tanky enough for example). I like current guards a lot due to their clean design in terms of viability - you push against interceptor swarms, you stay back against fighters and you can trade against frigates. That seems like a good balance target to aim at to me.


But all weapons really need a numbers pass and possible barrel speed pass for singularity. My take on it is that we need nerfs to frigate hails, minor buff to frigate blaster (possibly spread reduction?), sweeping buffs to all int weapons but shrapnel cannon (may help fix their current utter helplessness against guards), barrel speed nerf to singularity cannon (to add vulnerability in close combat against fast ships), and overall numbers buff to beam weapons.

Sod that, I want MY RFR Guard back.

I want my RFP Engineer back, with a needle deflector.  Cooldown’s annoying in PvE.

Screw it.


Look guys. If we want our close combat frigates, we should have them. We want our sniper inties? We should have them.


But, I do admit that the possibility of have class-only weapons ie like the system we have now is a very interesting premise.


Think of it this way:


We have a pool of ‘universal’ weaponry. Maybe using the old system’s way is good for this.


Specialised frigate weapons. Like the Coil Mortar.


Specialised Interceptor weapons. Maybe a gun with the same mechanics as the Coil Mortar, but trades damage for massive ROF.


Specialised Fighter weapons. No, the Singularity Cannon is right out.

And give us back the passiv bonus on the R9 T3 GUARD OMFG !

I like current guards a lot due to their clean design in terms of viability - you push against interceptor swarms, you stay back against fighters and you can trade against frigates. That seems like a good balance target to aim at to me.


I’d like to second that


and add that ultimately you still need to figure out the rock-paper-scissor part that got partly abandoned somewhere between 0.8 and 0.9 when roles were being adjusted. IIRC we were talking about tackler and how it’s role got muddied up as anti-inty when other ships were doing better at it etc.

if we take a look at some of the competitive team based games, like HoN or Dota. There are plenty of heroes that fulfill different roles, that have different purpose, counters to other heroes, and you have 5 players on a team, in those games team composition just as important as an individual skill level of every team mates, and, I think, it is extremely awesome thing. Same for Star Conflict why do you need 4 ships that can do same thing while you can have 4 different ships build to react to situation on a battlefield.


Hon another LoL? i thought we’ve already been through this before… this game is not a MOBA like LoL/Dota…


it is a class-based shooter… class-based shooters don’t have ‘12 second disables’… because you JUST DONT DO THAT in a pvp game…


name a single FPS/third person shooter that allows you to stun people for 12 seconds… be my guest…


it’s like calling rock-paper-scissors a competitive game… it just isn’t…


roles are great, and i’ve outlined some of that in my other threads…


but a GOD role is not ok… definitely… roles should be generic enough to be balanced yet have specializations which changes their combat style…


it should NEVER be like unit A always beats unit B and unit B always beats unit C… that’s a ridiculous way to pay a game…


and i’m done here… nothing more to say quite frankly…


edit: and in response to Kine… tacklers are NOT anti-ECM… they don’t even come close to filling that role, because they ECM will just disable your poor sorry buttocks…


furthermore… the simple idea of having a unit SPECIFICALLY to counter ECM is just another great example of what not to do…

  1. This is nice and all but connection quality is suffering. I’m having ‘regular’ lag issues when it hits 1,800 server pop


Yep, it gets pretty unplayable under load, some sort of stop-motion lag starts at lighter load already. And when the game asks you for the nth time whether you want to do the tutorial when you log in you know you better log off right again because it will be a lag fest. Throw the servers some love…

Hon another LoL? i thought we’ve already been through this before… this game is not a MOBA like LoL/Dota…


it is a class-based shooter… class-based shooters don’t have ‘12 second disables’… because you JUST DONT DO THAT in a pvp game…


name a single FPS/third person shooter that allows you to stun people for 12 seconds… be my guest…


it’s like calling rock-paper-scissors a competitive game… it just isn’t…


roles are great, and i’ve outlined some of that in my other threads…


but a GOD role is not ok… definitely… roles should be generic enough to be balanced yet have specializations which changes their combat style…


it should NEVER be like unit A always beats unit B and unit B always beats unit C… that’s a ridiculous way to pay a game…


and i’m done here… nothing more to say quite frankly…


edit: and in response to Kine… tacklers are NOT anti-ECM… they don’t even come close to filling that role, because they ECM will just disable your poor sorry buttocks…


furthermore… the simple idea of having a unit SPECIFICALLY to counter ECM is just another great example of what not to do…


a) HoN is not an another LoL, it is way closer to Dota than to LoL, i mentioned them as an example becaus they have tremedos depth in team composition/ synergy that LoL can not even hope to reach.

b) i Have newer said that i think that ECM is fine the way it is

c) And we have 9 roles, not 3 as you speak of

(therefore: frigates > fighters > interceptors > frigates)

so this is why some of the roles, with further customization via modules/implants/weapons can be excellent counter to certain things in the game.