Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

That made alot more impact coz I don’t know what it says LOL.

Luckyo knows perfectly :slight_smile:

Yeah… just E-xxxx … but the funny part  (more sad than funny actually) is :


On one hand they are trying to make the game more team based… even reducing how much skill based (talkingg about individual skill, flying skill) it is.


On the other hand thay keep features like DSR : totally negative for team based gameplay.



Plus… an Ace (not censored, this time i really wrote Ace) interceptor pilot could really help to win a match by his own (before patch expecially) … people playing for DSR totally doesn’t …


It’s just… how can i say… contradictoy and inconsistent.

Yes, because that is the only option to “broken OP”. There is no middle ground!


Therefore consistently getting kill numbers like ones below flying support ships with broken OP weapons is completely justified! :facepalm:





(Those who don’t know: TNeoDC is engineer most of the time).



I am pretty sure this meme is targeted to his own comrades form ESB, since they were the ones to lose that game in a shame, and this meme suit that just well.

…I still don’t get it…

Yes but if its a fact that the reduction applies on shields as well as hull, its bugged.  It’s only suppose to apply on hull AFAIK.

Kine and I just tested it and the implant does not apply to shields. Myth busted. :wink:

Glad to see that cleared up.

DSR can stay imho, _ but _ it should not have ANY effect whatsoever on anything but subjective pride.


I don’t know if it is used in any algorithms, like matchmaking or the sort, but if yes, I dont find it ideal there. Even then, having a lower rating isn’t actually bad for me then, is it?


I like teams who farm DSR. It makes suicide runs sweeter than honey. It is the best way to get some duels in the rematch, fueled by anger.


Hm, seems like I have to look up what DSR does, directly and indirectly, is it documented?




I always take the bomb initally, if I can, and there are always people who do. I like that medal. I feel like sprinting. 150 points for a death, where you can immediately watch, what you do if you respawn - defend or help attack… it’s not like the skirmish there would not cost multiple lives anyway, no matter what you do.


Occasionally, I even get away with it. Seldom, I even make it to the beacon. Almost never going to plant it. It is the lottery of Detonation.

DSR can stay imho, _ but _ it should not have ANY effect whatsoever on anything but subjective pride.


I don’t know if it is used in any algorithms, like matchmaking or the sort, but if yes, I dont find it ideal there. Even then, having a lower rating isn’t actually bad for me then, is it?


I like teams who farm DSR. It makes suicide runs sweeter than honey. It is the best way to get some duels in the rematch, fueled by anger.


Hm, seems like I have to look up what DSR does, directly and indirectly, is it documented?




I always take the bomb initally, if I can, and there are always people who do. I like that medal. I feel like sprinting. 150 points for a death, where you can immediately watch, what you do if you respawn - defend or help attack… it’s not like the skirmish there would not cost multiple lives anyway, no matter what you do.


Occasionally, I even get away with it. Seldom, I even make it to the beacon. Almost never going to plant it. It is the lottery of Detonation.

Always run towards your team when you pick up the bomb, not towards the horde.  :lol:


Kind of like how all sports start off their faceoffs.  You “win” by taking possession backwards.

Well, as stated, usually, you don’t run very far in any direction. :slight_smile:


So it really depends on the team. But sometimes, I feel like rushing by the bomb into the mound of hell, like brave Leeroy Jenkins.

Dev explained how matchmaking ratings work and some details on DSR … can’t find the thread anymore

Yeah, but As I already said, Devs reworked the weapons systems without take a look on all the impacted mechanics behind.


That happened for the Healing nerf, they could fix it by working on the basic shield’s regeneration of each type of ships instead of using an Hammer on all the Engineer’s modules.


Mobility became a better tanking mechanics than Regen/Resist or Resist/Quantity. (forget Regen/Quantity, not enough module/implant to do that).

Mobile ships can also use the 2 others mechanics (regen / resist or both). 


And with the new patch and the new dps, it’s became easier to dodge all the burst than tanking it.

And Frig’s weapons do not allow to counterburst our opponents. 


If we speak in term of “effective active time in battle” : 


How many secondes an interceptor/Fighter have to stay near it engineer before be able to go back into battle?

How many secondes a frigates have to stay near it engineer to do this? 


Did the devs think about this?


disengage tentative with a frigates.

Warpgate 4 minutes CD for MK1 /1m44 CD for expe for 5km :/ 

Crus type S —> 194m/s disengage mode activated (hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah) 


*Insert pokemon battle theme here*


A Wild Fighter Appear !


Wild Fighter use “Singularity cannon” ! It’s super effective !

Crusader type S use “Phase shield on EM” ! EM resistance have increased ! Thermal resistance have decreased !

Crusader type S use “Emergency shield boost” ! 

Wild Fighter use “ECM SWARM” ! Crusader type S is paralyze for the next 10 billions years.

Pilote try to escape ! It failed !

Wild fighter use “Singularity Cannon”.


Crusader type S fainted !

You loose 50 DSR points

You loose 20k credits…


You run to the nearest dreadnoughtCenter to heal your frigate…



Enjoy your Flying Magikarp !


Command Ships are tough now, but the ECMing is indeed too powerful for my taste, from any source.

Luckyo knows perfectly :slight_smile:

I’m actually trying to figure out if the papa bear wants to shame the guys in his corp who pissed away two matches because they couldn’t stop farming, or something else…

DSR can stay imho, _ but _ it should not have ANY effect whatsoever on anything but subjective pride.


I don’t know if it is used in any algorithms, like matchmaking or the sort, but if yes, I dont find it ideal there. Even then, having a lower rating isn’t actually bad for me then, is it?


I like teams who farm DSR. It makes suicide runs sweeter than honey. It is the best way to get some duels in the rematch, fueled by anger.


Hm, seems like I have to look up what DSR does, directly and indirectly, is it documented?




I always take the bomb initally, if I can, and there are always people who do. I like that medal. I feel like sprinting. 150 points for a death, where you can immediately watch, what you do if you respawn - defend or help attack… it’s not like the skirmish there would not cost multiple lives anyway, no matter what you do.


Occasionally, I even get away with it. Seldom, I even make it to the beacon. Almost never going to plant it. It is the lottery of Detonation.

Out of my 964 matches, I only have 28 sprinters.  Three or four I think I planted the first bomb with that first pick up.  It NEEDS a medal of it’s own.  I’ve toyed some with picking up the bomb while dropping the nuke.  The problem is everyone else is too slow to get killed, and the faster ones come after me.  Maybe I should drop the nuke, sit and die, and let the next group die capturing it?  Decisions of life and death for fun.  Running backwards to your team doesn’t help much, you have too many lockons to reasonably survive.  Your survival depends on the other team’s willingness to care about winning.


I’m actually trying to figure out if the papa bear wants to shame the guys in his corp who pissed away two matches because they couldn’t stop farming, or something else…

I’ve always meant to look at their win loss ratios.  They’re too busy in T4/T5 it seems so I don’t see them much anymore.

This thread has been eerily quiet lately…


Lately meaning ‘in the last 6 hours nobody has posted anything and that’s worrying me’.

This thread has been eerily quiet lately…


Lately meaning ‘in the last 6 hours nobody has posted anything and that’s worrying me’.

SC is dying… it’s all over guys!!! =)

This week will not have a patch as we are collecting statistics (and at the moment it is quite nice, with some exceptions, that will be balanced a bit later).


Everything is fine, you can sleep. Statistics are fine.


Until players understand that statictics can be wrong, or not show what we want to hide, or be manipulated :smiley:


Wanna speak about the survavibility? 

Until players understand that statictics can be wrong, or not show what we want to hide, or be manipulated :smiley:

Statistics are never wrong, just how you interpret them. That said, I’d love to get my hands on some official gameplay stats, data points like most played ships, average synergy gain per rank, average damage done per ship (and gun), etc.

This thread has been eerily quiet lately…


wait till thursday. i give up. balance isn’t what it used to be in games any more…

This thread has been eerily quiet lately…


Lately meaning ‘in the last 6 hours nobody has posted anything and that’s worrying me’.

Too busy playing. And it shows, online counter is above 2000 now. That’s double of what we saw at the end of frigate crap patch. And it’s not even prime time.



On topic of ESB win ratios, we made a NASA four man T4/T5 squad and played off prime time T4/T5 for a while. I understand perfectly now how ESB guys have those >3 win ratios and insane max win streaks. It’s effectively impossible to lose those 4v4 and 5v5 games you get in a constant stream. The only thing you need is lack of conscience and anal stamina. As in keeping your rear end in the chair long enough to get the grind done.


But you end up feeling guilty because the randoms you get fed by the MM system have about snowball’s chances in blast furnace of winning even one game. I’m now completely convinced that LoL-like segregation into squad only queue and random/small squad queue is necessary. Or at least make 4 man squads wait for ~10 min for a game if they plan to farm the poor randoms in off time, and to give randoms a chance to get matched against one another and have a chance at winning a game or two.


I don’t think we’ll be doing the 4-man NASA farming squad off prime time thing much. It’s almost as boring as PvE, and PvE doesn’t make you feel like you’re smurfing.


Because the crap happening now is smothering T4/T5 off peak times to death, just as it smothered T4 to death before.



One last note: Frig balls are becoming common again in T4/T5. We really need a singularity tweak to make it more powerful at long distance against frigates, but nerf it against light ships to make people pick those light ships more and use them to gank singularity fighters. Combat recon maps (or is that the single one, we tend to always get the blue one with the anomaly) for T4/T5 need tweaking. Right now essentially all games are frigate/fighter shoot outs at rock on the anomaly side. If we didn’t have OP ECMs, and suicide rushers, nothing would die. Boring as hell.