Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

We all know we can’t have a roll back, Sabre. Dev have their own ego too.


Please give us a new weapon systems with variations and freedom of choice.



  1. Synergy needs some tweaking, it’s an unbearable grind at the higher levels forcing you to play really bad ships before you get what you want.

  2. Premiium ships are a dead end in the tree and are not worth to fly ever if you’re looking to move up the tech tree

  3. Interceptor weapons are either ok (rail gun) or just plain bad

  4. Covert Op ships lost all of their bite and are inferior to ECMs 9 times out of 10

  5. Rank 13 Empire implant is just plain broken, makes the other ones seem comically underpowered (in case you haven’t faced it, it reduces all your cooldowns by 30% for each kill or assist and it STACKS, which means a good gunship can run on permanent over drive).

  6. T5 squads have an absurd advantage over T4 because of it, so either nerf it or separate them into different queues. 

  7. Bubble gun is still better than the other fighter weapons but it’s not as OP


I could be forgetting more things. 

Well, I would be happy with the heavy railgun being replaced with the coil mortar and the heavy laser with the ion emitter.

Well. can someone just give a simple list on what needs to be acomplished? I want to check back and compare and see if they do anything that we suggest or beg for. 


A. premium ships need a free synergy boost to 80% minimum, and split free synergy by faction. for non-paid ships you still get the same amount of free synergy, but you can only use it on that faction so it might appear that you are getting less, but in fact aren’t.


B. some ship classes need better-suited weapons, ie: fighters - need more damage options with medium-high fire rate, otherwise they must equip rails to deal with fighters/intys.


C. rework ECM inty so it isn’t a CC-chainboat… prevent a ship from being disabled more than once in a given time frame, or reduce the duration of ion emitters/metastable invulvn by approx 20-30% (at least in T2-T3, not sure what the durations are in T4/5)… adding some actual ‘ECM’-like features would be nice. like chance to avoid missiles for allies in a given range.


D. reduce the overall performance difference between tiers. ship characteristics are not much different, but missile slots and actives/passives need to be balanced, so the tier above get no more than 1 of each extra and 2-4 extra missiles. otherwise imbalanced will result. instead, you increased them by raising the projectile speeds of higher tiers.


E. like in other class based shooters, there shouldn’t be any ‘no-win’ situations. ie: an engineer in a class-based shooter can still kill spies/etc… they just aren’t as good at it… but there are no rock-paper scissors scenarios where 1 class ALWAYS beats another class, providing the other player no chance of defending themselves. this is bad for competitive play and will deter those players from this game…


F. crosshairs


G. prevent commander from using microwarp (so their cant exploit it to kite forever), or suicide into an asteroid… or limit it to a 5km range instead, just for commanders. but would still be able to suicide… dunno :\


H. contracts need loyalty rewards upon failure as a percentage (20-30%). every soldier’s deeds should be honored in battle. otherwise, this is leading to team-stacking, because if you cannot progress in rank with 1 faction, easier to stack the other faction… basically, if someone sees they are obtaining absolutely zero loyalty, they will stack the other team…


I. ship-specific icon column in the team list display.


J. option to make the ship 80% transparent, so i can see through my frigate hull at the target i am shooting.


K. rename IRflares to ‘sentinel drones’, more on this later…


L. pricing model needs changes. high tier prems are too expensive.


M. add a podium finish into the final scores screen. otherwise cosmetic options are worthless, unless you can showcase them.


N. lots of balance changes to the new guns.


O. LRF needs a damage nerf, it functions as a point-click nuke that requires absolutely zero skill. no prob top-fragging with this thing every single game, and it’s boring…


P. opening the map should not stop your ship from moving/afterburning. since those keys are not used in the map ui, i don’t understand why they aren’t just allowed to contro the ship instead… seriously, opening a map drains our engines of power reserves? the things a captain must do these days… or just use a ‘delegate function’ (programming term).


Q. other people mentioned grind times need to be reduced. i’ve yet to experience that to be the case (currently grinding T2), but it is getting kind of grindy… although won’t be able to tell for another 1-2 weeks.


i’m sure there’s another 10 things i can’t remember…


i’ve highlighted the issues regarding the patch in red.


you can find some of my old ideas here, although some of them no longer apply:


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20678-list-of-betas-balance-changes/)


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20718-ecminty-complete-rework/)


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20613-what-else-balance-issues/)

The big difference between jericho and federation’s guard is the mobility.

When the survavibility has been implemented, some players asked why mobility was not a part of survavibility. In fact, it is and since the 0.9.0, it’s one of the most important stats.

And that’s you won’t understand.


You said " I tank it with my big shield", I can just “dodge it”, “take cover/Reposition my ship faster than your”, who is actually needing an engineer?


I’m speaking about blindspot, you told me the weapons positionning is balance : 


Anaconda M —> Front side = 4 / Left-Right side = 3 / Back Side = 2-3

Crusader Type S —> Front side = 4 / Left-Right side = 2 / Back side = 0

And if I want to rotate, I will still be able to do it faster than you.


With the balanced stats on the Fed’s guard, they are able to tank with shield and hull at the same time by balancing there resistances, using the Phase shield correctly and using the Implant “gigas II” and they have a better mobility than jericho’s frigates.


Tell me more about your shield tanking against hull/shield/mobility tanking

Hey there! Sorry for being absent for some time!


Now, we do not plan for weapons system rollback.


We do not plan removal of any kind of weapons from the new system.


This week will not have a patch as we are collecting statistics (and at the moment it is quite nice, with some exceptions, that will be balanced a bit later).

Hey there! Sorry for being absent for some time!


Now, we do not plan for weapons system rollback.


We do not plan removal of any kind of weapons from the new system.


This week will not have a patch as we are collecting statistics (and at the moment it is quite nice, with some exceptions, that will be balanced a bit later).

at the moment it is quite nice, with some exceptions, that will be balanced a bit later


In the last episode of “The walking devs”…


Star Conflict Episode I " the frigballz menace "

Star Conflict Episode II " Ceptor’s War "

Star Conflict Episode III " Blueballz Revenge "

Star Conflict Episode IV " An ECM hope "


Soon on your computer !

Episodes 5 and 6:

“The Ceptors Strike Back”

“Return of the Frigballz”

Now, we do not plan for weapons system rollback.


We do not plan removal of any kind of weapons from the new system.


This week will not have a patch as we are collecting statistics (and at the moment it is quite nice, with some exceptions, that will be balanced a bit later).


statistics can’t tell you if a weapon is good or bad at a given task…


although playing your game can…


fighters lack damage options with mid-high fire rates for example. that’s why i’m seeing so many more intys now… or just fighters with pure railguns… :\


singularity?.. a fighter isn’t fast enough to attack frigates… or have the survivability in modules… maybe a command, but it’s susceptible to enemy ecm and intys, so attacking the back-line is a generally bad idea for fighters…

Now that someone blame Engy for not thinking beyond their ego. ROFL 

Excuse me? I’ve yet to see an Engi actually keep their eyes on everybody’s hp and deploy repair stations as needed. Hell, most of them actually FORGET to turn the HoTs on.


Hey there! Sorry for being absent for some time!


Now, we do not plan for weapons system rollback.


We do not plan removal of any kind of weapons from the new system.


This week will not have a patch as we are collecting statistics (and at the moment it is quite nice, with some exceptions, that will be balanced a bit later).

Also, tell them to make the Singularity Cannon more visible. They are completely invisible for me unless I’m shooting them.

This has already been answered a couple of times:

Because all old weapons were pretty similar and for balancing reasons.


Error… listen… i know u often play interceptors … so now answer me honestly: do u really think interceptor weapons are now “balanced”? basically u have ONE choise out of 3 short range.


And a medium range that just suks on ceptors. At least u had to give assault rails to ceptors and assault plasma to fighters… couse cmon , u are a player too , so u know how assault plasma works. U have to stand for hit something with that slow bullets weapon… and u should know an interceptor’s pilot can’t stay immoble for more thgan 2 sec if he wants to survive.


Just revisit ceptor 3 usless weapons (read: all exept shrapnel cannon) as fast as u can plz.

Actually I think the main objective was to simplify balancing by making it so they could tweak frigate weapons separately from fighter weapons from interceptor weapons, which this change does in fact achieve.

They could have introduced light, medium and heavy variants of all weapons to be fitted exclusively to the respective classes – achieving separate balanceability (sic?) – so this argument is actually null and void.

Free Exp amongst Tiers is an additional complexity level per Tier, I find that rather suboptimal.


I’d rather introduce Rep again additionally , passively, and in smaller amounts, gainable through Sector Conquest (would make sense, however it would also mean, your corp dedication is your only line you get ships unlocked without synergy upgrades, as long as you fly with your corp; however this could also add value to non-affiliated corps, and without corps, you would gain per choice in the sector conflict), have a credit option for synergy transfer, and give a discount on ships you have synergy and reputation for in credits. Reputation could unlock all ships on the reached level in a Tier, once you have at least one ship, even a golden one, in it, making Synergy still the main road to unlock ships, but giving you the ability to buy into a Tier you have reached Rep with (at a slightly higher credits cost)

It could also just unlock specific ships, like entry ships.


This would give people the choice, and add some depth.


Otherwise your Reputation Level would not mean much, but its still another variable, somebody can max out if he really wants to, and also would represent the “affiliation” to a certain empire over your career.


There is one distinct upside of golden ships that still exist, you can use multiple ships from the same strength in your deck, like an Eagle-B for dogfight and a Kite for bombing or vice versa. This is however only a small effect. Also of course, they do still not cost repair, but that is not really worth it for buying I guess.


A higher free synergy farm would also work, but I find the credits option much more fair.

This week will not have a patch as we are collecting statistics (and at the moment it is quite nice, with some exceptions, that will be balanced a bit later).


So you’r telling us that you changed all the dps mechanics, adding more burst system on a linear tanking system, and everything is nice?

Nerfhammering 2 of the 3 tanking mechanics, upping the last one, with only 2 ships able to counter it and with 2/3 of all the ships that are using this mechanics?

Slowbarrelling 2 of the 4 frig’s weapons with drunk accuracy ?

Wasn’t he the guy that claimed mostly good feedback to this patch through “ingame chat and PMs”?

Excuse me? I’ve yet to see an Engi actually keep their eyes on everybody’s hp and deploy repair stations as needed. Hell, most of them actually FORGET to turn the HoTs on.

If I was still playing I could change that very quickly.

Error… listen… i know u often play interceptors … so now answer me honestly: do u really think interceptor weapons are now “balanced”? basically u have ONE choise out of 3 short range.


And a medium range that just suks on ceptors. At least u had to give assault rails to ceptors and assault plasma to fighters… couse cmon , u are a player too , so u know how assault plasma works. U have to stand for hit something with that slow bullets weapon… and u should know an interceptor’s pilot can’t stay immoble for more thgan 2 sec if he wants to survive.


Just revisit ceptor 3 usless weapons (read: all exept shrapnel cannon) as fast as u can plz.

Yes I am mostly flying Interceptors.

Here my personal view on the Interceptor weapons:

Sharpnel cannon:

If you have a good aiming this weapon is really deadly.

Assault Plasma:

Very effective against fighters and frigates.

Pulse Laser:

Same as Assault Plasma.

RF Plasma:

Did not try this one yet.

Pulse laser is a joke. Overheats far too quickly.

Yes I am mostly flying Interceptors.

Here my personal view on the Interceptor weapons:

Sharpnel cannon:

If you have a good aiming this weapon is really deadly.

Assault Plasma:

Very effective against fighters and frigates.

Pulse Laser:

Same as Assault Plasma.

RF Plasma:

Did not try this one yet.

Shrapnel: very true.

Assault Plasma: not so much, but it does give you the range to keep them in control.

Pulse Laser: doubtful, it skips around too much, you have to really hug them to work.

RFP: not worth it. at all.