Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

Hey Error, is the current synergy system still under discussion or is it going to stay exactly like it is for a while at least? I don’t mean even a big overhaul or scrapping it, but Premium ships and the synergy level scaling adjustments. 

The weapon rework was already announced months ago.


You’re dodging my question, Error.


I didn’t ask when it was announced. I asked why. Why did you change it, and for what reasons?

You’re dodging my question, Error.


I didn’t ask when it was announced. I asked why. Why did you change it, and for what reasons?

This has already been answered a couple of times:

Because all old weapons were pretty similar and for balancing reasons.

I asked why. Why did you change it, and for what reasons?


as good as it gets…



if weapons change is an issue wait till we get to this:


“* Limiting choice of ships in battle to a single race;”

“* Limiting choice of ships in battle to a single race;”


Goodbye Jericho :smiley:

We are testing every patch, but it is not possible to find all issues.

I want to believe this, but come on… The Singularity Cannon fiasco?.. That should’ve been spotted in the beginning…


Goodbye Jericho :smiley:

xxxx that, I’ll take Jericho any day of the week.

No Healer

Impotent LRF

Flaky DPS ship


Goodbye Jericho

The weapon rework was already announced months ago.


We are testing every patch, but it is not possible to find all issues.

The cargo ship PvE graphics glitch was so bad, if we didn’t lose so fast I would have disconnected.


On the synergy topic, right now it would cost me 2254 standards to transfer my synergy.  Transferring synergy costs more than the premium ship and a license.


But if everything goes faction vs faction, Jericho will stop being played solely because of engineers.

I want to believe this, but come on… The Singularity Cannon fiasco?.. That should’ve been spotted in the beginning…


xxxx that, I’ll take Jericho any day of the week.


You can, But tell me, why should you play a guard that is not able to use all the tanking mechanics? :smiley:


And something I forget to mention : Bigger blind spots (especially with the mortar’s firing gun rotation) and Bigger natural spread due to the positionning of the weapons slots on the hull (Especially with the heavy blaster) :smiley:

Because all old weapons were pretty similar and for balancing reasons.

You actually had quite the variety. Patch hasn’t changed variety much, besides from the 3 new ones.


Rakza nailed it.

I disagree … subtle new elements in some of the guns and the not so subtle ones in others do require new skill sets to use them. Ones that had not changed got a DPS bump that made them viable alternatives whereas they were relegated as nubguns previously.


Lack of ACTUAL variety as in range and purpose (inty weapon set especially) can easily be remedied by adding a couple new additions.


Weapons change were good overall. If you wanna complain may I suggest these instead:


  1. Synergy progression’s negative impact on teamplay and t1/t2 trolling

  2. Missile dumbing down

  3. Non-damage weapon modifier dumbing down

  4. Premium ships

  5. Match-making

  6. Something else I keep forgetting

You can, But tell me, why should you play a guard that is not able to use all the tanking mechanics? :smiley:


And something I forget to mention : Bigger blind spots (especially with the mortar’s firing gun rotation) and Bigger natural spread due to the positionning of the weapons slots on the hull (Especially with the heavy blaster) :smiley:

Why not? Engineers almost always fly with both Armour and Shield active tanks (and usually fit armour themselves). So why wouldn’t I take advantage of using the Jericho’s massive shield tank and the fact that some Engineers actually think beyond their ego?


Gun placement? Fine, tip your ship down, free aim and voila, no more issues. Jericho gun placements are just fine and just as balanced as Federate or Imperial placements, if not actually better. The blind spots exist in every ship and, if you actually look closer, Federate Frigates have it worse because their guns are right on top of the ship, not on the edge of the hulls. Gun rotation affects ALL Frigates, not just Jericho and Heavy Blaster range? If anything, Jericho is at an advantage on that because their guns are placed at the FRONT of the ship, not the rear.

I think the weapon changes were horrible. Complete restriction of choice and failure to achieve what the developers actually wanted (which I believe was to encourage people not to use one specific weapon) have just made it… horrible.

Why not? Engineers almost always fly with both Armour and Shield active tanks (and usually fit armour themselves). So why wouldn’t I take advantage of using the Jericho’s massive shield tank and the fact that some Engineers actually think beyond their ego?


Now that someone blame Engy for not thinking beyond their ego. ROFL   :crazy:

what the developers actually wanted

Actually I think the main objective was to simplify balancing by making it so they could tweak frigate weapons separately from fighter weapons from interceptor weapons, which this change does in fact achieve.


I actually quite like the new weapons. Less choice per individual ship, but many of the choices you lost you’d never pick anyway or were redundant. Meanwhile we’ve gained several weapon mechanics that are brand new in the Coil Mortar, Singularity, Ion Emitter and Heavy Blaster.

There was some discussion among us GMs to make us the American Testers. But time will tell. 


My premium ships are useless as well. They should put the premiums in the ship trees, so you can unlock premiums when you gain the appropriate level and they also gain you faster progression, as intended. 


This game is PAY TO GRIND LESS, but currently, they borked that too. 


can’t. that would allow people to skip entire sections of the tree. i’m sure that’s not intended.


plus, fitting them into the tree with all of their dependencies prob won’t fit, or might get too complex.


just give them 80%+ free synergy, so they can still be used for levelling the tree.




a player will still have 2-3 regular ships they are grinding in their hangar along with their premium. unless you want to buy 3-4 premiums for every tier, which seems kind of overkill.


also, if you limit free synergy so it can only be used on the faction you acquired it on, then you can’t obtain all ships by flying a single premium either.


in the end, nobody is going to fly all premiums, they will still grind regular ships to fill in the gaps…


basically it would help premium players to skip over ships in the tree they might prefer not to fly… after all, pay not to grind, right?

Look, here are my complaints:

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20797-the-weapons-system-modifiers-included/)

Also, could you nerf the goddamned Empire Rank 13 Implant? It makes any T5 ship slaughter the hell out of anything in T4. It’s imbalanced as hell. 

Well. can someone just give a simple list on what needs to be acomplished? I want to check back and compare and see if they do anything that we suggest or beg for. 

Well. can someone just give a simple list on what needs to be acomplished? I want to check back and compare and see if they do anything that we suggest or beg for. 

Here’s one for you:


Rollback the weapons system.

