Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

Hah, wait 'till you get to my post, that’ll knock you to yesteryear.

I’ve got one in the works, too. Going to make it a separate thread, though. It’s feedback/suggestion/complaint.

About premium ships:

We are still discussing the situation.


There will be no patch today, we are still collecting feedback and discussing.

…No patch? Surely you could have fixed some things…

The MM can’t be fixed with the new grinding system.


Less diversity, less adapting fleet.


Another fact, before elite’s ships were converting surplus synergy into credits at the end of a game. We lost this possibility and now we are just stacking mass and mass surplus synergy for nothing. 


Gives us back this by allowing players to convert surplus synergy into credit with a 1:1 ratio for free !!! (AND NOT ONLY FOR PREMIUM SHIPS !)

Premium ships will be also impacted if you increase the free synergy % income.

I’ve got one in the works, too. Going to make it a separate thread, though. It’s feedback/suggestion/complaint.

Yeah, posting mine here didn’t seem to work that well…


…No patch? Surely you could have fixed some things…

But, but… effort…

Let the patches begin! The fabric of the universe appears to be ripping… 

They could make every ship potentially premium.


What i mean is every ship can be bought in 2 ways: Normal way (with credits, training previous ship synergy…it needs to be repeared…exactly how now works) and Premium Way (with Golds, doesn’t need to be repeared, u can buy when u want withouth u need to own the previous ships).

I really hope they fix at least the most pressing issues. 

About premium ships:

We are still discussing the situation.


There will be no patch today, we are still collecting feedback and discussing.



Here is my feedback about the premiums:

I have flown all T2 and T3 ships premium only exclusively until now, with the exception of T3 ECM and Guard ships, which have no good premium alternatives. That is 5 Steam DLC ships  + 5 T2 gold ships + 2 T3 gold ships. Total of 12 golds, and i was thinking about buying a T4 premium. Good thing I did not:




  • With this patch I was punished for flying premiums until now and not owning normal ships.





  • This system may be acceptable for new players but current playerbase (specialy premium owners) are screwed!

  • There was over 70 milions credits left on my account with this patch, but there is no way to spend them because… No sinergy! Free repairs do not cut it simply because you are in over flux of credits you cannot spend.

You need to do something about the premium ships:




I was thinking about buying of the pirate packs to get more gs for, well… paint jobs, I guess. But why bother, if I won’t even be ever flying any of the pirate ships since they gimp my sinergy progress and, well… they are really bad? Make better pirate ships if you want to sell more dlc… and make premium ships and missiles worth having if you want to sell more gs… paying with gs for sinergy if you already spent a lot of gs/money on expensive ships is the worst idea ever. It really makes you feel betrayed by the system. This really needs to be improved.


My suggestion:


  • Reduce price of sinergy transfer from 15 to 10 GS. More players will use it and is still not OP.

  • Normal max rank ships give double ammount of free sinergy you normally get. This makes flying maxed rank more benefit and more interest in maxing them out

  • Premium ships give 50% free sinergy that can be used to level up any ship of the same tier (T3 premiums earn T3 transferable sinergy only and so on)! Right now, you can transfer free sinergy across all ships. Make premiums transfer to same tier only and make them worth having, without being OP. And Not 20, 30, but 50% is about right. It still isn’t much. I would even buy a T4 premium right away, and grind that instead of R10! Flying against R15 ESB squads with R10 ships is not the heights of fun for me. And I don’t want to do PVE, I need my contracts and blues. So here are my suggestions, now please fix so we can have fun again.


While they are at it, they could also do something about the missile CD reset after death. Nuke spam is really annoying at the moment. Right now its easier and more rewarding (more missile kills!) to suicide when your missiles run out than to wait for the CD. Also, in this missile heavy environment you hurt your team if you have no missiles yourself - especially in detonation.


Regarding the patch: Dont underestimate the time needed to roll out patches. They have to make sure that the patch does not mess anything up when it is finished, that takes time as well. So even if the patch is already in its final state (doesnt seem to be there yet) it would take another 3-4 days of internal testing to iron out any bugs that may come with the patch.

Devs: Testing?  Hahahahaha.  No need, just make the scrub beta testers do that for us.


In all seriousness, some of the patches in the past has shown us that they really DO NOT test their patches before release. 

There was some discussion among us GMs to make us the American Testers. But time will tell. 


My premium ships are useless as well. They should put the premiums in the ship trees, so you can unlock premiums when you gain the appropriate level and they also gain you faster progression, as intended. 


This game is PAY TO GRIND LESS, but currently, they borked that too. 

Can I just pose this question again:


Why was such a massive overhaul needed for the weapons and modifiers? In general, they were great… Just a little tweaking, maybe even on a sub-class basis…

Devs: Testing?  Hahahahaha.  No need, just make the scrub beta testers do that for us.


In all seriousness, some of the patches in the past has shown us that they really DO NOT test their patches before release. 


Gameplay testing and technical testing are two different things imho. Playing the new patch and testing balance is one thing and I, too, belive they dont do it enough. However, there is also the part that makes sure the patch does not crash every second machine running it. And I sincerely belive they have some kind of system in place to find conflicts and solve them. 


If you want to see some REALLY bad communication between dev and playerbase, take look at games like MWO. Thats possilbly the worst dev/playerbase communication I have ever seen. The game is in a pretty desolate state now and they seem either unwilling or unable to do something against it. But even they test their patches for stability. The gameplay aspect however is… dissapointing. You wouldnt find any dev comments in patch discussions, either. The game itself has potential and I am sure it will succeed. But the devs are holding their own game back atm.


My point is: our devs work isnt so bad in comparison to other F2P games that are still in beta. Cut them some slack, it could be much worse. Of course that doesnt mean I dont want to see improvements :wink:

Gameplay testing and technical testing are two different things imho. Playing the new patch and testing balance is one thing and I, too, belive they dont do it enough. However, there is also the part that makes sure the patch does not crash every second machine running it. And I sincerely belive they have some kind of system in place to find conflicts and solve them. 


If you want to see some REALLY bad communication between dev and playerbase, take look at games like MWO. Thats possilbly the worst dev/playerbase communication I have ever seen. The game is in a pretty desolate state now and they seem either unwilling or unable to do something against it. But even they test their patches for stability. The gameplay aspect however is… dissapointing. You wouldnt find any dev comments in patch discussions, either. The game itself has potential and I am sure it will succeed. But the devs are holding their own game back atm.


My point is: our devs work isnt so bad in comparison to other F2P games that are still in beta. Cut them some slack, it could be much worse. Of course that doesnt mean I dont want to see improvements :wink:

I was about to say…

They aren’t bad, not the worst by far I’m sure. But they are far from the best devs I know(EVE online)(relative small team & language barrier doesn’t help either)

Yus … this is definitely the better dev-community game I’ve come across. Technically sound it’s just they miss the subtle things everytime they move forward. But I like how they are mindful of the P2W aspect and keep open communication with the playerbase. Mind you that is not saying that there isn’t room for improvement in that regard. I do hope they open up for International Testers … coz honestly I’m arrogant enough to claim that we’d do a good job at it.

Yus … this is definitely the better dev-community game I’ve come across. Technically sound it’s just they miss the subtle things everytime they move forward. But I like how they are mindful of the P2W aspect and keep open communication with the playerbase. Mind you that is not saying that there isn’t room for improvement in that regard. I do hope they open up for International Testers … coz honestly I’m arrogant enough to claim that we’d do a good job at it.

They would have to actually listen to us…Which is a 50/50 thing with these devs…

I want to be on the team…

They would have to actually listen to us…Which is a 50/50 thing with these devs…

Much depends on how they operate internally. Is it developer led or publisher? development team is easier to work with as long as you keep within their vision. Publisher - well it’s mainly the bottomline. If sales do well every update, I don’t see why they won’t be open to suggestions by the community.

We’d have to speak Russian, wouldn’t we?

Can I just pose this question again:


Why was such a massive overhaul needed for the weapons and modifiers? In general, they were great… Just a little tweaking, maybe even on a sub-class basis…

The weapon rework was already announced months ago.


Devs: Testing?  Hahahahaha.  No need, just make the scrub beta testers do that for us.


In all seriousness, some of the patches in the past has shown us that they really DO NOT test their patches before release. 

We are testing every patch, but it is not possible to find all issues.