Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

The self-repair modules need a fix anyway…

The “normal” repais aren’t worth it, and the guard’s repairs can be easily interrupted…


6 minutes cooldwon for the mk1 metal injector

75 sec for the experimental :confused:

6 minutes cooldwon for the mk1 metal injector

75 sec for the experimental :confused:

There is that as well xD

Same for the remote repair beacons though, warp gate is 360 as well :/ 

And apparently, some players do not like me… or my torpedoes, or my reaper…

The self-repair modules need a fix anyway…

The “normal” repais aren’t worth it, and the guard’s repairs can be easily interrupted…

Guard repairs are generally worthless. They are underused and under-appreciated, though, as they are a somewhat better version of the Shield Boosters. The regular boosters should be like these, expending energy over time for constant repairs. The repairs that really need fixing are the Engineer ones on Interceptors. They need to scale with ship size, not heal Ceptors in seconds. It’s like a terrible ad for some cheesy product: “HEALS YOUR CEPTORS FROM ZERO TO FULL IN 5 SECONDS OR BUST!!”


And apparently, some players do not like me… or my torpedoes, or my reaper…

I definitely don’t like torpedoes, I got an EM torpedo to the face, yesterday. Godamnit, I didn’t even know what hit me. That thing literally 1-shot me from full to zero hp.

Brace yourselves, another patch is coming…

I definitely don’t like torpedoes, I got an EM torpedo to the face, yesterday. Godamnit, I didn’t even know what hit me. That thing literally 1-shot me from full to zero hp.


Best missiles to shutdown instantly LRF :smiley:

"                                                   " Command’s diffusion shield :smiley:

"                                                   " Random group of Ceptors :smiley: (i really love this in beacon hunt or domination) 

"                                                   " myself while Yelling “IF I DIE ! YOU DIE WITH ME”



Brace yourselves, another patch is coming…


Nothing good will happen

Best missiles to shutdown instantly LRF :smiley:

Nonono. Not the Jericho Torpedo. The actual EM Unguided Torpedo given to Frigates.

I’m flying a T2 Jericho Guard synergy 2 in T3 matches
If you see a bright red Zealot whatever that has “SHOOT ME” written all over it’s hull that’s me.
I do alright - not great but can get come out on top in 2 v 1 situations against inties …

  • Raise max speed by a small amount
  • lower strafe speed
  • raise shields
  • lower hulls
  • Faster missile shield cooldown
  • Reduce range


  • Raise engine Inhibitor range to be useful for team not just self
  • Raise energy consumption?

  • Make it prone to ECM (if not already)

1. Very much OK on defense

  • But I cannot attack like how I saw Guards used to do pre-0.9.0

  • So now all 3 frigates are ‘stay at home, watch my back’ ships?
    2. Missile shields range too far

  • I would be defending a beacon and my missile shield would take out some random missile fired off miles away not related to the fight I’m involved in.

  • Shorter range but better cooldown would be much more relevant

  • It would help Jericho LRFs also
    3. Hull too tanky, Shields too fragile

  • Since their F module is shield based I’m questioning the current hull to shield ratio

  • Given the increased number of AoE weapons and missiles and the fact that blueballs are EM I feel a bigger shield wouldn’t be OP

  • Can keep same survivability, adjust Hull:Shield numbers
    4. Too slow to support

  • I know they’re supposed to be as nimble as an elephant but they are failing at leading attacks

  • Best Guards can do is to come in second after smaller attack ships start engaging

  • Guards could use a small bump up on max speed so they can play that role better

  • Take out strafe speed as compensation

  • Since they are mostly defensive now, alot of Guards are playing hide and seek popping in and out taking pot shots

  • Especially because they lose shields faster now

  • Slower strafe will make them commit now to either hide or engage but not play hide and seek


5. Engine Inhibitor

  • Noticeable effect on enemies

  • Range too short it’s basically a self defense module rather than a team module.

  • Buff range, Increase energy use?


6. Energy … erm

  • Not too sure about Energy cap and regen

  • Doesn’t feel right but no comment, if someone can provide input that’d be nice


Dunno much about their other modules, haven’t used any other than missile shield, pulsar and engine inhibitor.

Brace yourselves, another patch is coming…


So soon? Too good to be true. Or bad. I`m not certain  :dntknw:

Nonono. Not the Jericho Torpedo. The actual EM Unguided Torpedo given to Frigates.


That what i was speaking :smiley:


I’m using torpedo since 0.8.3, best way to counter old frigballz, but nobody trusted me.

Torpedo counters firgballs my xxxx, that thing one shots most interceptors in a huge AoE. It’s one of the reasons why I mostly stick to fighters nowadays. Shoot it in the general direction of interceptor swarm and collect your free kills.


Range can be best described with “one torpedo in decent hands will always wipe out the entire full spawn of ints in blackwood’s first phase one shot”.


I think they should nerf the AoE range or at least range of the proximity detonator a bit on that thing.



And yeah, for fighters bubbles work wonders on shields and are pretty horrible against hulls. Considering that most good frigs are starting to carry hails, it actually makes sense to install at least one EM hull resist mod now, making them exceptionally weak. In general, EM damage is the new thermal damage, one that everyone is stacking resists for. As a result, railguns are rocking everything in damage on hulls. Even low DPS ones.



Finally on topic of guard frig shield regen mods, are there people that do not use it? It’s pretty much mandatory, a short CD module that restores near full (fed) or about 2/3 shields (jer) over 20 seconds every minute. When you’re a shield tank, not taking it is just strange, especially after the nerfs to engineer heals.

And once you hit R13, it goes absolutely crazy, get 2 kills or assists every 20 seconds and you have constantly working shield regen and near constant pulsar. Utterly nuts.

Frigates, packing huge amounts of power, can mount the awesomely big guns we know and love. Frigate weapons should either be very powerful mid-range guns (Coil Mortar) or mid-power long range guns. They don’t do short range; they are too vulnerable at those distances. Their ordnance favours long-range to encourage them to stay back.


Guards fight at short range. 

Guards fight at short range. 

Guards fight DEFENSIVELY. If you’re doing offensive work with them, you’re doing it wrong. Guards arrive in an area and kick everyone else out and make you stay out.

Maybe I am wrong, if so call me on it.


But I find that the spread-nerf to Schrapnel Cannon was unwanted in that high number. 

I find myself unable to hit anything not 200m in front of me, and even then half of my shot misses. 


I say decrease spread by 25%, that should make it close range, but not melee range :slight_smile:

Torpedo counters firgballs my xxxx, that thing one shots most interceptors in a huge AoE. It’s one of the reasons why I mostly stick to fighters nowadays. Shoot it in the general direction of interceptor swarm and collect your free kills.






Before it was the minefield, then the nuke and now the torpedo, what’s the next? Anomaly generator or Cruise missile?


Let’s roll the dice of the doomed nerfhammer !



Guards fight at short range. 


Back in my day, Guards with “pulse laser” and “rapid fire railgun” were fun.

But everything changed when the fire nation attacked.

Guards fight DEFENSIVELY. If you’re doing offensive work with them, you’re doing it wrong. Guards arrive in an area and kick everyone else out and make you stay out.


Err, I thought kicking everyone else out should be called offensive and defensive meant camp and wait for them to come?

Err, I thought kicking everyone else out should be called offensive and defensive meant camp and wait for them to come?

The point is, you’re moving in and defending that position. Imo, it’s only offensive work if you’re flying everywhere, shooting everywhere wherever you go.

Zerging or be Zerged, that is the question…



I prefer to lead the charge with my guard than let my teammate’s ceptors go in alone.

Zerging or be Zerged, that is the question…



I prefer to lead the charge with my guard than let my teammate’s ceptors go in alone.

These are two exceptionally stupid and suicidal options. The correct approach is to let fighters take the spearhead while interceptors screen them from attacks while you come behind them in frigates providing fire support and zone suppression.

About that Matchmaker… 

So I queued up with my 2 rank 10 ships (I was not in a squad) and I saw this beauty: 

