Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

So an assumption that Dev created a weapon that allows a fighter to dish out an insane amount of damage and kill any frigate despite of his hitpoints and resistances before any one can do anything is entire possible?

It’s an EM weapon. So one can assump that it was design to work well on Guard frigates(espicially Jerico’s), may I ask why it works so well on hull? Even better than a kinetic weapon does.

did something good happen the last week? Any positive changes? Since i nearly get punished for flying a prem-ship i had absolutely no interest of playing the game…

@ alexd

Yep…hiding was/is nearly impossible…so i guess they didnt change anything about that. U still get “rewarded” for suicide…

What happened to the playerbase? Increase or decrease?


When do i get my GS for my premium-ships? It makes no sense to fly them…

Are there any plans to make them usefull again?

did something good happen the last week? Any positive changes? Since i nearly get punished for flying a prem-ship i had absolutely no interest of playing the game…

@ alexd

Yep…hiding was/is nearly impossible…so i guess they didnt change anything about that. U still get “rewarded” for suicide…

What happened to the playerbase? Increase or decrease?


When do i get my GS for my premium-ships? It makes no sense to fly them…

Are there any plans to make them usefull again?


Positives: Hotfixes and great balance changes. The patch feels like it’s in a much better place now.


Playerbase: Absolutely fine - very little change to before. Most people have adapted and are starting to see the positive sides.


GS: Premium ships are being looked at, I cannot currently comment on when or what will happen but please be patient. All feedback has been forwarded and everyone’s concerns have been taken into account.

So an assumption that Dev created a weapon that allows a fighter to dish out an insane amount of damage and kill any frigate despite of his hitpoints and resistances before any one can do anything is entire possible?

It’s an EM weapon. So one can assump that it was design to work well on Guard frigates(espicially Jerico’s), may I ask why it works so well on hull? Even better than a kinetic weapon does.

I think you misread my post. I said that it works as it should.

I’m concerned that if Thursday doesn’t see a major shift in the game back to “play to have fun, pay to have more fun” from the current “don’t have fun, pay to have slightly less misery” then I may well be gone. I’m logging in, seeing that Phobos squatting in my hangar like someone’s dog mess, and wondering why I bothered.

I’m concerned that if Thursday doesn’t see a major shift in the game back to “play to have fun, pay to have more fun” from the current “don’t have fun, pay to have slightly less misery” then I may well be gone. I’m logging in, seeing that Phobos squatting in my hangar like someone’s dog mess, and wondering why I bothered.


If you do leave, please make a formal resignation from NASA…hate to see ya go if ya decide to leave.

So an assumption that Dev created a weapon that allows a fighter to dish out an insane amount of damage and kill any frigate despite of his hitpoints and resistances before any one can do anything is entire possible?

It’s an EM weapon. So one can assump that it was design to work well on Guard frigates(espicially Jerico’s), may I ask why it works so well on hull? Even better than a kinetic weapon does.

You most likely got focused by multiple people. As stated before, bubbles like the hit animation/hit sounds making it rather hard to tell when you’re under fire. Especially under fire from multiple sources. This is made even harder by people like myself not locking frigates to engage them to avoid triggering the empire R9 implant.


I can also note that it takes me forever and then some even under overdrive and aiming overcharge in a R13 imperial gunship to bring down the ultra-fat imperial R14 engineer. Shields are stripped in just a few shots, but after that I do very little damage against its huge hull.

@sabre :


I was writting this on another post but i think that could interest you.


Before the 0.9.0 Frigball was super effective because of the Guard’s Debuff modules, the AMS and the healing system.


All the guard’s mod range has been nerf, the signature masking and the mass propulsion inhibitor now have 1300m as range. Making the Debuff zone really close to the frigs.

The AMS has been nerf too, with the new system of missile, the AMS loose a lot of efficiency.

During the “Great frigballz crusade”, Most of the player used the engineer’s heals to have enough survavibility. With the healing nerf, they can’t do this anymore.


The other fact that make Frigballs less powerfull is the new dps mechanics : 


Before, we had to deal with a linear DPS, with some ships able to Burst (Aka Gunships/Covert Ops for the natural burst and the valkiry module for Team buff burst).

Now we have to deals with a lot more burst and less linear DPS and the actual tanking are outdated against this.

You will see less and less frig’s players because of this. What’s the point to play a tank ship and not be able to tank with it? 

Do I really have to mention how devs *beep*-ed the guard’s tanking mechanics?


it’s still sad that the guards jericho (the main faction of the guards by the way) be weaker than those of the federation simply because mobility is higher than the resistance with new weapons.


The gaming experience for new players who decide to go see jericho Guards must be just disgusting.

They should appreciate the monstrous cooldwons on modules regen.

6 * beep * MINUTES on Metal injector mk1 … 6 MINUTES.

It’s just the biggest cooldown of the game! OP MODULE… they should put a 12 minutes cooldown.



The major problem of this patch is that devs changed the DPS mechanics, without adapting the Tanking and Healing mechanics too.

The mere fact of deleting spam minefield killed the frigballs.

And this is the best thing that comes out of this patch, no longer have minefield everywhere.




The only real way to play an engi these days is to hide behind a rock a bit away from the objective and heal your team while hoping the other team doesn’t notice you.


My guard stays in the hanger.

I think you misread my post. I said that it works as it should.


I  understand perfectly what your post said.


I was trying to say that its DPS is quite abnormal comparing to other weapons.


Before the 0.9.0 Frigball was super effective because of the Guard’s Debuff modules, the AMS and the healing system.


All the guard’s mod range has been nerf, the signature masking and the mass propulsion inhibitor now have 1300m as range. Making the Debuff zone really close to the frigs.

The AMS has been nerf too, with the new system of missile, the AMS loose a lot of efficiency.

During the “Great frigballz crusade”, Most of the player used the engineer’s heals to have enough survavibility. With the healing nerf, they can’t do this anymore.


The other fact that make Frigballs less powerfull is the new dps mechanics : 


Before, we had to deal with a linear DPS, with some ships able to Burst (Aka Gunships/Covert Ops for the natural burst and the valkiry module for Team buff burst).

Now we have to deals with a lot more burst and less linear DPS and the actual tanking are outdated against this.

You will see less and less frig’s players because of this. What’s the point to play a tank ship and not be able to tank with it? 

Do I really have to mention how devs *beep*-ed the guard’s tanking mechanics?


it’s still sad that the guards jericho (the main faction of the guards by the way) be weaker than those of the federation simply because mobility is higher than the resistance with new weapons.


The gaming experience for new players who decide to go see jericho Guards must be just disgusting.

They should appreciate the monstrous cooldwons on modules regen.

6 * beep * MINUTES on Metal injector mk1 … 6 MINUTES.

It’s just the biggest cooldown of the game! OP MODULE… they should put a 12 minutes cooldown.


I have to completely agree  with you. 


Another problem is the imbalance between Tiers, Frigates are so squishy in T2 (and they are close to extinction at T2 now due to the nerf), but module slots in T3 and above allow them to have much more survivability.

I’ve already predict the death of jericho’s frigates 3 patch notes ago.

It was confirme the patch after i did my prediction.


I predicted the death of all the Guards few time ago…


And It’s done ! 


Now i will go back into my Guard’s prophet temple, waiting to be able to unleash the apocalyspe on all the fighters and interceptor.




Another problem is the imbalance between Tiers, Frigates are so squishy in T2 (and they are close to extinction at T2 now due to the nerf), but module slots in T3 and above allow them to have much more survivability


What did you expect? New weapons, no new survavibility modules…

Try and post that in the midst of all the immortal ship heals hate … why is it ok to suggest things like this now?


because finally damage and heals are closer to becoming ok now? wonder what brought that about …

Damage becomi-


*Singularity Cannons*



Kine, on 30 Jul 2013 - 13:01, said:[![snapback.png](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/snapback.png)](< base_url >/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=214320)

Try and post that in the midst of all the immortal ship heals hate … why is it ok to suggest things like this now?


because finally damage and heals are closer to becoming ok now? wonder what brought that about …





*Signed blueballz*

Devs confirmed that there is a synergy cap “that is there to prevent farming and that normal player should not hit” whatever that means on russian forums. No exact numbers were given.



On topic of “dead” guard ships, recons and snipers wish they were that dead. They’re about on par with covert ops right now in terms of numbers in T4/T5. Though I’m seeing snipers and recons every few matches and they do have their niche.

Recon is a lot more playable than comv ops atm… stil far away from a balance state.

I can’t wait till thursday and the next patch…I really hope they are done with introducing more broken mechanics and are on a path to fix all the broken things now… Which there are many of.

I guess they should be nerfed for T3 and below, but trust me, the bubbles do jackshit in T4/T5 vs a good beefy Empire frigate. Most ESBs and Novas I came across had Gauss Cannons. 

Why do you say Guards are dead? In every match I’ve been in, yesterday, I ALWAYS saw 1-3 active Guards on both sides. Always. I know cause I was one of them, as well. I love my Jericho Guards. Do they die any easier? If you get swarmed, you were probably asking for it, anyway. But if you know how to play, you’re still extremely resilient.


But I do agree the active tank modules need a cd reduction. Nobody uses them because no one is dumb enough to fit a 6min cd module. If they had 1min cooldown, EVERYONE would be fitting them. Alternatively, make them expend energy like they do in EvE. It’ll force you to think before flying because you’re sacrificing your afterburner energy, as well.

Why do you say Guards are dead? In every match I’ve been in, yesterday, I ALWAYS saw 1-3 active Guards on both sides. Always. I know cause I was one of them, as well. I love my Jericho Guards. Do they die any easier? If you get swarmed, you were probably asking for it, anyway. But if you know how to play, you’re still extremely resilient.


But I do agree the active tank modules need a cd reduction. Nobody uses them because no one is dumb enough to fit a 6min cd module. If they had 1min cooldown, EVERYONE would be fitting them. Alternatively, make them expend energy like they do in EvE. It’ll force you to think before flying because you’re sacrificing your afterburner energy, as well.

The self-repair modules need a fix anyway…

The “normal” repais aren’t worth it, and the guard’s repairs can be easily interrupted…

I guess they should be nerfed for T3 and below, but trust me, the bubbles do jackshit in T4/T5 vs a good beefy Empire frigate. Most ESBs and Novas I came across had Gauss Cannons. 

Thats because in T4/T5 people know better how to play, and don’t fly in close range that much to be able to use that weapon for extended time. You just get focused and killed. The same thing would happen in tournaments. In random arcade match Singularity is good weapon, but it would not be nearly as good in tournaments.