Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

  1. pretty sure synergy is based on kills and assists (maybe caps too)


  1. individually scored per ship


  1. capped to either tier or rank or something else


for eg. i can score exactly 8,640 synergy x 3 ships in one game for 3 games in a row


  1. it is possible to fly a particular ship longer than any other on your hangar AND score less synergy for that ship

It’s coz games industry is dominated by techies and artists.


not enough salesmenship


most marketing are finance guys interested in investment returns rather than actually being smart at selling


look at this game - proof of that is abundant.


awesome design. technically superb. graphically good. bad salesmanship.

nah, problem is the other way round. the game industry is ruled by salesmen and investors.

techies and artists often have little to say in these matters.

after all, most people in the game industry are paid less than people configuring wordpress.

Believe what you want, I’m earning triple synergy each game by playing 3 ships to their cap. If you want to go slower, be my guest.

PS: I don’t PvE so I’m only talking about PvP. Is there no synergy cap in PvE?


If I’m not wrong, the system takes your total efficiency in the whole battle and calculates your total synergy earned. Then it divides your total synergy gained among all the different ships you used in that battle based on the amount of time you spent piloting that ship. 

My shiny new rank 8 recon seems to cap out at 11k synergy no matter how well I play.  I’ll get 10 kills, no deaths, 20+ assists, 3 beacon caps and still only get 11k.   Maybe in PvE where the games last longer you can get higher but for PvP it seems there’s a max synergy determined by the reward % on each ship.


Also on a side note I’ve gotten 6k synergy on a ship i crashed into a warp gate at the start, blew up, and never flew it for the rest of the game.  We did end up winning though so I’m guessing there’s a minimum synergy reward for winning the game as well.




Three similar fast games, same approximate total. If there is a synergy cap, it’s higher than those numbers. So it’s unlikely you’ll hit a synergy cap in lower tiers regardless of its existence.



P.S. I now know the reason for FunkyBacons hate. He’s a guard frig with blasters and his tactic is to rush beacon and sit behind it.

“Please nerf paper, scissors are fine. Singed: rock”.

1st Game - I crumbled to temptation and spammed blueballs on my gunship. Tons of kills, top of table - team lost = 5,400 synergy

2nd Game - decided to be a teamplayer and took the tackler out and did my job. Awesome support = 1,400 synergy

This game has never been good at rating teamwork.  If you take in a squad just to kill people, there’ll be three assists at least for every kill.  Your squad can get a really good rating.  Your team may have done nothing other than kill to help win.  With the weapon/missile changes, I think they just want to increase the kills per battle.  Imagine if the old wait times existed now.  As for synergy, does anyone even know how it’s calculated?  I’m hoping it involves active and passive modules, not just kills and assists.  It should be about using the ship to it’s full potential.  If you have the module for increased crits but don’t land shots, it’s the wrong weapon.  If you have thermal shield buffs and get hit by lasers a lot, it’s the right module.  If you’re an ECM and never disable a ship, you’re not using the ECM.


Having fought you in battle today,

You seem to be very skilled, with the singularity cannon on your gunship, which immediatly makes me throw away your opinion.

People using the singularity cannon which is hilariously OP, have an opinion worth xxxx to me.

Singularity cannon is OP enough to be comic.  Try a squad of one engineer and three gunships in PvE with singularity cannons.  You might laugh.

My shiny new rank 8 recon seems to cap out at 11k synergy no matter how well I play.  I’ll get 10 kills, no deaths, 20+ assists, 3 beacon caps and still only get 11k.   Maybe in PvE where the games last longer you can get higher but for PvP it seems there’s a max synergy determined by the reward % on each ship.


Also on a side note I’ve gotten 6k synergy on a ship i crashed into a warp gate at the start, blew up, and never flew it for the rest of the game.  We did end up winning though so I’m guessing there’s a minimum synergy reward for winning the game as well.

Synergy is linked to experience. Experience reward in turn is linked to success in game, duration of the game and finally, REWARD BONUS OF THE SHIP.

Flying lower tier will net you less synergy (and ships have much lower synergy requirements to level up).

Blaster + guard…

Blaster + Guard…

Blaster + Guard…



Singularity cannon is OP enough to be comic.  Try a squad of one engineer and three gunships in PvE with singularity cannons.  You might laugh.

I’ll take that free food with my ECM, another ECM, yet another ECM and maybe an engineer. Delicious helpless gunships!

P.S. I now know the reason for FunkyBacons hate. He’s a guard frig with blasters and his tactic is to rush beacon and sit behind it.

“Please nerf paper, scissors are fine. Singed: rock”.

Just like I told your dumb xxxx in-game already.

You don’t want your OP toy to get nerfed because then you’d have to rely on skills instead of an OP weapon.


The singularity needs to go down to ~800-1.2k DPS.



Blaster + guard…

Blaster + Guard…

Blaster + Guard…




You’d be surprised how well it works :wink: Only problem is the crazy spread at long range, but I can live with it.

Just like I told your dumb xxxx in-game already.

You don’t want your OP toy to get nerfed because then you’d have to rely on skills instead of an OP weapon.


The singularity needs to go down to ~800-1.2k DPS.




You’d be surprised how well it works :wink: Only problem is the crazy spread at long range, but I can live with it.

I love how you whine about the gun that counters you, and than proceed to talk about the gun that counters people that counter me in the next part of the very same post :facepalm:

Interesting. How do you know when you reached the cap?

Combat log gets written in real time, can be calculated from that.


  1. pretty sure synergy is based on kills and assists (maybe caps too)


  1. individually scored per ship


  1. capped to either tier or rank or something else


for eg. i can score exactly 8,640 synergy x 3 ships in one game for 3 games in a row


  1. it is possible to fly a particular ship longer than any other on your hangar AND score less synergy for that ship

Pretty much, but all XP you score counts (even medals).

Formula for a ship’s cap is roughly 2175 + 4500 * ship reward bonus.

PS: That’s what it currently is without license, not sure if the +50% synergy we’re supposed to have atm affects the cap, otherwise it gets lowered by that amount come Monday.

the singularity cannon counters everyone and everything you dipshit >.>

and…your last sentence made little to no sense, did you mean to say the heavy blaster is for killing interceptors?

Ah, name calling, the last refuge of someone caught in a lie.


Guard frigate in general currently counters interceptors because they have few means to penetrate its shields. Guard frigate with the grenade launcher is the best for the task, but generalists take the blaster to be able to hurt fighters and frigs as well.

Combat log gets written in real time, can be calculated from that.

Sounds like a lot of trouble. But might be worth the hassle to keep an eye on it…

You never saw me with my Mortar :smiley: I called it : Death sentence :smiley:

Combat log gets written in real time, can be calculated from that.

 Pretty much, but all XP you score counts (even medals).

Formula for a ship’s cap is roughly 2175 + 4500 * ship reward bonus.

PS: That’s what it currently is without license, not sure if the +50% synergy we’re supposed to have atm affects the cap, otherwise it gets lowered by that amount come Monday.

I can confirm this to be definitely false unless everything stacks. Your numbers suggest a maximum synergy of 9825 for argonaut (170% bonus, 2175+4500*1.7=9825).


I am looking at my log and see getting 18730 on it in a single game. Now, if everything does stack, cap is 19387.5. That is high enough to basically not have to care about it regardless, even if does hypothetically exist. I’m currently averaging about 16k per won game.



EDIT: I’m seeing some games with over 22k total in my log with multiple ships, however these are all standard games that last the maximum time. In current meta, unless you’re actively farming ESR it’s quite hard to stay alive the entire game in one ship while getting good score and being helpful to your team.

I’m fairly certain that my account is not “special”. What does that even mean?


Do you have any sort of source for your information about synergy cap?

Look, you are claiming you are gaining pre-0.9.0 amounts of synergy, everybody else is whining about high synergy requirements for some reason, I know that since 0.9.0 I’m capped roughly according to the formula I posted whereas pre-0.9.0 I was earning synergy at the same rate as you claim to still be getting, … fine, we’ll all have to deal with our own version of the truth, there’s nothing more to say.

This was my last response to you on this matter.

Is it just me or did a lot of people from T2 move up to T3 now?

And judging by the queue, a lot went to T4 from T3.

Yeah, I have to rank up a couple of ships and I will be sticking to T4…