Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion


so there’s some words of wisdom from GITS for you.


regarding: weapon selection and balance issues.



Be a MAN , and take ALL the ships! ALL the WEAPONS! and ALL the SWEET ROLLS!


Be a MAN , and take ALL the ships! ALL the WEAPONS! and ALL the SWEET ROLLS!


you have to give them back to me first :\ lol

you have to give them back to me first :\ lol


HA. good luck. 


also have you seen how grindy this patch is? i been trying to get synergy of one ship to 9. I calculated it will take me 7 hours of non-stop playing to do that. 7 hours!? That’s ridiculous. 

HA. good luck. 


i tried…


also have you seen how grindy this patch is? i been trying to get synergy of one ship to 9. I calculated it will take me 7 hours of non-stop playing to do that. 7 hours!? That’s ridiculous. 


lol… no, i haven’t played but 5 games… but that seems like about 49 hours for 1 ship tree line on average? random guessing here.


so 200-250 hours per faction? maybe 300? if you fly 1 of each faction ship per mission = 300-400 hours total? give or take if you dont get max efficiency… maybe more, up to 600?


4 hours a day = 100 days-150? 3-5 months? seems reasonable. assuming i’m guessing correctly.


but up to 9-12 months if you only fly a single ship per mission.


but then again who plays 4 hours a day, not very many ;p i used to… a long time ago… that was a long time ago…


then again… who plays everyday… can’t say from personal experience (4 games after update), but it seems like it may require a reduction. or it’s just that… you just won’t be able to grind every line…


sad how more and more games are getting this way… they are locking content away from the user… behind grind times and paywalls… :\ don’t really think you can solve the grind-time problem in a F2P payment model honestly :\ at least solve it for the paying users tho…

sad how more and more games are getting this way… they are locking content away from the user… behind grind times and paywalls… :\ don’t really think you can solve the grind-time problem in a F2P payment model honestly


It’s coz games industry is dominated by techies and artists.


not enough salesmenship


most marketing are finance guys interested in investment returns rather than actually being smart at selling


look at this game - proof of that is abundant.


awesome design. technically superb. graphically good. bad salesmanship.



back on-topic:





I’m pretty pissed off with this one


Now the game is grindy - sure. But a min - max on Synergy gains ?



1st Game - I crumbled to temptation and spammed blueballs on my gunship. Tons of kills, top of table - team lost = 5,400 synergy

2nd Game - decided to be a teamplayer and took the tackler out and did my job. Awesome support = 1,400 synergy





  1. Why is there a min - max on synergy gain
  • lets hear pro points for that… i dont see how it adds to the game


  1. and why is it tied to kills or whatever
  • surely there keeping it simple like minutes spent in flight is good enough?

  • it really is now tied to progression directly i dont feel it should be based on performance

  • coz you know, no one has ever been able to come up with a scoring system that can capture team work and sacrifices


  1. My suggestion

Win = 100% tier cap gain

Lose = 75% tier cap gain



semi-OT: was just thinking however, how best to describe the 0.90 update, and here it is:


Life it seems will fade away, drifting farther every day.

Getting lost within myself, nothing matters; noone else.

I have lost the will to live, simply nothing more to give.

There is nothing more for me. Need the end to set me FREE.


Metallica - Fade to Black.


nuff said, same way i felt when they nerfed 600/perma in guildwars 1 and half the population left.


or if you prefer, i can quote some tupac.

It’s coz games industry is dominated by techies and artists.


not enough salesmenship


most marketing are finance guys interested in investment returns rather than actually being smart at selling


look at this game - proof of that is abundant.


awesome design. technically superb. graphically good. bad salesmanship.



back on-topic:





I’m pretty pissed off with this one


Now the game is grindy - sure. But a min - max on Synergy gains ?



1st Game - I crumbled to temptation and spammed blueballs on my gunship. Tons of kills, top of table - team lost = 5,400 synergy

2nd Game - decided to be a teamplayer and took the tackler out and did my job. Awesome support = 1,400 synergy





  1. Why is there a min - max on synergy gain
  • lets hear pro points for that… i dont see how it adds to the game


  1. and why is it tied to kills or whatever
  • surely there keeping it simple like minutes spent in flight is good enough?

  • it really is now tied to progression directly i dont feel it should be based on performance

  • coz you know, no one has ever been able to come up with a scoring system that can capture team work and sacrifices


  1. My suggestion

Win = 100% tier cap gain

Lose = 75% tier cap gain




it is tied to your effectiveness relative to the rest of your team, pretty much the same way as Credits gain, if you play multiple ships like in your example, you get it split dependent on effectiveness per ship.

Oh right, free synergy, there is no min max on it - it is fixed percentage from total synergy you get from battle on each ship (5% from free ships and 10% from prems)

it is tied to your effectiveness relative to the rest of your team, pretty much the same way as Credits gain, if you play multiple ships like in your example, you get it split dependent on effectiveness per ship.

No and no.

Synergy is capped individually for each ship you fly. It has nothing to do with team performance (or at least I’m always at the cap for my ships regardless of where I stand in the team, so a team split is unlikely). The cap scales based on the ship’s reward factor. If you want to maximize your synergy gain then you need to fly as many ships as possible during one battle. It’s a stupid system, penalizes surviving.

No and no.

Synergy is capped individually for each ship you fly. It has nothing to do with team performance (or at least I’m always at the cap for my ships regardless of where I stand in the team, so a team split is unlikely). The cap scales based on the ship’s reward factor. If you want to maximize your synergy gain then you need to fly as many ships as possible during one battle. It’s a stupid system, penalizes surviving.

This is factually false. Synergy is dependend on the old experience system, and scales with your success rate at certain tasks such as killing.

As a result, it doesn’t matter if you fly one ship or four. You will get the same total of synergy provided you had similar success rate and ships have similar reward ratio. You can easily test this in PvE yourself.


For example, in Kine’s screenshot above he had slightly over half success rate of the first game. As a result, he got slightly over half total synergy.

My reaction to patch.

This is factually false.


As a result, it doesn’t matter if you fly one ship or four. You will get the same total of synergy provided you had similar success rate and ships have similar reward ratio. You can easily test this in PvE yourself.

Believe what you want, I’m earning triple synergy each game by playing 3 ships to their cap. If you want to go slower, be my guest.

PS: I don’t PvE so I’m only talking about PvP. Is there no synergy cap in PvE?

But the point stands - I was flying a R11 ship with mix of mk2, mk3 and military gear without any of those implants. They were flying R13 and better ships. All they needed to do was kill me. And they failed, terribly.


Because you can always outplay the opposition. Or die trying. And in big 12v12 games even trying tends to be rewarding, even if you fail miserably. And when you succeed even though odds are stacked against you, it only feels better.


My message to most people complaining about ESB at T4 is this: unless it’s quiet time when you actually have to play 4v4/5v5 games against them, stop crying and try again. They do not dominate bigger games, simply because they cannot. Four people cannot stop twelve in this game, even if twelve are undergeared and worse players. But they can outplay them. And that’s where skill, rather than gear or ranks comes into play. And most of ESB squads are nothing if not predictable - something you will likely come to realize once you play enough games with and against them, as I did.

Having fought you in battle today,

You seem to be very skilled, with the singularity cannon on your gunship, which immediatly makes me throw away your opinion.

People using the singularity cannon which is hilariously OP, have an opinion worth xxxx to me.

Believe what you want, I’m earning triple synergy each game by playing 3 ships to their cap. If you want to go slower, be my guest.

PS: I don’t PvE so I’m only talking about PvP. Is there no synergy cap in PvE?

You might get a slight increase in total, but actually less per ship.

Believe what you want, I’m earning triple synergy each game by playing 3 ships to their cap. If you want to go slower, be my guest.

PS: I don’t PvE so I’m only talking about PvP. Is there no synergy cap in PvE?

There is no synergy cap anywhere. PvP or PvE. the reason why it’s easier to test in PvE is because your success rate is far more stable across games, they both last approximately the same amount of time and net you approximately same amount of kills.


Same factors vary wildly in PvP games, making testing much harder. Synergy scales both with time played on the ship and success rate after all.

You might get a slight increase in total, but actually less per ship.

There is no synergy cap anywhere. PvP or PvE.

Wrong and wrong, but as I said, let’s just agree to disagree, doesn’t matter to me in the slightest.

Having fought you in battle today,

You seem to be very skilled, with the singularity cannon on your gunship, which immediatly makes me throw away your opinion.

People using the singularity cannon which is hilariously OP, have an opinion worth xxxx to me.

Factory gun or GTFO?


P.S. ESB gunship pilots currently fly with railguns. Surely they’re more OP then? :crazy:

Wrong and wrong, but as I said, let’s just agree to disagree, doesn’t matter to me in the slightest.

If I use all 4 ships, I get ~5-7k per ship.

If I use 1 ship, I get ~20k synergy.

Believe what you want, I’m earning triple synergy each game by playing 3 ships to their cap. If you want to go slower, be my guest.

PS: I don’t PvE so I’m only talking about PvP. Is there no synergy cap in PvE?

Interesting. How do you know when you reached the cap?

There is no cap.

I get around ~15-20k synergy per match.

And one time i got ~30k.

If you get above 30k…well done xD

There is no cap.

I get around ~15-20k synergy per match.

And one time i got ~30k.

If you get above 30k…well done xD

I once got 67k. It was shiny.