Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

dead reacap bug ?


thx   :fed012:


I find a solution to everything: i’m downloading warthunder :stuck_out_tongue:


Be honest guys… this game isn’t the game we (me at least) was used to play and love 2 weeks ago.


  1. Right… missiles spam is not so bad as we could immagine after reading “ulimited missiles”. Still i have not less than 40 missiles on my back in almost every match. And guided missiles = no skill. 


  1. I was used to play cov ops with stab rails. In a week i had: no more range, less damage inh arc… and , this is the  best part, no weapon to use cosidering i HATE auto guns and large spread too. I don’t care bout crazy damage too… i d just want a low fire rate, decent damage, hight accuracy (read: low spread) mid ragge weapon.


  1. i used to die like 3~5 times in 5 hours of gamplay … now i die at least 1 times every 2 matches. And i don’t think people grown so much in some days… nor i become an itiot in the same amount of time. Bur missiles, new lame weapons… are just made for let the ppl kill more (even if they are xxxx). 


  1. The startegy here looks like clar now: they wwanna make a newbie frendly game. 


So i’m out.


Thank u everyone for the great time we had when thgis game was a real game… and have lot of fun.


(P.S. I think warthunder can’t be ruined so much,… i mean… it is a simulator… u can’t “simulate” an 2ndWW plane can carry dozens of missiles … let’s hope)

They’re still made out of wet paper mache. 

So are Gunships. Well, except the D-Eagle.

snib, agaisnt frigs its very easy to hit every bubble. And kill any frig before you overheat basicly.


Btw, fix the damned matchmaker…Don’t let T5 and T4 together. That is just plain unfair since T5 implants are about 500% better than all previous implants combined.


Yes I am talking about you ESB farming T4 with Full T5 full mk3.

ESB is helluva far from being even close to full mk3. And they’re very mortal when there is more then 4-5 people on the team. If you want, I can post several screenshot taken in the last hour of mylsef and other people slaughtering them.


T4/T5 is fun right now.

ESB is helluva far from being even close to full mk3. And they’re very mortal when there is more then 4-5 people on the team. If you want, I can post several screenshot taken in the last hour of mylsef and other people slaughtering them.


T4/T5 is fun right now.

Than you must have been playing a bad squad of theirs. The ones I was playing against was full T5 mk3…And they got a bunch of members with that.

Than you must have been playing a bad squad of theirs. The ones I was playing against was full T5 mk3…And they got a bunch of members with that.

I have played WITH almost all of their squads. They are not full T5 mk3. I can see their gear after death, remember? They have a couple of factions worth of mk3. Rest are military/mk2 like the rest of us.


And squads getting massively diluted in big games, i.e. over 10v10. Right now, I’m loading into 12v12. And I’m butchering them on my gunship.

(P.S. I think warthunder can’t be ruined so much,… i mean… it is a simulator… u can’t “simulate” an 2ndWW plane can carry dozens of missiles … let’s hope)


Hate to spoil your hope, a piece of advice from a WT player here;


You will be in for a big surprise, as you will even die faster at times, because crits. A burst of well aimed shot will totally ruin your day in 5 seconds or less.


Pubbies are more bloodthirsty there, going all the way just to rake up kills and not complete objectives.


Also Arcade Battles - unlimited ammo, you only need to wait for a reload period- in midair.


you can probably try Historical Battles - single plane, limited ammo, land to reload/repair.


tldr: be warned.

I find a solution to everything: i’m downloading warthunder :stuck_out_tongue:


Be honest guys… this game isn’t the game we (me at least) was used to play and love 2 weeks ago.


  1. Right… missiles spam is not so bad as we could immagine after reading “ulimited missiles”. Still i have not less than 40 missiles on my back in almost every match. And guided missiles = no skill. 


  1. I was used to play cov ops with stab rails. In a week i had: no more range, less damage inh arc… and , this is the  best part, no weapon to use cosidering i HATE auto guns and large spread too. I don’t care bout crazy damage too… i d just want a low fire rate, decent damage, hight accuracy (read: low spread) mid ragge weapon.


  1. i used to die like 3~5 times in 5 hours of gamplay … now i die at least 1 times every 2 matches. And i don’t think people grown so much in some days… nor i become an itiot in the same amount of time. Bur missiles, new lame weapons… are just made for let the ppl kill more (even if they are xxxx). 


  1. The startegy here looks like clar now: they wwanna make a newbie frendly game. 


So i’m out.


Thank u everyone for the great time we had when thgis game was a real game… and have lot of fun.


(P.S. I think warthunder can’t be ruined so much,… i mean… it is a simulator… u can’t “simulate” an 2ndWW plane can carry dozens of missiles … let’s hope)


2 weeks?


Talk about how good the game was when it was launched on Steam, that was what, propably like 6 months ago?

2 weeks?


Talk about how good the game was when it was launched on Steam, that was what, propably like 6 months ago?

Indeed. Two weeks ago was the horrible immortal frigate crap. If you like that, you don’t want War Thunder. You want Mech Warrior Online. War Thunder actually requires you to know how to fly. Just like SC does right now.

Covert ops totally didn’t deserve that nerf.  ECM’s stasis and recons shield vamp now outclass orion so much that its not worth using.

Indeed. Two weeks ago was the horrible immortal frigate crap. If you like that, you don’t want War Thunder. You want Mech Warrior Online. War Thunder actually requires you to know how to fly. Just like SC does right now.

Immortal frigate crap?

You mean OP heals. Frigates were easy enough to kill alone. Under the effect of BOTH a mass heal and repair station they were unstoppable.

Solution: percentage based heals with a maximum percent per second eg 5%. And modules designed for breaking it up.

And modules designed for breaking it up.


Aka spy drones? 

Aka spy drones.

Indeed. Two weeks ago was the horrible immortal frigate crap. If you like that, you don’t want War Thunder. You want Mech Warrior Online. War Thunder actually requires you to know how to fly. Just like SC does right now.


 SC right now requires u know how to spam guided missiles.


2 weeks ago was a game… frig balls was boring as hell, indeed, still u need some aim and derive skill to do something. Atm u don’t need anything than guided missiles and an ecm in ur team.

I’ll just post this here for reference about “overpowered, overgeared, immortal ESB”.






My two squad mates weren’t even on TS, and one of them had to semi afk at times. There you go folks - want to do T4? Apply to NASA!

And yes, that is Castor. The R11 gunship. With greens and whites.


P.S. This post is dedicated to Mikelius1 and TaylorSwift. You guys were awesome.

Can I just ask: is that a Lion I see in the 2nd slot…? I need to make sure my eyes aren’t screwing me over.

Can I just ask: is that a Lion I see in the 2nd slot…?

Lion mk2. The R15 fed tackler I PvE grinded during last couple of days. You can see the hangar on the top left with ship names.

That’s awesome.

You’ll only reach that dps when you actually hit with every bubble, i.e. never, but even if you did you’ll overheat fast. But even ignoring that there’s the huge EM resistance on hulls. So it’s just a number, don’t take it too seriously.

Not when the fire rate is less than one.  It may be 2k DPS, but it’s 2.5k per hit.  At point blank range, they’re dieing.  A lucky shot on an interceptor and two thirds of it’s shields are gone.  That huge resistance you’re talking about, 15 points out of 2.5k.  The point based resists are useless compared to percents with the new damages.

 SC right now requires u know how to spam guided missiles.


2 weeks ago was a game… frig balls was boring as hell, indeed, still u need some aim and derive skill to do something. Atm u don’t need anything than guided missiles and an ecm in ur team.

While ECM is probably OP at the moment, the real nasties are the fighters. All three of them. Singularity gun in good hands is exceptionally powerful.

I recommend practicing in PvE. I can now hit stuff without even locking it with it at reasonable distances. It’s a bit like bowling in space.

I’m serious.