Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

And no you are not forced to train all sub factions to gain mk3, with the new system, after new players will come majority will be on the same ground and will have to pick the rout of gear/roles/ships progression. And up to T4 there are ways to bypass “some” ships

And this is my friend completely different story, all this sunergy change looks like result of higher decisions that have been made up there. This is exactly why i am not against new sunergy level in particular, because new system suits new Game direction perfectly as a mechanic. There isn’t much wrong with a mechanic itself. But again shifts like that will never be totally positive or totally negative, i for once do like deeper focus in specialization, as long as those roles will be diverse from each other (and looks like it is an ultimate goal currently) but i have NO problem and there is nothing wrong with your desire to want less specialization and lowering the boundaries of strict direct customization. There will be people liking it and people that disliking it, and don’t tell me that MAJORITY don’t like it, its complete BS, VOCAL majority - yes! overall - hell no! after some days you see more and more people liking it in the game. Even many of those QQers and threats that they will quite, are still playing and some of them growing to like current change. At the end that new game direction looks more profitable on top of the fact that there are players that liking it, and there will be more players coming in that will never know of conditions that existed in beta development, making it so that people who want that easy access to all the roles with all the gear will be a minority.

There will always be people that dislike a patch, but for me this patch has been fine mostly.

Sure tweaks are needed here and there, but the only thing I truely dislike is the synergy system, it has broken a lot of things for me and is a huge step in the direction of “P2W/P2P”. It needs to get fixed, into a less grindy state for me to continue enjoy this game. And I am not sure if the devs will set it right.

I don’t know how many people like or dislike it, but I’d like to believe that more people are mostly fine with the patch than not, but have the same concern as me about the synergy.

i think you are missing the root cause of this change, it was meant to make players to be more focused on specific chosen roles rather than have easy access to absolutely everything, you can see the tendency in ships of older players, they all have ship for every occasion, 1 inty +1 fighter + Frigate +1 extra, and on top of that they have more ships in hangar that not really used, how often do you see a player with 3-4 interceptors?


Do they pay you to respond on these threads? I thought that was the point of the game? To have a ship that suits every occasion. To be prepared for any battle. I personally had 1 inty (recon), 2 fighters (tackler, command) and a frig (engi). That suits my playstyle. I like to help my teammates when I can. If I need to pull out the frig because we need heals, so be it. If I need recon so I can cap beacons fast, so be it. I don’t see how the game was hurt by such a play style, and in fact I think that is what made the game so enjoyable. It’s the whole reason I bought the Elite pack and played the hell outta the game until I got my 4th hangar slot. Now you want me to just have several ships of the same kind on my hangar? That is just outright dumb. Variability makes a game fun and have replay value. Removing these things turns the game in to a point and shoot, and maybe I’ll spend an hour playing and I’m out as I grow tired of that. Being able to purchase any ship I want because I worked hard for it and now I get to experiment with it, that’s what is fun. That is why everyone is on here complaining, because that is what makes this game fun. If/when this game goes under, you guys should put your source code online for everyone so we can make a cool game.

The 0.8.5 code.

Do they pay you to respond on these threads? I thought that was the point of the game? To have a ship that suits every occasion. To be prepared for any battle. I personally had 1 inty (recon), 2 fighters (tackler, command) and a frig (engi). That suits my playstyle. I like to help my teammates when I can. If I need to pull out the frig because we need heals, so be it. If I need recon so I can cap beacons fast, so be it. I don’t see how the game was hurt by such a play style, and in fact I think that is what made the game so enjoyable. It’s the whole reason I bought the Elite pack and played the hell outta the game until I got my 4th hangar slot. Now you want me to just have several ships of the same kind on my hangar? That is just outright dumb. Variability makes a game fun and have replay value. Removing these things turns the game in to a point and shoot, and maybe I’ll spend an hour playing and I’m out as I grow tired of that. Being able to purchase any ship I want because I worked hard for it and now I get to experiment with it, that’s what is fun. That is why everyone is on here complaining, because that is what makes this game fun. If/when this game goes under, you guys should put your source code online for everyone so we can make a cool game.

There will be people liking it and people that disliking it, and don’t tell me that MAJORITY don’t like it, its complete BS, VOCAL majority - yes! overall - hell no! after some days you see more and more people liking it in the game. Even many of those QQers and threats that they will quite, are still playing and some of them growing to like current change

The 0.8.5 code.

you might wanna check what was available in 0.7.0

Edit: Actually this is very good example, Sabre01 is one of those that clearly doesn’t like this change, he doesnt like the cut of theoretical customization, but he is asking for 0.8.5 and not for 0.7.x, while in 0.7.x you could customize the hell of the ships comparing to 0.8.x

In another month there will be no “general” memory of what kind of shift we got in 0.9.0

Do they pay you to respond on these threads? I thought that was the point of the game? To have a ship that suits every occasion. To be prepared for any battle. I personally had 1 inty (recon), 2 fighters (tackler, command) and a frig (engi). That suits my playstyle. I like to help my teammates when I can. If I need to pull out the frig because we need heals, so be it. If I need recon so I can cap beacons fast, so be it. I don’t see how the game was hurt by such a play style, and in fact I think that is what made the game so enjoyable. It’s the whole reason I bought the Elite pack and played the hell outta the game until I got my 4th hangar slot. Now you want me to just have several ships of the same kind on my hangar? That is just outright dumb. Variability makes a game fun and have replay value. Removing these things turns the game in to a point and shoot, and maybe I’ll spend an hour playing and I’m out as I grow tired of that. Being able to purchase any ship I want because I worked hard for it and now I get to experiment with it, that’s what is fun. That is why everyone is on here complaining, because that is what makes this game fun. If/when this game goes under, you guys should put your source code online for everyone so we can make a cool game.

>There will be people liking it and people that disliking it, and don’t tell me that MAJORITY don’t like it, its complete BS, VOCAL majority - yes! overall - hell no! after some days you see more and more people liking it in the game. Even many of those QQers and threats that they will quite, are still playing and some of them growing to like current change




How do you determine if someone like’s it “in game”? Because they say “oh this game is cool!” in the general chat of the game?


Is that how we guage if people like the update and game in general, or is that why this forum and these threads exist? I’m confused as to what point you are trying to prove.




No update to date has generated more ongoing discussion as this one has. Go check out the patch pages and tell me I am wrong. We are 42 pages and counting now. The Dev’s should be focused on what the vocal community on the threads are talking about. Not what some people “in game” are saying. They obviously don’t care about the game enough to look in to what they like about the game might change for them. It’s like voting for example…People that don’t vote in a democratic election can’t really be upset when decisions they do not like are made for them. Maybe they should have stood up and had a voice…like the rest of us here.

There will be people liking it and people that disliking it, and don’t tell me that MAJORITY don’t like it, its complete BS, VOCAL majority - yes! overall - hell no! after some days you see more and more people liking it in the game. Even many of those QQers and threats that they will quite, are still playing and some of them growing to like current change


that’s because they all used rails on their fighters before… so they see no change…


but those who used plasma on fighters for example are basically nerfed now… you can kill frigates with bubbles, but try hitting more agile targets… pretty much useless.


and that’s just one example. I’m sure there are plenty of damage type options that are simply not available any more.


the onyl viable weapon now on fighters to hit other fighters are rails.


ions have unpredictable hitreg since the beam is drawn on the client with no prediction… and even then do measly damage, not so great for cqc/dogfights.


so basically uou have kinetic… and most fighters/inty will jsut stack kinetic/thermal then…


currently the game seems to be very high kinetic damage based at least vs fighters… a full 60-80% of the damage i see in death cap is kinetic. i will see thermal sometimes, and more rarely EM.



How do you determine if someone like’s it “in game”? Because they say “oh this game is cool!” in the general chat of the game?

And how do you determine if some one is disliking the game? By forums? the only thing forums proves that there are more people that disliking it than other patch but it doesn’t tell you general population feelings. Online game forums in majority are places to ask questions and qq about stuff, you will rarely see posts for solo purpose of encouragement.


Is that how we gauge if people like the update and game in general, or is that why this forum and these threads exist? I’m confused as to what point you are trying to prove.




No update to date has generated more ongoing discussion as this one has. Go check out the patch pages and tell me I am wrong. We are 42 pages and counting now. The Dev’s should be focused on what the vocal community on th

this thread is 42 pages long because this update brought a change to various different aspects of the game, and as topic shifts here DIfferent people comes in and start qq about particular part of the patch they do not like, not as a whole but as different part, so in a sense this is a combination of all different aspects.

Patch 0.8.1,2,3 had tons of discussion and qq on forums, not only in patch discussion threads - everywhere. And i think 0.8 brought less various changes in same time than 0.9

In same time remember nuklear winter, than Nerf to strong, how much negativity that caused?

that’s because they all used rails on their fighters before… so they see no change…


but those who used plasma on fighters for example are basically nerfed now… you can kill frigates with bubbles, but try hitting more agile targets… pretty much useless.


and that’s just one example. I’m sure there are plenty of damage type options that are simply not available any more.


the onyl viable weapon now on fighters to hit other fighters are rails.


ions have unpredictable hitreg since the beam is drawn on the client with no prediction… and even then do measly damage, not so great for cqc/dogfights.


so basically uou have kinetic… and most fighters/inty will jsut stack kinetic/thermal then…


currently the game seems to be very high kinetic damage based at least vs fighters… a full 60-80% of the damage i see in death cap is kinetic. i will see thermal sometimes, and more rarely EM.


This is basic Role/Class specialization balance - everything excels at defined areas

Weapon adjustments are minor things in my opinion. People can learn to play with these things. Yes, sometimes they make something too powerful, or vastly under-powered, but that doesn’t detract from overall gameplay. Yes people QQ about it, but they learn to adjust. I know the Dev’s will change this aspect of the game because even they are finding out. I think we may be getting ahead of ourselves here if you think I am talking about a rollback. I can deal with the weapons. I know they will fix it. I don’t like the new missile aspect, but I can live with it. I can’t live with the fact that my premium ships are useless, I have to pay more Gold Standard just to level beyond what I have (when before I could freely buy), and that the original DLC packs are little more than Gold Standards and stickers now. I have already spent money on this game, why are you asking me to now spend more money when I feel there was nothing wrong with the old system. Dev’s have all the ships at their disposal, and they don’t have to spend money to get Gold Standards because they have infinite at their disposal. Those of us that were picking and choosing our ships, and even spent money on the game now have to either


A) spend more money

B) drop down a tier or 2 and play with ships we don’t care to play with and people we really don’t care to play with


You devauled the DLC packs. You don’t change the wording on Steam or your own website for that matter for what the packs really have to offer (they still have yet to change either, and they might not have control as to how it is presented on Steam, but I know they can control their own website). That’s my biggest gripe. I can deal with everything else. Like I have said before on this thread, I’m upset that money I spent is being looked at as “well sorry we shafted you, but give us a few patches, and we may be able to rectify the situation”. If I knew the finer details of this patch, I wouldn’t have splurged for the Elite pack during the Steam Summer Sale, and I know the Dev’s knew what kind of impact the patch would have on those DLC packs. I can QQ all I want on that fact because that’s money spent on a falsely advertised product.

xKostyan, does it go straight over your head how upsetting this synergy change is for a lot of us? You’ve gone on and on about what this patch is “supposed” to do, but what about it makes it such a big deal for you to defend it in such great length? If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were payed to post here.


Unless your game experience is way greater after the synergy change, and you think you’re going to leave if it’s reverted back to reputation, I suggest you stop doing the developers job and let them answer for themselves.

This is basic Role/Class specialization balance - everything excels at defined areas


no, specialization is what you call IMBALANCE.


to quote GITS - “overspecialize and you breed in weakness”.


it is good to an extent. but when unit performance between classes is so drastic that there are no-win situations… it’s anything but balance.


every unit should stand at least some percent of a chance vs another unit. anything else is just paper-scissors-rock… if you like that type of stuff.


and quite honestly, until you balance out the individual units, you have no hope of ever balancing fleet engagements.

xKostyan, does it go straight over your head how upsetting this synergy change is for a lot of us? You’ve gone on and on about what this patch is “supposed” to do, but what about it makes it such a big deal for you to defend it in such great length? If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were payed to post here.


Unless your game experience is way greater after the synergy change, and you think you’re going to leave if it’s reverted back to reputation, I suggest you stop doing the developers job and let them answer for themselves.


He probably has all the ships in every tree unlocked, so it’s no skin off his back to pick and choose as he wants. It’s easy to say yeah, whatever “it’s for the greater good” when you have everything at your disposal already. Just like it’s easy for a rich man to say to a poor man “just get a job”, when the poor man has no residence, no education and no experience to be able to do such a thing.

xKostyan it’s intresting how your opinion apparently is better then the rest of us, when you have barely half of my game time, and not even half my amount of battles.


But anyway, it’s apparent you will defend everything the devs do no matter how horrible. And are against any buffs that might make the system better and help this game survive in the coming months/years. They should hire you as GM, you would be great for them! Kissing their butts 24/7 :slight_smile:  So I’m done talking to you.


you guys make me blush 

What I’m pretty aggravated with is the fact that I spent enough battles to hypothetically bring my premium ships’ synergy to max. But since none of that actually matters now, it’s as if I had effectively not progressed up the tech tree since two months ago. I’ve played hundreds of matches with my Desert Eagle, Nukem, Bear, Parallax and Dragonfly, which means I’m now screwed because I didn’t spend that time flying the Prometheus, Phobos, Katana, etc. 

This is basic Role/Class specialization balance - everything excels at defined areas


And covert ops is supposed to be able to deal high damage solo.  It’s the dirty work guy.  My fast Eagle-B currently has a survivability of 7347.  The game changes are severe enough that I’ll have the degrade speed and focus on survivability.  What’s the point of an ultra fast ship that’ll die before it can do much good besides plant a nuke?  Before it could be effective, now it needs to go hulk.  For that matter, my Ricasso’s better.  Speed doesn’t help in the new metric.


Weapon adjustments are minor things in my opinion. People can learn to play with these things. Yes, sometimes they make something too powerful, or vastly under-powered, but that doesn’t detract from overall gameplay.


But the weapon damage impacts survivability.  My guess is they wanted to increase kills per battle to make people feel better.  That’s focusing on the “let’s just kill eachother” crowd that’ll hurt the game.  Also, the weapon changes affect kill counts.  Singularity cannon is 2749 damage per hit.  Assault railgun is doing 562 damage per hit.  Which is more likely to deliver a kill shot?  I played with a military RFP for a while because of DPS, sufficient range for my comfort, and sufficient accuracy.  When I switched to RFR instead, my “DSR” shot up 200 points.  Do you think it’s the gun or me?  I’m still using the wireless trackball as before, far from a gaming mouse.


You devauled the DLC packs. You don’t change the wording on Steam or your own website for that matter for what the packs really have to offer (they still have yet to change either, and they might not have control as to how it is presented on Steam, but I know they can control their own website). That’s my biggest gripe. I can deal with everything else. Like I have said before on this thread, I’m upset that money I spent is being looked at as “well sorry we shafted you, but give us a few patches, and we may be able to rectify the situation”. If I knew the finer details of this patch, I wouldn’t have splurged for the Elite pack during the Steam Summer Sale, and I know the Dev’s knew what kind of impact the patch would have on those DLC packs. I can QQ all I want on that fact because that’s money spent on a falsely advertised product.


This is pathetically poor company integration.  The time it takes to fix will decide whether or not a court finds it illegal, if anyone challenges.  I bought a pack last week.  I’m still pissed about several of the changes.  I’d ask for a refund and deinstall if I knew I wouldn’t be told “all your money belong to us.”  I’m cheap, and not near wealthy.  My first purchase took me time to debate if it was worth it to me or not.  If I see any sale, I’ll expect massive changes to the gameplay after this.


xKostyan it’s intresting how your opinion apparently is better then the rest of us, when you have barely half of my game time, and not even half my amount of battles.


But anyway, it’s apparent you will defend everything the devs do no matter how horrible. And are against any buffs that might make the system better and help this game survive in the coming months/years. They should hire you as GM, you would be great for them! Kissing their butts 24/7 :slight_smile:  So I’m done talking to you.


Everyone’s opinion is equal.  The Gaijin may value paying companies more, but for a F2P game I hope they don’t.  Everyone has a different insight into how to make the game better for everyone.  If only hardcore players were listened to, no new people would join probably.


That said, I see a lot of changes that won’t make new players happy.  The experienced players aren’t all happy either.  Soon I’ll start to see how long it takes me to level up from T1 no synergy Empire to T2 with everything with synergy just to see how long it will take.  Credits won’t matter, I have 14m to spend since I don’t have anything with enough synergy to level up.

@lemonhead and funky


I am reading the the last 10 to 15 pages and was thinking the exact same thing.

Premium-ship pilots (like me) got kicked in the balls…PERIOD

There is absolutely no doubt about this one…

Why somebody is defending it like there is no tomorrow is beyond normal thinking…

He has “deep pockets” :slight_smile:

I had a good time while reading it since i am not playing anymore.

Synergy, its relation to premium ships and weapons still need tweaking. Overall the patch is pretty good. I was a bit surprised to see the most vehement critics on russian side of the forums come around and say that they are liking the game and the “butthurt is over” (actual direct quote) in the last day. I suspect the same will happen here with a bit more of a delay.


And I’m finally R15 with fed. God awful grind, and as I expected, they utterly screwed me on the last needed level - 340.000 synergy required to level lion 8>9. That and T5 being randoms vs ESB 4 man squads (which are surprisingly bad nowadays if they meet a good squad, but they utterly slaughter randoms). So most of the farming had to be done in PvE.


Below emoticons show the average mental state of myself in PvE with randoms…


:bomber:  :facepalm: :beee: :angry:  :bomber:

we are still forced to train every loyalty sub-faction to fit our ships with mk3. So what the hell does it matter that everyone flies what he wants? Having the ability to fly whatever I want is a great abiliy and I love it. 

I don’t want to be stuck with 1 role for the rest of my life, that xxxx becomes boring and not to mention a single nerf would hit me very hard and unable to shift to another ship that I feel is actually worth flying.

Devs stated on the russian forums that the reason for the change was that some of the ships, such as R7, R10 etc ships weren’t getting flown, and they want to see all ships in game being actively used.


Annoying but that’s how they want it and it’s their game.