Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

10% free synergy from a ship that cost anywhere from £5 to £30 to buy is insultingly low. It’d cost the same again, if not more, to use that synergy to level up a single ship!

Premium should be generating closer to 50% free synergy.

I don’t see much issue with premium ships. The model has been to avoid pay-to-win, and instead let people pay to not grind. Being able to jump ahead 2 or more  (ex; Aligator MkIII is equivalent to a rank 9, but only requires rank 5 to access) ranks in ship quality seems like the definition of paying to not grind.


I agree that premium and DLC ships need to find a new redeeming aspect in the post 0.9.0 gamestate, but I don’t think having them be a work-around to the entire new synergy system is the answer. The current model, with paying to transfer excess synergy meets the balance to me and the goal of “pay to not grind”.


The rate should be adjusted a bit. If I remember right, immediately after the update my full-synergy rank 9 ships had around 800k total synergy in them, and were around 100k synergy short of maxed. Meaning it takes about 900k synergy to max out a ship. 900,000 synergy at 150 synergy for 1 gold means it costs about 6000 gold to max out a ship with excess synergy. Bring that number down to coincide with premium ship prices and you might have a good rate (for example, maxing out a Styx should cost about 4000 gold; the same amount as a tier 3 premium ship). Plus, the 5% extra bonus (10% free synergy now on premium ships) lets you rank up ships you don’t want to fly in half the amount of time as someone using a credit bought ship.


Bottom line being that the new system has you make a choice - play through the ship progression to get what you want, or pay to transfer excess synergy to rank up the ships you don’t want. 

I suspect pop-up will be “You’ll be raped!”

So what if you have same number of tiers on both sides? Lets say we have T2/T3 50%-50% match. For T3 player in your scenario all enemy ships are viable targets, T2 enemies are easy kill even. From T2’s PoV only 50% of enemies are viable, other 50% are hard to kill.

Mixed tiers favor only higher tier reducing their wait times by bringing low-level canon fodder to shorten wait and to 2-shot them.

They can’t lower wait times overall, only redistribute them.

Well, some people like the challenge and the diversity (the latter already being rather low in this game), but your position wanting a flat playing field is just as valid.

We just have different opinions on the matter, no reason to go all bold on me. :wink:

EDIT:  Also the bonus free synergy needs to be around 100% to be worth it really.


i fixed it

Yes it sucks to have to pay GS on a per battle basis and honestly I won’t do it.  So for me I have to agree with Rakza.

Their concern is that if you make premium ships produce only free synergy, then theres no point in ever transferring synergy from a free ship.


What they really need to do is fix the GS rate for transfering synergy AND add a credit option


EDIT:  Also the bonus free synergy needs to be around 50% to be worth it really.


Then I entirely agree with all of that.

The singularity cannon just is not any fun to use even with the changes to it horrible mechanic, for a fighter 

synergy for credits will never exist… then you’re giving free players everything. ships? here you go… progression? no problem!..


imo this game needs more value for paying customers, not free ones. as all games. the free part is supposed to be just enough to entice you to play the game, not own T5 ships with all the fittings 1-2 months into your play time… then there is absolutely no incentive to pay a penny. not to mention credits can be ‘farmed’ in various ways. some legal, some not.


in fact it all comes down to incentive/value. provide enough of it for paying players and you make money, otherwise you don’t.


honestly… all this does is as follows:


instead of spending GS to get more premium ships, a player is now forced to spend GS for flying their premium ships… LMAO… basically, less value for the customer since you’re using it on a ‘consumable’.

LOL, do you mean you want your <censored> op weapon that need no brain/skill back as it was before the little useless nerf?

Well right now they have no value.  Since its always better to play through on the ship you are trying to level then the premium ship.

I love to do this, but let’s take a look at something:




Definition 1: A sum over and above a regular price paid chiefly as an inducement or incentive.

Definition 2: A high value or a value in excess of that normally or usually expected


So where does premium now meet any of the above statements aside from no repair costs? Since Synergy has changed the entire aspect of the game from what it was, it seems to me that these “premium” ships are not so premium as we may have thought. Especially since playing them really provides no bonus whatsoever when compared to just playing a regular credit bought ship that allows you to level faster.



Definition 1: A sum over and above a regular price paid chiefly as an inducement or incentive.

Definition 2: A high value or a value in excess of that normally or usually expected


very well put.


playing a regular credit bought ship that allows you to level faster.


exactly… the whole point of the premium before was so you could progress while earning credits faster.


not some missile stats or 2% more hull strength :\

What I find funny is that i have to play T1 to get T3 recon(emp) and T3 ecm(jer). As much as I enjoy duck shooting I don’t think, that T1 players like, that someone from higher tiers come down there to waste time for both of them.


when I play T1 now, I shred those poor xxxxxxxx


last match beacon hunt

time: 3:22

me 6 kills-12 assists with Fear Me

2 Beacon captures (I didnt get credit for the 3rd :angry:  )

my score was 2x everyone else’s in the match and 4x that of the highest on the other team


I tore it up and I actually felt bad for those newbs on the other team

@ snib and madeix


you guys seem to have missed the point of the DLC and Premium ship requests.


  1. we are not asking for a reworking of the gamestate

  2. we are not asking for more than what we had before

  3. we ARE trying to GET BACK what we lost due to the change in progression mechanics

  • in simple terms if I had $5 before the update, I want $5 back from this latest update - fair for fair


so here are a bunch of made up numbers to illustrate my points because keeping it simple didn’t work the last 3 attempts


lets say;


We needed 120,000 reputation to rank up from R6 to R7

Ranking up to R7 will unlock 5 ships

I have ONE premium ship


  • so i take that premium ship and flew it until I got 120,000 rep and ranked up. I get to purchase 5 credit ships.




say we need 400,000 synergy to rank up from R6 to R7

ranking up will unlock ONE ship

I have ONE premium ship


  • so i take that premium ship and flew it until I get 400,000 synergy


due to the conversion rate I will only get 40,000 synergy to put into ONE ship


do you not see where my explanation lies or need further made up number illustrations ?



So to repeat myself


  1. Full synergy conversion of premium ship to free synergy is still NOT a fair trade despite the apparently huge % because you only get to unlock 1 ship at a time

  2. I don’t mind less than 100% conversion rate because YAY the ship tree is better now and I need to buy less ships to get to what I want

  3. But 10% or 20% or even 50% is NOT enough.

50% is more than enough for a couple weeks, tbh.

FFS Ory - teamwork dammit. +1 my post lol


coz you know it’s truth

Kine has the truth of it.

Grind has increased with the patch, DLC boosts have been nerfed, and premium ships will not be worth it till they give 100% free synergy.

1st Lets get everyone on the same ground:

While you flying your ship you earn 2 types of synergy

  • Synergy for lvlup

  • free synergy that is stored separately and can be used for FREE on any ship

When you maxed your ships all synergy earned on this ship will be stored as surpass synergy (while you still earn free synergy that stored as usual). So this surpass synergy is stored in a separate pool and can be used for leveling any ship for gold standarts.

Side note neither free nor surpass synergy is restricted by tier, which means that you can fly T1 ship and level your t5 ships with surpass/free synergy.

Now back to prem ships, I still think that prem ships could provide higher FREE synergy gains rates, but nowhere near 50%, thats is just too much (i do have plenty of prem ships though) and conversion rate for the SURPASS synergy is way to high.

Now consider this example:

You are new player, played for some time, rushed into rank 4 ship now you have some thinking to do:

you keep playing for free

you want to do short cut to any tier by buying a prem ship ( at this point if you go into anything past t2, even if you buy all prem ships available with all prm modules, you are going to be obliterated for quite some time, and you have to understand that you buy those prem ships with the goal to play within that tier for a while)

so you buy a T2 Tackler and a T2 CovOp (well put any ships here). Now by doing so you accomplish couple things:

  • You gained access to those roles at the top of that tier

  • *(this point has to be verified, but i assume thats how it is working right now) You get corresponding implants leading to the level of the prem ship within the faction, i assume that if you buy lets say Scout (empire prem recon) and Rhino (feds tackler) you will have an access to implants Empire 1-6 and Federation 1-6

  • No repair costs so you as new player should not worrying to much

  • Higher Credit gains due to no repair costs AND higher ship bonuses

Now you can play hassle free your 2 new ships, earn higher amount of credits, level your loyalty via contracts(basically exactly what we do, enjoy our gameplay within this tier on our favorite roles), on top of that you will accumulate free synergy as a side benefit, that you will be able to invest into new tree of your choice.

TL;DR Whole point is that you don’t buy Prem ships to level everything, you buy a prem ship to have an access to the top of that tier for that role(so called cut the grind), so you are planning on playing this role within that tier and as a side benefit you still gain synergy towards other ships. You can not expect to by a single prem ship, than play it exclusively due to its benefits AND have all other ships level on they own just like that.

its stupid, i bought my premium ship to help me progress, its useless now for progression and its only use is for senergy transfer (well if u call it a use at the min)

the free repairs ment i could progress without repairing and i thought that was the idea of the premium ships.  that has now been changed and i want my ship refunded.


i still would of bought the gold but i would of used it for my progression on something else than on a vanity item like a ship.

50% is more than enough for a couple weeks, tbh.


But come on, I don’t want it available for a “couple weeks”. I want something that is permanent put in to place. I want to know the Dev’s recognized the issue, put a well thought out plan in to place, and implemented it thus making all parties happy.