Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

You don’t quite get it - it would be a bonus to a free synergy generation (like all the other ships have). It means that you will get more free synergy and you won’t have to spend any money on it. 

How about 100% free synergy production on premium ships hmm? It’s just a money grab to make us pay for both the ship and the transfers.

Right now premium ships are useless, if not less than useless if you intend to progress without paying an euro per match.

Ive supported most things in most patchs while most others were saying the game got ruined, but this time i cant say i like the look of 0.9 so far.

I cant test it for another 2 weeks, but i doubt ill enjoy the restriction of weapons.


I used to play with heavy weapons mostly with my fighters to deal with frigates better, and nailing a retreting intercepor that thought he was safe with a 60%crit with bonus crit damage from a heavy railgun was a awesome feeling. My tackler was flying with heavy plasma with speed mod and active modules were both the slowing types, so there was no problem hitting interceptors flying in less than 200.


The removal of weapon mods was a bad idea, they could just have removed the damage type mods if that was the main reason for removal, not the ability to adapt your weapons on the fly to gain more range/projectile speed/dmg depending on what you needed.


I dont like the look of the new missiles either. Before i used them when they were really needed because i wouldent be able to kill the opponent otherwise and not as a “use all the time weapon”. If i only use one missile in the match, because i only needed a missile once, will have have to buy 6 new missiles for that?


T4 was dead space before, why is T5 added? It could only stretch the already abit thin playerbase to one more tier and add more balance problems.


The patch wasent all bad. The minefields got restricted, which was the wrong way to fix them but alteast they wont be a big problem any more. The rasical bonus got moved to rank 15 implant which was a good thing, it takes time to understand what you really want from that kind of bonuses.


About the new WoT style synergy system, dont force players to play what they dont want to play, it brings nothing to the game (for the exeption of income of goldstandads from converting synergy to free synergy). In WoT it atleast made players use tank that wouldent be played otherwise, but in that game every tank is unique and they dont have classes like star conflict. In star conflict a gunship is a gunship and a gunship of one rank lower will never bring something new to the game over the higher ranked gunship since the only diffrence is some small stat changes and one modification slot.


I left WoT for this game because of the customization available but its not imposible that i return now after testing the patch.

How about 100% free synergy production on premium ships hmm? It’s just a money grab to make us pay for both the ship and the transfers.

Right now premium ships are useless, if not less than useless if you intend to progress without paying an euro per match.

That would make GS payed Syn transfer obsolete. Who will regularly pay for transfering Syn if you can pay once for premium ship?

Oh dear… did you really think I started off with that kind of mindset? Since 0.8, I stuck with Fed fighters because they have the most tacklers. In 0.8, you don’t need to fly ships you didn’t like just to get a ship you want, but the grind is there as well (for credits). I don’t mind the grind, I mind grinding with a ship I don’t intend to use at all.

So you took the path that had zero Tacklers in T3.

The patch content has been update: Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.0 update #3

That would make GS payed Syn transfer obsolete. Who will regularly pay for transfering Syn if you can pay once for premium ship?

If they make the synergy per gold a higher value, it might be an actual choice to use synergy transfer.

And it would not make it obsolete, it would both be a viable option since you can then sitll transfer from normal ships.

Free energy bonus for premium ships increased to 10% from total synergy


Lol really? So premium ships are still utterly and completely useless! Just great!
Microwarp : jump preparation time reduced to 1 sec.


Right, like it needed that…It was hard enough to kill them while preparing their warp already. Now it’s a guaranteed safety for them.

So you took the path that had zero Tacklers in T3.


The highest ranked tackler in each tier all come from the Feds, save T3. Doesn’t make sense to start with Jericho just to get the T3 tackler, then grind through three tiers to get the Fed T4 tackler. 


(On a less serious note, the appearances of the T5 Fed ships is convincing me to fly less optimal but better looking ships. Or focus on my non-Fed frigates.)


Free energy bonus for premium ships increased to 10% from total synergy

I’m a little confused as to what this actually means…

Shrapnel Cannon : spread increased by 50%


I was afraid this might happen. Shrapnel Cannon is (was?) dastradly good.


Free energy bonus for premium ships increased to 10% from total synergy


Funky, he means you get MORE Synergy on Premiums. At least I hope that’s it…

Microwarp : jump preparation time reduced to 1 sec.

Yeah. As if Recons weren’t op’d enough, let’s give them another tool to farm kills with.


Here’s a suggestion, make their Beacon shootable, like you did the Engi repair stations, there’s a good boy.

Pulse Laser : damage increased by 13%
Shrapnel Cannon : spread increased by 50%

Never seen anyone use the Laser, anyway, I don’t think even a 50% increase will help people use it. As for the Shrapnel Cannon, yes, it needed that. Hitting for full damage on a fleeing ship 1500m away from me is… it’s bad. And 60% crit on CovOps using this is just xxxx hilarious.


The highest ranked tackler in each tier all come from the Feds, save T3. Doesn’t make sense to start with Jericho just to get the T3 tackler, then grind through three tiers to get the Fed T4 tackler. 


(On a less serious note, the appearances of the T5 Fed ships is convincing me to fly less optimal but better looking ships. Or focus on my non-Fed frigates.)

If you want to fly Tacklers in T3, you have 2 options:

  1. Parallax/Bear. Thus breaking the F2P way of the game.

  2. Katana AE. I know I bashed it in the past, but it does make a good replacement for the Parallax.


Yeah, T5 Fed ships are a bit laughable… And on that note, Jericho rules.

I’m a little confused as to what this actually means…

It means premium ships earn double the free synergy that non-premium ships do.

It means premium ships earn double the free synergy that non-premium ships do.


But don’t you still have to pay GS to transfer the free synergy…so its still has no viable POINT to use them.

Matchmaker is going to be modified, but not now - as this would make Tier ques deserted and it would take more time to get in the battle. 

I dont think that would happen.

There is no reason to mix in any T3 into a T2 match. Stop talking around it.

It has been voiced over and over and over and over again. People would have no Problems in T1&T2 Queues. It would be clear to equip either T3+ ships or T2 ships.

This sounds like you “know something” about Queues we dont. I think, this is hardly the case.

I think rather we as players know about something you dont seem to get. T2 should not contain T3+ ships _at_all_. Simple solution.

Make a Poll, if people want T2 mixing abandoned. You will see.

The MM already brings you into smaller battles, while you can clearly see - or sometimes even know - other players are trying the same tier. But they land in a different 4v4. So it’s your own rules that make it broken, while the Tier mixing (in T2) scares people away and makes wait times even longer.

Also, I dont care if the T3 ship in a T2 has a lower rating or less good items, or any of these things, his mere presence in the battle is already unfair and publicly unwanted. People only equip them now because they can, or have to. And some even troll.


On the Cov ops topic - due to new weapons system they havent lost in efficiency at all (statistics).

You must be kidding. I dont trust anybody who talks about statistics I didnt forge myself.

You nerfed two modules, and some new weapons are unusable.

I fly Cov Ops in T3 and T2. It has definitely lost efficiency.

The Arc is a bit too numb now, the Orion nerf was utterly and completely useless.

The RFP replacement weapon is a joke.

While equipping Missiles gives you now a bonus, you still only carry one sort; so the flexibility of nuking and dogfighting is gone too. (which is fine by me.)

Shrapnel Cannon : spread increased by 50%



Why don’t u just delete covert ops from game and stop this commedy?


Just keep make lame ships as ecm and guard more op… so everynoob can have his frags and be happy. 


I ll just quite, couse being killed from nubs is something i can’t stand. To kill me u need to deserve it.

Pulse Laser : damage increased by 13%

Shrapnel Cannon : spread increased by 50%


You miss the part about frig’s weapons, ho wait…

Yeah… this doesn’t look like an improvement.


In fact, I find myself less engaged with the game overall. I just can’t be bothered grinding these xxxx, inferior ships. I don’t want to fly Rank 4s. I don’t want to have to fly a rank 8 recon - I bought the Premium Recon because it was rank 9 equivalent!


I’ve pretty much lost any and all desire to get new ships in this game. It’s just not fun to do.

Shrapnel Cannon : spread increased by 50%



Why don’t u just delete covert ops from game and stop this commedy?


Just keep make lame ships as ecm and guard more op… so everynoob can have his frags and be happy. 


I ll just quite, couse being killed from nubs is something i can’t stand. To kill me u need to deserve it.

The spread makes it harder to hit a target with full damage.

But don’t you still have to pay GS to transfer the free synergy…so its still has no viable POINT to use them.

No, the free synergy – sparse at it might be – is actually free to transfer. It’s the normal excess synergy accumulated from ‘elite’ ships that requires GS to transfer.

But don’t you still have to pay GS to transfer the free synergy…so its still has no viable POINT to use them.

Synergy = Levels up your ships, at max synergy level you keep gaining it on the ship and you can transfer that for GS

Free Synergy = Free to use on any ship.

but 10% instead of 5% is still a joke, and how is that even calculated?

I have 1 premium in my setup, 3 normals. does that mean I get 10% all matches with the setup? Or must I fly my premium ship to get it? And then only over the part my premium ship accumulated in the battle?