Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

On the Cov ops topic - due to new weapons system they havent lost in efficiency at all (statistics).



Mhe, yes they have. 


At the moment i have more chances to kill a frig with Recon (couse of shield leaching) than with Cov Op.  Plasma Arc this way is just uneffective.


So please, if u want to keep the damage reduction, at least change damage type and make it EM.


(And absolutely don’t nerf Recon too to “balance” things!)

Just giving Premiums more missiles isn’t an ideal solution. Premiums should not be more appealing than free ships of comparable rank; they should be a variation on that ship’s role.

Scout vs Dwarf 2 was a great example. Scout’s bigger guns and medium missiles made it a good hunter-killer. Dwarf 2’s longer module range and minefield made it (ironically) a better scout and harassment ship. Now, there’s not so much to balance the two; the Scout is generally better as it is.

Do something interesing with Premium ships. Like… Give the scout a small (2-4) cartridge of medium missiles. That’d make it a meaty combat interceptor vs smaller ships, but the Dwwarf would have the advantage, due to rocket spam, against less agile targets.

And once again. There is no pay 2 win, nor do we pursue the practice of that.

Let me try to shine a light on why this game is in fact going the P2W route.

The proposed reduced clip reload time for premium ships, is “P2W” to a certain degree. It makes premium/DLC ships better than regular ships by having more misiles faster. And makes them better than regular ships.


My suggestions:

Don’t buff premiums, just make the synergy they produce 100% free synergy. We already paid money for the premium/dlc ship, why must we also pay money for synergy transfer to actually make use of the ship? Right now you are getting penalized by the synergy system for flying your premium/dlc ship.

Make 1 gold worth more synergy, ~600k synergy needed for full synergy ship(if not more) and will cost you 10 euro to transfer that amount of synergy. It’s crazy.

(And absolutely don’t nerf Recon too to “balance” things!)

Don’t want your OP toys to get nerfed? lolz

I have updated the post you commented. Take notice. Earlier all premium ships had one more rocket slot. We do not consider adding it for them now (as that would certainly be P2W in new system), but we plan to slightly reduce the CD just to level it with what was before the change. We do not want our game to be pay 2 win.

We do not want our game to be pay 2 win.

Then I respectfully request you do something about the gold standard cost of symergy transfer from elite ships, or the grinding process itself. Right now it feels like “oh, you’re stuck flying a crap Rank 4 ship? Or you’re grinding through 2+ ships of a class you don’t like? Pay us £30 and you can skip that ship!”

I have updated the post you commented. Take notice. Earlier all premium ships had one more rocket slot. We do not consider adding it for them now (as that would certainly be P2W in new system), but we plan to slightly reduce the CD just to level it with what was before the change. We do not want our game to be pay 2 win.

I can understand the thought train, but I have yet to read any complaint about premium/dlc ships being weak in the current system. The moment you give them a CD reduction on reload(Which no F2P can get) you are on the edge of the valley of P2W, and are leaning into it.

Just fix what people are actually complaining about with the premiums! Their stats are mostly fine(Don’t get me started on some of them though…) but the fact we must PAY to transfer synergy from a PAID ship is ridiculous and a money grab.

I get it, you liked faster and easier - but tell me you don’t sense something slightly broken about a system in which it was very possible to max out a race’s rank without ever owning one of their ships. 


Also - try looking at the Katana AE situation (and others) from the bottom up, instead of from the top down. If you’re a T1 player deciding what race and classes to fly -  if you went with Jericho fighters it was probably for command and not tacklers. The Katana AE is really the start of the Jericho tackler progression (given the Machete is the only prior Jericho tackler, and is a dead end in the tree), so when a player gets enough synergy on their kata they can decide if they want to fly tacklers. If so they can now choose to put in their time and credits leveling up the Katana AE.


I doubt many, if any, players start off saying to themselves “man, I should really do Jericho fighters so I can get that one ship in the middle of the progression!”

That system was not broken, as you could not simply buy a ship in other nation. You had to be on correct rank in it which was earned only when you were signed to one of two factions of that nation. So you earned your progress by contracting with that nation. What was possible is that you could get access to any ship of that nation of said rank. So, if you were lvl 12 with empire and had lvl 12 fighter, you could buy lvl 12 empire frig without playing all impy frigs again from T1.

As a result anyone who did not buy out  all ships on parallel branches before 0.9 were reset to 0 progress in that branch DESPITE them grinding to said rank previously and game being balanced around THAT at pre0.9 time. In fact I lost a lot of progress due to game radicaly changing it’s progress mechanics. So JP, the way change is implemented is AWFUL.

I have updated the post you commented. Take notice. Earlier all premium ships had one more rocket slot. We do not consider adding it for them now (as that would certainly be P2W in new system), but we plan to slightly reduce the CD just to level it with what was before the change. We do not want our game to be pay 2 win.

And how what you do is any different? If you took a look at WoT, then take a look once more - permium tanks aren’t more powerful, they are good cash exp earning machines due to low repair costs/higher gains, not due to them having advantage over normal. And sometimes they provide unique combination of stats that can be hardly found on regular, but again, they are not more powerful.

Premium Ships will have the same characteristics, we do not consider changing any of them.

On the Cov ops topic - due to new weapons system they havent lost in efficiency at all (statistics).



I will take your word that average theoretical damage remained the same. However, your enemies will not just stand in your optimal range and let you hit them (unless frigate). Before you had 7 seconds to get some hits in. With pulse lasers being 3/2 overheating/cool down, you have 3 seconds of fire. Those 3 seconds have better be amazing and they are NOT. Almost everyone was flying ECM with RFR before the patch, now shrapnel seems to be the only way to go and ECM scales much better at higher tiers.

Premium Ships will have the same characteristics, we do not consider changing any of them.


(…) but we plan to slightly reduce the CD just to level it with what was before the change.

If this reduction goes past 20 seconds, your earlier comment goes right out the window, you do realize this, correct? <.<

Back to matchmaking, I was wrong. It is ±3. Yet T3 cannot get into battle with real T1. In PvP your Tier is defined by the highest ranking ship in a battle slot. So in cases of T1 vs. T3 - those are not actually T1, they are T2.

Thanks for the update.

One thing though: Despite what you said I posted an example above of T3 (rank 7) being mixed with several pure rank 1 players (i.e. having only rank 1 ships in all of their battle slots). Should I make a separate bug report about that then?

Then I respectfully request you do something about the gold standard cost of symergy transfer from elite ships, or the grinding process itself. Right now it feels like “oh, you’re stuck flying a crap Rank 4 ship? Or you’re grinding through 2+ ships of a class you don’t like? Pay us £30 and you can skip that ship!”

You don’t quite get it - it would be a bonus to a free synergy generation (like all the other ships have). It means that you will get more free synergy and you won’t have to spend any money on it. 

free synergy ratio is very low to begin with …

You don’t quite get it - it would be a bonus to a free synergy generation (like all the other ships have). It means that you will get more free synergy and you won’t have to spend any money on it. 

Okay, that is much more appealing. I’m still not really sold on the whole “pay to move elite synergy” mechanics myself though. If it were credits I’d be okay with that, since you’re basically making a choice of flying a crap ship, or flying a better ship but having to pay twice - once to move synergy, once to buy the ship you were grinding towards.

Back to matchmaking, I was wrong. It is ±3. Yet T3 cannot get into battle with real T1. In PvP your Tier is defined by the highest ranking ship in a battle slot. So in cases of T1 vs. T3 - those are not actually T1, they are T2. Moreover, T3s that are matchmaked with T2 can only have a low rating - so they are almost of same efficiency as T2 they are matched with,

Matchmaker is going to be modified, but not now - as this would make Tier ques deserted and it would take more time to get in the battle. Yet, I have a straight answer that there is a problem with it and there are now discussions on going on on how this may be improved. No dates though.


Is the rating system going to be fixed to go beyond kills/deaths?  Personally, I don’t mind mixed tiers too much.  T3 ships can still be killed in a T2 battle.  It’s more about the team and the player.

I get it, you liked faster and easier - but tell me you don’t sense something slightly broken about a system in which it was very possible to max out a race’s rank without ever owning one of their ships. 


Also - try looking at the Katana AE situation (and others) from the bottom up, instead of from the top down. If you’re a T1 player deciding what race and classes to fly -  if you went with Jericho fighters it was probably for command and not tacklers. The Katana AE is really the start of the Jericho tackler progression (given the Machete is the only prior Jericho tackler, and is a dead end in the tree), so when a player gets enough synergy on their kata they can decide if they want to fly tacklers. If so they can now choose to put in their time and credits leveling up the Katana AE.



I might have been unclear about my point earlier. I don’t need things faster and easier, but I don’t like unneeded hassle. Do I sense something wrong? Hell yes: Feds don’t have a decent T3 credit tackler, and the whole of T3 lacks a rank 9 tackler. The same can be said for guards in T2; there isn’t a rank 6 credit guard. In order to have a good tackler in T3, I need to go through two tiers worth of ships in a faction that doesn’t specialize in tacklers. And from T4 onwards, I’ll go back to Feds because the highest ranked credit tacklers are there. 



I doubt many, if any, players start off saying to themselves “man, I should really do Jericho fighters so I can get that one ship in the middle of the progression!”


:facepalm:  Oh dear… did you really think I started off with that kind of mindset? Since 0.8, I stuck with Fed fighters because they have the most tacklers. In 0.8, you don’t need to fly ships you didn’t like just to get a ship you want, but the grind is there as well (for credits). I don’t mind the grind, I mind grinding with a ship I don’t intend to use at all.


Fortunately for me I fly Jericho frigates occasionally, and coincidentally they unlock the alternative path towards the Katana AE. Others might not be as fortunate. Say for instance you have someone who likes flying intys and tacklers only. This poor dude will have to grind through two tiers’ worth of command fighters or guard frigates (which he does not want) just to get his T3 tackler. Don’t get me wrong; the grind was always there. In 0.8, you grind for credits in a ship you like. Now, you grind for synergy in a ship you don’t intend to use.

And once again. There is no pay 2 win, nor do we pursue the practice of that.

But earlier all premium ships had one more rocket slot and we want to give an equal possibilities to the players who lost those slots on a ships that were bought for GS. Previously no one claimed that having one more rocket slot was p2w.

Way to listen to the community, I guess. 2 minefields on premium covops were quite clearly P2W, and I likely wasn’t the only one to actually say so…

I get it, you liked faster and easier - but tell me you don’t sense something slightly broken about a system in which it was very possible to max out a race’s rank without ever owning one of their ships.

It is probably faster to level up one line through synergy now, than it was to level up reputation to get through one line before, so the issue is not a “I want it faster” one. It has much more to do with what ships we have to fly in order to make our progression. I don’t see the problem of maxing a race’s rank without flying their ships. Ships are similar among factions, so you will still have to go through a learning curve with other ships to get there.


Also - try looking at the Katana AE situation (and others) from the bottom up, instead of from the top down. If you’re a T1 player deciding what race and classes to fly -  if you went with Jericho fighters it was probably for command and not tacklers. The Katana AE is really the start of the Jericho tackler progression (given the Machete is the only prior Jericho tackler, and is a dead end in the tree), so when a player gets enough synergy on their kata they can decide if they want to fly tacklers. If so they can now choose to put in their time and credits leveling up the Katana AE.


I doubt many, if any, players start off saying to themselves “man, I should really do Jericho fighters so I can get that one ship in the middle of the progression!”

The funny thing is, in the previous system you could do just that! You could aim for any ship and make that your main ship. No matter where it was in the progression tree, you could use that ship to level up your rank. Higher ranked ships gave bigger rewards, so there was still incentive to go for a higher ranked ship. It just wasn’t mandatory.



Before you could easily jump between ships and experiment with different things and before you knew it you’d level up your reputation. it was a slower progress than leveling up one synergy ship right now, but you didn’t have to focus solely on that one ship the whole time.

Now, you fly one ship mission out and mission in. If you get tired of it, you must halt your progress, or pay up. If you suddenly want to try a different line of ships, you have to go all the way back and level up a whole new line of ships in order to get up to the level you’re on now.


The synergy system is a much more constricting system. It’s designed to be less fun, more tedious and tiresome. When it tires you out, it asks you for money to bypass it, only to continue on with the same trend in the next ship you enter.