Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

So you were a Federation after all

But statement that “they nerfed shields by 1k!!” and statement “they nerfed sensor range by 250m” contain absolutely different weight in a public eyes.


Wanna speak about passiv bonus that dissapeard without reasons?

The synergy level lost and refund at 8/9 when it was 10 at max level before?


This little thing that do not appeard important for you are more important than you think, especially when new weapons are adds and the DPS mechanics are changed

 No I didn’t misunderstand. Antibus was saying that a tier 1 who has a tier 2 in his lineup gets up-tiered. Working as intended. You, on the other hand, were wondering about down-tiering instead, which based on what I wrote and based on my experience I do not think is possible. It would indeed be a bug though should there be some way to artificially down-tier yourself.

Yes you are right, i did not pay attention to the screen as a whole, so i wrote based on my own experience and a wrong assumption of what was on a screenshot.

I know how the PvP/PvE matchmaking ranking suppose to work, unfortunately i was fighting t3 premium and rank 9 ships while having 4 T2 ships outfitted, flying solo on many occasions. I was facing wolf-ms, desert eagles, dragonflies, nukems all of them i will double check my screens when i get home if i have any of those saved.

Wanna speak about passive bonus thatdisappearedd without reasons?

The synergy level lost and refund at 8/9 when it was 10 at max level before?


This little thing that do not appear important for you are more important than you think, especially when new weapons are adds and the DPS mechanics are changed

I am pretty sure they are removed due to the new weapon mechanics and there are plenty of ships that have old passives that do not make sense,for example some T1 ships having a bonus to plasma projectile speed and spread, while you can only equip railguns.

The Empire Frigates are too isolated. It requires 6 LRF to get to the Engineering frigates. It doesn’t make sense to make “solo” play ships the pre-requisite to play “team” based ships.

The Empire Frigates are too isolated. It requires 6 LRF to get to the Engineering frigates. It doesn’t make sense to make “solo” play ships the pre-requisite to play “team” based ships.


Team based ship? 

My auto attack drone does more job than I do.

In fact, Empire main frigates are Long Ranges.

Federation main frigates are Engineers

Jericho main frigates are guards


Hi there, this is my first post. I usually lurk around the forums but to make me actually post something is quite an accomplishment. I am a T2 player, thus this post will not be commenting on T3 or above as I have almost no experience with that tier (one would be better served listening to those that play that tier and there is a lot of advice already regarding T3+). For ease of use, I will number my points respectively. Furthermore, I play mostly Inty’s (CO& ECM) and Fighters and I am a Premium player. Thus take my advice and points with those considerations (and along with it all the knowledge and possible bias that comes along with it) in mind. I would consider myself an above average T2 player, though weakest in my usual squad (I fly with amazing people). Finally I have played since January on and off and regularly since May.



 1. I am currently indifferent to the concept of new weapons. I half agree that there should be class specific weapons, but I like the idea of having general weapons in which every class could use. I would also point out that I used RFR extensively from my Inty to my Fighters and Freights; especially my tackler and my guard. A tackler with RFR and EM missiles coming with two slows and a Resistance Mod along with RFR on four turrets is a scary sight in terms of burst damage. Same goes to a guard using pulsar and inhibitor on any poor fighter or Inty within range.

  1. The BBoD (Blue Balls of Death) or Singularity Cannon “rebalancing” was certainly needed. However, I think that the current implementation is misguided. When I first heard of a, “freight killing,” weapons I imagined something like a laser pointer that is hard as hell to aim and/or required constant painting for x many seconds to activate. This would be ideal for slower moving vessels as its intended use but would allow smaller, more nimble ships to be able to dodge effectively. Clearly, I was wrong. Although I like the new nerf, I feel as if the ball moves too slow. I would like to see it having a smaller projectile and a faster movement speed so we won’t graduate from “Freight Balling” to “Fighter Balling”…

  2. I have not tested the new buffs to other weapons, but I can say that as of last night, most weapons where useless in a sense that they offered absolutely no advantages over another weapon within the same class. Some weapons were just completely too powerful in a sense that it beat any of its competition (for fighters and Inty’s).

  3. Freights were probably better in the old Hail, Stabilized etc. then the current set-up and I personally would not mind allowing them to keep them in addition to some of their new ones.

  4. The overheating of weapons should be extended especially at T1 classes (more about T1 latter). This is primary a concern of those weapons that are, “automatic,” as currently they are simply too Underpowered over their single-shot competition. Do not get me wrong, I am not here to discuss which weapon requires more skill, but I would like to see a diversification of weapons and the skills required. I fly with at least three T2 Inty-Gods in my usual squad (IMO) and two used rapid plasma while I used RFR. It’s a matter of preference.



 1. I see absolutely no reason to nerf Cov-Opts at this current moment. If one had asked me before this patch, I could see possible reasons to state why they might have been OP in T2. However, this current patch there is little reason to do so. I say might because as much as people say Plasma Arc is OP, I would like to remind you it does take some skill to use. Furthermore, to use said weapon, you must get within range of any and all guns, mines (before this patch) along with the dreaded Pulsar and Inhibitor. Any sensible fighter would move up or down to avoid it and I find freights being able to tank a lot more of the damage. Finally, being thermal damage in a thermal resistant world, it would have done reduced damage anyways. As for Orion, 5 seconds is about one good shot, maybe two. It was already down from 10 already. I always thought Cov-Opts were supposed to target ships of, “high importance.” Granted they might have been dominate at T2, but I think the solution would be to buff hull and shield survivability among other ships in that tier , not reducing damage to Cov-Opts across all tiers. For those that complain about an Inty dodging/surviving all damage thrown at it, I must remind you that any good Inty pilot will fly within the blind spot. If that is not the case, I suggest you ask following:


a. Is there an Engineer/ Command within buffing distance?

b. What weapons is being used to shoot at said Inty? Is it something with a lower firing rate or weapon speed?

c. Who is flying that said Inty? Is did you check he’s/hers statistics? This includes games played, games won, DSR, and medals.

d. What ship are they using? Is it a top end ship or a premium ship? Are they using MK III or higher mods? Are they using resistances?

e. Who is shooting at said Inty? Is there objects that said Inty could use to dodge or evade?

f. What is the situation? Is it a 1v1 match? What’s the health on both sides before engaging? Are your mods on cool-down?


If you really want to nerf an Inty, nerf the ECM. Not for its damage, but for its ability for its mods not to be countered by any other ship along with its amazing survivability. If the Cov-Opt nerf was due to me killing a DEV last night in Detonation, I am extremely sorry and I will not do it again. I promise.

  1. As for the guard buff, I see absolutely no reason to implement it. If anyone wants to talk about a simple, “I win button,” look no further than the AOE Pulsar combined with mass inhibitor. On a side note, I must remind you that most ships carrying any Rapid or even Assault style weapons (with conditions) under the old system had to get within range of that pulsar to even deal damage let alone the inhibitor. A slow Inty or even Fighter is easy prey. The only possible reason I see for the buff is if the current close-ranged weapons were out of the range of the inhibitor.

  2. I agree with others that stated there was little reason to take out the weapon mods. It added a level of complexity to the game and allowed for customization. I do not understand how you are going to convince people to buy 30-day paints with real money when they cannot even customize their ship for battle. In fact, I do not understand how you can convince people to buy anything permanent when it seems that within three months it will be changed accordingly. You may give out, “compensation,” but for example, many people bought a ship due to its unique missiles or spent cash trying to get experimental weapon mods, which has not, IMO been properly compensated. Obviously, there will be disagreements on that level, but it seems based upon other forums (on steam and off) that the opinion seems to be a simple, “ no.



 1. I like the idea of packs along with the increase if missiles during a fight. I do not like the idea of auto cool-downs when you die. If there must be packs and must be more missiles there should be some balancing on to how much each ship should be allowed to shoot before a cool down.


  1. If the Freights must keep those new weapons, at least give them back their mines. Or at the very least give them to Engineers. I agree any good Inty will fly within the blind spot, but it should not be an instant win at the same time. Guards can pulsar; Engineers should be able to mine. Let’s be honest, if anything gets within shooting distance of a LRF, no minefield will protect it against an average or better pilot.



 1. As stated before T1 should be able to access to more than one weapon type damage. In a perfect game, they would not need to, but as long as there is a T2 fighter spamming Singularity Cannon within a T1 match, give them the chance to at least force it to retreat. As long as there is a T2 guard in a T1 match, allow them to scratch the shield.  I have played some T1 games. Even with my MK IIIs and several others targeting a said ship, I have money that person laughed as he spammed that BBoD (Blue Balls of Death).

  1. If T1 is for training, then allow them to train with different weapons. If T2 is for training, then how about increasing loyalty gain? It seems to me as if T1 is for Training and T2 is for grinding. Finally, if T2 is for training, why is it the most populated tier group?


Contrary to Popular Belief, T1s and T3s are thrown together. Here is my battle log from last night. I hope 3 games is enough for an example. Please tell me if you need more (please ignore Madeix he flew in a squad)


 22:17:51.639 CMBT   | ======= Connect to game session session 2184581 =======

22:17:54.826 CMBT   | ======= Start gameplay ‘CaptureTheBase’ map ‘s1338_devilsjaw’, local client team 2 =======

22:18:22.244 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player0 (Dee, #00084282). ‘Ship_Race2_M_T3_Steam’

22:18:22.245 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player1 (colossusdark, #00085DDB). ‘Ship_Race3_M_T1’

22:18:22.247 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player2 (SnezniMajmun, #00084499). ‘Ship_Race2_M_T3’

22:18:22.248 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player3 (eatmynighma2273, #0007AAAD). ‘Ship_Race3_M_T2_Faction2’

22:18:22.250 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player4 (geoleo, #00083A97). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T1_Faction1’

22:18:22.251 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player5 (garca, #0007A1A7). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T2_Faction2’

22:18:22.252 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player6 (oldwilly, #0008577B). ‘Ship_Race2_M_T2_Faction2’

22:18:22.254 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player7 (woodstar, #00083D4B). ‘Ship_Race3_L_T2_Faction1’

22:18:22.256 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player8 (EvilHobo, #00085757). ‘Ship_Race2_M_T1’

22:18:22.257 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player9 (Sabo1, #00015C72). ‘Ship_Race1_M_T2_Premium’

22:18:22.258 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player10 (Clistarius, #000819FD). ‘Ship_Race1_L_T1_Faction1’

22:18:22.260 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player11 (bitmp, #0007570C). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T1_Faction1’

22:18:22.280 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player12 (franelroy, #00081A57). ‘Ship_Race1_S_T2’

22:18:22.282 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player13 (Spinalshift, #0008365B). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T1_Faction1’

22:18:22.283 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player14 (kenni199, #00085146). ‘Ship_Race3_M_T2_Faction1’

22:18:22.284 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player15 (ZeroCool1, #00005C26). ‘Ship_Race2_L_T1’

22:18:22.286 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player16 (Fly27, #00084B86). ‘Ship_Race3_M_T2_Faction1’

22:18:22.287 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player17 (katel55, #0008426F). ‘Ship_Race2_M_T2_Faction1’

22:18:22.288 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player18 (Schnaider, #000499E6). ‘Ship_Race3_M_T2’

22:18:22.290 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player19 (Parra, #00083610). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T1_Faction2’

22:18:22.291 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player20 (uberdan, #0007ED4A). ‘Ship_Race3_M_T2_Premium’

22:18:22.292 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player21 (Spiritrunner, #000857BB). ‘Ship_Race2_M_T1’


22:44:27.371 CMBT   | ======= Connect to game session session 2184707 =======

22:44:30.038 CMBT   | ======= Start gameplay ‘BombTheBase’ map ‘s1420_ceres3_northmsite’, local client team 1 =======

22:44:58.345 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player0 (MW2, #000797EE). ‘Ship_Race2_M_T3’

22:44:58.347 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player1 (DaRkInLiGhT, #0003B2F2). ‘Ship_Race2_M_T2_Faction1’

22:44:58.348 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player2 (silverassassinx, #0008495F). ‘Ship_Race1_L_T1_Faction2’

22:44:58.350 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player3 (iYuki, #00014B11). ‘Ship_Race2_M_T3’

22:44:58.351 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player4 (Sabo1, #00015C72). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T2_Steam’

22:44:58.353 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player5 (Jorak, #0005C015). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T1_Faction2’

22:44:58.354 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player6 (Madeix, #00041257). ‘Ship_Race1_S_T1_Faction2’

22:44:58.355 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player7 (thehappyhippy, #0005ADC2). ‘Ship_Race3_L_T2_Faction1’

22:44:58.357 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player8 (woodstar, #00083D4B). ‘Ship_Race3_L_T2_Faction1’

22:44:58.359 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player9 (xgnsamt2497, #0007044A). ‘Ship_Race2_L_T1_Faction2’

22:44:58.360 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player10 (marecita, #0007CE0E). ‘Ship_Race1_M_T2’

22:44:58.361 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player11 (garen, #00081004). ‘Ship_Race2_L_T1_Faction2’

22:44:58.362 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player12 (Arhua, #000837BF). ‘Ship_Race3_L_T1’

22:44:58.364 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player13 (POMBUR, #0007C98C). ‘Ship_Race2_S_T2’

22:44:58.365 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player14 (Magefire, #0005DCEE). ‘Ship_Race2_L_T2’

22:44:58.366 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player15 (DeadAlive, #0007A371). ‘Ship_Race2_M_T2_Faction2’

22:44:58.367 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player16 (AidoSer, #00058290). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T1_Faction2’

22:44:58.369 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player17 (Pepperz, #0005022B). ‘Ship_Race3_L_T2_Faction1’

22:44:58.370 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player18 (joaotemplario, #00059ED3). ‘Ship_Race3_L_T2_Faction1’

22:44:58.372 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player19 (PlaYZer0, #00040447). ‘Ship_Race3_L_T2’


00:55:46.703 CMBT   | ======= Connect to game session session 2185273 =======

00:55:49.614 CMBT   | ======= Start gameplay ‘Control’ map ‘s1338_devilsjaw’, local client team 1 =======

00:56:17.544 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player0 (geoleo, #00083A97). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T1_Faction2’

00:56:17.546 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player1 (NNAAAMM, #000193AA). ‘Ship_Race2_L_T2_Faction2’

00:56:17.548 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player2 (sleepnaught, #000811C0). ‘Ship_Race3_M_T3’

00:56:17.549 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player3 (Flandel, #0003E977). ‘Ship_Race2_M_T3_Faction1’

00:56:17.551 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player4 (Madeix, #00041257). ‘Ship_Race1_S_T1_Faction2’

00:56:17.552 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player5 (SHARKMAN71, #00026E8A). ‘Ship_Race3_M_T2_Faction1’

00:56:17.554 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player6 (woodstar, #00083D4B). ‘Ship_Race3_L_T2_Faction1’

00:56:17.556 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player7 (HighLark, #0005719B). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T1_Faction2’

00:56:17.557 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player8 (Sabo1, #00015C72). ‘Ship_Race2_M_T2_Premium’

00:56:17.559 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player9 (HotShot, #0004A681). ‘Ship_Race2_L_T1_Faction2’

00:56:17.560 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player10 (Volkoz, #00043649). ‘Ship_Race2_L_T1_Faction2’

00:56:17.562 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player11 (HmngBlader, #0007420A). ‘Ship_Race1_M_T2’

00:56:17.563 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player12 (Moros, #000849FF). ‘Ship_Race1_L_T1_Faction2’

00:56:17.565 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player13 (sfreud2229, #0007FB4C). ‘Ship_Race3_M_T2_Faction1’

00:56:17.566 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player14 (Dillon2401, #0008075B). ‘Ship_Race3_M_T2’

00:56:17.567 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player15 (Ycoz, #00067EAA). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T1_Faction2’

00:56:17.569 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player16 (Dazarco, #000817EB). ‘Ship_Race2_M_T2_Faction2’

00:56:17.570 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player17 (Cerealkilla408, #000568CC). ‘Ship_Race1_S_T1_Faction2’

00:56:17.571 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player18 (argonis, #0000D3EF). ‘Ship_Race1_L_T2_Faction1’

00:56:17.573 CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player19 (PacTaKoTuK, #0007D553). ‘Ship_Race3_M_T2’



 1. I had several ships with max synergy before this patch. Now it’s only 7/8. Am I missing something or was this intentional?

  1. If you MUST keep the synergy to level up, please make it so you can FREELY transfer synergy from one ship to another. That way you do not have to play every ship to advance. Many people do not like certain ships that are required for advancement. Any fee should be a reduced synergy transfer (I.E not all possible synergy is transferred unless paid by cash).


Here are some random things I would like to see changed:

 1. Please increase loyalty gain

  1. Please change the paint and stickers to permanent.

  2. Please warn the community of intended changes prior to patching. Not a day or two ahead but rather a week or so.

  3. Please allow Steam posts to stay. People will criticize, people will praise. However, by deleting them it just gives off a bad reputation, and F2P lives off reputations. In fact, all games and anyone involved in the gaming business survives on reputation. Ask Microsoft.


Closing thoughts:

The Patch has potential, but I fear that is was implemented without prior thought or regards to the community’s wishes. I fear that we will lose more of our community with each unannounced patch that completely overhauls the games mechanics that is not in the community’s wishes. That being said, change is not always bad and as a community we must find a happy medium. Not all changes are bad, but not all changes are needed, required or wanted. Forcing people to play a certain style should have its limits, along with limits of a game allowing people to influence their decisions. I am a paying customer, having bought several CS ships (mostly for the non-repair cost) and I find the argument of paying vs. not paying for a game and the value or degree of input from both paying and nonpaying customers a moot point. A F2P model needs paying customers, but it also needs a substantial player base. Any good input or feedback is good as long as it’s constructive. It matters not if it came from a veteran or a completely new player. We should judge the input from its value rather than its source. Hopefully this will be my last post as well as my first!

What I find funny is that i have to play T1 to get T3 recon(emp) and T3 ecm(jer). As much as I enjoy duck shooting I don’t think, that T1 players like, that someone from higher tiers come down there to waste time for both of them.

Now look the synergy level max from the 2 screenshots :smiley:

Now look how the value changed with the same fit :smiley:

Now look where are the passiv bonus

Look the detection range :smiley:


And they told us they refound all our synergy :smiley:

They didn’t refund all our Synergy. Not by a long shot. My Crus-Q was at 5/10, I got it up to 3/10 after this patch. HOWEVER, it does have WAY more shields. I used to have 21k. I now have 25k. Same exact modules, I only switched missiles and weapon.

They didn’t refund all our Synergy. Not by a long shot. My Crus-Q was at 5/10, I got it up to 3/10 after this patch. HOWEVER, it does have WAY more shields. I used to have 21k. I now have 25k. Same exact modules, I only switched missiles and weapon.

strangely, this is not what the spreadsheet shows me

strangely, this is not what the spreadsheet shows me

Just saying it how I see it. I gained 4k shield hp.

Nothing wrong with the Arc killing a Frigate in seconds? Or Fighters? Or other Ceptors, to be fair…


Honestly…considering it requires melee range, the long cooldown, and it still wouldn’t “instagib” any ships, I think it Plasma Arc was just fine as it was! You could not take down a Frig from full shields with just an Arc; heck, to kill one with an Arc it would have had to been basically shields down already. If your getting Arc’ed as a Fighter or Inty then don’t fly in a straight line…lol. VERY easy to dodge Arc as a Fighter or Inty unless you don’t see it coming (in which case, the Arc wielder deserves the kill).


It is a skill based weapon…you have to track your targets and be right on their xxxx to make contact with the Arc, and if they start maneuvering at all it makes it difficult to even land one tick of damage.

Plasma arc’s damage reduced?  Now two shots with the singularity cannon does more damage than the plasma arc?  The plasma arc is only used at 300m and less.  If anything it should be strengthened given the damage of the new weapons!


I’m going to try interceptors again in PvP, but it doesn’t look too good yet.


Oh, and please translate better than google.

Honestly…considering it requires melee range, the long cooldown, and it still wouldn’t “instagib” any ships, I think it Plasma Arc was just fine as it was! You could not take down a Frig from full shields with just an Arc; heck, to kill one with an Arc it would have had to been basically shields down already. If your getting Arc’ed as a Fighter or Inty then don’t fly in a straight line…lol. VERY easy to dodge Arc as a Fighter or Inty unless you don’t see it coming (in which case, the Arc wielder deserves the kill).

If an inty came up behind you whilst you were stationary, you were dead.

Yes, they could strip a guard frigate’s shields very easily. Even set to thermal.

I advocate this nerf.

Just to make sure - I need a screen or log where T3 actually and absolutely sure matched with a pilot who has only T1 ships slotted. 

Because the previous one may be matched because he had a t2 ship in one of the battle slots. 

Ok got another one that fits your specific scenario. Just played a round where there were several new players on both sides (rank 1 ships only) yet two players on my team with one rank 7 T3 ship each.

Have screenshots if you need but I suppose you can look it up on your end with the session id:

00:27:29.555 CMBT | ======= Connect to game session session 2193366 =======
00:27:31.456 CMBT | ======= Start gameplay 'Control' map 's8256_thar_threshold', local client team 2 =======

As another lurker since back in early June been playing since … grinding&paying my way up to T4  Level 12   yes I will admit I have dropped a few $$. does that place me in the catagory of a premium player ?  


  It has been a lesson… as i was clueless and as a loner it sure showed as I was in battles with player’s\squads\teams with twice the DSR as I had… imagine having 750 score in there against average 1200+ getting my behind splattered right and left until I learned,  and started down the recon\covrt ops path.   


Prior to .9.0 T4 was mighty expensive for ships as well as repair/replinishment of ammo. Still is.   When you started seeing your Gold dwindling down you start saying what the heck… and stopped getting new ships.   Maybe staying in T3 and T2 might be the best thing.


Fast forward to recent right before this newest patch and updates I switched to Empire… and had to start from T1… the very next day of course .0.9.0 comes out and wala… back to the drawing board.   The newest patch is making fighting an interesting arena in T1 and T2 as I have nothing to run away from all the missles that are now coming at you right an left,  Where as before… it was limited and you were force to be judicious in your use


Anyway… I will continue to grind and weather the storms of these patches as this game works it way down the beta path…and I am sure to get annoyed at some of the changes… but then again… part of the fun is to what works and what doesn’t and use it to you advantage. 

VERY easy to dodge Arc as a Fighter

lol wut?

Contrary to Popular Belief, T1s and T3s are thrown together. Here is my battle log from last night. I hope 3 games is enough for an example. Please tell me if you need more (please ignore Madeix he flew in a squad)


Just  a heads up on that; the “T1” 's you see in that are left over from before the tier/rank/ship trees were re-done. For example, a Dvergr Knight is a rank 4 (T2) ship, but its ship model designation to the game is still as an empire (race 1) interceptor (S) Faction2 (Wardens I believe).


You’ll see the same with every ship that used to be in a tier and now got pushed into the next (so lots of Rank 4, Rank 7, and Rank 10 ships)

If an inty came up behind you whilst you were stationary, you were dead.

Yes, they could strip a guard frigate’s shields very easily. Even set to thermal.

I advocate this nerf.


Why would you be stationary? Unless you are hiding as team captain, or a LRF sniping, you should never be stationary. There are always objectives to do. If you are stationary, you deserve to die to an Arc, sorry. Do you think getting sniped from 10 kilos away by a Disentgrator because you are stationary is somehow okay, but not for Arc? At least with Arc you had to get into *melee range* and it did not do 10k+ instant burst damage. It could do 10k if you hit the target with the Arc multiple times, which is fair considering the requirements to do so is not easy to achieve in most circumstances.


I did not say Arc couldn’t strip a guard frigs shield very easily. I said they could not kill a frig from full shields with an Arc. Which is true. I think you misread, or something. Even if a full on Arc, hitting every pulse, took down a guard frigs shield, so what? That inty had to get into melee range, and keep the Arc on the frig the whole time - and even then, it wouldn’t have done more than 50% damage to the frig. What is wrong with that?


I tend to think people who advocate the nerf on Arc either haven’t actually used it, or get killed by it a lot (due to being stationary? idk).

lol wut?


It’s called moving any direction, roll the hard 6, hit your brakes and watch 'em fly right by, *don’t be stationary*, etc…Arc lasts what, 3 seconds tops? If you’re getting hit by every single pulse of Arc in a fighter…you’re doing it wrong.