Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

Remove the friendly fire on the Mortar please, it’s boring to not be able to defend yourself against close range enemies. 


(One time again, i autoblowup myself)

I am seeing a lot of Rank 9s now when flying Rank 6. It’s pretty obvious something isn’t working in the matchmaking if this is happening every other match.

Russian thinking in evidence with the synergy; I play for objectives, I get about 2K  synergy on a T2 Rank 6. Ignore objectives and farm kills, get triple that.


Please change the synergy system to reward completing objectives more. Capturing a beacon should give more synergy than killing three random enemy pilots.


I don’t think it’s based on kills, as I said I’ve been getting the same reward on high as well as low kill rounds. Might be linked to score, but I’m not sure.


Agreeing however that the entire reward system could use some work. In particular credit rewards are bad (total pool for the team, distributed by score - so if you team up with good players you’re basically cutting your own rewards down).


I am seeing a lot of Rank 9s now when flying Rank 6. It’s pretty obvious something isn’t working in the matchmaking if this is happening every other match.

Not more than before really, probably half of my games. From what I understand this is working as intended (due to low player numbers). Agreeing again though that it’s a very bad thing.

This shouldn’t happen I was told that matchmaker picks only ±2 .___.

Ill get back to you with this situation tomorrow. 

Good to hear.  :good:

Just an idea for devs. First off I realize this is just a beta and we are testing for the release of the full game in the future. That said those of us who are supporting through the purchase of gold standards should never pay for temporary content.

Credits should be used for temporary content. Specifically current customizations. Charge 1gs = 4000 cr so for 30 days of a sticker it would cost roughly 8,000,000 credits instead of 200 gold for something that will expire.


Just to make sure - I need a screen or log where T3 actually and absolutely sure matched with a pilot who has only T1 ships slotted. 

Because the previous one may be matched because he had a t2 ship in one of the battle slots. 

This shouldn’t happen I was told that matchmaker picks only ±2 .___.

Ill get back to you with this situation tomorrow. 

Just to make sure - I need a screen or log where T3 actually and absolutely sure matched with a pilot who has only T1 ships slotted. 

Because the previous one may be matched because he had a t2 ship in one of the battle slots. 

Interesting. Well it’s definitely broken then. The last battle I played just now, I was in pure t2 (ranks 5 and 6). Ships went up to rank 9, one example:


There were a few t1 ships but not purely, lowest I saw was rank 4 mixed in with the t1 ships:


But that’s still +/- 3 ranks, so not working as you said it’s intended. Looking forward to an update on this.

It should be obvious that a rank 4 can’t do much against a rank 9. Besides, even rank 6 ships struggle when the nukes come flying…


PS: Session log from the screenshotted battle above if you want to look it up on your end:



18:48:43.546 | MasterServerEndpoint: enter matchmaking queue with mmvalue 29
18:49:27.028 WARNING| MasterServerEndpoint: leave matchmaking queue ( but will join the game soon )

18:49:29.464 CMBT | ======= Connect to game session session 2189999 =======
18:49:31.630 CMBT | ======= Start gameplay 'KingOfTheHill' map 's1338_devilsjaw', local client team 2 =======
18:49:59.995 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player0 (F18Hornet, #0002EF96). 'Ship_Race3_S_T1'
18:49:59.996 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player1 (TWarrior, #00021FD4). 'Ship_Race1_L_T2_Faction2'
18:49:59.997 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player2 (axisnet, #00061CE1). 'Ship_Race1_M_T2_Faction2'
18:49:59.998 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player3 (safan, #0006EB10). 'Ship_Race3_M_T2_Faction2'
18:49:59.998 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player4 (SPFenFog, #00065E63). 'Ship_Race2_M_T3'
18:49:59.999 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player5 (Mordoken, #00083642). 'Ship_Race2_M_T3'
18:50:00.000 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player6 (Namtar5, #00073045). 'Ship_Race3_L_T3'
18:50:00.001 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player7 (Lemonhead, #000820DB). 'Ship_Race2_M_T3'
18:50:00.002 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player8 (timesplash, #00019F1B). 'Ship_Race1_M_T2'
18:50:00.002 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player9 (mcDuffs, #00085156). 'Ship_Race2_M_T2_Faction2'
18:50:00.003 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player10 (Firesilver, #0008525E). 'Ship_Race3_L_T2_Faction1'
18:50:00.004 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player11 (RELAX19874, #00085CBA). 'Ship_Race1_M_T2'
18:50:00.005 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player12 (walrus, #000851D6). 'Ship_Race1_L_T1_Faction1'
18:50:00.006 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player13 (Sendekat95, #00084F54). 'Ship_Race1_S_T1'
18:50:00.007 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player14 (xxDNEPRxx, #000822EE). 'Ship_Race1_M_T1'
18:50:00.007 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player15 (Sapphir13, #0001307D). 'Ship_Race3_M_T2_Faction1'
18:50:00.008 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player16 (Solaris20565, #0008459C). 'Ship_Race3_M_T2_Faction1'
18:50:00.009 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player17 (Smoky, #0007F7C8). 'Ship_Race1_M_T2_Premium'
18:50:00.009 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player18 (WurdaJIaK, #0000D72D). 'Ship_Race3_S_T1_Faction2'
18:50:00.010 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player19 (Snib, #0000A7DE). 'Ship_Race2_M_T2_Faction2'
18:50:00.011 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player20 (pacu, #00078A72). 'Ship_Race2_L_T2'
18:50:00.012 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player21 (mcraider, #0004FA08). 'Ship_Race2_M_T2_Faction1'
18:50:00.012 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player22 (h4mmerofjustice, #0008274D). 'Ship_Race2_L_T1_Faction1'
18:50:00.013 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player23 (Nox93, #00006403). 'Ship_Race3_L_T2_Faction1'


Russian thinking in evidence with the synergy; I play for objectives, I get about 2K  synergy on a T2 Rank 6. Ignore objectives and farm kills, get triple that.


Please change the synergy system to reward completing objectives more. Capturing a beacon should give more synergy than killing three random enemy pilots.



But problem about kills is more radicate imho… i mean… this game obviously is not about Kill Kill Kill … still Kills number is the mutch rewarding thing ingame (Destroyed Ship Rate, Synergy Gain … etc…).


basically i don’t understand why did they even put Objectives ingame… they had to do just fps arena stile matches if they care so much bout kills (u kknow: deatch match, team death match…capture the falg…)…

Just to make sure - I need a screen or log where T3 actually and absolutely sure matched with a pilot who has only T1 ships slotted. 

Because the previous one may be matched because he had a t2 ship in one of the battle slots. 

but wouldn’t you agree that having a t2 slotted on par with rank 9 ships to lower yourself in ranks would be either abuse or a wrong mechanics on your engine

Because pre 0.9 i saw anourmos amount of games where players had Desert Eagles/ Cerberus 2 equiped in pairs with some nooby ships and were matched against players that had only t2 equiped

Since most of the complaints are still about T2&T3, isnt it time to accept this actually pretty nice early end-game style play (T2 around 29) and declare T1&T2 mixable, but never allow a T3 in at any given circumstance? Like a barrier, you can either perfect and stay behind or go over and enter the big class?


We actually loved this two sided evolvement of gameplay. You could then easily try to balance T3-T5 to be mixable more, or even concentrate on evolving T4&T5 into a sort of endgame, while even keeping T3 up, but thats completely up to you.


This is a perfect case of where MDA resulted in unforseen aesthetics, and I for one say, it should become a feature, instead of trying to solve the puzzle in any wrong way.

but wouldn’t you agree that having a t2 slotted on par with rank 9 ships to lower yourself in ranks would be either abuse or a wrong mechanics on your engine

Because pre 0.9 i saw anourmos amount of games where players had Desert Eagles/ Cerberus 2 equiped in pairs with some nooby ships and were matched against players that had only t2 equiped

That only works for PVE.

If you weren’t aware of the command, /set cl_showMmQueueInfo 2 shows your match-making rank/weight while you’re in the queue. You’ll find that for PVP only your highest ranked ship counts, nothing else. For PVE it goes by lowest ranked ship instead.



Since most of the complaints are still about T2&T3, isnt it time to accept this actually pretty nice early end-game style play (T2 around 29) and declare T1&T2 mixable, but never allow a T3 in at any given circumstance? Like a barrier, you can either perfect and stay behind or go over and enter the big class?


We actually loved this two sided evolvement of gameplay. You could then easily try to balance T3-T5 to be mixable more, or even concentrate on evolving T4&T5 into a sort of endgame, while even keeping T3 up, but thats completely up to you.


This is a perfect case of where MDA resulted in unforseen aesthetics, and I for one say, it should become a feature, instead of trying to solve the puzzle in any wrong way.

Hard barriers that you are safe behind probably isn’t the best idea in a game trying to make money by getting players to progress. But they should probably add a coefficient to their +/- 2 spread so it opens up more the higher you get. The performance gap between the tiers gets smaller as you go up.

Alternatively, if they keep the current spread, they need to start balancing the tiers between the teams (currently you can have a t1/t2 team on one side and a t3 team on the other).

Mhe… yes it happens. I just had a premium t4 (so rank 9 teorichally) in t3 match.


But point is WHO CARES??? 


U are making  it bigger than what it is…

 Hes t4… good for him… he lost.,



Just leave t1 and 2 alone (couse that’s another game… in those tiers there are ppl learning) … but as a t3 ran 9 i don’t really care even if i have some t4 in match… offcourse not ALL t4 one side and all t3 other side.



And btw… queques are already long enought this way so please leave t4 in t3 if removing them means longer waiting time.


This game isnt wasn’t item based guys … a nab full purple t4 is was just an easy prey for a skilled t3. (than 0.9 come… ).



[Edit: plz remove thos stupid censor from N00B world… i mean… i don’t even understand why it is censored … but at least do it with **** … not replacing it with ACE… couse it could lead to misunderstandings).

I give up with this patch clearly dedicated to fighters.


It’s not anymore interesting at all to play frigates. They tryed to stop frigballz by killing all the frigates.


1300m mass propulsion inhibitor, 1300m signature masking. Ninja nerfed range. Tell me who will be enough dumb to engage a guard frigate at 1300m or let a guard engage him at this range?


Jericho shield ninja nerfed again, Yep, i saw it dear devs, you really think nobody will see this?

I spent more time that you can imagine on my fit, and you can’t hide this kind of nerf. It was 20k+ shield on the crus type S before without shield buffer, now it’s 19k+.

30% effect increased on Nano drone and Mass shield regen…


My blue Nano heal for 87

and my blue Mass shield heal for around 100 or so.

I’m fuked up at close range.

BBB still blows any amount of hull possible despite the stack of EM resists on hull ridiculously.


What else?

30% effect increased on Nano drone and Mass shield regen…


My blue Nano heal for 87

and my blue Mass shield heal for around 100 or so.

I’m fuked up at close range.

BBB still blows any amount of hull possible despite the stack of EM resists on hull ridiculously.


What else?

it was actually decreased, not increased.


* Combat Drones: Ally repair radius reduced by 50%

* Nanodrone Cloud: efficiency increased by 30%

* Mass Shioeld Generator: efficiency increased by 30%


I must be iliterate then. 

It’s called a typo. The Russian forums say it was decreased.

As a frigate u are presumed to play in storm. And ur mnates should help u witt close range attackers.


This is a team game pals.


Fortunately bad times of “immortal frigetes” are going to end.


And don’t take me wrong… i’m a lone wolf often… but i fly cov ops (and Sai :P) … so i’m an easy kill if i don’t dodge propely … u can’t pretend to be imortal , to be able to kill everything at every distance and regen 10000 point shields and hull every sec.

JP wants to know. How does everyone like the synergy requirement for each ship?