Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

First captain match for me?


I immediately noticed the ‘Try not to die’ message, so as soon as I spawned I turned right around and attempted to get out of the map, before hiding in the smallest crevice I could find.


None of the enemy team could find me. I had an interceptor hovering in front me and he never saw me. Absolutely brilliant.

The update was a step in the right direction.


Still dumb that the singularity has both the highest alpha and the highest DPS

As many others here have stated, you are not treating your players right.


Honestly, I’m very disappointed with the synergy changes.  I’m not sure I feel motivated to progress anymore, seeing as to try any new ship out I’ll need to go back to T1 (The so called training tier), despite having 400+ games under my belt.


The weapon changes were fine.  The missile changes… whatever.  But with the synergy changes you have literally screwed over your player base.  Like we’ve invested all this time raising reputation and such, now you completely change that model of progression. 


For me, the synergy changes were no different than an account wipe.  Even though you guys promised that no wipes were happening, this is essentially what you did with this update.  Now, I’m an extreme example because I was stupid and horded all my cash instead of buying ships, but still.   The game is still fun.  I enjoy the dogfights and space battles, especially with the new weapons.


But now honestly, I don’t feel entirely motivated to progress anymore.  Personally I’m going to synergy up my engineer up to T5 just to check that out, but I really can’t be arsed to go back down to the so called “training tier”.  Thanks Gajin, I only have 2 ships to choose from now :good:


EDIT:  Give me the oppertunity to buy ships with the old model for a single day and I wouldn’t complain.  Though it will still completely suck for any new player that wants to join.  We just want to fly a bunch of space ships.  Why do we have to start all over from scratch every time we want to try something new???

After everything you did with this new patch, you couldn’t fix the matchmaking system? I was just playing with T1, T2, T3 and a few T4 ships in the same game. There are apparently 1500 people online at the time of me writing this, and I’m still being matched with people ranked below and above me. Stop focusing on nerfing everything little thing that people complain about, and actually fix the game first.

After everything you did with this new patch, you couldn’t fix the matchmaking system? I was just playing with T1, T2, T3 and a few T4 ships in the same game. There are apparently 1500 people online at the time of me writing this, and I’m still being matched with people ranked below and above me. Stop focusing on nerfing everything little thing that people complain about, and actually fix the game first.

Devs have stated matchmaking works as intended [how they intend it, not the playerbase] and they have no plans to fix it. At best, they’ll make it slightly stricter come 1.0.

Remember that could happen if the player with T1 is in a squads with people with T3


Yes, but the captain selection process should make that at least very unprobable - would be nice to nerf the whole MM system for a change. Opt-In and Opt-Out were already proposed there.

Of course if nobody wants to be captain, it still should make the random game.



Last but not least, my biggest problem of all: mixed tier matches. What the hell?! Its bad enough that there are many players with blue/purple equipment all over in your own tier. Now I have to fight people with epic loot that are UP TO TWO tiers above me?


I don’t know, in my book, having blue or purple items should put you to the end of your tier, but otherwise, I dislike the fact, that equipment is actually such a big impact on matchmaking. The differences add up of course, but only one purple gun will not change much at first. Also, there is no sense in having to fight 4v4 only because some people have better items, whereas including higher tiered ships add not just a little, they add a lot of differences to the table, especially in T2/T3.


Equipment should only influence how the teams are built. But even flying compeltely mk1 stuff, it would be better if you have to fly against better equipped people of your own tier anyway, especially if the MM process favours bigger battles.


You are the first player I heard, that does see something unfair in this, and so it got me thinking.

But as you advance in higher tiers, you probably will have green items of the next tier anyway, since they drop the tier before.

Of course, it feels like the item drop has decreased with the chance based looting, even if the epic drop has increased.


Also, now you have to find the right weapon for your role, not just the right weapon.


But, as somebody with lots of blue and purple stuff on my T3 ships, I cannot enter T2, even with T1 mk1 ships aside, so I think, many of the T3s in T2 are still low with their weapons. However since I encountered a Desert Eagle in a T2, which is next to the Bear an almost T4 ship, I also dont know, how this exactly works. 



Bubble Bobble Cannon

  • what if the aoe damage would scale on ship size a bit? would that not make it a bit more counterable and make it the primary fighter-anti-frig-weapon but be even more vulnerable to swarming ceptors trying to hunt your Assaultship?

  • it could also scale on max hp, tho this would be a bit unfair to people who want a tanky fit. They should have the right to survive another second.

  • please make them stick to barriers, they would still be dangerous for anybody too close to it, because of the sticky thing - which is pretty neat.

  • For the hit effect I suggest small electric currents flowing over the ship randomly, like in the game Descent or the time travelling Terminator. bzZt.


The MM should have only one fix in its logic: create a barrier between t2 and t3, which at least is there for now, until there has been progress to make it viable differently. Funnily, you do better in a T3 with a T2, than with having T3s in T2s, so bringing up people there at their own risk is something different - but also should be looked at at game modes like captain games. The system should not penalize the whole team for one guy trying to fight with seasoned pilots. It clearly should be possible, but not forced upon, to face higher tiers.


It also gives a new pilot something to look forward to, being the high equipped T2 in a T2 match, teaching how to play. After that, the journey into T3 and farther would be less painful, since you can go back to the early game and fight there. It was an accident, but it was a good accident, that this was working for a long time, until tier mixing got introduced.

So hold on, let me get this straight. If I’m reading this right Dev’s, you have no intention of reverting the leveling system? And you intend for someone who just bought your Elite pack, to go back and start all over, or spend all my Gold Standards to level the ships? Whereas before I could just buy all ships up in the tree to get what I want, I now have to spend more money? My premium ships are practically useless, and unless I start over at T1/T2 or spend more real money, I am basically sh*t outta luck? How do I get a refund on that? You can have all your money back. I cannot believe that one of the biggest complaints you are receiving on this thread is not even being slightly considered. Seriously though, point me in the right direction for a refund and you can have all of this back. That is probably the most disgusting thing you can do to your player base. 200 hours devoted to the game just amounted to nothing. I am utterly floored by the responses I am reading here.

Thanks for listening to a ranting newbie.


Thank you for joining us here and thank you for your input. I will make sure that your feedback is relayed. 


Devs have stated matchmaking works as intended [how they intend it, not the playerbase] and they have no plans to fix it. At best, they’ll make it slightly stricter come 1.0.



We are aware of the situation, but making que shorter, in current conditions, can only be done this way. I have once again relayed your concerns to the team, thank you for your input.

I’m starting to be pissed off by players who want a rollback. 




Rollback to the 0.7.0, when fed’s frigate could have antimissile drone, mass propulsion inhibor, pulsar, a random regen module, minefield and stab railgun to show them how the game was balanced before :smiley:

Devs have stated matchmaking works as intended [how they intend it, not the playerbase] and they have no plans to fix it. At best, they’ll make it slightly stricter come 1.0.

Well If the devs consider T1 ships having a terrible time getting destroyed by T3 and T4 ships, then yeah, its working exactly as they intended it to. T1 is the training stage, and if you cant train against other T1’s, then there’s no point in learning how to play

Well If the devs consider T1 ships having a terrible time getting destroyed by T3 and T4 ships, then yeah, its working exactly as they intended it to. T1 is the training stage, and if you cant train against other T1’s, then there’s no point in learning how to play

This cannot happen. Cannot. T1 CAN NOT be matched against T3\T4. Don’t let vaguely-formulated posts trick you into thinking so.

Higher ranks of T1 can sometimes get into the battle against T2, lower ranks of T2 can sometimes get into matches with T1 and so on. There is a ±2 ranks width (if I am correct) in matchmaker. T1 cannot be matched with T3, simply because T3 is higher than +2 ranks.


Thank you for joining us here and thank you for your input. I will make sure that your feedback is relayed. 



We are aware of the situation, but making que shorter, in current conditions, can only be done this way. I have once again relayed your concerns to the team, thank you for your input.

Here is a thought; give us the matchmaking we want next patch, with the following announcements made:


  1. Announce that you are doing this because people have complained about higher-tier ships in their matches.
  2. Tell people that you expect this to increase the time it takes to find a match.
  3. Ask people if the increased time is a problem for them.
  4. Ask people which they preferred.
  5. When it’s clear everyone bar the Rank 15s likes the fixed tiers more, ignore the rank 15s and keep the system! Driving new players away hurts the game more than losing veterans.


This cannot happen. Cannot. T1 CAN NOT be matched against T3\T4.

Higher ranks of T1 can sometimes get into the battle against T2, lower ranks of T2 can sometimes get into matches with T1 and so on. There is a ±2 ranks width (if I am correct) in matchmaker. T1 cannot be matched with T3, simply because T3 is higher than +2 ranks.

I have ingame experience that says otherwise. I wish I’d got a screenshot… but T1 and T3 can be, have been and are being put into the same match. 

I have ingame experience that says otherwise. I wish I’d got a screenshot… but T1 and T3 can be, have been and are being put into the same match. 

Let me see it.

This cannot happen. Cannot. T1 CAN NOT be matched against T3\T4. Don’t let vaguely-formulated posts trick you into thinking so.

Higher ranks of T1 can sometimes get into the battle against T2, lower ranks of T2 can sometimes get into matches with T1 and so on. There is a ±2 ranks width (if I am correct) in matchmaker. T1 cannot be matched with T3, simply because T3 is higher than +2 ranks.

Do you need a screen shot as proof? Im using two T3 ships right now, and I was matched with one or two players that had 3 T1 ships. I’ll gladly go into a game right now and take a screenshot for you.

Do you need a screen shot as proof? Im using two T3 ships right now, and I was matched with one or two players that had 3 T1 ships. I’ll gladly go into a game right now and take a screenshot for you.

There are no limits to bringing along friends with T1 ships in your squad. Matchmaker counts the highest ranked ship in the squad.


I could squad up with three R1 only players and bring them to a T5 match if I wanted to.

I have ingame experience that says otherwise. I wish I’d got a screenshot… but T1 and T3 can be, have been and are being put into the same match. 

Zip the logs from that match and upload them here.

Where do I find the logs?

I’m pretty sure I’m the reason they nerfed Orion and Plasma Arc.I downed a dev like 5 times in a row yesterday using Orion + Plasma Arc + Missiles and it was brutal. T2 game.


Ever since mines have been removed, I’ve been owning everything with Plasma Arc, so I kind of agree it may have needed a nerf, but then again I’m a good pilot so I was able to use Plasma Arc effectively. Orion didn’t really need a nerf, 7 was hard enough, 5 seems rather unnecessary. We’ll see how it plays out.


The nerf to the bubblegun should help, although as an inty pilot I must say, those balls are so easy to dodge and killing bubblegum using fighters was extremely easy.


But seriously, please fix:

  • Ship Progression - Totally sucks now as it’s a huge grind, and I don’t have time for that bull crap, which is why I mostly use premium ships.
  • Temporary Customization Options - Seriously, everyone agrees this is a HORRIBLE MODEL and you can make more money if you give us permanent options. Stop being greedy and listen to your paying customers.
  • Tier mixing - Again everyone has spoken and mixing tiers is pretty dumb. I honestly don’t see it as often as others claim, but it does get annoying.

Ah so thats how they get in. Then disable queue for sector conquest when there is difference of +2 ranks in a group. They can do that xxxx all they want in a custom lobby i wouldnt care but the main game mode of the game is supposed to be competitive and not ‘drag a newb foundation’.

Where do I find the logs?

Files -> Documents -> Saved Games -> Star Conflict -> logs


Pretty sure that’s the path, anyway…