Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

Umm. Want to explain what is going on with the forum admins on the Steam forum? They are now deleting/locking any posts that contain negative opinions/discussion of this patch. Even deleted the patch notes discussion thread for 0.9.0 entirely because the comments were all negative feedback. Seriously? Yeah, I’m not playing any game where admins/mods want to “damage control” their terrible patches by deleting and hiding any negative feedback so that other (new?) players “won’t know.”

Yeah, I got entirely banned from posting there because I mentioned people are using aimbots in the game and got my post deleted in a thread ABOUT the mis-usage of aimbots. They are as real here as they are in any other point n’shoot game.


But what really pisses me off about the steam discussions is that they just outright delete every freaking negative feedback post in those threads. Or just delete the entire thread. This isn’t censorship. This is a dictatorship. You really want to be doing that?

Erm… it was explained quite a lot of times now that there are no aimbots at the moment. If you think there are - please state the time date and the name of the player who used them. We will check the situation once again. 

Alright. There aren’t. If that makes you happy, so be it…

Alright. There aren’t. If that makes you happy, so be it…


No, please, if you think that there are aimbots, be more specific. We are checking every message on aimbotting.

I found the singularity cannon to be extremely funny, and while I saw a lot using it, not all of them were transformed into killers. I know I was tho.

Also, even if the team ravages with it, you can still win the game differently. So I had fun, I knew it was going to be nerfed. But … I did actually not find it that much OP, just very different. After all, there is no reason why a Frigate should not fear for its life sometimes. After all, its still just a Frigate, some act if it would be a Cruiser or bigger and should never die.

I mean I found the time until the nerf pretty fun. The Resistance thing was pretty evil tho.



" Orion": duration reduced to 5 seconds
" Plasma arc": effectiveness reduced by 25%


omg. why this? this nerf is completely idiotic. Stop nerfing, start learning to balance ffs.

Really. 7 seconds was already the previously nerfed version. Do you guys only understand “balancing” as the act of nerfing? So, if we can’t solve the right ratio, find the value to decrease? If it is completely f’d up, just introduce new stuff? Until it has to be nerfed again?

What about the ECM stop switch? What about solving problems in actual gameplay?

Which is hard to balance now, since you completely changed the mechanics, leading to completely different aesthethics in the game… you have lost control over your own game, congratulations!


Balancing is about creating balance, not nerfing everything people whine about.


I was going to defend the last patch until I discovered this, and I remember how it is now to fly Cov Ops - no energy war, no mines, basicly only offensive weapons, the short orion already became pretty useless with the new weapon speeds… you guys play your own game? Not rly I guess, since I dont see many Dev Medals on any profile anymore. Please let people design and balance ships, who actually care about those roles.


And please, do some research how balancing is done.


There was nothing wrong with the Plasma Arc either.

I was going to defend the last patch until I discovered this, and I remember how it is now to fly Cov Ops - no energy war, no mines, basicly only offensive weapons, the short orion already became pretty useless with the new weapon speeds… you guys play your own game? Not rly I guess, since I dont see many Dev Medals on any profile anymore. Please let people design and balance ships, who actually care about those roles.


And please, do some research how balancing is done.


There was nothing wrong with the Plasma Arc either.

I find myself thinking the same thing. The Dev Team don’t play this game - if they say they do, they’ve skipped all the progression and just fly in Rank 12 / 15 ships.


If they played the game the way we have to, they would have gone into work today, sat around a table and said “Jesus Christ, these Rank 7 ships are xxxx! No wonder nobody wanted to fly them! I kitted out my Phobos with pure Blue modules and it still felt underpowered! Right, we need to do something about this right now!”


This was the whole point of why I did a blog of my thoughts and experiences of trying to get into T3; to demonstrate to the Dev Team how terrible it is. Clearly, they didn’t bother to read it…

There is more than one side to any question… instead of just crying out for nerfs on that special thing that harms your ego did you even notice that other weapons got buffed up?.. u take a bit here you add a bit there… its called balancing


Yes, I noticed. 

But srsly: A gun (!) that fires through barriers, ships and beacons AND has also a perma AoE effect,  I would never consider as balanced. 

Oh and I tested it, it still goes through barriers and ships (havent tested it on beacons so far). 

Add up the projectile-speed and damage and you still have a very OP weapon. 

It does go through beacons. I was doing it earlier.

It does go through beacons. I was doing it earlier.


Tnx for confirmation. 

There was nothing wrong with the Plasma Arc either.

Nothing wrong with the Arc killing a Frigate in seconds? Or Fighters? Or other Ceptors, to be fair…


No, please, if you think that there are aimbots, be more specific. We are checking every message on aimbotting.

There are only TWO possibilities for us to check that and you know it because I know I mentioned it half a dozen times. We can only see their target reticle IF AND ONLY IF we’re in the same team, dead (and they’re still alive and kicking) on Beacon Hunt matches where we hold the Beacon and in Combat Recon matches where our Captain is dead and so are you.


These are the only two possibilities to record their reticle so you can see the spasms they make while the enemy ship is veering away from them. And, as we very well know, you won’t investigate all claims to this based on comments like “he killed me, hax” unless we have good reason to. I often report people who sit still for minutes at a time, not budging a single inch and they don’t have the word “Disconnected” over their greyed out name. It irks me because I don’t know how they do it, only that they’re using something to keep them afloat while they afk.


It does go through beacons. I was doing it earlier.

It goes through Ships, Beacons, Stations, Engineer shields, floating debris (map or pilot-generated) and those rocks you kick around for fun. It does not go through anything else.

I was just in one of the most bs game i have ever played, it was t3 combat recon and the captain for my team is tier 1…

you could guess how it went




I was just in one of the most bs game i have ever played, it was t3 combat recon and the captain for my team is tier 1…

you could guess how it went



I was just in one of the most bs game i have ever played, it was t3 combat recon and the captain for my team is tier 1…

you could guess how it went

But of course, the Devs insist this could never possibly happen… despite the fact it happens a hell of a lot now.

Remember that could happen if the player with T1 is in a squads with people with T3

Remember that could happen if the player with T1 is in a squads with people with T3


I’ve also seen people selected as Captain, who queued with 1x T3 and 2x T1 ships with the T3 as default.


The moment they swap to one of their T1 ships as captain and actually spawn like this is fairly facepalm-worthy.


It’s the unfortunate nature of the game mode that sometimes you might have a Captain who isn’t so good at it. In this case I try to give them some advice. Some will listen and learn from the experience and next time they are Captain they will come back much improved.


We all had to learn at one point or another :slight_smile:

woke up to another (fix) pach only to see more nerfs. oki here some iders of mine, if u keep faking the game up atleast give some thing cool and new back. when i saw forum its like brra huraa lots of new things in 0.9.0… eem the fealing i have is the i lost missile slots and mines + fire mode,weapons options, thats 2 buttens/keys i pull out of my cocpit thats kinda lame,and whats the point of orion now? u can hardly see the aiming retickle espataly now with missls exploating all over(make gc options for coullers and shapes on aims and make em faking GLOW moden fighters have that even now u know) sad that u rather whant the kids to hold down one mouse butten for win, but for old gamers that are uset for space sims that use all buttens on key bord its realy sad, i for one would like more options in battel fx boost all shield to front rear, set fire rate of guns.convert all shileld to engines vise versa, i still got orion…ow its nerfed to no fun anymore there rather take a ir flair now. i got a laugh when i saw you hanger options…dont u get it, we whant to enteract and see othere players ships in a free space chat zone (with trade plz u greedy …). we trade you GC devs… let us trade stuff to eachother



in space noone can hear you screm

to be continued…

Never thought my first post on this forum would be here… oh well, here goes: I am a new player (startet during the summer sale). Even though this is my first post here and I do not have much expierience with this game yet, please listen to the worries of a new player with this patch. I play mainly empire, so my points are about the empire tree.


I wont say anything to the weapon changes because I lack the higher tier expierience. However, I already miss the option to change modifiers - or what limited options my T2/T3 ships gave me. 

Bubbles are out of question, they still go through most things and I still cant tell if I have been hit by it in a dogfight or if the damage was from another weapon. Please add some kind of inidcator, hit effect, what ever…


Now the synergy changes: I know this system will not change, but let me say it nevertheless: I hate it! I have to grind every single crappy ship on rank 4 and 7 (thats the two problem ranks I had the honor to fly myself already). I really liked the previous system. It allowed me to experiment with different ships and skip the ones I do not want to or can not pilot properly. What makes matters worse is the tree layout. Why do I have to grind through endless long range frigates to get to an empire engineer? You said its because one has to learn the role one wants to play - how do I learn playing as an enigeer by grinding boring long range things? But there are enough other people complaining about the ship trees, Ill leave that to them. Just know this: it is NOT new player friendly, this new system of yours.


Last but not least, my biggest problem of all: mixed tier matches. What the hell?! Its bad enough that there are many players with blue/purple equipment all over in your own tier. Now I have to fight people with epic loot that are UP TO TWO tiers above me? Let me give you an example: I leveled the gunship line before the patch (bought a phobos). I was completely outclassed. Not enough module slots, weaker weapons, no synergy at the beginning and then I had to fight T4 players. Great, THAT is how you motivate new players. As the Phobos was my only T3 ship, I filled the other two slots with T2s. Now guess what happens if you happen to come to a hardcore match? Exactly, T2s vs players with 3 T4s in their hangars. 


After this synergy disater I tried to play interceptors. Worked fine in T1. Then I got the Dverger Knight. And again, I am at the beginning of T2 and have to fight fully outkitted T3 enemies on a regular basis. What is wrong with you guys? How do you expect a new player to be competitiv when he is outclassed ship-wise, equipment-wise and experience-wise? No wonder that people leave the game, its just frustrating. 

I wouldnt mind to wait twice as long - if thats the price I have to pay for a FAIR match, so be it. It is bad enough that I have to grind through Level4/7 sub par ships. Its hard enough to play T2/T3 with them against Level6/9 enemies with purple/blue equipment all over.


Please, fix your matchmaking. Its really driving off new players because they just dont stand a chance. And fix your shiptrees at least if you have to keep the new leveling system.



Thanks for listening to a ranting newbie.

My biggest beef is with the lack of weapon options now.  Previously, each ship had 9 weapons, and 2 of 4 modifiers for each.  If you completely ignore weapon variants [Mk I/Mk II/Mk III/Military/Experimental], and also ignore weapon mod variants, and also weapon mod order, there are 72  [12*(4 ncr 2)] different weapon loadouts that each ship can use.  If you don’t ignore all those things, there are 22800  [5*12*(5*4 npr 2)] loadouts that can be used.  Now, as there are 4 weapons per ship [some of which are arguably useless atm], and 3 mods [only one of which can be active, there are 12 [4*(3 ncr 1)] loadouts available per ship [or 300 [5*4*(5*3 npr 1)] if you include all available variants].


And some of the damage values are still way off.  I was running some PVE last night, had a T3 Jericho guard with lasers on it.  They were doing 682 damage/tick, which means I’d take down a fighter in 4-5 seconds, and engies and veteran/elite units took considerably longer.  My T3 fighter with a beach ball launcher was doing about 5600 damage/hit [critting for something like 8500 damage], the shots travel through enemies, and have AOE damage.  The fire rate was very similar as well.  Yes, it’s harder to hit things at range, but it happened a bunch of times where I’d fire one shot and get 4-5 kills.  And I can just saturate an area with them, by myself.  With a little bit of planning, one fighter can be just as effective against groups of enemies as a guard’s pulsar, and it deals a hell of a lot more damage too.


RFR took a serious damage nerf. Stab rails have crap range now.  Lasers are even weaker than previously, when they were the weakest weapon in the game.  Positrons have crappy accuracy and are basically only effective when the enemy fleet is ignoring you [which, in a frigate, is never, as you’re a sitting duck to any beach balls].  The mortar fires too slowly for the damage/DPS it does.  Plasma arc seems to not hardly hurt anything anymore [hit a Jericho guard with it, and did maybe 40% of his shield with the entire thing].


Keep ending up in fights where the vast majority of ships are fighters/command.  Had a 8v8 match yesterday where one team had 1 guard, 1 ecm, and 6 command, and the other team had 1 engie, 2 fighters, and 5 command.  Both of the frigates had very low scores, due to repeatedly getting killed by beach ball spam.  That alone should tell you something about the balance issues.


Edit: Sabre is right, I was counting wrong.

Actually there were 12 to choose from. 12 weapons.

I’ve also seen people selected as Captain, who queued with 1x T3 and 2x T1 ships with the T3 as default.


The moment they swap to one of their T1 ships as captain and actually spawn like this is fairly facepalm-worthy.

My first match as a Captain in Recon, I had an Axe. Someone typed in all capitals “STAY AT THE BACK!” Best piece of advice I ever got in this game.