Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

Plasma arc didn’t need any nerf. 


Was often the only way u had as cov ops pilot to put frigates and command down. And wasn’t an instan kill anyway.


Plus u need some skill to use it coirrectly.


If u are hitted by plasma arc as another ceptor pilot (or trakler) there can be only 2 reasons: 1) U are unable to move couse of ECM mod (so nerft THAT thing not plasma arc) . 2) U suck as hell and should consider to change game… or ship at least.

LOL really? Use camo, get within 200m of him, use plasma arc, before he knows whats going on, even if he runs immediatly, he is already dead in any fighter.

No any change about restore old value level of ships and remove lock to buy major ships lvl.

You said “no synergy was lost and u still have the same amount as before” this is false

i haven’t the same ships level. Before the patch my t3 Ricasso was lvl full 9 now is lvl 8

I don’t want play again with it to grow-up since lvl9 again. So pls return my old LVL ships

No any change about restore old value level of ships and remove lock to buy major ships lvl.

You said “no synergy was lost and u still have the same amount as before” this is false

i haven’t the same ships level. Before the patch my t3 Ricasso was lvl full 9 now is lvl 8

I don’t want play again with it to grow-up since lvl9 again. So pls return my old LVL ships

it’s not going to happen…you are wasting your time 

“We do not plan to change synergy-based leveling [sic] system” (quote from Steam)

There could not be a situation like this. Rookies (T1) can not enter the same match as a pilot on T5 (endgame). What you are writing is simply impossible (if it is not a custom game, of course - there you can set your own parameters). We do know that there can be situations when tiers may mix due to the current setting. We are expecting that this situation would fix itself after release.

That is exactly what we are talking about. It is just that you look at it from a different angle. How do we reduce time in que if there are no players? We spread the que width.

If you have suggestions on how else we can both reduce que time and exclude the possibility of getting into a fight with lower\higher tier - you can always post them in a suggestions section.

By “end-game”, I mean T3 because T4 & T5 are now copy/pastes of T3, but with an extra passive and ship modifier slots. T4 used to have an extra weapon modifier, but that’s been taken care of, as well.


Iirc, it was Jasann that posted about that and I have seen it happen myself. I was in a T2 match and I saw a Dagger on my team (it was his only ship, as well) and, in the other team, a Wolf. Tell me how is that fair AND, according to what you just said, possible? And this doesn’t happen once or twice, it’s all the time; folks that have R4/5 ships but would rather fly T1 ships in T2 matches . That’s their problem, obviously, they have the R4/5 ships to fly with, but they chose to fly with their T1s. But that’s just it. They choose to fly T1 ships in T2 matches, but CAN’T because there are multiple Rank 7/8 and even NINE on the enemy team. Tell me how this provides a fair game for the Rookies? The situation, unfortunately, won’t fix itself just by staring at it. People KNOW how the matchmaking system works and they blatantly abuse it.


It’s easy to manipulate the system. Oh, you have T3 ships with Mk1 gear? That’s ok, here, lemme put you in T2 matches so it’s more balanced. End result: T3 gear VASTLY surpasses T2. Same between T2 and T1, it’s not even remotely fair between T1/2.


I fully understand that this was done to minimize queue times but… come on… no one wants this. Pilots get frustrated, pilots start leaving the game and the queues start increasing in time again. What then?


What I’m mostly complaining about is that, whenever there’s a thread to change this mechanic, it gets locked and shoved into the dark corners of this forum. There is no way we can make a suggestion on this, so I’ll try my luck here:


Split the queues into Tiers, according to your highest Ranked ship. If you have a Rank 4 and two Rank 3s, you get put solely into T2 matches. There are, what, 12-18 matches on each Tier, constantly active. If half a dozen pilots have to wait it out for over 2-3 minutes in queue, fill the rest of the positions with bots, as long as both sides have an equal number of pilots. It’ll be frustrating to fight with bots but at least they’re not waiting for half an hour, don’t you think?



Edit: on updates.



Singularity Cannon :

* Rate of fire reduced by 15%

* Charge diameter is reduced by 10%


Ammunition packs

Reduced efficiency by 30% for all ammo increasing projectile speed

“Supernova” Deflector :

* Projectile slowdown reduced by 30%

* Damage increase reduced by 30%


Yes. The BBB NEEDED these nerfs. Let’s see if it’s enough. Ammunition packs didn’t need that nerf, tbh… Extra speed is what the guns relied on the most in PvP, especially the heavier weapons…

Try to Aim a ceptor with the positron’s slow barrel :smiley: (and full charged).

I don’t use the gaus cannon, only 2 weapons won a projectiles speed bonus. 


Just look the mortar : (without ammunition or implant)


_Range : 2650m —> 3300m

_Projectiles speed : 1500 m/s —> 1650 m/s at T3


before the patch at max range : 1.45sec to reach the target

After the patch at max range : 2 sec to reach the target


Now with the uranium shell : (before : 57% / After the patch : 40%)


Before : 1500m/s + 57% —> 2355m/s —> 1.06 sec to reach the target at max range.

After the patch : 1650m/s + 40% —> 2310 —> 1.24 sec to reach target at max range.


With uranium shell and Jericho’s implant (30% projectiles speed for plasma and railgun) :


Before : 1500m/s + 57% + 30% = 2855m/s —> 0.55 sec to reach target at max range.

After : 1650+ 40% + 30% = 2810 m/s —> 1.10 sec to reach target at max range


We won Range but we lost aim :confused: It’s a really interesting weapon with the free aim cause each cannon shot separatly but actually with a target close to you, you can kill yourself with the mortar (happened to me yesterday). This weapon do not deals an extraordinary amount of dammages for the RoF or the speed projectiles. And i’m pretty curious about the mortar’s radius explosion.

I’m sure with some work on the mortar, it could become a really interesting AAA cannon :smiley: (yeah yeah i know it’s a dream)


To my mind, the frigates weapons have been created for slow moving or immobile target, that could allow people to fight against frigballs cause of the slow barrels, slow projectile speed ectect, but the singularity cannon broke this strategy (because as it deals heavy EM dammages, it’s tottaly broken against jericho and guard frigates, bypassing like a boss the phase shield)



I was using this gun on my rank 6 engineer and with acceleration coils it was already shooting at 6850 m/s or something like that. Was expecting the gun to get nerfed, not get a massive buff. Pretty sure you’ll have to nerf this one again in the next round.

With the acceleration coil, you sacrifice resistance for projectile speed, why they should nerf it? Remember that the positron deals EM dammages, it’s a perfect weapon to support fire with an engineer. Good range, good EM impact on shield, good Projectiles speed.



Plasma arc didn’t need any nerf.

Plasma arc has to be nerf ! 7150 dammages per tick for the T2MKIII. How many ships are able to tank it in T2?



Was often the only way u had as cov ops pilot to put frigates and command down

Fighter are now the frigates killerz with the singularity cannon.

But it’s true, the command became a monster with the patch 0.9.0.  It already was super effective before, but now it’s just insane.

They can do what they want, when they want, where they want.

DPS/TANK/CONTROL/BUFF… What’s else? Put Georgle Clooney on each Command’s ship artwork maybe…



You said “no synergy was lost and u still have the same amount as before” this is false

In fact, they do not remove some synergy, they just change the synergy needed to reach the last level.

They refund you exactly the synergy you had before the patch. And make that the last synergy level cost more than before :smiley: (You can’t Ninja patch me !)

LOL really? Use camo, get within 200m of him, use plasma arc, before he knows whats going on, even if he runs immediatly, he is already dead in any fighter.


And than u are 90% death (exept if they are all totally unable to aim)  couse u are in the middle of them with no camo … yeah, sounds as a good strategy.


Thhis in a normal scenario.  


Than if u are talking about a lone fighter goind aroind the map … well his foult… he is doing it wrong. (And u don’t need plasma ark for kill a lone fighter anyway).

this is false


This is not false. The number of levels was changed when the new system was introduced. It is in the patch notes. Please, read more carefully. You still have the same amount of reputation, though it may not fill synergy to the max.

Singularity Cannon:

* Rate of fire reduced by 15%

* Charge diameter is reduced by 10%


Its less than expected. what about the fact that its ignoring resitances?



There is more than one side to any question… instead of just crying out for nerfs on that special thing that harms your ego did you even notice that other weapons got buffed up?.. u take a bit here you add a bit there… its called balancing

Nope, the singularity is still broken :smiley:

To my mind, the frigates weapons have been created for slow moving or immobile target,


With the acceleration coil, you sacrifice resistance for projectile speed, why they should nerf it? Remember that the positron deals EM dammages, it’s a perfect weapon to support fire with an engineer. Good range, good EM impact on shield, good Projectiles speed.

I was expecting a nerf because of what you said about frigate weapons in general - I had the same impression. In reality, however, the positron set up for projectile speed allowed me to snipe ceptors quite easily. Now with another 25% more speed at T2, not to forget an additional +30% more at T5, it’ll be pretty impossible to miss.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m cool with that, and as you said that fit does sacrifice survivability (but anything that gets close kills you anyway now so doesn’t matter), was just surprised about the buff because of all frigate weapons the positron felt just right to me in #1 already.


But it’s true, the command became a monster with the patch 0.9.0.  It already was super effective before, but now it’s just insane.

They can do what they want, when they want, where they want.

DPS/TANK/CONTROL/BUFF… What’s else? Put Georgle Clooney on each Command’s ship artwork maybe…

The command is fine, just that gun isn’t. Besides, a tackler will eat a command (or anything) alive, there’s just nothing that can tank the singularity gun when you cannot move to evade.

Game changed completely. I dont like the synergy changes, it was meant to be reward as flying, not to buy by GS…


Weapon changes…mostly good, but it destroyed the build diversity. I cant use rapid rails on my wolf or pulses on my tacklers, I now must have normal rails…

Long-range laser changed into rotary laser shotgun with lack of damage.

RF Blaster’s damage is too low.

Bubble cannon’s projectiles goes slower than my ship on overdrive.

Pulse lasers overheat to fast, but still a good weapon.

Shrapnel cannon is a beast, very good for shooting anything, especially with blue electronic guidance

Gauss Cannon projectile speed almost instant hit targets, better than before.

Ion laser heats too slow (I know the patch, must see it in action now, 4 seconds to 1.25 is massive buff). Not viable for agile targets.


Other weapons was not tested by me.

Again. It is not broken. Yes there are situations like this, but they are not because ‘it’s all broken’ but because we accomodated you - you have been telling us that you are tired of waiting in ques we have made those ques a bit wider, And if after some time none of your rank is found matchmaker starts looking around to let you into the game.

We may consider reducing the width of search, but it will also tell on the time it takes for you to get into the game.

I said that it was one of the purposes.

After tweaking all of the weapons are going to be much more efficient.

We are not planning any kind of rollback at the moment.

You just lost any credibility you had as developers.

I’ve been away from this game for a couple of months and I left because of mixed tiers.

Your reasoning for implementing this feature was lack of players in specific tiers. Community stated their contrarguments many times and they are present in this thread too: it creates too much of disparity between players in match as high level players have clear and straight advantage over lower level. It’s noticeable even inside Tier: noone want’s to play lvl 4,7,10 because they are crap vs 6 9 12, not only stat-wise, but weapon-wise, module-wise and implants-wise aswell. What you did with mixed tiers is you only increased said disparity, by pitting different tiers against each other. You got shitstorm of rage back then and quickly changed so only border levels would intersect. You even had to reduce difference between said bordering levels to smooth things out _ but never changed the fact that higher tier had access to weapons/mods that could not be found on lower tier _. That’s why you never completely fixed problem of mixed tiers and never  did anything meaningful to adress in Tier disparity of 4/7/10.

And what do you do now? You allow mixing tiers on larger scale again! All it does is only averts even more players from PvP.

What you try solve with this? Long queue times? They are long for T4/T5 because there aren’t that many people who can/want to play them.

Why? Because playerbase keeps dwindling. Last time I actively played we had 2k people online on average no-patch working day! It dropped to 1k on average right before 0.9, see anything? On Patch day you had it jump to 2k. Yesterday it was already 1500. I wonder how many will be there today? Tomorrow? Do the math. Players constantly lave this game. Those who leave don’t play at all, as well as new players who just joined can’t play top tiers. As result your top tier playerbase isn’t growing that much. No wonder you have long queue times.

Face it, match maker is broken, and those who broke it are you guys. You don’t fix long queues by throwing all people in one match. It’s clearly your mistake.

As for patch.

  1.  Why introduce tier5 now? what, each and everyone already reached T4? All you did is just created yet another tier of players that have obviously long queue times and nothing to do.

  2. Weapons. It’s !3rd! implementation of weapons system. Think about it. And it’s not transition, it’s frigging revolution. While changes were needed, a staged way would be better: we would get a few changes at patch, fewer bugs to catch. Now we have shietload of changes and as result shitload of bugs and balance issues. At least weapon redesign and weapon augments removal should’ve been separated. Now we are back at square one with unbalanced weapons. Ah, we made sidestep somewhere, so its square 1b. Yeah, you can see square one on you left and you again as far away from balance as you can be, but at least not at old square one. Did we really need to get through all this shiet again while it was easily avoidable?

Why not redirect weapon mods to alter speed/spread/overheating instead of dmg type? That way you can keep them (and choice!).

  1. Synergy. So you went WoT style. There you need it for better modules too, here only for ships. If you implemented it you should’ve redesigned all trees, right now ship trees in T1-T4 aren’t ready for that change and that hurts many players a lot. Moreover, premium ships need redesign as their appeal dropped severely.

  2. Rockets. I can understand increase in general number of rockets but I do not understand removal of additional rocket slots.Why one hurt another?

Reset through death is bad. It actualy provides !positive! reward for dying vs staying alive.

  1. I doubt many people will buy temporal cosmetics for real money. Make temporal buyable for a lot of credits, make GS-bought permanent ( ofc you pay for repaint).

You just lost any credibility you had as developers.

I’ve been away from this game for a couple of months and I left because of mixed tiers.

Your reasoning for implementing this feature was lack of players in specific tiers. Community stated their contrarguments many times and they are present in this thread too: it creates too much of disparity between players in match as high level players have clear and straight advantage over lower level. It’s noticeable even inside Tier: noone want’s to play lvl 4,7,10 because they are crap vs 6 9 12, not only stat-wise, but weapon-wise, module-wise and implants-wise aswell. What you did with mixed tiers is you only increased said disparity, by pitting different tiers against each other. You got shitstorm of rage back then and quickly changed so only border levels would intersect. You even had to reduce difference between said bordering levels to smooth things out _ but never changed the fact that higher tier had access to weapons/mods that could not be found on lower tier _. That’s why you never completely fixed problem of mixed tiers and never  did anything meaningful to adress in Tier disparity of 4/7/10.

And what do you do now? You allow mixing tiers on larger scale again! All it does is only averts even more players from PvP.

What you try solve with this? Long queue times? They are long for T4/T5 because there aren’t that many people who can/want to play them.

Why? Because playerbase keeps dwindling. Last time I actively played we had 2k people online on average no-patch working day! It dropped to 1k on average right before 0.9, see anything? On Patch day you had it jump to 2k. Yesterday it was already 1500. I wonder how many will be there today? Tomorrow? Do the math. Players constantly lave this game. Those who leave don’t play at all, as well as new players who just joined can’t play top tiers. As result your top tier playerbase isn’t growing that much. No wonder you have long queue times.

Face it, match maker is broken, and those who broke it are you guys. You don’t fix long queues by throwing all people in one match. It’s clearly your mistake.

As for patch.

  1.  Why introduce tier5 now? what, each and everyone already reached T4? All you did is just created yet another tier of players that have obviously long queue times and nothing to do.

  2. Weapons. It’s !3rd! implementation of weapons system. Think about it. And it’s not transition, it’s frigging revolution. While changes were needed, a staged way would be better: we would get a few changes at patch, fewer bugs to catch. Now we have shietload of changes and as result shitload of bugs and balance issues. At least weapon redesign and weapon augments removal should’ve been separated. Now we are back at square one with unbalanced weapons. Ah, we made sidestep somewhere, so its square 1b. Yeah, you can see square one on you left and you again as far away from balance as you can be, but at least not at old square one. Did we really need to get through all this shiet again while it was easily avoidable?

Why not redirect weapon mods to alter speed/spread/overheating instead of dmg type? That way you can keep them (and choice!).

  1. Synergy. So you went WoT style. There you need it for better modules too, here only for ships. If you implemented it you should’ve redesigned all trees, right now ship trees in T1-T4 aren’t ready for that change and that hurts many players a lot. Moreover, premium ships need redesign as their appeal dropped severely.

  2. Rockets. I can understand increase in general number of rockets but I do not understand removal of additional rocket slots.Why one hurt another?

Reset through death is bad. It actualy provides !positive! reward for dying vs staying alive.

  1. I doubt many people will buy temporal cosmetics for real money. Make temporal buyable for a lot of credits, make GS-bought permanent ( ofc you pay for repaint).


Thank you for you passion and your time. Your opinion will be added to the feedback report. 

Umm. Want to explain what is going on with the forum admins on the Steam forum? They are now deleting/locking any posts that contain negative opinions/discussion of this patch. Even deleted the patch notes discussion thread for 0.9.0 entirely because the comments were all negative feedback. Seriously? Yeah, I’m not playing any game where admins/mods want to “damage control” their terrible patches by deleting and hiding any negative feedback so that other (new?) players “won’t know.”




I guess if you don’t get down on your knees and “praise” the developers for this patch you just get your posts/threads locked or deleted. All of this negative feedback should be a sign that the majority of players hate these new “changes,” if you can even call them that. Owait, I must be forgetting about the overwhelming positive feedback you’ve recieved about this patch from “in-game general chat and PMs.” LOL.


Oh, and I see you nerfed Covert Ops now. I don’t recall anyone complaining about Orion (7 seconds was already short), nor Plasma Arc (this already took skill AND melee range to hit someone). Please explain why you nerfed CovOps when ECM is the one that is more broken than anything. Not that I really care I guess as I don’t plan on coming back to this game in this current state anyways, but I’d still like to know the so-called ‘reasons.’


" Orion": duration reduced to 5 seconds
" Plasma arc": effectiveness reduced by 25%

For real, can we have a CPU modifier to optimise the Cooling system of our ship?


We have the RoF, the range, the DPS, the critical chance, the projectile speed and the spread, but we have nothing to control overheating and it’s really, really annoying to not be able to modify this parameter since the 0.9.0

This is not false. The number of levels was changed when the new system was introduced. It is in the patch notes. Please, read more carefully. You still have the same amount of reputation, though it may not fill synergy to the max.

Then why ships that i DID fly with and that had synergy appeared in 0.9 with 0 synergy to apply to them? As if they were just bought? Only the ships I played to the max got synergy, others - fifty-fifty

Umm. Want to explain what is going on with the forum admins on the Steam forum? They are now deleting any posts that contain negative opinions/discussion of this patch. Even deleted the patch notes discussion thread for 0.9.0 entirely because the comments were all negative feedback. Seriously? Yeah, I’m not playing any game where admins/mods want to “damage control” their terrible patches by deleting and hiding any negative feedback so that other players “won’t know.”


That statement is a little unfair towards the admins. There’s plenty of feedback on these forums and people are very welcome to express their displeasure and criticism with various patches. That’s what this topic is for and nothing is hidden here unless it breaks the rules by being a personal attack or contains offensive language.


However, posting overly negative and in some cases outright attacks on Steam (which is a third party location to begin with) is the equivalent of smearing insults and attacks on the publisher’s ‘shop window’. Steam has nothing to do with the developers and everything with the publisher & marketing side. As such, this is the relevant place to post your feedback and not Steam.


Given that several of the most relevant people to see your feedback are actively following this topic, it’s unclear to me why you wouldn’t want to post here.


Any feedback is very much appreciated, as long is it’s channelled in a constructive manner which helps understand both your opinion and your potential solutions to any problems you might have. By putting them in the right place - it makes it much, much easier to gather such opinions :slight_smile:

Then why ships that i DID fly with and that had synergy appeared in 0.9 with 0 synergy to apply to them? As if they were just bought? Only the ships I played to the max got synergy, others - fifty-fifty


The amount of synergy you had on ships should have been stored. If there’s no synergy then this is most probably a bug. Please post a bug in our bug report section or contact our support team, I am sure they will help in solving the problem. 

Cov Ops nerf is just… just… … doesn’t exit any world for describe it.


I don’t rally care about orion less duration considering i don’t use automathic weapons … and i think i can survive with less damage plasma arc… but point is WHY???


Nerf ECM if u wanna nerf some interceptors. Those thing are so annoying … if there are 2 around u are death for sure (as another ceptor pilot).



I’m trying to pass over this patch , really… i’m trying… couse i like this game but you guys are making it harder day by day.

That statement is a little unfair towards the admins. There’s plenty of feedback on these forums and people are very welcome to express their displeasure and criticism with various patches. That’s what this topic is for and nothing is hidden here unless it breaks the rules by being a personal attack or contains offensive language.


However, posting overly negative and in some cases outright attacks on Steam (which is a third party location to begin with) is the equivalent of smearing insults and attacks on the publisher’s ‘shop window’. Steam has nothing to do with the developers and everything with the publisher & marketing side. As such, this is the relevant place to post your feedback and not Steam.


Given that several of the most relevant people to see your feedback are actively following this topic, it’s unclear to me why you wouldn’t want to post here.


Any feedback is very much appreciated, as long is it’s channelled in a constructive manner which helps understand both your opinion and your potential solutions to any problems you might have. By putting them in the right place - it makes it much, much easier to gather such opinions :slight_smile:


No, it’s completely fair. What they are doing is effectively censorship, and hiding public opinion from the masses as a form of damage control. And you are defending them? You claim to “listen to feedback” yet all the posts get deleted and locked if they aren’t positive feedback. Yeah, great system you have in place there. You’re really listening.


There is not even a link to this thread via the Steam Forum. There WAS a link in the 0.9.0 discussion thread (I think), but the entire thread was deleted because of the completely negative feedback, which you brought on yourself. The deleted and locked posts weren’t full of insults and/or attacks, either. Surely not every single one.


It’s unclear to you why I wouldn’t want to post here? I have been posting here. Have you not been paying attention (I thought you listened to feedback, hmm)? I have posted here and in the Steam forum, as many in the Steam forum are unware of this thread, especially considering there is no obvious link to here. Besides, nothing is wrong with posting opinions and discussions on the Steam forum - it’s the first place (rightfully so) people check for opinions on whether or not a game is good, and worth their time and possibly money. You don’t want a bad rep on the Steam (publisher, as you claim) forum? Don’t drop big patches on people that contain a bunch of junk nobody wanted. You’ve pissed off a serious number of players, including me, who’ve spent money on this game. They have a right to complain and spread the word wherever they please - publisher/dev image be damned, people have a right to know that you toy with their money, among other things…


Sounds to me like you don’t want the majority of your playerbase (Steam) participating in or publicizing any negative feedback regarding these “changes.” Whether that is the case or not, it sure appears that way when you censor threads without directing people to the appropriate place to comment.