Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

new update looks good this should help heaps

thanks for the fast reaction time with a new update guys 

technically impossible, since then you’d have empire helping jerries, feds helping empire, etc… also, impossible to tell who to put on which team, based on faction control.

That already happens. The matchmaking doesn’t put you in teams based on your faction. It just restricts what games you can enter.

they have now stated on steam, and i quote “We do not plan to change synergy-based leveling [sic] system” so yeah why bother playing

Wow… that’s a shame. I actually like a lot of the in-game changes this patch, but the synergy-based leveling is the absolute worst… Complete copy of WoT, and equally terrible in every way.

Let me get this right, right now the packs give this bonus?

Mercenary Pack:

“VIP-Card” A permanent +10% loyalty gain bonus.


Galaxy Explorer Pack:

“Gold VIP”. Permanent 10% bonus to loyalty gain and a 10% bonus to ships experience gain - speed up the development of your ships!


Elite Pilot Pack:

“Platinum VIP”. Permanent 10% bonus to loyalty gain as well as 10% bonuses to ships experience gain - Become the leader!


While indeed, it still buffs both progressions, we did lose a bonus that the DLC provided.


Yes, it is like that.


No, your progression speed remains the same. 

You know… I’m curious… does the development team actually understand why people skipped over so many ships and just went to the end of the tier? If so, why did you think this new Synergy system was a good idea?

You know… I’m curious… does the development team actually understand why people skipped over so many ships and just went to the end of the tier? If so, why did you think this new Synergy system was a good idea?

Exactly! Instead of forcing every ship to be played. Make us want to play all the ships. Like make every ship in a tier have something different to bring to the table and not just be an underpowered ship for that tier that you have to suffer through to continue

Singularity Cannon:

* Rate of fire reduced by 15%

* Charge diameter is reduced by 10%


Its less than expected. what about the fact that its ignoring resitances?



Heavy Blaster :

* Maximum and optimal range increased by 20%

* Cooling time reduced by 50%

* Turret rotation speed in inactive state increased by 25%

—> Wuut?


Ion Emitter :

* Acceleration to maximum damage reduced from 4 to 1.25 sec

* Increased damage by 12%

* Increased range by 30%

—> Good, especially the acceleration.


Singularity Cannon :

* Rate of fire reduced by 15%

* Charge diameter is reduced by 10%

----> I laughed so hard, RoF and Radius nerfed only?  That means more time before overheating and more shoot on frigates, you really hate frigs devs, isn’t it?


Coil Mortar :

* Range increased by 25%

—> More range… same RoF and Overheating :confused:

" Plasma arc": effectiveness reduced by 25% —> Haaaaaaaaaaaaa Thank you !

Reduced efficiency by 30% for all ammo increasing projectile speed ----> Why? Ceptor wasn’t enough hard to hit?

* Mass propulsion inhibitor: effect radius increased by 25% —> How reach massiv range with the T-REX MK2 or the inquisitor :smiley:


And still no information about the fact anaconda M and Crusader type S lose there passiv bonus. So what are the new hidden bonus for this 2 ships now?

I think, the singularity cannon should have never been implemented.

It would have made a great “missile” though. Like: “shoots a salvo of 6 unguided bubbles”.

Guess that would have stopped the frigballing, too. 



* On T3 speed is increased by 10%

* On T4 speed is increased by 20%

* On T5 speed is increased by 30%


and the gaus and positron cannon got speedbuff aswell.

The singularity nerf, although a start, will not be enough I fear. It still does insane amount of damage. It’s DPS will likely still be 3.5-4.5k on my DE. 

And the supernova deflector…I’m not sure how I feel about it, I will see it’s stats ingame and then comment.

And the Mass propulsion inhibitor really did not need that buff, it was good as it was.


The rest of the changes look quite good

But I will respond to a few:



* Combat drones: carrier ship repair effectiveness increased by 67%

Yeey they may just be slightly less useless now…altho they will still die 3 seconds after they spawn…Can’t their spawn time be reduced to 20/25 now missiles are thrown at you every minute?


Ion Emitter :

* Acceleration to maximum damage reduced from 4 to 1.25 sec

* Increased damage by 12%

* Increased range by 30%

Not sure how I feel about this, It was a quite powerful weapon already, but will have to see.


Gauss Cannon :

* Projectile speed ​​increased by 20%

This is good, but I personally think a DPS increase of ~10% would be good. Right now I can take down inty’s. and that basicly is it. But the speed increase should help take down inties more quickly.


" Orion": duration reduced to 5 seconds


I’m not sure how I feel about this. 5 seconds are over very quickly when in combat.

Its less than expected. what about the fact that its ignoring resitances?


It doesnt.

It doesnt.

Sure feels like it xD

I know it doesn’t, since my phase shield makes its damage somewhat managebale, from a command ship…

A gunship will kill my guard in a mere 5 seconds with singularity, and with this patch it might be 7 seconds…

Even with EM phase shield, making my EM resistance ~180 it just cant tank 7k+ DPS.

It doesnt.


Okay, I’ll stack 200+ Em resist on my hull again and see how things work out.

Is there any confirmation that it did penetrate resistances? and that was a bug?

No damage nerf on singularity?

Singularity mechanic turns all bullets into a bubble, and that bubble deals full damage of all bullets, is that right?  _<= _if that is right, it’s the real problem, make bubble damage scale with hit box like lasers and all other weapons, and see how it will suck badly.


Projectile speed increases along with Tier, what will Lasers get?

Projectile speed for all weapons now depends on the technological level:

* OnT1 speed is reduced by 10%

* On T2 speed remains unchanged

* On T3 speed is increased by 10%

* On T4 speed is increased by 20%

* On T5 speed is increased by 30%


oh my… you just made matchmaking even worse. LMAO


this is like after i posted about reducing the difference in performance between tiers, you go and increase it :crazy:

you may want to read this. [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20678-list-of-betas-balance-changes/)

Interesting changes, looking forward to testing them out. Surprised about this one though:


Positron Cannon:

* Projectile speed ​​increased by 25%

* Damage increased by 10%

* Disabled turret slowdown in inactive state

I was using this gun on my rank 6 engineer and with acceleration coils it was already shooting at 6850 m/s or something like that. Was expecting the gun to get nerfed, not get a massive buff. Pretty sure you’ll have to nerf this one again in the next round.


oh my… you just made matchmaking even worse. LMAO

So true. It should be exactly the other way around, higher ranked ships need to get penalties to even the playing field.

It’s bad enough when rank 9 ships just wipe entire t2/t1 teams with nukes, now you give them even more advantages? wtf?

Please keep match-making issues  and mixed tiers in the threads which already exist for those - this way your feedback on this matter is more easy to follow as well.


As for the weapons, it’s good to see the developers monitor and respond to the current situation in a reactive manner. Keep flying, keep shooting and keep reporting. They will keep tweaking until it feels like things are more balanced :) 

If there is a way to access the old combat log during battle would have already shown its hitting for far too harder than intended :frowning:

Plasma arc didn’t need any nerf. 


Was often the only way u had as cov ops pilot to put frigates and command down. And wasn’t an instan kill anyway.


Plus u need some skill to use it coirrectly.


If u are hitted by plasma arc as another ceptor pilot (or trakler) there can be only 2 reasons: 1) U are unable to move couse of ECM mod (so nerft THAT thing not plasma arc) . 2) U suck as hell and should consider to change game… or ship at least.

Rather surprised about the CO nerf. I’ve already switched to ECM due to bubbles and so have many others. Just another reason to expedite the migration I guess.


Bubbles need more nerf in terms of projectile hitbox I think as to make those using them weaker in close quarters combat. That way there would be a clear role for CO as hunters of the anti frigate specced fighters, clear role for gunships as anti frigate bubble machines and clear general role for guards as AoE anti-interceptor machines.


But we’ll see.



And btw, everyone is already in the same queue and in no way restricted in what games they can enter. You can have people fighting for all three sides on the same team. The capture points are awarded based on individual wins of each player representing a faction.