Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

Ok some feedback from my part. Primarily T3/T4.


Inty weapons besides the shotgun are clearly inferior, the rapid plasmas are anything but rapid and don’t do enough damage to compensate the spread and projectile speed. Lasers overheat way to fast for their damage output and still have a very bad spread. The shotgun is the best but I recommend tightening up the spread a bit, it’s pretty useless outside of 500m and only optimal at 200.


Fighter weapons, Bubble has been discussed to death, yes they need a pretty big damage nerf. BUT, the design is solid, it finally gives us a way to break up frig balls hiding behind a turtle like fortress of barriers at a beacon, so yay for that. Assault Rails are pretty good, I like them. Gauss Cannons need more range and less rate of fire, they’re too similar to Assault Rails except for the chargeshot. I’m not a fan of lasers on fighters so I can’t comment on that.


Frigate weapons. Mortars are awesome, but absolutely need a range buff, the concept of heavy artillery is sound but if it’s a "support"weapon in needs to be behind the main battle, not in the middle. Regular laser is just ok, nothing impressive. Heavy Blaster is awesome and I love it, good job. The plasma weapon is nothing to write home about. 


Missiles are nowhere near as bad I thought they would be, so good job. I would just suggest you keep the same clip size/reload when you die so that inty nuke suicide cannot happen.


Ship synergies, the concept is sound, BUT (big but) it’s really put a dent on the usefulness of premium ships. The free synergy they get is minimal and the “excess” synergy is way to expensive. I have all faction at rank 9 at least and thinking of how much I would have had to grind if that were not the case would drive me nuts. Specially since guys from corps all have pure blue/purple gear with rank 6/9 ships and you will stand no chance in hell against them. This will be particularly bad for people just jumping from T2 to T3, they will get brutalized. Hell, when I fly with my squads and see that the other team is not part of a corp I immediately think free win, regardless of their ships. If they just got to T3 it won’t be pretty. 


On a personal note, fighting with my mid T4 ships vs T5s is demoralizing as hell. 

The new update is very nice also i like the new hagars andthe new pve but there are some problems with it


  1. You can use specific guns for a ship especialy on t1 ships that u have to use oinly one, this disapear the sense of strategy and customization of the game
  2. The dammmage reduction and the totall DammagePerSecond(DPS) option will make it better to decide but hard to kill
  3. The new guns also take oinly 1 gun modifier since its v cheap noone wuld put it this also dont help the user deal the needed dammage type


  1. The new Player Versus Enemy map (PvE) is imposible to done, you cant do it and you will never be able


  1. The T5 update made the game much more better it will also give something to do for players that done with T4
  2. Fixed misle- bug also makes this better now noone can cheat
  3. New hagar sense , and customization also good
  4. Crazy amounts of credits that u have to pay for T4 ships are now fixed to logic price

anyways the new update needs work especialy with gun section…

The new update is very nice also i like the new hagars andthe new pve but there are some problems with it


  1. You can use specific guns for a ship especialy on t1 ships that u have to use oinly one, this disapear the sense of strategy and customization of the game
  2. The dammmage reduction and the totall DammagePerSecond(DPS) option will make it better to decide but hard to kill
  3. The new guns also take oinly 1 gun modifier since its v cheap noone wuld put it this also dont help the user deal the needed dammage type


  1. The new Player Versus Enemy map (PvE) is imposible to done, you cant do it and you will never be able


  1. The T5 update made the game much more better it will also give something to do for players that done with T4
  2. Fixed misle- bug also makes this better now noone can cheat
  3. New hagar sense , and customization also good
  4. Crazy amounts of credits that u have to pay for T4 ships are now fixed to logic price

anyways the new update needs work especialy with gun section…

Oh yeah, me and 3 other guys from NASA tried the new scenario several times, we just cannot do it. We’re not even dying or anything, but we just can’t physically destroy all the missile turrets fast enough WHILE supporting the cargo ship against the incredibly beefy enemy fighters. 

Ok some feedback from my part. Primarily T3/T4.


Inty weapons besides the shotgun are clearly inferior, the rapid plasmas are anything but rapid and don’t do enough damage to compensate the spread and projectile speed. Lasers overheat way to fast for their damage output and still have a very bad spread. The shotgun is the best but I recommend tightening up the spread a bit, it’s pretty useless outside of 500m and only optimal at 200.


Fighter weapons, Bubble has been discussed to death, yes they need a pretty big damage nerf. BUT, the design is solid, it finally gives us a way to break up frig balls hiding behind a turtle like fortress of barriers at a beacon, so yay for that. Assault Rails are pretty good, I like them. Gauss Cannons need more range and less rate of fire, they’re too similar to Assault Rails except for the chargeshot. I’m not a fan of lasers on fighters so I can’t comment on that.


Frigate weapons. Mortars are awesome, but absolutely need a range buff, the concept of heavy artillery is sound but if it’s a "support"weapon in needs to be behind the main battle, not in the middle. Regular laser is just ok, nothing impressive. Heavy Blaster is awesome and I love it, good job. The plasma weapon is nothing to write home about. 


Missiles are nowhere near as bad I thought they would be, so good job. I would just suggest you keep the same clip size/reload when you die so that inty nuke suicide cannot happen.


Ship synergies, the concept is sound, BUT (big but) it’s really put a dent on the usefulness of premium ships. The free synergy they get is minimal and the “excess” synergy is way to expensive. I have all faction at rank 9 at least and thinking of how much I would have had to grind if that were not the case would drive me nuts. Specially since guys from corps all have pure blue/purple gear with rank 6/9 ships and you will stand no chance in hell against them. This will be particularly bad for people just jumping from T2 to T3, they will get brutalized. Hell, when I fly with my squads and see that the other team is not part of a corp I immediately think free win, regardless of their ships. If they just got to T3 it won’t be pretty. 


On a personal note, fighting with my mid T4 ships vs T5s is demoralizing as hell. 

If anything the Gauss Cannons need slightly more DPS(in damage, not more shots/second) to be truely worth it. Right now they are slightly too weak I feel.

Oh yeah, me and 3 other guys from NASA tried the new scenario several times, we just cannot do it. We’re not even dying or anything, but we just can’t physically destroy all the missile turrets fast enough WHILE supporting the cargo ship against the incredibly beefy enemy fighters. 

According to Russian Q&A developer answer (Antibus) it is a T4/T5 difficulty mission, might be the same way as when you start doing T4 pve in rank 7 ships nigh impossible and using r9+ makes it a breeze 

According to Russian Q&A developer answer (Antibus) it is a T4/T5 difficulty mission, might be the same way as when you start doing T4 pve in rank 7 ships nigh impossible and using r9+ makes it a breeze 

We were running between ranks 11-14. 



If anything the Gauss Cannons need slightly more DPS(in damage, not more shots/second) to be truely worth it. Right now they are slightly too weak I feel.

IMO I went with the higher range/single shot damage because the Assault Rails already fill that “high burst dps” pretty well. 

According to Russian Q&A developer answer (Antibus) it is a T4/T5 difficulty mission, might be the same way as when you start doing T4 pve in rank 7 ships nigh impossible and using r9+ makes it a breeze 

I worked with 2 others, and 1 random, and got into the end of round 2. 

Want a tip on how to complete? T5 CO. nukes + implant that with each kill reduces cooldown by 30% = nuke spam! since it also reduces nuke CD by 30%…

@ Antibus


“Well, we did buy out all the gold weapons and all the mods you had and refunded players with all the money they’ve spent. And we havent changed ships at all. We even reduced prices on them, as you have long been asking for it.”


So did you ‘really’ refund me money that I spent? I think not. Most of the purple items I had on my T2/T3 ships from looting (using Gold Standard mind you) were reimbursed with in game money. That’s like going to Disneyland and using real money to purchase something, and then being paid back in Disney Dollars… did you really pay me back or did you bamboozle me?

Well I don’t remember what I spent gold on, but I was given several hundred gold standards back by this change so they clearly did refund some.


I suspect they did not refund the “pay for more chance of finding loot” gold, because that wasn’t spent on equipment - you still have the item you won (or the nearest equivalent), or if you didn’t get the item you still own the money you won.



So if I paid for a loot chance, received the item I wanted, but then it was removed from the game, did they refund the Gold Standard loot cost, or just the in-game money equivalent? Because if it is the latter, then that is what upsets me, and unfortunately, like yourself, I do not remember specifically what I spent Gold Standard on, but I can tell you it does not seem correct. I may be way off base here, so if I am, please correct me.

giving each class separate weapons does not increase the variety. That is mathematically impossible. It just makes it easier to add more variety per class independently, but it did not increase variety, since I have now _less _weapons to my disposal for each ship I take.


It may not increase the variety of weapons you can equip, but it certainly increases the variety of weapons you actually see in game. Even though you had more weapons to choose from, most people didn’t because there was one weapon that usually performed better than the others, so players would normally equip that, and had no reason to use any other weapons. Having weapon modifiers further contributed to this.



There is nothing wrong with the missile mechanics right now(in T3/T4) the 180 cool down is more than enough.


It’s not as bad as some people say it is, however getting a full load of new missiles after every death is a bit OP. I also believe my suggestions on giving engi’s an ammo module would add another level of tactics and strategy. The amount of starting missiles right now feels good though.

As a command fighter with ~24k survivability and pretty good resists, beachballs do 8500-9200 damage per hit.  I only have about 14k total shield+hull, which means I cannot survive 2 hits.  Additionally, beachballs seem to ignore my diffusion shield.  My interceptors get one-shotted.

Fix the heavy beam, it’s bugged as hell.


Speed projectils is wrong, max range too.

I worked with 2 others, and 1 random, and got into the end of round 2. 

Want a tip on how to complete? T5 CO. nukes + implant that with each kill reduces cooldown by 30% = nuke spam! since it also reduces nuke CD by 30%…

It is possible to finish it, every mission has a special trick.


@ Antibus


“Well, we did buy out all the gold weapons and all the mods you had and refunded players with all the money they’ve spent. And we havent changed ships at all. We even reduced prices on them, as you have long been asking for it.”


So did you ‘really’ refund me money that I spent? I think not. Most of the purple items I had on my T2/T3 ships from looting (using Gold Standard mind you) were reimbursed with in game money. That’s like going to Disneyland and using real money to purchase something, and then being paid back in Disney Dollars… did you really pay me back or did you bamboozle me?

All items were refunded, if you feel that something is missing please contact our support.

It’s not as bad as some people say it is, however getting a full load of new missiles after every death is a bit OP. I also believe my suggestions on giving engi’s an ammo module would add another level of tactics and strategy. The amount of starting missiles right now feels good though.

I have my doubts about it as well, but I don’t see it being abused and don’t see it as a problem currently.

And engi’s already got too many modules and have to make choices on what to fit, no other class beyond guards got that problem.(And guard barely at that)

I have my doubts about it as well, but I don’t see it being abused and don’t see it as a problem currently.

And engi’s already got too many modules and have to make choices on what to fit, no other class beyond guards got that problem.(And guard barely at that)


Good, engineers of all classes should have the most choices in modules, because they are there to support us. Thus they can have more specialization within their class, even further defining the roles and giving players a choice with how they would like to support their team-mates. It also eliminates redundancy within the modules, since heals don’t stack. It gives other engi’s a purpose. It just makes sense to me, in any other game if you run out of ammo, you go to a support guy to reload you. PLUS it just makes more sense and fits quite well into the game world.

Good, engineers of all classes should have the most choices in modules, because they are there to support us. Thus they can have more specialization within their class, even further defining the roles and giving players a choice with how they would like to support their team-mates. It also eliminates redundancy within the modules, since heals don’t stack. It gives other engi’s a purpose. It just makes sense to me, in any other game if you run out of ammo, you go to a support guy to reload you. PLUS it just makes more sense and fits quite well into the game world.

I’m not sure you understand.  Right now Engineers only have 2 module slots.  Why?  Because shield and hull regen is “must have.”  If you fly without them on, you are basically not doing your job.  If you introduce the ammo refill modules, it will instantly (depending on implementation…) become a “must have,” leaving engis with only 1 slot left for variation.


In other words, engineers have the fewest options in terms of module selection, not the most.  This would not work without a rework of all the modules in the engineer class.

Codebot has it at the right end.

You really only have 2 slots left, in which we can choose:

Barrier/Warp gate/Remote armor/ Remote shield / Energy aura(Am I forgetting something?) 


Altho warpgate has lost 90% of it’s appeal for me, and i just use remote shield/remote armor now.

Codebot has it at the right end.

You really only have 2 slots left, in which we can choose:

Barrier/Warp gate/Remote armor/ Remote shield / Energy aura(Am I forgetting something?) 


Altho warpgate has lost 90% of it’s appeal for me, and i just use remote shield/remote armor now.

Energy aura is the new warp gate now, less burst of speed and more overall speed.  I use missile counter measures now as well not to deal with the missile spam but actually to cut off the movement speed debuff (with implant) from tacklers before they can steamroll me with balloons.

some of my personal feedback:

I was VERY disappointed to find that my T2 purple laser (Idont remember exactly which one, probably one that had a solid stream and 4~6 k range) I had on my Engineer was turned into a slow aiming pulse laser that doesnt do anywhere as much damage… sure it kept the purple status but its now a completely different weapon. I would have rather had it refunded instead of turned into something it was nothing like before



its fine currently., the way it is now is what I thought it was when I first started, it is now in line with what I assumed it was when I started. I think it is the proper way to move up the ranks with ships

I am disappointed in the way synergy transfers, seems like a penny pinch move and a xxxx block at the same time



the timers are fine. I do think the count down should persist after death so you dont have missle spamming newbs kamakazing constantly


server stability MUST BE FIXED RIGHT AWAY

  • this is the deal breaker, if the game crashes in the middle of a match and everyone is booted out… I will not wait around. I will find something else to play and for your sake you better hope its not a new game that makes me decide to focus on it instead of SC


Dev’s need to communicate better in the patch notes. Its clear that most people did not understand the synergy change and this thread reflects that



Chill out with the hate for the Russian’s. The Dev’s are Russian and so they will always be the premier language/geological location. STFU about it already. I am sure the Russian players have felt slighted by US or EU developers not listening to their requests. Its also logical and normal that they would cater to the Russian’s who have played the game the longest and they NEED testers for T4/T5 and so they speak the same language, you know they are going to use these guys to test the end game. 


Remember the old saying, if you dont have something nice/constructive to say

keep it to yourself


So many of these posts are just ranting at change. CHANGE HAPPENS, deal with it.