Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

So the supposed net positive feedback is reflected in neither the english nor russian forums – where many of the dedicated players seem to be contributing – but in the ingame chat (where the most used phrase seems to be “how can I sell my ship?” and of course “hodor” and “bacon”) and PMs. Uh huh. Well, color me unconvinced…

Because major part of positive feedback never gets to the forums in any online game, people never bother or just busy playing.

I browse Russian and English forum with no help of google translate, and major part of players that can be considered as not your regular redneck Jo, that do have good understanding of the game, they like the direction, maybe not the final numbers on a weapons, but the possibilities they open up for future balance, on other hand i see ALOT of those pew-pew players, that have no idea how things work, whining and calling rollback. Same story is happening IN the game, newer players just QQ, and advanced ones excited about the possibilities.

Heck, Last night i managed to blow up in my Sytx some BBG Desert Eagle coming at me 1v1, i got called a cheater, i mean comon.

I  have some questions and hopefully this is the right spot.

Last night I played for a few hours and tryed to adjust to the changes and overall on ship gear i believe changes were positive with one exception:


1- The now called RF Balster T3.  My experimental “dont recall the name”  plasma T3 close range with no heating become an experimental  RF Blaster (with heating) I can live with the heating but the damage on the weapon become so much worse that white MKII of another type puts much better damage is this RF Blaster T3 experimental working as intended?

It s stated in patch notes

RF Blaster

* Used on: Interceptors:    True

* Summary: very high damage per second: Maybe on paper

* Brief description: A powerful melee range weapon: False


I am bluntly saying it because i am (or was) using a purple version -pointless…



2-My main complaint about this  goes against the reputation change with factions sub factions. Started playing this game since June 30th and played myself to rank up fast and open the 4th slot at rank 12. I was rank 11 with the federation my sub faction armada at rank 6 now the patch comes out and i am left at nothing. All my faction rewards I gained are lost all my progression is gone and during all last night the only reputation i manage to get was from the 5 days logging in a row, to fin out it goes into my contract with a sub faction… ( btw even though i was all Fed my corp Is empire so i changed my contract to legion to see if i could earn some loyalty rep with it.)

Myabe it is me but patches notes are not very clear about the reputation issues… We should at least be refunded for “some” reputation. it is enough that after the reset the refunded synergy cant even put your synergies on ships close to the level they were before.



Thank you,


Edit: Thank you so much for clearing away the gunship fighters from the tackler ones spceially after i had to waste so much time on those to get back to tackler on T4  and find out its a ll diferent line and that i dont even own the one that unlocks the T4 tackler…  I could use with the synergy refund from those…

I really liked how reputation worked prior to the patch, as it felt much less grindy than any other similar F2P game. The problem is, other F2P games have a better way to bring in money to the devs, and since those games are so popular and apparently people don’t seem to mind that much that they HAVE TOO grind in subpar ships/tanks/whatever it is only normal to switch to that economic model. 


Now Star Conflict ship tree works exactly the same way as WoT’s one. Premium ships fill exactly the same purpose (money makers) whereas they were also useful to grind up reputation and loyalty in non sub-par ships prio to the patch. This can no longer be done obviously, since you need to play every ship down the line to advance, and premium ship are now pigeon-holed to grinding money since they dont have repair costs (i believe it works that way). I don’t know if the volume of standards used to convert synergy from premium ships will outweight the volume used to buy said premium ships when they had multiple purpose, but i guess it does, or else they wouldn’t have switched to that model. That plus the fact that people will be more frustrated grinding in subpar ship (as is the general opinion here…), and will have more incentive to bypass them by using gold standards, but also will have more incentive to leave the game out of frustration. I guess the number of online pilots while be the obvious measurement of that (and the cash spent to buy gold standard the one we can’t see :)).

I  have some questions and hopefully this is the right spot.

Last night I played for a few hours and tryed to adjust to the changes and overall on ship gear i believe changes were positive with one exception:


1- The now called RF Balster T3.  My experimental “dont recall the name”  plasma T3 close range with no heating become an experimental  RF Blaster (with heating) I can live with the heating but the damage on the weapon become so much worse that white MKII of another type puts much better damage is this RF Blaster T3 experimental working as intended?

It s stated in patch notes

RF Blaster

* Used on: Interceptors:    True

* Summary: very high damage per second: Maybe on paper

* Brief description: A powerful melee range weapon: False

I am bluntly saying it because i am (or was) using a purple version -pointless…



2-My main complaint about this  goes against the reputation change with factions sub factions. Started playing this game since June 30th and played myself to rank up fast and open the 4th slot at rank 12. I was rank 11 with the federation my sub faction armada at rank 6 now the patch comes out and i am left at nothing. All my faction rewards I gained are lost all my progression is gone and during all last night the only reputation i manage to get was from the 5 days logging in a row, to fin out it goes into my contract with a sub faction… ( btw even though i was all Fed my corp Is empire so i changed my contract to legion to see if i could earn some loyalty rep with it.)

Myabe it is me but patches notes are not very clear about the reputation issues… We should at least be refunded for “some” reputation. it is enough that after the reset the refunded synergy cant even put your synergies on ships close to the level they were before.



Thank you

Are you saying that your experimental blaster shows less dmg than mk2 blaser?

I’ve noticed that some of the weapons still have older description (for example a lazer on frigates still show numbers in 300-400 dps range while though if you calculate dmg per hit* hits per minute you will get a “normal” number

Are you saying that your experimental blaster shows less dmg than mk2 blaser?

I’ve noticed that some of the weapons still have older description (for example a lazer on frigates still show numbers in 300-400 dps range while though if you calculate dmg per hit* hits per minute you will get a “normal” number


Because the heavy beam shot a large number of laser projectiles, with speed for each projectile. nothing wrong in the description.

The only wrong part of this weapon is the dammages (and the slow barrels). 

Are you saying that your experimental blaster shows less dmg than mk2 blaser?

I’ve noticed that some of the weapons still have older description (for example a lazer on frigates still show numbers in 300-400 dps range while though if you calculate dmg per hit* hits per minute you will get a “normal” number


I meant that another weapon MkII for the interceptor would do more damage than the RF purple

ok, here is my rant about the new update:

i like most of the changes, new weapons are fine, maybe some balancing to do but that was to be expected. the new hangard look good, the synergy kinda lost its meaning but the fact that you have to level it up manually enhance it’s importance; which is good.


now the parts that i dont like, and there is mainly two: one the unlimited missiles. it  is both not logic and annoying because a ship cannot carry this much missiles and they represented the “skill shot” (especially unguided ones) that you kept for perfect moments when you really needed them.

second, the weapon system, why the hell would you only allow a few weapons for certain ship? i play mainly interceptors, and i used the now call gauss canon but i cant anymore because its reserved for an other kind of ship. so now i have no other choice but to deal with overheating weapons. every pilots fly a ship in a different way, locking the ability to fine tune a ship’s equipement to everyone’s liking is a mistake, i do not play like my neighbourg and i do not want to change ships to use the weapons i like. neither do i want to get use to other weapons on the ships i own.


i am sure that the devs are doing a lot of work to improve the game and the experience for everyone but i think that this update made us loose a lot of the customization we liked to have. i personally lost quite a bit of interest in the game because of this. i hope to see some changes with customization in mind soon.

Thought I’d drop in with some of my thoughts since the patch:


The synergy change is somewhat annoying, in that I have to manually upgrade each of my ships.  Give us the option to do it automatically at least?


All of my ships are slower now.  This may be due to an unmentioned implant nerf.


New weapon systems are … less-than-appealing.  I usually run frigates [mostly engineers], and the replacement for my hail plasmas starts out really inaccurate and gets more accurate the more you fire it.  This seems decidedly backwards.  The beach-ball/whinegun is ridiculously overpowered.  My T3 Wolf, with Mk I weapon and mod, does almost 18k crits.  I can still kill tanky frigs with 100+ resists in 5-6 seconds by myself.  The rapid-rails seem to have been significantly nerfed.  Now it takes 6-8 hits to take down a fighter/interceptors hull alone, without even considering their shields.  Used to be 2-3.  I liked the hit-and-run ability that RFR gave fast inties.  Lasers are still basically useless for DPS, and only good for hitting fast-moving targets at range.


I like the missile idea, as it’ll make my guard’s missile shield more useful, but it still gets a bit spammy at times.


PVE is cake now.  Optimal grouping used to be 1 engie, 1 tackler, 2 guards.  We could do Blackwood in 8-10 typically, if everything worked nicely.  Now the optimal formula is 1 engie, 3 gunships.  We were consistently beating it in under 6 minutes, and managed one round in under 5 minutes.  We literally do not even pay attention to the “reinforcement” ships anymore, just kill the boss instead.  Whineball gun will one-shot any fighter/interceptor on those maps, kill engies in 2-3 hits, and elite/veteran guys can only take about 4-5 each.  And when they’re nice and grouped up, you can kill a whole swarm of them with one shot [and it fires at about the same rate as every other gun on the fighter].


I like the idea of having to increase synergy for ships before moving on, but it takes a long bloody time, and it often forces you to play ships you don’t want.  Want a good engie?  Guess you’ll have to play about 50-60 matches with sniper frigates first.  Don’t like that class?  Too bad.


Command ships are easy-street now.  Reasonably fast, reasonably tough, with AOE support mods [meaning you’ll get assist credit for basically everything that happens nearby], can wield the whinegun.  Can easily top the scoreboard without really doing very much.


Frigates are really just targets now.  I typically main frigates, but my TTL lately has been about half of what it used to be.  I’ll probably roll on my command ships until they make frigates useful again.


T5 looks interesting, but it’ll be a while before I’m there.


Was in a match that had possibly the widest variety of mismatch I’ve seen yet.  We had several T2 players, and also several T5 players.  Running a T2 engie against T4 and T5 gunships is a really one-sided fight.


What exactly does XP do now?  In the update bar, after every match, it tells you how much XP you’ve received [it’s usually been around 200-240 per match for me].  What is that used for?  Since we’re apparently no longer able to level up anything but our ships and faction loyalty.


I’ll post more after I’ve played some thing evening.

I find those numbers don’t mean much on how much damage you are able to deal in practice.

Take assault lasers and assault plasma for example, you can destroy any target quickly with Assault plasma, Assault lasers takes much longer. You may argue that Assault lasers guarantee hit, but actually they don’t, you can hardly land all your beams on any target but frigates, and you have to always keep up with the target to ensure your damage, or all you can do is only 30~150 damage, which is pathetic.


With the current weapons design for frigates, you don’t effectively deal any damage at long range, and can’t even defend yourselves in close range either, it’s funny how Auto attack drones deal more damage than  my 4 turrets laser on the same target.

 the reasons why the latest patch of star conflict 0.9.0 *sucks*:

1. becuase most of the missile are homings missiles what makes a Ace fire like *crazy* what kicking out the skills!!! taked out almost every weapon that was *balanced* and add weapons that not enough *balanced* expect coil morter  for exampel: ripped fire plasma got the level of accuracy of ripped fire rail gun and it not a ripped fire rail gun :angry: 

Now that I have actually had a chance to play with the patch I will share my opinion on the things I like, and the things I don’t like.


=== WEAPONS ===

Having only certain weapons per ship role was a great choice and will introduce variety and further define roles. Also removing the weapon modifiers makes sense to me now as resistances will be useful and it adds another level of team tactics (in my eyes).


I did not get a chance to play with all the weapons so I will only reflect on what I did get a chance to play with:


  • Shrapnel Cannon - This was a really good change, no longer does this weapon feel awkward like RFR did at first. It’s consistent, powerful, and skill based. Good job on this one.
  • Singularity Cannon - OP, OP and OP. There is no hit effect, and the sound it makes is very annoying.
  • Gauss Cannon - Feels like a mix of assault rails and stab rails. (The charged shot also seems a little weak)

That’s all I got to play last night, I mostly play Inty and Figthers.


=== SHIPS ===

Requiring synergy to advance is a bad move, the system you had in place before was better, however the ship tree’s make more sense now. Also, it appears that people that paid money to get premium ship are getting abused. We pay money to you to get a ship, we get synergy with that ship which requires us to spend more GS to transfer it, that is a little bit too much and not fair to those of us whom have invested into your game. I have a full time job so I can’t dedicate my time to grind, which is why I pay for premium ships, but now it feels like I’m being punished for it. Also, why no T5 premium ships?



=== MISSILES ===

Having unlimited missiles is fun, sure, but it also introduces carelessness and spam. It also makes it very hard for bigger ships to dodge this spam. Below are a few suggestions I feel might balance this out. 

  • Add more and improved counter measures
  • Instead of permanent missiles I recommend:
    • Increase the number of limited missiles carried and;
    • Add an ammunition module on a cool-down to Engineering frigates that reloads ships that come within 300 or so meters. This provides further incentive to protect and have engineering frigates.
  • Or simply just increase the number of limited missiles and leave it at that. 

Not having mine spam is amazing, it’s actually possible to engage targets and not have them poop mines on top of you, great great change. It makes sense for the LRF to carry mines. Are LRF the only ships that carry mines now?


Only 1 missile slot is okay with me, the second slot was mostly used for spamming mines anyway.



I will stress this again. I will not spend real money on something that is only temporary, especially if it’s a cosmetic change. Imagine if TFT only had temporary hats. Terrible decision IMO. Give us a permanent option and I will happily pay into it.




I don’t understand the 2x price increase, is it because ships are cheaper now? Do we earn more credits? What was the reasoning behind this change?



So after a few T2 and T3 games I noticed that things were more intense in the matches, all sorts of weapons everywhere, lots and lots of blue balls everywhere, and lots of missiles. Frigates are almost completely absent now in T2 games due to the singularity cannon. I saw them in T3 but not as often as before, and was surprised to not see any frigate balls. I actually enjoyed playing T3 more. Having more missiles is definitely more fun but unlimited feels like too much, and with the counter resetting upon respawn, it’s OP. Please see the missiles section for my suggestions on how to balance this.


Being able to dogfight without worrying about mines being dropped on my head was FREAKING GREAT!! I feel this was the best change implemented; dog fights are actually enjoyable now, and more skill based.



I would say the patch is about 70/30 good and bad. With some minor tweaking of the weapons and further thought of how the missile system works, I think it has the potential to be great. From a monetary perspective though, I really really hate temporary options and I dislike feeling like I’m being nickle and dimed everywhere (eg: purchasing a premium ship, then having to use GS to transfer synergy if I wanted to). Keep up the good work and I hope you take all these suggestions into consideration. It looks like a lot of people agree with some of my points.

To begin with:


  1. I see where you are going with the weapon modifiers and Im fine with it. 


But: why do you took away the choice of picking two or more? I can understand that i shouldn´t do thermal dmg with my rails, but still it would be nice to change from faster speed to more dmg. for example. Why might this be a balancing problem, since there both accessible? 


Same with the missiles btw. 


Taking away the possibility to swap things in flight dumbs the game down. On the other hand more CHOICES allow more tactics, and you might be able to think about a new fitting etc. But imo the CHOICES you had to fit your ships with any type of gun (even if its silly) made the game superior to titles like WoT. So, why remove one of your best game-attributes. 



  1. Im not very happy with the new weapons. So few weapons to choose from… why cant I have mid/long range weapons on my inty?

Why cant i have shortrange weapons on my fighter? 

A lot of weapons tend to overheat instantly, while doing not enough dmg. I dont get it (like pulse-laser). 


OK, I can see, that you want to balance things out. but only 4 Weapons for every class? Thats kinda few and especially the inty weapons feel crappy (pulse laser, RFP, Plasma) or too similiar (pulse laser, RFP). 


  1. You really should nerv that bubble-gun! Was it intended to go through beacons, ships, and barriers? Why is it AOE at all and makes it such enormous dmg. ? Srsly why should i even try to cloak? Some spammed bubble will hit me anyway.

On the other hand: Why are all other weapons (of the fighter class) inferior to it? 


There are also some positive aspects, but the whole new model of weapon distribution feels so negative for me. Cant see much atm.

Need more time for that.  

  • Increase the number of limited missiles carried and;
  • Add an ammunition module on a cool-down to Engineering frigates that reloads ships that come within 300 or so meters. This provides further incentive to protect and have engineering frigates.

Best idea I’ve heard for the missiles so far.

OT: How the hell do u train a rank 11 ships sinergy guys??? matches never start… u have to wait 6 7 mins for 1 vs one with bots… vs a full blu purple rank 12.

But: why do you took away the choice of picking two or more? I can understand that i shouldn’t do thermal dmg with my rails, but still it would be nice to change from faster speed to more dmg. for example. Why might this be a balancing problem, since there both accessible? 

I believe that is exactly why they removed it because both of them were available in the same time, basically removing most though process about your equipment, having multiple mods makes you to “all rounded”, eliminating specialization, and as we can see for quite some time, they are trying to bring specializations as major factor in your outfit and fly styles, team composition.

With only single weapon module people will have to think and think carefully(for the most part) and understand what exactly that ship is going to be good at, add in 3 ships (or even 4) here are your layers of customization.

  1. Let me try to explain why damage modifiers were taken off: basically, it created a chaotic situation when even though there is a resistances system in the game, it doesnt really work weapons-wise - you can spend quite some time picking up resistances, but one click of the enemy on a modifier would simply make your choice irrelivant - bam and he has a whole new type of damage. So, basically, this was not healthy. Now choice of weapon and resistances would be more relevant. it won’t be just switching mods to cut the resistances open and deal more damage. Moreover new weapons system and its class-specifics guns also plays into this. This is quite an intertwined thing as I have told you before.


This is the official explanation and it makes sense to me. 

So taking away the modifiers was the Idea to make resistances more meaningful. I get it. But I still dont get why I cant have two weapon mods now. 

And I think carefully about which weapons I use on my ship, since this defines my playstyle with that ship.  Still, I dont Intend to die in mid-battle only because the situation has changed. 

I dont want ships/weapons which are good vs. every shipclass and so far there werent any (now there is the bubble-gun atm and rapid rails were broken, too, pre 0.9). 

But, not giving me the choice of modifiers is a bit too harsh imo.  

As I read through all the suggestions, some particular sentences started to annoy me: giving each class separate weapons does not increase the variety. That is mathematically impossible. It just makes it easier to add more variety per class independently, but it did not increase variety, since I have now less weapons to my disposal for each ship I take. The fact that new weapons were added is another fact, that some were reduced to specific roles! It makes sense in terms of some weapons not being used on particular ships anyway, but it still removed freedom and did not increase variety at all, so that sentence makes no sense and would never be true. So, while I do agree with the need for role and class specific weapons, the presented arguments in this thread and some cheering about the patch every third post by how we have to adapt our thinking to understand it, is as annoying (I would call that acute denial), as are people accusing “the Russians” (that is just mean, I am sure they do discuss as vividly as we do, I am even pretty sure, since I read a bit, but google translate does not translate all correctly).


Having a couple of weapons being standard all over the classes and some being class or even role specific would not be that bad either.


Also, I feel the proximity mines were never the problem if we speak about minefields. They were pretty balanced. Giving them only to Recons makes little sense for me, it was fine that ECMs could also mine, since their weapons were weaker. Which isnt that great of a problem, since the new shotgun removes the downside of the ECM in terms of damage dealing, and makes it better again. However I do miss the evil little Stiletto laying mines, but I am also glad I can now fly it like a Cov Ops mainly, with some energy war inside.


Also, having only one kind of missile, is not so fine either, but at least its consistent now for all. I like the fact, that you can carry more missiles, if you are e.g. using unguided ones, the old system penalized you for using up your slots with lesser weapons.  I dislike the fact that there are no additional switches now to change behaviour of your weapons however.


I’d whish, we could equip missiles in packs, so e.g. you can fill yourself 8 unguided and 2 guided missiles or similar, so basicly the same system as now, but with the ability to have more variety - with the reload only kicking in if you shot all your missiles, and only one slot appearing if you loaded all your bays with the same type anyway; how much you can carry should depend on the size of the missiles completely (smaller=more per pack), while how many slots you can open could depend on the ship and if you can handle the hotkeys. That would be a nice addition to the existing system, but well, just an idea.

Best idea I’ve heard for the missiles so far.

There is nothing wrong with the missile mechanics right now(in T3/T4) the 180 cool down is more than enough. 


Edit: Although I said I would wait with this till next patch, i have to clear my heart. 

I hope you guys are gonna make the synergy thing different. 

Having to get synergy 9 or 10 is just crazy, that is several days if not weeks to get the next ship with F2P. It should be at most lvl 7 in my opinion, and even that is quite high. I’d like to see lvl 5 or 6 at maximum required to go on to the next ship if you are so intend on keeping with the system.

And please consider making premium/DLC ships make free synergy, right now you are being penalized for buying premium/DLC ships since you have to pay extra to use their synergy they produce. Or atleast increase the synergy per gold rate. 150 per 1 gold is kind of low considering you need about 600k-1m synergy to get max synergy.


Edit2: And consider getting rid of the mk1 stuff on new ships. It would help a lot with progressing in this game if we were able to buy ships without mk1 modules.

Just… i’m dying too much… and i don’t thin i’m playing worst than 2 days or a week ago.


I used to die almost never if i wasn’t fight skilled teams (nasa,esb,nova…) … i could litterally troll (and distract) a bunch of ships just flying around,dodging  and run out… than in again. Point was most of people can’t hit me… couse therir aim suck…


The few times i die was from random mineslayer or octopus (not sure about the name… the 6 guided missiles anyway… couse dodge all of them is incredible hard if u haven’t a cover… )…


Now? Now 2 fooking no0bs totally unskilled guys often can kill me just with bouble xxxx and missiles spam.


And again i don’t think thsy increased their aim skill so much in 2 days … 



basically u told u are gonna fix the bouble lame cannon … good… and maybe u will fix missiles thing too someday…increasing cooldowns or somenthing.



Bur my point now is: WHY DID U EVEN INTRODUCED things like area main weapon ?


Looks like, have to use this example one more, u was tryinf to turn Quake (or Unreal… a game where if u are skilled and ur opponents aren’t they can’t even hit u) into CoD (a game where even if u are skilled and opponets suck… well probably u will win in the end but u will be killed lot of time couse game is made for make the no0bs happy “well yeah i lost but i had frags”.




So … simply… pretty please… don’t do this!  Keep developing the skill based ggame u had in mind in the beginning. newbies have to suck, couse this is normal. Than the clavers will evolve and get out from the newbie state…



I think u have a great playerbase right now. maybe not as large as u figured urself… but made of serious and competitive people for the most.



eliminating specialization


So have bad weapons on frigates is a specialization? :smiley:

/troll off


To my mind, the heavy beam looks bugged, something like only 1 projectile deals dammages and the other are ignored, tested it and hitting at 98dmg in a range of 2800m (wuut?). This weapon really looks like a flak cannon, able to build a wall of pain but not in this game.


The Mortar is really slow and miss a shot mean a long time without pressure on the enemy. I checked it, actually 8 shots and I overtheat with my guard. I’m dissapointed, It’s not dealing insane dammage and 2650m for the range is pretty low :/… The cost of using this weapon is too high for the gain. Take so much risk just for a little AOE main weapon with no fire rate? How about no !


The Laser beam, it’s just the old assault laser, with more range.


The positron cannon is the old Hail plasma, but the targeting system has been lost during the transformation.



I.I.N. should talk about the massiv attack on all the cooling weapon system’s factories happened last patch.